
Results 201–231 of 231
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Water structure and vibrational properties in fibrous clays

Greathouse, Jeffery A.; Cygan, Randall T.

The behavior of water confined in porous materials influences macroscopic phenomena such as solute and water mobility, ion exchange, and adsorption. While the properties of bulk water are generally understood, that of nanoconfined water remains an active area of research. We used molecular simulation and inelastic neutron scattering (INS) to investigate the effect of local structure on the vibrational behavior of nanoconfined water. We focus specifically on the nanosized pores found in the 2:1 phyllosilicate clay minerals palygorskite and sepiolite. These are charge neutral, Mg-rich trioctahedral clays with idealized formulas Mg{sub 5}Si{sub 8}O{sub 20} (OH){sub 2} {center_dot} 8H{sub 2}O and Mg{sub 8}Si{sub 12}O{sub 30} (OH){sub 2} {center_dot} 12H{sub 2}O for palygorskite and sepiolite, respectively. The regular pattern of inverted phyllosilicate layers results in narrow channels with effective van der Waals dimensions of 3.61 {angstrom} x 8.59 {angstrom} (palygorskite) and 4.67 {angstrom} x 12.29 {angstrom} (sepiolite). These clay minerals represent a unique opportunity to study water adsorbed at 'inner edge' sites of uncoordinated Mg{sup 2+}. INS spectra taken at 90 K reveal a large shift in the water librational edge between palygorskite (358 cm{sup -1}) and sepiolite (536 cm{sup -1}), indicating less restricted water motion in the smaller-pore palygorskite. The librational edge of the reference sample (ice I{sub h}) is similar to sepiolite, which confirms the unique water behavior in palygorskite. We used both classical molecular dynamics (CMD) simulations and more rigorous density functional theory (DFT) calculations to investigate the hydrogen bonding environment and vibrational behavior of structural water, defined as those water molecules coordinated to Mg{sup 2+} along the pore walls. These waters remain coordinated throughout the 1-ns timescale of the CMD simulations, and the resulting vibrational spectra indicate a similar shift in the water librational edges seen in the INS spectra. The DFT-optimized structures indicate differences in hydrogen bonding between palygorskite and sepiolite, which could explain the librational shift. Corner-sharing silicate tetrahedra in palygorskite are tilted with respect to the crystallographic a-axis due to the induced strain of layer inversion. As a result, only two short (1.9 {angstrom}) hydrogen bonds form between each water and the framework. In contrast, the relatively unstrained sepiolite structure, each water forms three hydrogen bonds with the framework, and at greater distances (2.0 {angstrom} - 2.5 {angstrom}).

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Computational screening of large molecule adsorption by metal-organic frameworks

Greathouse, Jeffery A.; Allendorf, Mark D.

Grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations were performed to investigate trends in low-pressure adsorption of a broad range of organic molecules by a set of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs). The organic analytes considered here are relevant to applications in chemical detection: small aromatics (o-, m-, and p-xylene), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (naphthalene, anthracene, phenanthrene), explosives (TNT and RDX), and chemical warfare agents (GA and VM). The framework materials included several Zn-MOFs (IRMOFs 1-3, 7, 8), a Cr-MOF (CrMIL-53lp), and a Cu-MOF (HKUST-1). Many of the larger organics were significantly adsorbed by the target MOFs at low pressure, which is consistent with the exceptionally high isosteric heats of adsorption (25 kcal/mol - 60 kcal/mol) for this range of analyte. At a higher loading pressure of 101 kPa, the Zn-MOFs show a much higher volumetric uptake than either CrMIL-53-lp or HKUST-1 for all types of analyte. Within the Zn-MOF series, analyte loading is proportional to free volume, and loading decreases with increasing analyte size due to molecular packing effects. CrMIL-53lp showed the highest adsorption energy for all analytes, suggesting that this material may be suitable for low-level detection of organics.

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Nanoconfined water in magnesium-rich phyllosilicates

Greathouse, Jeffery A.; Nenoff, T.M.; Cygan, Randall T.

Inelastic neutron scattering, density functional theory, ab initio molecular dynamics, and classical molecular dynamics were used to examine the behavior of nanoconfined water in palygorskite and sepiolite. These complementary methods provide a strong basis to illustrate and correlate the significant differences observed in the spectroscopic signatures of water in two unique clay minerals. Distortions of silicate tetrahedra in the smaller-pore palygorskite exhibit a limited number of hydrogen bonds having relatively short bond lengths. In contrast, without the distorted silicate tetrahedra, an increased number of hydrogen bonds are observed in the larger-pore sepiolite with corresponding longer bond distances. Because there is more hydrogen bonding at the pore interface in sepiolite than in palygorskite, we expect librational modes to have higher overall frequencies (i.e., more restricted rotational motions); experimental neutron scattering data clearly illustrates this shift in spectroscopic signatures. Distortions of the silicate tetrahedra in these minerals effectively disrupts hydrogen bonding patterns at the silicate-water interface, and this has a greater impact on the dynamical behavior of nanoconfined water than the actual size of the pore or the presence of coordinatively-unsaturated magnesium edge sites.

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Nanoconfined water in magnesium-rich 2:1 phyllosilicates

Proposed for publication in the Journal of the American Chemical Society.

Greathouse, Jeffery A.; Cygan, Randall T.; Durkin, Justin S.; Nenoff, T.M.; Ockwig, Nathan O.

Inelastic neutron scattering, density functional theory, ab initio molecular dynamics, and classical molecular dynamics were used to examine the behavior of nanoconfined water in palygorskite and sepiolite. These complementary methods provide a strong basis to illustrate and correlate the significant differences observed in the spectroscopic signatures of water in two unique clay minerals. Distortions of silicate tetrahedra in the smaller-pore palygorskite exhibit a limited number of hydrogen bonds having relatively short bond lengths. However, without the distorted silicate tetrahedra, an increased number of hydrogen bonds are observed in the larger-pore sepiolite with corresponding longer bond distances. Because there is more hydrogen bonding at the pore interface in sepiolite than in palygorskite, we expect librational modes to have higher overall frequencies (i.e., more restricted rotational motions); experimental neutron scattering data clearly illustrates this shift in spectroscopic signatures. It follows that distortions of the silicate tetrahedra in these minerals effectively disrupt hydrogen-bonding patterns at the silicate?water interface, and this has a greater impact on the dynamical behavior of nanoconfined water than the actual size of the pore or the presence of coordinatively unsaturated magnesium edge sites.

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Molecular models and simulations of layered materials

Proposed for publication in the Journal of Materials Chemistry.

Greathouse, Jeffery A.; Cygan, Randall T.

The micro- to nano-sized nature of layered materials, particularly characteristic of naturally occurring clay minerals, limits our ability to fully interrogate their atomic dispositions and crystal structures. The low symmetry, multicomponent compositions, defects, and disorder phenomena of clays and related phases necessitate the use of molecular models and modern simulation methods. Computational chemistry tools based on classical force fields and quantum-chemical methods of electronic structure calculations provide a practical approach to evaluate structure and dynamics of the materials on an atomic scale. Combined with classical energy minimization, molecular dynamics, and Monte Carlo techniques, quantum methods provide accurate models of layered materials such as clay minerals, layered double hydroxides, and clay-polymer nanocomposites.

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Computational investigation of noble gas adsorption and separation by nanoporous materials

Greathouse, Jeffery A.; Allendorf, Mark D.; Sanders, Joseph C.

Molecular simulations are used to assess the ability of metal-organic framework (MOF) materials to store and separate noble gases. Specifically, grand canonical Monte Carlo simulation techniques are used to predict noble gas adsorption isotherms at room temperature. Experimental trends of noble gas inflation curves of a Zn-based material (IRMOF-1) are matched by the simulation results. The simulations also predict that IRMOF-1 selectively adsorbs Xe atoms in Xe/Kr and Xe/Ar mixtures at total feed gas pressures of 1 bar (14.7 psia) and 10 bar (147 psia). Finally, simulations of a copper-based MOF (Cu-BTC) predict this material's ability to selectively adsorb Xe and Kr atoms when present in trace amounts in atmospheric air samples. These preliminary results suggest that Cu-BTC may be an ideal candidate for the pre-concentration of noble gases from air samples. Additional simulations and experiments are needed to determine the saturation limit of Cu-BTC for xenon, and whether any krypton atoms would remain in the Cu-BTC pores upon saturation.

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Creating a Discovery Platform for Confined-Space Chemistry and Materials: Metal-Organic Frameworks

Allendorf, Mark D.; Greathouse, Jeffery A.; Simmons, Blake S.

Metal organic frameworks (MOF) are a recently discovered class of nanoporous, defect-free crystalline materials that enable rational design and exploration of porous materials at the molecular level. MOFs have tunable monolithic pore sizes and cavity environments due to their crystalline nature, yielding properties exceeding those of most other porous materials. These include: the lowest known density (91% free space); highest surface area; tunable photoluminescence; selective molecular adsorption; and methane sorption rivaling gas cylinders. These properties are achieved by coupling inorganic metal complexes such as ZnO4 with tunable organic ligands that serve as struts, allowing facile manipulation of pore size and surface area through reactant selection. MOFs thus provide a discovery platform for generating both new understanding of chemistry in confined spaces and novel sensors and devices based on their unique properties. At the outset of this project in FY06, virtually nothing was known about how to couple MOFs to substrates and the science of MOF properties and how to tune them was in its infancy. An integrated approach was needed to establish the required knowledge base for nanoscale design and develop methodologies integrate MOFs with other materials. This report summarizes the key accomplishments of this project, which include creation of a new class of radiation detection materials based on MOFs, luminescent MOFs for chemical detection, use of MOFs as templates to create nanoparticles of hydrogen storage materials, MOF coatings for stress-based chemical detection using microcantilevers, and "flexible" force fields that account for structural changes in MOFs that occur upon molecular adsorption/desorption. Eight journal articles, twenty presentations at scientific conferences, and two patent applications resulted from the work. The project created a basis for continuing development of MOFs for many Sandia applications and succeeded in securing $2.75 M in funding from outside agencies to continue the research. 3

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Force field validation for molecular dynamics simulations of IRMOF-1 and other isoreticular zinc carboxylate coordination polymers

Journal of Physical Chemistry C

Greathouse, Jeffery A.; Allendorf, Mark D.

Molecular dynamics simulations were conducted to validate a hybrid force field for metal-organic framework-5 (IRMOF-1). In this force field, only nonbonded parameters are used to describe Zn-O interactions. The CVFF force field was used with slight modifications to describe the benzene dicarboxylate linker. The force field correctly predicts a wide range of structural properties of this MOF, including a negative thermal expansion of approximately 1% at 30 and 293 K, in agreement with both theory and experiment. Compressibility results and the associated elastic moduli are in also good agreement with published density functional theory calculations and nanoindentation experiments. The force field predicts a decrease in elastic moduli as temperature increases, which would greatly affect the mechanical properties of MOFs. Calculated vibrational frequencies for Zn - O modes agree with experiment, and a low-frequency mode representing a 180° rotation of the phenyl groups is seen. This rotation becomes more prevalent as the temperature is increased from 300 to 400 K, in agreement with NMR data. Simulations were also carried out with adsorbed guests, including ethanol, cyclohexane, and several chloromethanes. It is shown that the IRMOF-1 lattice parameter depends on the nature of the guest-framework interaction; strongly hydrophilic guests, such as ethanol, cause a decrease (-0.9%) in unit cell volume, while hydrophobic guests cause an increase (0.7-1.5%) in unit cell volume. The calculated free volumes in IRMOF-1 range from 53.5% to 56.0%, in good agreement with experiment. Finally, the activation energy for benzene self-diffusion calculated at low loadings is in good agreement with previous simulations and NMR results, but the magnitude of the diffusion constant is underestimated, most likely because of deficiencies in the CVFF portion of the force field. The results demonstrate, however, that employing a rigid force field results in much poorer agreement with experimental data. Additionally, a flexible force field approach is required when simulating framework stability because of physical changes or the presence of adsorbates. The use of a general-purpose force field for the organic components allows our approach to be extended to other Zn-based frameworks. © 2008 American Chemical Society.

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Desalination utilizing clathrate hydrates (LDRD final report)

Greathouse, Jeffery A.; Cygan, Randall T.; Simmons, Blake S.; Dedrick, Daniel E.

Advances are reported in several aspects of clathrate hydrate desalination fundamentals necessary to develop an economical means to produce municipal quantities of potable water from seawater or brackish feedstock. These aspects include the following, (1) advances in defining the most promising systems design based on new types of hydrate guest molecules, (2) selection of optimal multi-phase reactors and separation arrangements, and, (3) applicability of an inert heat exchange fluid to moderate hydrate growth, control the morphology of the solid hydrate material formed, and facilitate separation of hydrate solids from concentrated brine. The rate of R141b hydrate formation was determined and found to depend only on the degree of supercooling. The rate of R141b hydrate formation in the presence of a heat exchange fluid depended on the degree of supercooling according to the same rate equation as pure R141b with secondary dependence on salinity. Experiments demonstrated that a perfluorocarbon heat exchange fluid assisted separation of R141b hydrates from brine. Preliminary experiments using the guest species, difluoromethane, showed that hydrate formation rates were substantial at temperatures up to at least 12 C and demonstrated partial separation of water from brine. We present a detailed molecular picture of the structure and dynamics of R141b guest molecules within water cages, obtained from ab initio calculations, molecular dynamics simulations, and Raman spectroscopy. Density functional theory calculations were used to provide an energetic and molecular orbital description of R141b stability in both large and small cages in a structure II hydrate. Additionally, the hydrate of an isomer, 1,2-dichloro-1-fluoroethane, does not form at ambient conditions because of extensive overlap of electron density between guest and host. Classical molecular dynamics simulations and laboratory trials support the results for the isomer hydrate. Molecular dynamics simulations show that R141b hydrate is stable at temperatures up to 265K, while the isomer hydrate is only stable up to 150K. Despite hydrogen bonding between guest and host, R141b molecules rotated freely within the water cage. The Raman spectrum of R141b in both the pure and hydrate phases was also compared with vibrational analysis from both computational methods. In particular, the frequency of the C-Cl stretch mode (585 cm{sup -1}) undergoes a shift to higher frequency in the hydrate phase. Raman spectra also indicate that this peak undergoes splitting and intensity variation as the temperature is decreased from 4 C to -4 C.

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Fuel traps: mapping stability via water association

Sabo, Dubravko S.; Greathouse, Jeffery A.; Leung, Kevin L.; Cygan, Randall T.; Alam, Todd M.; Varma, Sameer V.; Martin, Marcus G.

Hydrogen storage is a key enabling technology required for attaining a hydrogen-based economy. Fundamental research can reveal the underlying principles controlling hydrogen uptake and release by storage materials, and also aid in characterizing and designing novel storage materials. New ideas for hydrogen storage materials come from exploiting the properties of hydrophobic hydration, which refers to water s ability to stabilize, by its mode of association, specific structures under specific conditions. Although hydrogen was always considered too small to support the formation of solid clathrate hydrate structures, exciting new experiments show that water traps hydrogen molecules at conditions of low temperatures and moderate pressures. Hydrogen release is accomplished by simple warming. While these experiments lend credibility to the idea that water could form an environmentally attractive alternative storage compound for hydrogen fuel, which would advance our nation s goals of attaining a hydrogen-based economy, much work is yet required to understand and realize the full potential of clathrate hydrates for hydrogen storage. Here we undertake theoretical studies of hydrogen in water to establish a firm foundation for predictive work on clathrate hydrate H{sub 2} storage capabilities. Using molecular simulation and statistical mechanical theories based in part on quantum mechanical descriptions of molecular interactions, we characterize the interactions between hydrogen and liquid water in terms of structural and thermodynamic properties. In the process we validate classical force field models of hydrogen in water and discover new features of hydrophobic hydration that impact problems in both energy technology and biology. Finally, we predict hydrogen occupancy in the small and large cages of hydrogen clathrate hydrates, a property unresolved by previous experimental and theoretical work.

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Molecular studies of the structural properties of hydrogen gas in bulk water

Proposed for publication in the Molecular Simulation Journal.

Rempe, Susan R.; Sabo, Dubravko S.; Greathouse, Jeffery A.; Martin, Marcus G.

We report on our studies of the structural properties of a hydrogen molecule dissolved in liquid water. The radial distribution function, coordination number and coordination number distribution are calculated using different representations of the interatomic forces within molecular dynamics (MD), Monte Carlo (MC) and ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulation frameworks. Although structural details differ in the radial distribution functions generated from the different force fields, all approaches agree that the average and most probable number of water molecules occupying the inner hydration sphere around hydrogen is 16. Furthermore, all results exclude the possibility of clathrate-like organization of water molecules around the hydrophobic molecular hydrogen solute.

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Frontiers of interfacial water research :workshop report

Cygan, Randall T.; Greathouse, Jeffery A.

Water is the critical natural resource of the new century. Significant improvements in traditional water treatment processes require novel approaches based on a fundamental understanding of nanoscale and atomic interactions at interfaces between aqueous solution and materials. To better understand these critical issues and to promote an open dialog among leading international experts in water-related specialties, Sandia National Laboratories sponsored a workshop on April 24-26, 2005 in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The ''Frontiers of Interfacial Water Research Workshop'' provided attendees with a critical review of water technologies and emphasized the new advances in surface and interfacial microscopy, spectroscopy, diffraction, and computer simulation needed for the development of new materials for water treatment.

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Molecular dynamics simulation of uranyl(VI) sorption equilibria onto an external montmorillonite surface

Proposed for publication in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics.

Greathouse, Jeffery A.; Cygan, Randall T.

We used molecular dynamics simulations to study the adsorption of aqueous uranyl species (UO22+) onto clay mineral surfaces in the presence of sodium counterions and carbonato ligands. The large system size (10 000 atoms) and long simulation times (10 ns) allowed us to investigate the thermodynamics of ion adsorption, and the atomistic detail provided clues for the observed adsorption behavior. The model system consisted of the basal surface of a low-charge Na-montmorillonite clay in contact with aqueous uranyl carbonate solutions with concentrations of 0.027 M, 0.081 M, and 0.162 M. Periodic boundary conditions were used in the simulations to better represent an aqueous solution interacting with an external clay surface. Uranyl adsorption tendency was found to decrease as the aqueous uranyl carbonate concentration was increased, while sodium adsorption remained constant. The observed behavior is explained by physical and chemical effects. As the ionic strength of the aqueous solution was increased, electrostatic factors prevented further uranyl adsorption once the surface charge had been neutralized. Additionally, the formation of aqueous uranyl carbonate complexes, including uranyl carbonato oligomers, contributed to the decreased uranyl adsorption tendency.

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Results 201–231 of 231
Results 201–231 of 231