
Results 101–125 of 131
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Reference Model MHK Turbine Array Optimization Study within a Generic River System

Johnson, Erick J.; Barco Mugg, Janet B.; Roberts, Jesse D.

Increasing interest in marine hydrokinetic (MHK) energy has spurred to significant research on optimal placement of emerging technologies to maximize energy conversion and minimize potential effects on the environment. However, these devices will be deployed as an array in order to reduce the cost of energy and little work has been done to understand the impact these arrays will have on the flow dynamics, sediment-bed transport and benthic habitats and how best to optimize these arrays for both performance and environmental considerations. An "MHK-friendly" routine has been developed and implemented by Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) into the flow, sediment dynamics and water-quality code, SNL-EFDC. This routine has been verified and validated against three separate sets of experimental data. With SNL-EFDC, water quality and array optimization studies can be carried out to optimize an MHK array in a resource and study its effects on the environment. The present study examines the effect streamwise and spanwise spacing has on the array performance. Various hypothetical MHK array configurations are simulated within a trapezoidal river channel. Results show a non-linear increase in array-power efficiency as turbine spacing is increased in each direction, which matches the trends seen experimentally. While the sediment transport routines were not used in these simulations, the flow acceleration seen around the MHK arrays has the potential to significantly affect the sediment transport characteristics and benthic habitat of a resource. Evaluation Only. Created with Aspose.Pdf.Kit. Copyright 2002-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd Evaluation Only. Created with Aspose.Pdf.Kit. Copyright 2002-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd

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Turbulence structure in oscillating channel flow

Roberts, Jesse D.

The structure of turbulence in an oscillating channel flow with near-sinusoidal fluctuations in bulk velocity is investigated. Phase-locked particle-image velocimetry data in the streamwise/wall-normal plane are interrogated to reveal the phase-modulation of two-point velocity correlation functions and of linear stochastic estimates of the velocity fluctuation field given the presence of a vortex in the logarithmic region of the boundary layer. The results reveal the periodic modulation of turbulence structure between large-scale residual disturbances, relaminarization during periods of strong acceleration, and a quasi-steady flow with evidence of hairpin vortices which is established late in the acceleration phase and persists through much of the deceleration period.

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Simulating environmental changes due to marine hydrokinetic energy installations

Seetho, Eddy S.; Roberts, Jesse D.

Marine hydrokinetic (MHK) projects will extract energy from ocean currents and tides, thereby altering water velocities and currents in the site's waterway. These hydrodynamics changes can potentially affect the ecosystem, both near the MHK installation and in surrounding (i.e., far field) regions. In both marine and freshwater environments, devices will remove energy (momentum) from the system, potentially altering water quality and sediment dynamics. In estuaries, tidal ranges and residence times could change (either increasing or decreasing depending on system flow properties and where the effects are being measured). Effects will be proportional to the number and size of structures installed, with large MHK projects having the greatest potential effects and requiring the most in-depth analyses. This work implements modification to an existing flow, sediment dynamics, and water-quality code (SNL-EFDC) to qualify, quantify, and visualize the influence of MHK-device momentum/energy extraction at a representative site. New algorithms simulate changes to system fluid dynamics due to removal of momentum and reflect commensurate changes in turbulent kinetic energy and its dissipation rate. A generic model is developed to demonstrate corresponding changes to erosion, sediment dynamics, and water quality. Also, bed-slope effects on sediment erosion and bedload velocity are incorporated to better understand scour potential.

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Modeling noncohesive sediment transport using multiple sediment size classes

Journal of Coastal Research

James, Scott C.; Shrestha, Parmeshwar L.; Roberts, Jesse D.

Contemporary three-dimensional numerical sediment transport models are often computationally expensive because of their complexity and thus a compromise must be struck between accurately modeling sediment transport and the number of effective sediment grain (particle) size classes to represent in such a model. The Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code (EFDC) was used to simulate the experimental results of previous researchers who investigated sediment erosion and gradation around a 180° bend subject to transient flow. The EFDC model was first calibrated using the eight distinct particle size classes reported in the physical experiment to find the best erosion formulations to use. Once the best erosion formulations and parameters were ascertained, numerical simulations were carried out for each experimental run using a single effective particle size. Four techniques for evaluating the effective particle size were investigated. Each procedure yields comparable effective particle sizes within a factor of 1.5 of the others. Model results indicate that particle size as determined by the weighted critical shear velocity most faithfully reproduced the experimental results for erosion and deposition depths. Subsequently, model runs were conducted with different numbers of effective particle size classes to determine the optimal number that yields an accurate estimate for noncohesive sediment transport. Optimal, herein, means that numerical model results are reasonably representative of the experimental data with the fewest effective particle size classes used, thereby maximizing computational efficiency. Although modeling with more size classes can be equally accurate, results from this study indicate that using three effective particle size classes to estimate the distribution of sediment sizes is optimum.

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Consequence management, recovery & restoration after a contamination event

Roberts, Jesse D.

The fate of contaminants after a dispersal event is a major concern, and waterways may be particularly sensitive to such an incident. Contaminants could be introduced directly into a water system (municipal or general) or indirectly (Radiological Dispersal Device) from aerial dispersion, precipitation, or improper clean-up techniques that may wash contamination into storm water drains, sewer systems, rivers, lakes, and reservoirs. Most radiological, chemical, and biological contaminants have an affinity for sediments and organic matter in the water system. If contaminated soils enter waterways, a plume of contaminated sediments could be left behind, subject to remobilization during the next storm event. Or, contaminants could remain in place, thus damaging local ecosystems. Suitable planning and deployment of resources to manage such a scenario could considerably mitigate the severity of the event. First responses must be prearranged so that clean-up efforts do not increase dispersal and exacerbate the problem. Interactions between the sediment, contaminant, and water cycle are exceedingly complex and poorly understood. This research focused on the development of a risk-based model that predicts the fate of introduced contaminants in surface water systems. Achieving this goal requires integrating sediment transport with contaminant chemical reactions (sorption and desorption) and surface water hydrodynamics. Sandia leveraged its existing state-of-the-art capabilities in sediment transport measurement techniques, hydrochemistry, high performance computing, and performance assessment modeling in an effort to accomplish this task. In addition, the basis for the physical hydrodynamics is calculated with the EPA sponsored, public domain model, Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code (EFDC). The results of this effort will enable systems analysis and numerical simulation that allow the user to determine both short term and long-term consequences of contamination of waterways as well as to help formulate preventative and remedial strategies.

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Monitoring stream stage, channel profile, and aqueous conductivity with time domain reflectometry (TDR)

Tidwell, Vincent C.; Roberts, Jesse D.; Coombs, Jason R.; Ruby, Douglas S.

Time domain reflectometry (TDR) operates by propagating a radar frequency electromagnetic pulse down a transmission line while monitoring the reflected signal. As the electromagnetic pulse propagates along the transmission line, it is subject to impedance by the dielectric properties of the media along the transmission line (e.g., air, water, sediment), reflection at dielectric discontinuities (e.g., air-water or water-sediment interface), and attenuation by electrically conductive materials (e.g., salts, clays). Taken together, these characteristics provide a basis for integrated stream monitoring; specifically, concurrent measurement of stream stage, channel profile and aqueous conductivity. Here, we make novel application of TDR within the context of stream monitoring. Efforts toward this goal followed three critical phases. First, a means of extracting the desired stream parameters from measured TDR traces was required. Analysis was complicated by the fact that interface location and aqueous conductivity vary concurrently and multiple interfaces may be present at any time. For this reason a physically based multisection model employing the S11 scatter function and Cole-Cole parameters for dielectric dispersion and loss was developed to analyze acquired TDR traces. Second, we explored the capability of this multisection modeling approach for interpreting TDR data acquired from complex environments, such as encountered in stream monitoring. A series of laboratory tank experiments were performed in which the depth of water, depth of sediment, and conductivity were varied systematically. Comparisons between modeled and independently measured data indicate that TDR measurements can be made with an accuracy of {+-}3.4x10{sup -3} m for sensing the location of an air/water or water/sediment interface and {+-}7.4% of actual for the aqueous conductivity. Third, monitoring stations were sited on the Rio Grande and Paria rivers to evaluate performance of the TDR system under normal field conditions. At the Rio Grande site (near Central Bridge in Albuquerque, New Mexico) continuous monitoring of stream stage and aqueous conductivity was performed for 6 months. Additionally, channel profile measurements were acquired at 7 locations across the river. At the Paria site (near Lee's Ferry, Arizona) stream stage and aqueous conductivity data were collected over a 4-month period. Comparisons drawn between our TDR measurements and USGS gage data indicate that the stream stage is accurate within {+-}0.88 cm, conductivity is accurate within {+-}11% of actual, and channel profile measurements agree within {+-}1.2 cm.

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Habitat availability vs. flow rate for the Pecos River, Part 1 : Depth and velocity availability

Roberts, Jesse D.; Roberts, Jesse D.; Jepsen, Richard A.; Schaub, Edward F.

The waters of the Pecos River in New Mexico must be delivered to three primary users: (1) The Pecos River Compact: each year a percentage of water from natural river flow must be delivered to Texas; (2) Agriculture: Carlsbad Irrigation District has a storage and diversion right and Fort Sumner Irrigation District has a direct flow diversion right; and, (3) Endangered Species Act: an as yet unspecified amount of water is to support Pecos Bluntnose Shiner Minnow habitat within and along the Pecos River. Currently, the United States Department of Interior Bureau of Reclamation, the New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission, and the United States Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service are studying the Pecos Bluntnose Shiner Minnow habitat preference. Preliminary work by Fish and Wildlife personnel in the critical habitat suggest that water depth and water velocity are key parameters defining minnow habitat preference. However, river flows that provide adequate preferred habitat to support this species have yet to be determined. Because there is a limited amount of water in the Pecos River and its reservoirs, it is critical to allocate water efficiently such that habitat is maintained, while honoring commitments to agriculture and to the Pecos River Compact. This study identifies the relationship between Pecos River flow rates in cubic feet per second (cfs) and water depth and water velocity.

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Sediment erosion and transport at the Rio Grande mouth : report for the National Border Technology Program and International Boundary and Water Commission

Roberts, Jesse D.; Roberts, Jesse D.; Chapin, D.M.; Buhalts, Randy B.; Roberts, Jesse D.

The mouth of the Rio Grande has become silted up, obstructing its flow into the Gulf of Mexico. This is problematic in that it has created extensive flooding. The purpose of this study was to determine the erosion and transport potential of the sediments obstructing the flow of the Rio Grande by employing a unique Mobile High Shear Stress flume developed by Sandia's Carlsbad Programs Group for the US Army Corps of Engineers. The flume measures in-situ sediment erosion properties at shear stresses ranging from normal flow to flood conditions for a variable depth sediment core. The flume is in a self-contained trailer that can be placed on site in the field. Erosion rates and sediment grain size distributions were determined from sediment samples collected in and around the obstruction and were subsequently used to characterize the erosion potential of the sediments under investigation.

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Laboratory and numerical evaluation of borehole methods for subsurface horizontal flow characterization

Roberts, Jesse D.; Jepsen, Richard A.

The requirement to accurately measure subsurface groundwater flow at contaminated sites, as part of a time and cost effective remediation program, has spawned a variety of flow evaluation technologies. Validation of the accuracy and knowledge regarding the limitations of these technologies are critical for data quality and application confidence. Leading the way in the effort to validate and better understand these methodologies, the US Army Environmental Center has funded a multi-year program to compare and evaluate all viable horizontal flow measurement technologies. This multi-year program has included a field comparison phase, an application of selected methods as part of an integrated site characterization program phase, and most recently, a laboratory and numerical simulator phase. As part of this most recent phase, numerical modeling predictions and laboratory measurements were made in a simulated fracture borehole set-up within a controlled flow simulator. The scanning colloidal borescope flowmeter (SCBFM) and advanced hydrophysical logging (NxHpL{trademark}) tool were used to measure velocities and flow rate in a simulated fractured borehole in the flow simulator. Particle tracking and mass flux measurements were observed and recorded under a range of flow conditions in the simulator. Numerical models were developed to aid in the design of the flow simulator and predict the flow conditions inside the borehole. Results demonstrated that the flow simulator allowed for predictable, easily controlled, and stable flow rates both inside and outside the well. The measurement tools agreed well with each other over a wide range of flow conditions. The model results demonstrate that the Scanning Colloidal Borescope did not interfere with the flow in the borehole in any of the tests. The model is capable of predicting flow conditions and agreed well with the measurements and observations in the flow simulator and borehole. Both laboratory and model results showed a lower limit of fracture velocity in which inflow occurs, but horizontal flow does not establish itself in the center of the borehole. In addition, both laboratory and model results showed circulation cells in the borehole above and below the fracture horizon. The length of the interval over which the circulating cells occurred was much larger than the interval of actual horizontal flow. These results suggest that for the simple fracture geometry simulated in this study, horizontal flow can be predictable and measurable, and that this flow is representative of the larger, near- field flow system. Additional numerical refinements and laboratory simulations of more robust, life- like fracture geometries should be considered. The preliminary conclusions of this work suggest the following: (1) horizontal flow in the fractured medium which is representative of the near- field flow conditions can be established in a wellbore; (2) this horizontal flow can be accurately measured and numerically predicted; (3) the establishment of directionally quantifiable horizontal flow is dependent on four parameters: borehole diameter, structure, permeability and the hydraulic gradient of the flowing feature; and, (4) by measuring three of these four parameters, the fourth parameter can be numerically derived through computer simulations.

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Results 101–125 of 131
Results 101–125 of 131