
Results 51–60 of 60
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Multiple junction cell characterization using the LBIC method : early results, issues, and pathways to improvement

Finn, Jason R.; Granata, Jennifer E.

A light beam induced current (LBIC) measurement is a non-destructive technique that produces a spatial graphical representation of current response in photovoltaic cells with respect to position when stimulated by a light beam. Generally, a laser beam is used for these measurements because the spot size can be made very small, on the order of microns, and very precise measurements can be made. Sandia National Laboratories Photovoltaic System Evaluation Laboratory (PSEL) uses its LBIC measurement technique to characterize single junction mono-crystalline and multi-crystalline solar cells ranging from miniature to conventional sizes. Sandia has modified the already valuable LBIC technique to enable multi-junction PV cells to be characterized.

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Improved test method to verify the power rating of a photovoltaic (PV) project

Conference Record of the IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference

Kimber, A.; Dierauf, T.; Mitchell, L.; Whitaker, C.; Townsend, T.; NewMiller, J.; King, D.; Granata, Jennifer E.; Emery, K.; Osterwald, C.; Myers, D.; Marion, B.; Pligavko, A.; Panchula, A.; Levitsky, T.; Forbess, J.; Talmud, F.

This paper reviews the PVUSA power rating method [1-6] and presents two additional methods that seek to improve this method in terms of model precision and increased seasonal applicability. It presents the results of an evaluation of each method based upon regression analysis of over 12 MW of operating photovoltaic (PV) systems located in a wide variety of climates. These systems include a variety of PV technologies, mounting configurations, and array sizes to ensure the conclusions are applicable to a wide range of PV designs and technologies. The work presented in this paper will be submitted to ASTM for use in the development of a standard test method for certifying the power rating of PV projects. ©2009 IEEE.

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Multiple junction cell characterization using the LBIC method: Early results, issues, and pathways to improvement

Conference Record of the IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference

Finn, Jason R.; Hansen, Barry R.; Granata, Jennifer E.

A Light Beam Induced Current (LBIC) measurement is a non-destructive technique that produces a spatial graphical representation of current response in photovoltaic cells with respect to position when stimulated by a light beam. Generally, a laser beam is used for these measurements because the spot size can be made very small, on the order of microns, and very precise measurements can be made. Sandia National Laboratories Photovoltaic System Evaluation Laboratory (PSEL) uses its LBIC measurement technique to characterize single junction mono-crystalline and multi-crystalline solar cells ranging from miniature to conventional sizes. Sandia has modified the already valuable LBIC technique to enable multi-junction PV cells to be characterized. ©2009 IEEE.

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Results 51–60 of 60
Results 51–60 of 60