
Results 26–38 of 38
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A comprehensive approach to decipher biological computation to achieve next generation high-performance exascale computing

Howell, Jamie D.; Lohn, Andrew L.; Marinella, Matthew J.; Baca, Michael J.; Finnegan, Patrick S.; Wolfley, Steven L.; Dagel, Daryl D.; Spahn, Olga B.; Harper, Jason C.; Pohl, Kenneth R.; Mickel, Patrick R.

The human brain (volume=1200cm3) consumes 20W and is capable of performing > 10^16 operations/s. Current supercomputer technology has reached 1015 operations/s, yet it requires 1500m^3 and 3MW, giving the brain a 10^12 advantage in operations/s/W/cm^3. Thus, to reach exascale computation, two achievements are required: 1) improved understanding of computation in biological tissue, and 2) a paradigm shift towards neuromorphic computing where hardware circuits mimic properties of neural tissue. To address 1), we will interrogate corticostriatal networks in mouse brain tissue slices, specifically with regard to their frequency filtering capabilities as a function of input stimulus. To address 2), we will instantiate biological computing characteristics such as multi-bit storage into hardware devices with future computational and memory applications. Resistive memory devices will be modeled, designed, and fabricated in the MESA facility in consultation with our internal and external collaborators.

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Detectability of Neuronal Currents in Human Brain with Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

Jones, Howland D.; Thomas, Edward V.; Harper, Jason C.

Magnetic resonance spectroscopy has been used in a high-risk, high-payoff search for neuronal current (NC) signals in the free induction decay (FID) data from the visual cortex of human subjects during visual stimulation. If successful, this approach could make possible the detection of neuronal currents in the brain at high spatial and temporal resolution. Our initial experiments indicated the presence of a statistically significant change in the FID containing the NC relative to FIDs with the NC absent, and this signal was consistent with the presence of NC. Unfortunately, two follow-on experiments were not able to confirm or replicate the positive findings of the first experiment. However, even if the result from the first experiment were evidence of NC in the FID, it is clear that its effect is so small, that a true NC imaging experiment would not be possible with the current instrumentation and experimental protocol used here.

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Medically relevant ElectroNeedle technology development

Achyuthan, Komandoor A.; Harper, Jason C.; McClain, Jaime L.; Ten Eyck, Gregory A.; Thomas, Michael L.

ElectroNeedles technology was developed as part of an earlier Grand Challenge effort on Bio-Micro Fuel Cell project. During this earlier work, the fabrication of the ElectroNeedles was accomplished along with proof-of-concept work on several electrochemically active analytes such as glucose, quinone and ferricyanide. Additionally, earlier work demonstrated technology potential in the field of immunosensors by specifically detecting Troponin, a cardiac biomarker. The current work focused upon fabrication process reproducibility of the ElectroNeedles and then using the devices to sensitively detect p-cresol, a biomarker for kidney failure or nephrotoxicity. Valuable lessons were learned regarding fabrication assurance and quality. The detection of p-cresol was accomplished by electrochemistry as well as using fluorescence to benchmark ElectroNeedles performance. Results from these studies will serve as a guide for the future fabrication processes involving ElectroNeedles as well as provide the groundwork necessary to expand technology applications. One paper has been accepted for publication acknowledging LDRD funding (K. E. Achyuthan et al, Comb. Chem. & HTS, 2008). We are exploring the scope for a second paper describing the applications potential of this technology.

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Viral vectors for gene modification of plants as chem/bio sensors

Hayes, Dulce C.; Dolan, Patricia L.; Harper, Jason C.; Brozik, Susan M.

Chemical or biological sensors that are specific, sensitive, and robust allowing intelligence gathering for verification of nuclear non-proliferation treaty compliance and detouring production of weapons of mass destruction are sorely needed. Although much progress has been made in the area of biosensors, improvements in sensor lifetime, robustness, and device packaging are required before these devices become widely used. Current chemical and biological detection and identification techniques require less-than-covert sample collection followed by transport to a laboratory for analysis. In addition to being expensive and time consuming, results can often be inconclusive due to compromised sample integrity during collection and transport. We report here a demonstration of a plant based sensor technology which utilizes mature and seedling plants as chemical sensors. One can envision genetically modifying native plants at a site of interest that can report the presence of specific toxins or chemicals. In this one year project we used a developed inducible expression system to show the feasibility of plant sensors. The vector was designed as a safe, non-infectious vector which could be used to invade, replicate, and introduce foreign genes into mature host plants that then allow the plant to sense chem/bio agents. The genes introduced through the vector included a reporter gene that encodes for green fluorescent protein (GFP) and a gene that encodes for a mammalian receptor that recognizes a chemical agent. Specifically, GFP was induced by the presence of 17-{beta}-Estradiol (estrogen). Detection of fluorescence indicated the presence of the target chemical agent. Since the sensor is a plant, costly device packaging development or manufacturing of the sensor were not required. Additionally, the biological recognition and reporting elements are maintained in a living, natural environment and therefore do not suffer from lifetime disadvantages typical of most biosensing platforms. Detection of the chem/bio agent reporter (GFP) can be detected only at a specific wavelength.

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Bio micro fuel cell grand challenge final report

Apblett, Christopher A.; Novak, James L.; Hudgens, James J.; Podgorski, Jason R.; Brozik, Susan M.; Flemming, Jeb H.; Ingersoll, David I.; Eisenbies, Stephen E.; Shul, Randy J.; Cornelius, Christopher J.; Fujimoto, Cy F.; Schubert, William K.; Hickner, Michael A.; Volponi, Joanne V.; Kelley, Michael J.; Zavadil, Kevin R.; Staiger, Chad S.; Dolan, Patricia L.; Harper, Jason C.; Doughty, Daniel H.; Casalnuovo, Stephen A.; Kelley, John B.; Simmons, Blake S.; Borek, Theodore T.; Meserole, Stephen M.; Alam, Todd M.; Cherry, Brian B.; Roberts, Greg

Abstract not provided.

Results 26–38 of 38
Results 26–38 of 38