
Results 101–125 of 165
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Ultrafast 25 keV backlighting for experiments on Z

Geissel, Matthias G.; Schollmeier, Marius; Kimmel, Mark W.; Pitts, Todd A.; Rambo, Patrick K.; Schwarz, Jens S.; Sefkow, Adam B.; Atherton, B.W.

To extend the backlighting capabilities for Sandia's Z-Accelerator, Z-Petawatt, a laser which can provide laser pulses of 500 fs length and up to 120 J (100TW target area) or up to 450 J (Z / Petawatt target area) has been built over the last years. The main mission of this facility focuses on the generation of high energy X-rays, such as tin Ka at 25 keV in ultra-short bursts. Achieving 25 keV radiographs with decent resolution and contrast required addressing multiple problems such as blocking of hot electrons, minimization of the source, development of suitable filters, and optimization of laser intensity. Due to the violent environment inside of Z, an additional very challenging task is finding massive debris and radiation protection measures without losing the functionality of the backlighting system. We will present the first experiments on 25 keV backlighting including an analysis of image quality and X-ray efficiency.

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Achromatic circular polarization generation for ultra-intense lasers

Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference: 2010 Laser Science to Photonic Applications, CLEO/QELS 2010

Rambo, Patrick K.; Kimmel, Mark W.; Bennett, Guy R.; Schwarz, Jens S.; Schollmeier, Marius; Atherton, B.W.

Generating circular polarization for ultra-intense lasers requires solutions beyond traditional transmissive waveplates which have insufficient bandwidth and pose nonlinear phase (B-integral) problems. We demonstrate a reflective design employing 3 metallic mirrors to generate circular polarization. ©2010 Optical Society of America.

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Ultrafast 25 keV backlighting for experiments on Z

Geissel, Matthias G.; Atherton, B.W.; Pitts, Todd A.; Schollmeier, Marius; Headley, Daniel I.; Kimmel, Mark W.; Rambo, Patrick K.; Robertson, Grafton K.; Sefkow, Adam B.; Schwarz, Jens S.; Speas, Christopher S.

To extend the backlighting capabilities for Sandia's Z-Accelerator, Z-Petawatt, a laser which can provide laser pulses of 500 fs length and up to 120 J (100TW target area) or up to 450 J (Z/Petawatt target area) has been built over the last years. The main mission of this facility focuses on the generation of high energy X-rays, such as tin K{alpha} at 25 keV in ultra-short bursts. Achieving 25 keV radiographs with decent resolution and contrast required addressing multiple problems such as blocking of hot electrons, minimization of the source, development of suitable filters, and optimization of laser intensity. Due to the violent environment inside of Z, an additional very challenging task is finding massive debris and radiation protection measures without losing the functionality of the backlighting system. We will present the first experiments on 25 keV backlighting including an analysis of image quality and X-ray efficiency.

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Proton acceleration experiments with Z-Petawatt

Schollmeier, Marius; Geissel, Matthias G.; Sefkow, Adam B.; Kimmel, Mark W.; Rambo, Patrick K.; Schwarz, Jens S.; Atherton, B.W.

The outline of this presentation: (1) Proton acceleration with high-power lasers - Target Normal Sheath Acceleration concept; (2) Proton acceleration with mass-reduced targets - Breaking the 60 MeV threshold; (3) Proton beam divergence control - Novel focusing target geometry; and (4) New experimental capability development - Proton radiography on Z.

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Dual wavelength laser damage testing for high energy lasers

Kimmel, Mark W.; Rambo, Patrick K.; Schwarz, Jens S.; Atherton, B.W.

As high energy laser systems evolve towards higher energies, fundamental material properties such as the laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT) of the optics limit the overall system performance. The Z-Backlighter Laser Facility at Sandia National Laboratories uses a pair of such kiljoule-class Nd:Phosphate Glass lasers for x-ray radiography of high energy density physics events on the Z-Accelerator. These two systems, the Z-Beamlet system operating at 527nm/ 1ns and the Z-Petawatt system operating at 1054nm/ 0.5ps, can be combined for some experimental applications. In these scenarios, dichroic beam combining optics and subsequent dual wavelength high reflectors will see a high fluence from combined simultaneous laser exposure and may even see lingering effects when used for pump-probe configurations. Only recently have researchers begun to explore such concerns, looking at individual and simultaneous exposures of optics to 1064 and third harmonic 355nm light from Nd:YAG [1]. However, to our knowledge, measurements of simultaneous and delayed dual wavelength damage thresholds on such optics have not been performed for exposure to 1054nm and its second harmonic light, especially when the pulses are of disparate pulse duration. The Z-Backlighter Facility has an instrumented damage tester setup to examine the issues of laser-induced damage thresholds in a variety of such situations [2] . Using this damage tester, we have measured the LIDT of dual wavelength high reflectors at 1054nm/0.5ps and 532nm/7ns, separately and spatially combined, both co-temporal and delayed, with single and multiple exposures. We found that the LIDT of the sample at 1054nm/0.5ps can be significantly lowered, from 1.32J/cm{sup 2} damage fluence with 1054/0.5ps only to 1.05 J/cm{sup 2} with the simultaneous presence of 532nm/7ns laser light at a fluence of 8.1 J/cm{sup 2}. This reduction of LIDT of the sample at 1054nm/0.5ps continues as the fluence of 532nm/7ns laser light simultaneously present increases. The reduction of LIDT does not occur when the 2 pulses are temporally separated. This paper will also present dual wavelength LIDT results of commercial dichroic beam-combining optics simultaneously exposed with laser light at 1054nm/2.5ns and 532nm/7ns.

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Achromatic circular polarization generation for ultra-intense lasers

Rambo, Patrick K.; Kimmel, Mark W.; Bennett, Guy R.; Schwarz, Jens S.; Schollmeier, Marius; Atherton, B.W.

Generating circular polarization for ultra-intense lasers requires solutions beyond traditional transmissive waveplates which have insufficient bandwidth and pose nonlinear phase (B-integral) problems. We demonstrate a reflective design employing 3 metallic mirrors to generate circular polarization.

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Meeting thin film design and production challenges for laser damage resistant optical coatings at the Sandia Large Optics Coating Operation

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Bellum, John; Kletecka, Damon; Rambo, Patrick K.; Smith, Ian C.; Kimmel, Mark W.; Schwarz, Jens S.; Geissel, Matthias; Copeland, Guild; Atherton, B.W.; Smith, Douglas; Smith, Ian C.; Khripin, Constantine

Sandia's Large Optics Coating Operation provides laser damage resistant optical coatings on meter-class optics required for the ZBacklighter Terawatt and Petawatt lasers. Deposition is by electron beam evaporation in a 2.3 m x 2.3 m x 1.8 m temperature controlled vacuum chamber. Ion assisted deposition (IAD) is optional. Coating types range from antireflection (AR) to high reflection (HR) at S and P polarizations for angle of incidence (AOI) from 0° to 47°. This paper reports progress in meeting challenges in design and deposition of these high laser induced damage threshold (LIDT) coatings. Numerous LIDT tests (NIF-MEL protocol, 3.5 ns laser pulses at 1064 nm and 532 nm) on the coatings confirm that they are robust against laser damage. Typical LIDTs are: at 1064 nm, 45° AOI, Ppol, 79 J/cm2 (IAD 32 layer HR coating) and 73 J/cm2 (non-IAD 32 layer HR coating); at 1064 nm, 32° AOI, 82 J/cm2 (Ppol) and 55 J/cm2 (Spol ) (non-IAD 32 layer HR coating); and at 532 nm, Ppol, 16 J/cm2 (25° AOI) and 19 J/cm2 (45° AOI) (IAD 50 layer HR coating). The demands of meeting challenging spectral, AOI and LIDT performances are highlighted by an HR coating required to provide R > 99.6% reflectivity in Ppol and Spol over AOIs from 24° to 47° within ∼ 1% bandwidth at both 527 nm and 1054 nm. Another issue is coating surface roughness. For IAD of HR coatings, elevating the chamber temperature to ∼ 120°C and turning the ion beam off during the pause in deposition between layers reduce the coating surface roughness compared to runs at lower temperatures with the ion beam on continuously. Atomic force microscopy and optical profilometry confirm the reduced surface roughness for these IAD coatings, and tests show that their LIDTs remain high. © 2009 Copyright SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering.

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Results 101–125 of 165
Results 101–125 of 165