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Determination of pressure and density of shocklessly compressed beryllium from x-ray radiography of a magnetically driven cylindrical liner implosion

AIP Conference Proceedings

Lemke, R.W.; Martin, M.R.; McBride, Ryan D.; Davis, Jean-Paul D.; Knudson, Marcus D.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Smith, Ian C.; Savage, Mark E.; Stygar, William A.; Killebrew, K.; Flicker, Dawn G.; Herrmann, Mark H.

We describe a technique for measuring the pressure and density of a metallic solid, shocklessly compressed to multi-megabar pressure, through x-ray radiography of a magnetically driven, cylindrical liner implosion. Shockless compression of the liner produces material states that correspond approximately to the principal compression isentrope (quasi-isentrope). This technique is used to determine the principal quasi-isentrope of solid beryllium to a peak pressure of 2.4 Mbar from x-ray images of a high current (20 MA), fast (∼100 ns) liner implosion. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.

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Solid liner implosions on Z for producing multi-megabar, shockless compressions

Physics of Plasmas

Martin, M.R.; Lemke, Raymond W.; McBride, Ryan D.; Davis, Jean-Paul D.; Dolan, Daniel H.; Knudson, Marcus D.; Cochrane, K.R.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Smith, Ian C.; Savage, Mark E.; Stygar, William A.; Killebrew, K.; Flicker, Dawn G.; Herrmann, Mark H.

Current pulse shaping techniques, originally developed for planar dynamic material experiments on the Z-machine [M. K. Matzen, Phys. Plasmas 12, 055503 (2005)], are adapted to the design of controlled cylindrical liner implosions. By driving these targets with a current pulse shape that prevents shock formation inside the liner, shock heating is avoided along with the corresponding decrease in electrical conductivity ahead of the magnetic diffusion wave penetrating the liner. This results in an imploding liner with a significant amount of its mass in the solid phase and at multi-megabar pressures. Pressures in the solid region of a shaped pulse driven beryllium liner fielded on the Z-machine are inferred to 5.5 Mbar, while simulations suggest implosion velocities greater than 50 kms-1. These solid liner experiments are diagnosed with multi-frame monochromatic x-ray backlighting which is used to infer the material density and pressure. This work has led to a new platform on the Z-machine that can be used to perform off-Hugoniot measurements at higher pressures than are accessible through magnetically driven planar geometries. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.

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Impact of time-varying loads on the programmable pulsed power driver called genesis

Digest of Technical Papers-IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference

Glover, Steven F.; Davis, Jean-Paul D.; Schneider, Larry X.; Reed, Kim W.; Pena, Gary P.; Hall, Clint A.; Hanshaw, Heath L.; Hickman, Randy J.; Hodge, K.C.; Lemke, Raymond W.; Lehr, J.M.; Lucero, D.J.; McDaniel, Dillon H.; Puissant, J.G.; Rudys, Joseph M.; Sceiford, Matthew S.; Tullar, S.J.; Van De Valde, D.M.; White, F.E.; Warne, Larry K.; Coats, Rebecca S.; Johnson, William Arthur.

The success of dynamic materials properties research at Sandia National Laboratories has led to research into ultra-low impedance, compact pulsed power systems capable of multi-MA shaped current pulses with rise times ranging from 220-500 ns. The Genesis design consists of two hundred and forty 200 kV, 80 kA modules connected in parallel to a solid dielectric disk transmission line and is capable of producing 280 kbar of magnetic pressure (>500 kbar pressure in high Z materials) in a 1.75 nH, 20 mm wide stripline load. Stripline loads operating under these conditions expand during the experiment resulting in a time-varying load that can impact the performance and lifetime of the system. This paper provides analysis of time-varying stripline loads and the impact of these loads on system performance. Further, an approach to reduce dielectric stress levels through active damping is presented as a means to increase system reliability and lifetime. © 2011 IEEE.

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Status of genesis a 5 MA programmable pulsed power driver

Digest of Technical Papers-IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference

Glover, Steven F.; White, F.E.; Foster, P.J.; Lucero, D.J.; Schneider, Larry X.; Reed, Kim W.; Pena, Gary P.; Davis, Jean-Paul D.; Hall, Clint A.; Hickman, Randy J.; Hodge, K.C.; Lemke, Raymond W.; Lehr, J.M.; McDaniel, Dillon H.; Puissant, J.G.; Rudys, Joseph M.; Sceiford, Matthew S.; Tullar, S.J.; Van De Valde, D.M.

Genesis is a compact pulsed power platform designed by Sandia National Laboratories to generate precision shaped multi-MA current waves with a rise time of 200-500 ns. In this system, two hundred and forty, 200 kV, 80 kA modules are selectively triggered to produce 280 kbar of magnetic pressure (>500 kbar pressure in high Z materials) in a stripline load for dynamic materials properties research. This new capability incorporates the use of solid dielectrics to reduce system inductance and size, programmable current shaping, and gas switches that must perform over a large range of operating conditions. Research has continued on this technology base with a focus on demonstrating the integrated performance of key concepts into a Genesis-like prototype called Protogen. Protogen measures approximately 1.4 m by 1.4 m and is designed to hold twelve Genesis modules. A fixed inductance load will allow rep-rate operation for component reliability and system lifetime experiments at the extreme electric field operating conditions expected in Genesis. © 2011 IEEE.

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Magnetically driven hyper-velocity launch capability at the Sandia Z accelerator

International Journal of Impact Engineering

Lemke, R.W.; Knudson, Marcus D.; Davis, Jean-Paul D.

The intense magnetic field generated by the Z accelerator at Sandia National Laboratories is used as a pressure source for material science studies. A current of ∼20 MA can be delivered to the loads used in experiments on a time scale of ∼100-600 ns. Magnetic fields (pressures) exceeding 1200 T (600 GPa) have been produced in planar configurations. In one application we have developed, the magnetic pressure launches a flyer plate to ultra-high velocity in a plate impact experiment; equation of state data is obtained on the Hugoniot of a material that is shock compressed to multi-megabar pressure. This capability has been enhanced by the recent development of a planar stripline configuration that increases the magnetic pressure for a given current. Furthermore, the cross sectional area of a stripline flyer plate is larger than in previous coaxial loads; this improves the planarity of the flyer thereby reducing measurement uncertainty. Results of experiments and multi-dimensional magneto hydrodynamic (MHD) simulation are presented for ultra-high velocity aluminum and copper flyer plates. Aluminum flyer plates with dimensions ∼25 mm by ∼13 mm by ∼1 mm have been launched to velocities up to ∼45 km/s; for copper the peak velocity is ∼22 km/s. The significance of these results is that part of the flyer material remains solid at impact with the target; an accomplishment that is made possible by shaping the dynamic pressure (current) ramp so that the flyer compresses quasi-isentropically (i.e., shocklessly) during acceleration.

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High-pressure magnetically driven compression waves in condensed matter

Davis, Jean-Paul D.

The Z machine is a fast pulsed-power machine at Sandia National Laboratories designed to deliver a 100-ns rise-time, 26-MA pulse of electrical current to Z-pinch experiments for research in radiation effects and inertial confinement fusion. Since 1999, Z has also been used as a current source for magnetically driven, high-pressure, high-strain-rate experiments in condensed matter. In this mode, Z produces simultaneous planar ramp-wave loading, with rise times in the range of 300-800 ns and peak longitudinal stress in the range of 4-400 GPa, of multiple macroscopic material samples. Control of the current-pulse shape enables shockless propagation of these ramp waves through samples 1-2 mm thick to measure quasi-isentropic compression response, as well as shockless acceleration of copper flyer plates to at least 28 km/s for impact experiments to measure ultra-high-pressure (-3000 GPa) shock compression response. This presentation will give background on the relevant physics, describe the experimental technique, and show recent results from both types of experiments.

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CHARICE version 1.1 update

Davis, Jean-Paul D.

CHARICE (CHARacteristics-based inverse analysis of Isentropic Compression Experiments) is a computer application, previously documented in SAND2007-4948, that analyzes velocity waveform data from ramp-wave experiments to determine a material's quasi-isentropic loading response in stress and density using an iterative characteristics-based approach. This short report documents only the changes in CHARICE release version 1.1 relative to release version 1.0, and is not intended to stand alone. CHARICE version 1.1 corrects an error in the algorithm of the method, fixes several bugs, improves robustness and performance, provides more useful error descriptions, and adds a number of minor features.

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CHARICE 1.0 : an IDL application for characteristics-based inverse analysis of isentropic compression experiments

Davis, Jean-Paul D.

CHARICE is a multi-platform computer application that analyzes velocity waveform data from ramp-wave experiments to determine a material's quasi-isentropic loading response in stress and density using an iterative characteristics-based approach. The application was built using ITT Visual Information Solutions Interactive Data Language (IDL{reg_sign}), and features graphical interfaces for all user interaction. This report describes the calculation method and available analysis options, and gives instructions for using the application.

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Experimental measurement of the principal isentrope for aluminum 6061-T6 to 240 GPa

Proposed for publication in the Journal of Applied Physics.

Davis, Jean-Paul D.

Using a magnetic pressure drive, an absolute measurement of stress and density along the principal compression isentrope is obtained for solid aluminum to 240 GPa. Reduction of the free-surface velocity data relies on a backward integration technique, with approximate accounting for unknown systematic errors in experimental timing. Maximum experimental uncertainties are +/-4.7% in stress and +/-1.4% in density, small enough to distinguish between different equation-of-state (EOS) models. The result agrees well with a tabular EOS that uses an empirical universal zero-temperature isotherm.

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Results 51–100 of 113
Results 51–100 of 113