
Results 51–75 of 209
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From calorimetry measurements to furthering mechanistic understanding and control of thermal abuse in lithium-ion cells

Journal of the Electrochemical Society

Shurtz, Randy S.; Preger, Yuliya P.; Torres-Castro, Loraine T.; Lamb, Joshua H.; Hewson, John C.; Ferreira, Summer R.

Lithium-ion battery safety is prerequisite for applications from consumer electronics to grid energy storage. Cell and component-level calorimetry studies are central to safety evaluations. Qualitative empirical comparisons have been indispensable in understanding decomposition behavior. More systematic calorimetry studies along with more comprehensive measurements and reporting can lead to more quantitative mechanistic understanding. This mechanistic understanding can facilitate improved designs and predictions for scenarios that are difficult to access experimentally, such as system-level failures. Recommendations are made to improve usability of calorimetry results in mechanistic understanding. From our perspective, this path leads to a more mature science of battery safety.

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Predicting High-Temperature Decomposition of Lithiated Graphite: Part I. Review of Phenomena and a Comprehensive Model

Journal of the Electrochemical Society

Shurtz, Randy S.; Engerer, Jeffrey D.; Hewson, John C.

Heat release that leads to thermal runaway of lithium-ion batteries begins with decomposition reactions associated with lithiated graphite. We broadly review the observed phenomena related to lithiated graphite electrodes and develop a comprehensive model that predicts with a single parameter set and with reasonable accuracy measurements over the available temperature range with a range of graphite particle sizes. The model developed in this work uses a standardized total heat release and takes advantage of a revised dependence of reaction rates and the tunneling barrier on specific surface area. The reaction extent is limited by inadequate electrolyte or lithium. Calorimetry measurements show that heat release from the reaction between lithiated graphite and electrolyte accelerates above ~200°C, and the model addresses this without introducing additional chemical reactions. This method assumes that the electron-tunneling barrier through the solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) grows initially and then becomes constant at some critical magnitude, which allows the reaction to accelerate as the temperature rises by means of its activation energy. Phenomena that could result in the upper limit on the tunneling barrier are discussed. The model predictions with two candidate activation energies are evaluated through comparisons to calorimetry data, and recommendations are made for optimal parameters.

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LES soot-radiation predictions of buoyant fire plumes

2018 Spring Technical Meeting of the Western States Section of the Combustion Institute, WSSCI 2018

Koo, Heeseok K.; Hewson, John C.; Knaus, Robert C.

This study addresses predicting the internal thermochemical state in buoyant fire plumes using largeeddy simulations (LES) with a tabular flamelet library for the underlying flame chemistry. Buoyant fire plumes are characterized by moderate turbulent mixing, soot growth and oxidation and radiation transport. Soot moments, mixture fraction and enthalpy evolve in the LES with soot source terms given by the non-adiabatic flamelet library. Participating media radiation transport is predicted using the discrete ordinates method with source terms also from the flamelet library, and the LES subgrid-scale modeling is based on a one-equation kinetic-energy sub-filter model. This library is generated with flamelet states that include unsteady heat loss through extinction nominally representing radiative quenching. We describe the performance of this model both in the context of a laminar coflow configuration where extensive measurements are available and in buoyant turbulent fire plumes where measurements are more global.

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Results 51–75 of 209
Results 51–75 of 209