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Potential Impacts of Misconfiguration of Inverter-Based Frequency Control

IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting

Wilches-Bernal, Felipe; Concepcion, Ricky J.; Johnson, Jay; Byrne, Raymond H.

This paper focuses on a transmission system with a high penetration of converter-interfaced generators participating in its primary frequency regulation. In particular, the effects on system stability of widespread misconfiguration of frequency regulation schemes are considered. Failures in three separate primary frequency control schemes are analyzed by means of time domain simulations where control action was inverted by, for example, negating controller gain. The results indicate that in all cases the frequency response of the system is greatly deteriorated and, in multiple scenarios, the system loses synchronism. It is also shown that including limits to the control action can mitigate the deleterious effects of inverted control configurations.

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International Development of a Distributed Energy Resource Test Platform for Electrical and Interoperability Certification

2018 IEEE 7th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, WCPEC 2018 - A Joint Conference of 45th IEEE PVSC, 28th PVSEC and 34th EU PVSEC

Johnson, Jay; Apablaza-Arancibia, Estefan; Ninad, Nayeem; Turcotte, Dave; Prieur, Alexandre; Ablinger, Ron; Bründlinger, Roland; Moore, Tim; Heidari, Rahmat; Hashimoto, Jun; Cho, Changhee; Kumar, R.S.; Kumar, Jeykishan; Verga, Maurizio; Farias, José L.; Tena, José G.; Baumgartner, Franz; Temez, Iigo V.; Segade, Ricardo A.; Fox, Bob

Several international research laboratories are collaborating under a Smart Grid International Research Facility Network (SIRFN) project to develop certification procedures for advanced distributed energy resources (DER). To effectively evaluate interoperability and grid-support functionality in DER equipment, test permutations across the full range of modes and parameters are required. It is impractical to complete these experiments manually so the project team is working to develop a software tool, associated abstraction layers, and hardware drivers to execute the experiments autonomously using the same opensource test logic. This software can then be programmed to complete interoperable DER certification experiments at DER vendor facilities, certification laboratories, or research institutions. By sharing the codebase with all institutions, barriers to adoption steadily decrease. To demonstrate the approach, Underwriters Laboratories 1741 Supplement A volt-var and specified power factor test results from multiple laboratories are presented and compared.

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PV-Inverter Dynamic Model Validation and Comparison under Fault Scenarios Using a Power Hardware-in-the-Loop Testbed

2018 IEEE 7th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, WCPEC 2018 - A Joint Conference of 45th IEEE PVSC, 28th PVSEC and 34th EU PVSEC

Hernandez-Alvidrez, Javier; Summers, Adam; Pragallapati, Nataraj; Reno, Matthew J.; Ranade, Satish; Johnson, Jay; Brahma, Sukumar; Quiroz, Jimmy E.

The increasing penetration of inverter-interfaced resources underscores the need of valid and accurate pv-inverter models for short circuit studies and for the design of proper protection schemes. This paper presents comparison and validation of several inverter models' dynamics under fault scenarios to two commercial inverters using a Power Hardware-in-the-Loop (PHIL) testbed. Nowadays, IEEE1574 compliant inverters with anti-islanding will contribute for several cycles (1.1 p.u.) before they disconnect. As the inverter standards move towards low voltage ride-through (LVRT) capabilities to counteract remote faults, the accurate modeling of inverters using this feature becomes extremely important. One of the purposes of this paper is to compare the dynamic behavior of different inverter models with LVRT capabilities against two commercial inverters with the aid of PHIL simulation environments. Comparisons were made under different fault scenarios using the IEEE 13 node feeder as testing grid. The other purpose is to raise awareness amongst inverter manufacturers on providing accurate and comprehensive inverter simulation models that account for the protection engineers necessities.

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Fault Current Experimental Results of Photovoltaic Inverters Operating with Grid-Support Functionality

2018 IEEE 7th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, WCPEC 2018 - A Joint Conference of 45th IEEE PVSC, 28th PVSEC and 34th EU PVSEC

Gonzalez, Sigifredo G.; Gurule, Nicholas S.; Reno, Matthew J.; Johnson, Jay

The proliferation of photovoltaic (PV) distributed energy resources (DER) on distribution systems have caused concerns about electric power system (EPS) protection schemes, protection configurations, and device coordination. With the EPS designed for power to flow in one direction, the high penetration of PV-based DER has created concerns of grid reliability and protection scheme efficacy. The short-circuit current characteristics of the classical synchronous generator has been well characterized for symmetrical or unsymmetrical short circuit faults, but inverter-based DER dynamic models are not as wellknown and are generally specific to a single inverter manufacturer. There is also uncertainty in how advanced inverter controls like volt-var and low-voltage ride-through capabilities can impact the inverter fault currents. This paper performs laboratory tests to quantify the fault currents of single-phase, three-phase, and grid-forming inverters under a range of gridsupport function operating modes. The results characterize the PV DER sub-transient, transient, and steady-state equivalents. It was found that grid-support functions affect the current contribution from PV inverters.

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Behavioral Based Trust Metrics and the Smart Grid

Proceedings - 17th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications and 12th IEEE International Conference on Big Data Science and Engineering, Trustcom/BigDataSE 2018

Obert, James O.; Chavez, Adrian R.; Johnson, Jay

To ensure reliable and predictable service in the electrical grid it is important to gauge the level of trust present within critical components and substations. Although trust throughout a smart grid is temporal and dynamically varies according to measured states, it is possible to accurately formulate communications and service level strategies based on such trust measurements. Utilizing an effective set of machine learning and statistical methods, it is shown that establishment of trust levels between substations using behavioral pattern analysis is possible. It is also shown that the establishment of such trust can facilitate simple secure communications routing between substations.

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Interconnection Standard Grid-Support Function Evaluations Using an Automated Hardware-in-the-Loop Testbed

IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics

Johnson, Jay; Ablinger, Ron; Bruendlinger, Roland; Fox, Bob; Flicker, Jack

Grid operators are increasingly turning to advanced grid-support functions in distributed energy resources (DER) to assist with distribution circuit voltage regulation, bulk system frequency control, and power system protection. The U.S. DER certification standard, Underwriters Laboratories (UL) 1741, was revised in September 2016 to add test procedures for multiple grid-support functions. Sandia National Laboratories, SunSpec Alliance, and growing community of collaborators have undertaken a multiyear effort to create an open-source system validation platform (SVP) that automates DER interconnection and interoperability test procedures by communicating with grid simulators, photovoltaic (PV) simulators, data acquisition systems, and interoperable equipment under test. However, the power hardware required for generating the test conditions may be untenable for many organizations. Herein, we discuss development of the SVP testing capabilities for UL 1741 tests utilizing a controller hardware-in-The-loop testbed that precludes the need for power hardware using a 34.5 kW Austrian Institute of Technology smart grid controller. Analysis of normal ramp rate, soft start ramp rate, specified power factor, volt-VAr, and frequency-watt advanced grid functions, and the effectiveness of the UL 1741 test protocols are included.

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Roadmap for photovoltaic cyber security

Johnson, Jay

Cyber-secure, resilient energy is paramount to the prosperity of the United States. As the experience and sophistication of cyber adversaries grow, so too must the US power system’s defenses, situational awareness, and response and recovery strategies. Traditionally, power systems were operated with dedicated communication channels to large generators and utility-owned assets but now there is greater reliance on photovoltaic (PV) systems to provide power generation. PV systems often communicate to utilities, aggregators, and other grid operators over the public internet so the power system attack surface has significantly expanded. At the same time, solar energy systems are equipped with a range of grid-support functions, that—if controlled or programmed improperly—present a risk of power system disturbances. This document is a five-year roadmap intended to chart a path for improving cyber security for communication-enabled PV systems with clear roles and responsibilities for government, standards development organizations, PV vendors, and grid operators.

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Design and Evaluation of a Secure Virtual Power Plant

Johnson, Jay

For three years, Sandia National Laboratories, Georgia Institute of Technology, and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign investigated a smart grid vision in which renewable-centric Virtual Power Plants (VPPs) provided ancillary services with interoperable distributed energy resources (DER). This team researched, designed, built, and evaluated real-time VPP designs incorporating DER forecasting, stochastic optimization, controls, and cyber security to construct a system capable of delivering reliable ancillary services, which have been traditionally provided by large power plants or other dedicated equipment. VPPs have become possible through an evolving landscape of state and national interconnection standards, which now require DER to include grid-support functionality and communications capabilities. This makes it possible for third party aggregators to provide a range of critical grid services such as voltage regulation, frequency regulation, and contingency reserves to grid operators. This paradigm (a) enables renewable energy, demand response, and energy storage to participate in grid operations and provide grid services, (b) improves grid reliability by providing additional operating reserves for utilities, independent system operators (ISOs), and regional transmission organization (RTOs), and (c) removes renewable energy high-penetration barriers by providing services with photovoltaics and wind resources that traditionally were the jobs of thermal generators. Therefore, it is believed VPP deployment will have far-reaching positive consequences for grid operations and may provide a robust pathway to high penetrations of renewables on US power systems. In this report, we design VPPs to provide a range of grid-support services and demonstrate one VPP which simultaneously provides bulk-system energy and ancillary reserves.

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Full State Feedback Control for Virtual Power Plants

Johnson, Jay

This report presents an object-oriented implementation of full state feedback control for virtual power plants (VPP). The components of the VPP full state feedback control are (1) objectoriented high-fidelity modeling for all devices in the VPP; (2) Distribution System Distributed Quasi-Dynamic State Estimation (DS-DQSE) that enables full observability of the VPP by augmenting actual measurements with virtual, derived and pseudo measurements and performing the Quasi-Dynamic State Estimation (QSE) in a distributed manner, and (3) automated formulation of the Optimal Power Flow (OPF) in real time using the output of the DS-DQSE, and solving the distributed OPF to provide the optimal control commands to the DERs of the VPP.

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Notice of Removal: Photovoltaic frequency-watt curve design for frequency regulation and fast contingency reserves

2017 IEEE 44th Photovoltaic Specialist Conference, PVSC 2017

Johnson, Jay; Neely, Jason; Delhotal, Jarod; Lave, Matthew

When renewable energy resources are installed in electricity grids, they typically increase generation variability and displace thermal generator control action and inertia. Grid operators combat these emerging challenges with advanced distributed energy resource (DER) functions to support frequency, and provide voltage regulation and protection mechanisms. This paper focuses on providing frequency reserves using autonomous IEC TR 61850-90-7 pointwise frequency-watt (FW) functions that adjust DER active power as a function of measured grid frequency. The importance of incorporating FW functions into a fleet of photovoltaic (PV) systems is demonstrated in simulation. Effects of FW curve design, including curtailment, deadband, and droop, were analyzed against performance metrics using Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS) for 20%, 70%, and 120% PV penetration scenarios on the Hawaiian island of Lanai. Finally, to understand the financial implications of FW functions to utilities, a performance function was defined based on monetary costs attributable to curtailed photovoltaic production, load shedding, and generator wear. An optimization wrapper was then created to find the best FW function curve for each penetration level. It was found that in all cases, the utility would save money by implementing appropriate FW functions.

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Arc-Fault Primer: Numerical, Analytical, and Experimental Characteristics of Initiation and Sustainment of Arc Plasmas (DRAFT)

Armijo, Kenneth M.; Lavrova, Olga A.; Harrison, Richard K.; Rodriguez, Salvador B.; Johnson, Jay; Schindelholz, Eric J.

While arc-faults are rare in electrical installations, many documented events have led to fires that resulted in significant damage to energy-generation, commercial and residential systems, as well as surrounding structures, in both the United States and abroad. Arc-plasma discharges arise over time due to a variety of reliability issues related to cable material degradation, electrical and mechanical stresses or acute conductive wiring dislocations. These may lead to discontinuity between energized conductors, facilitating arcing events and fires. Arc-flash events rapidly release significant energy in a localized volume, where the electric arc experiences a reduction in resistance. This facilitates a reduction in electrical resistance as the arc temperature and pressure can increase rapidly. Strong pressure waves, electromagnetic interference (EMI), and intense light from an arc pose a threat to electrical worker safety and system equipment. This arc-fault primer provides basic fundamental insight into arc-fault plasma discharges, and an overview of direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC) arc-fault phenomena. This primer also covers pressure waves and EMI arc-fault hazard analyses related to incident energy prediction and potential damage analysis. Mitigation strategies are also discussed related to engineering design and employment of protective devices including arc-fault circuit interrupters (AFCIs). Best practices related to worker safety are also covered, especially as they pertain to electrical codes and standards, particularly Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 1584 and National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) 70E. Throughout the primer various modelling and test capabilities at Sandia National Laboratories are also covered, especially as they relate to novel methods of arc-fault/arc-flash characterization and mitigation approaches. Herein, this work describes methods for producing and characterizing controlled, sustained arcs at atmospheric pressures as well as methods for mitigation with novel materials.

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DERlab Report

Johnson, Jay

With the rapidly changing landscape of grid codes and interconnection standards, manufacturers of DER components are under increasing pressure to reliably update and validate the interoperability and performance of their equipment for different regional requirements and grid conditions. To help vendors meet these standards, AIT and Sandia have teamed up and introduced an approach for the rapid, concurrent development of controls and application software through a controller hardware-in-the-loop (CHIL) testbed integrated with an automated testing platform.

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Small commercial inverter laboratory evaluations of UL 1741 SA grid-support function response times

Conference Record of the IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference

Gonzalez, Sigifredo G.; Johnson, Jay; Reno, Matthew J.; Zgonena, Timothy

Photovoltaic (PV) distributed energy resources (DER) have reached approximately 27 GW in the U.S., and the solar penetration rate continues to increase. This growth is expected to continue, causing challenges for grid operators who must maintain grid stability, reliability, and resiliency. To minimize adverse effects on the performance of electrical power system (EPS) with increasing levels of variable renewable generation, photovoltaic inverters must implement grid-support capabilities, allowing the DER to actively participate in grid support operations and remain connected during short-term voltage and frequency anomalies. These functions include voltage and frequency regulation features that adjust DER active and reactive power at the point of common coupling. To evaluate the risk of these functions conflicting with traditional distribution system voltage regulation equipment, researchers used several methods to quantify EPS-support function response times for autonomous voltage regulation functions (volt-var function). Based on this study, no adverse interactions between PV inverters with volt-var functions and load tap changing transformers or capacitor banks were discovered.

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Photovoltaic Frequency-Watt Curve Design for Frequency Regulation and Fast Contingency Reserves

IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics

Johnson, Jay; Neely, Jason C.; Delhotal, Jarod J.; Lave, Matthew

When renewable energy resources are installed in electricity grids, they typically increase generation variability and displace thermal generator control action and inertia. Grid operators combat these emerging challenges with advanced distributed energy resource (DER) functions to support frequency and provide voltage regulation and protection mechanisms. This paper focuses on providing frequency reserves using autonomous IEC TR 61850-90-7 pointwise frequency-watt (FW) functions that adjust DER active power as a function of measured grid frequency. The importance of incorporating FW functions into a fleet of photovoltaic (PV) systems is demonstrated in simulation. Effects of FW curve design, including curtailment, deadband, and droop, were analyzed against performance metrics using Latin hypercube sampling for 20%, 70%, and 120% PV penetration scenarios on the Hawaiian island of Lanai. Finally, to understand the financial implications of FW functions to utilities, a performance function was defined based on monetary costs attributable to curtailed PV production, load shedding, and generator wear. An optimization wrapper was then created to find the best FW function curve for each penetration level. It was found that in all cases, the utility would save money by implementing appropriate FW functions.

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Results 51–100 of 211
Results 51–100 of 211