
Results 26–31 of 31
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Mark-It : a marking user interface for cutting decomposition time

Shepherd, Jason F.

We present Mark-It, a marking user interface that reduced the time to decompose a set of CAD models exhibiting a range of decomposition problems by as much as fifty percent. Instead of performing about 50 mesh decomposition operations using a conventional UI, Mark-It allows users to perform the same operations by drawing 2D marks in the context of the 3D model. The motivation for this study was to test the potential of a marking user interface for the decomposition aspect of the meshing process. To evaluate Mark-It, we designed a user study that consisted of a brief tutorial of both the non-marking and marking UIs, performing the steps to decompose four models contributed to us by experienced meshers at Sandia National Laboratories, and a post-study debriefing to rate the speed, preference, and overall learnability of the two interfaces. Our primary contributions are a practical user interface design for speeding-up mesh decomposition and an evaluation that helps characterize the pros and cons of the new user interface.

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Methods for Multisweep Automation

Shepherd, Jason F.; Mitchell, Scott A.; Knupp, Patrick K.; Mitchell, Scott A.

Sweeping has become the workhorse algorithm for creating conforming hexahedral meshes of complex models. This paper describes progress on the automatic, robust generation of MultiSwept meshes in CUBIT. MultiSweeping extends the class of volumes that may be swept to include those with multiple source and multiple target surfaces. While not yet perfect, CUBIT's MultiSweeping has recently become more reliable, and been extended to assemblies of volumes. Sweep Forging automates the process of making a volume (multi) sweepable: Sweep Verification takes the given source and target surfaces, and automatically classifies curve and vertex types so that sweep layers are well formed and progress from sources to targets.

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Results 26–31 of 31
Results 26–31 of 31