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Integrated System and Application Continuous Performance Monitoring and Analysis Capability

Aaziz, Omar R.; Allan, Benjamin A.; Brandt, James M.; Cook, Jeanine C.; Devine, Karen D.; Elliott, James E.; Gentile, Ann C.; Hammond, Simon D.; Kelley, Brian M.; Lopatina, Lena L.; Moore, Stan G.; Olivier, Stephen L.; Pedretti, Kevin P.; Poliakoff, David Z.; Pawlowski, Roger P.; Regier, Phillip A.; Schmitz, Mark E.; Schwaller, Benjamin S.; Surjadidjaja, Vanessa S.; Swan, Matthew S.; Tucker, Nick T.; Tucker, Tom T.; Vaughan, Courtenay T.; Walton, Sara P.

Scientific applications run on high-performance computing (HPC) systems are critical for many national security missions within Sandia and the NNSA complex. However, these applications often face performance degradation and even failures that are challenging to diagnose. To provide unprecedented insight into these issues, the HPC Development, HPC Systems, Computational Science, and Plasma Theory & Simulation departments at Sandia crafted and completed their FY21 ASC Level 2 milestone entitled "Integrated System and Application Continuous Performance Monitoring and Analysis Capability." The milestone created a novel integrated HPC system and application monitoring and analysis capability by extending Sandia's Kokkos application portability framework, Lightweight Distributed Metric Service (LDMS) monitoring tool, and scalable storage, analysis, and visualization pipeline. The extensions to Kokkos and LDMS enable collection and storage of application data during run time, as it is generated, with negligible overhead. This data is combined with HPC system data within the extended analysis pipeline to present relevant visualizations of derived system and application metrics that can be viewed at run time or post run. This new capability was evaluated using several week-long, 290-node runs of Sandia's ElectroMagnetic Plasma In Realistic Environments ( EMPIRE ) modeling and design tool and resulted in 1TB of application data and 50TB of system data. EMPIRE developers remarked this capability was incredibly helpful for quickly assessing application health and performance alongside system state. In short, this milestone work built the foundation for expansive HPC system and application data collection, storage, analysis, visualization, and feedback framework that will increase total scientific output of Sandia's HPC users.

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Integrated System and Application Continuous Performance Monitoring and Analysis Capability

Brandt, James M.; Cook, Jeanine C.; Aaziz, Omar R.; Allan, Benjamin A.; Devine, Karen D.; Elliott, James J.; Gentile, Ann C.; Hammond, Simon D.; Kelley, Brian M.; Lopatina, Lena L.; Moore, Stan G.; Olivier, Stephen L.; Pedretti, Kevin P.; Poliakoff, David Z.; Pawlowski, Roger P.; Regier, Phillip A.; Schmitz, Mark E.; Schwaller, Benjamin S.; Surjadidjaja, Vanessa S.; Swan, Matthew S.; Tucker, Tom T.; Tucker, Nick T.; Vaughan, Courtenay T.; Walton, Sara P.

Abstract not provided.

Proctor: A Semi-Supervised Performance Anomaly Diagnosis Framework for Production HPC Systems

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

Aksar, Burak; Zhang, Yijia; Ates, Emre; Schwaller, Benjamin S.; Aaziz, Omar R.; Leung, Vitus J.; Brandt, James M.; Egele, Manuel; Coskun, Ayse K.

Performance variation diagnosis in High-Performance Computing (HPC) systems is a challenging problem due to the size and complexity of the systems. Application performance variation leads to premature termination of jobs, decreased energy efficiency, or wasted computing resources. Manual root-cause analysis of performance variation based on system telemetry has become an increasingly time-intensive process as it relies on human experts and the size of telemetry data has grown. Recent methods use supervised machine learning models to automatically diagnose previously encountered performance anomalies in compute nodes. However, supervised machine learning models require large labeled data sets for training. This labeled data requirement is restrictive for many real-world application domains, including HPC systems, because collecting labeled data is challenging and time-consuming, especially considering anomalies that sparsely occur. This paper proposes a novel semi-supervised framework that diagnoses previously encountered performance anomalies in HPC systems using a limited number of labeled data points, which is more suitable for production system deployment. Our framework first learns performance anomalies’ characteristics by using historical telemetry data in an unsupervised fashion. In the following process, we leverage supervised classifiers to identify anomaly types. While most semi-supervised approaches do not typically use anomalous samples, our framework takes advantage of a few labeled anomalous samples to classify anomaly types. We evaluate our framework on a production HPC system and on a testbed HPC cluster. We show that our proposed framework achieves 60% F1-score on average, outperforming state-of-the-art supervised methods by 11%, and maintains an average 0.06% anomaly miss rate.

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Using Monitoring Data to Improve HPC Performance via Network-Data-Driven Allocation

2021 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference, HPEC 2021

Zhang, Yijia; Aksar, Burak; Aaziz, Omar R.; Schwaller, Benjamin S.; Brandt, James M.; Leung, Vitus J.; Egele, Manuel; Coskun, Ayse K.

On high-performance computing (HPC) systems, job allocation strategies control the placement of a job among available nodes. As the placement changes a job's communication performance, allocation can significantly affects execution times of many HPC applications. Existing allocation strategies typically make decisions based on resource limit, network topology, communication patterns, etc. However, system network performance at runtime is seldom consulted in allocation, even though it significantly affects job execution times.In this work, we demonstrate using monitoring data to improve HPC systems' performance by proposing a NetworkData-Driven (NeDD) job allocation framework, which monitors the network performance of an HPC system at runtime and allocates resources based on both network performance and job characteristics. NeDD characterizes system network performance by collecting the network traffic statistics on each router link, and it characterizes a job's sensitivity to network congestion by collecting Message Passing Interface (MPI) statistics. During allocation, NeDD pairs network-sensitive (network-insensitive) jobs with nodes whose parent routers have low (high) network traffic. Through experiments on a large HPC system, we demonstrate that NeDD reduces the execution time of parallel applications by 11% on average and up to 34%.

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Towards workload-adaptive scheduling for HPC clusters

Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, ICCC

Goponenko, Alexander V.; Izadpanah, Ramin; Brandt, James M.; Dechev, Damian

The performance of HPC clusters depends on efficient scheduling of jobs. However, modern schedulers generally lack real-time information about resource utilization and require users to provide information, which is seldom accurate, on job requirements. The problem is exacerbated as HPC systems become increasingly more complicated and heterogeneous, which gives rise to new resource constraints (GPU, parallel file system, network bandwidth, burst buffers, etc.) In this work, we integrated data from LDMS, the Lightweight Distributed Metric Service, with Slurm, a popular job scheduler. To demonstrate the capabilities of such integration, we enabled scheduling based on the Lustre file system throughput. We demonstrated benefits of measurement of real-time utilization, prediction of applications requirements from historical data, and finer control of resources, in a preliminary evaluation of scheduling on a cluster of virtual machines. We also identified the possibility of further improving the scheduling efficiency through workload-adaptive scheduling, by adjusting the scheduling based on characteristics of the pending job. We validated the feasibility of this strategy by simulating job executions in our custom-made HPC cluster simulator.

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HPC System Data Pipeline to Enable Meaningful Insights through Analysis-Driven Visualizations

Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, ICCC

Schwaller, Benjamin S.; Tucker, Nick; Tucker, Tom; Allan, Benjamin A.; Brandt, James M.

The increasing complexity of High Performance Computing (HPC) systems has created a growing need for facilitating insight into system performance and utilization for administrators and users. The strides made in HPC system monitoring data collection have produced terabyte/day sized time-series data sets rich with critical information, but it is onerous to extract and construe meaningful information from these metrics. We have designed and developed an architecture that enables flexible, as-needed, run-time analysis and presentation capabilities for HPC monitoring data. Our architecture enables quick and efficient data filtration and analysis. Complex runtime or historical analyses can be expressed as Python-based computations. Results of analyses and a variety of HPC oriented summaries are displayed in a Grafana front-end interface. To demonstrate our architecture, we have deployed it in production for a 1500-node HPC system and have developed analyses and visualizations requested by system administrators, and later employed by users, to track key metrics about the cluster at a job, user, and system level. Our architecture is generic, applicable to any*-nix based system, and it is extensible to supporting multi-cluster HPC centers. We structure it with easily replaced modules that allow unique customization across clusters and centers. In this paper, we describe the data collection and storage infrastructure, the application created to query and analyze data from a custom database, and the visual displays created to provide clear insights into HPC system behavior.

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A study of network congestion in two supercomputing high-speed interconnects

Proceedings - 2019 IEEE Symposium on High-Performance Interconnects, HOTI 2019

Jha, Saurabh; Patke, Archit; Brandt, James M.; Gentile, Ann C.; Showerman, Mike; Roman, Eric; Kalbarczyk, Zbigniew T.; Kramer, Bill; Iyer, Ravishankar K.

Network congestion in high-speed interconnects is a major source of application runtime performance variation. Recent years have witnessed a surge of interest from both academia and industry in the development of novel approaches for congestion control at the network level and in application placement, mapping, and scheduling at the system-level. However, these studies are based on proxy applications and benchmarks that are not representative of field-congestion characteristics of high-speed interconnects. To address this gap, we present (a) an end-to-end framework for monitoring and analysis to support long-term field-congestion characterization studies, and (b) an empirical study of network congestion in petascale systems across two different interconnect technologies: (i) Cray Gemini, which uses a 3-D torus topology, and (ii) Cray Aries, which uses the DragonFly topology.

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Online Diagnosis of Performance Variation in HPC Systems Using Machine Learning

IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems

Tuncer, Ozan; Ates, Emre; Zhang, Yijia; Turk, Ata; Brandt, James M.; Leung, Vitus J.; Egele, Manuel; Coskun, Ayse K.

As the size and complexity of high performance computing (HPC) systems grow in line with advancements in hardware and software technology, HPC systems increasingly suffer from performance variations due to shared resource contention as well as software-and hardware-related problems. Such performance variations can lead to failures and inefficiencies, which impact the cost and resilience of HPC systems. To minimize the impact of performance variations, one must quickly and accurately detect and diagnose the anomalies that cause the variations and take mitigating actions. However, it is difficult to identify anomalies based on the voluminous, high-dimensional, and noisy data collected by system monitoring infrastructures. This paper presents a novel machine learning based framework to automatically diagnose performance anomalies at runtime. Our framework leverages historical resource usage data to extract signatures of previously-observed anomalies. We first convert collected time series data into easy-to-compute statistical features. We then identify the features that are required to detect anomalies, and extract the signatures of these anomalies. At runtime, we use these signatures to diagnose anomalies with negligible overhead. We evaluate our framework using experiments on a real-world HPC supercomputer and demonstrate that our approach successfully identifies 98 percent of injected anomalies and consistently outperforms existing anomaly diagnosis techniques.

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Production application performance data streaming for system monitoring

ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems

Izadpanah, Ramin; Allan, Benjamin A.; Dechev, Damian; Brandt, James M.

In this article, we present an approach to streaming collection of application performance data. Practical application performance tuning and troubleshooting in production high-performance computing (HPC) environments requires an understanding of how applications interact with the platform, including (but not limited to) parallel programming libraries such as Message Passing Interface (MPI). Several profiling and tracing tools exist that collect heavy runtime data traces either in memory (released only at application exit) or on a file system (imposing an I/O load that may interfere with the performance being measured). Although these approaches are beneficial in development stages and post-run analysis, a systemwide and low-overhead method is required to monitor deployed applications continuously. This method must be able to collect information at both the application and system levels to yield a complete performance picture. In our approach, an application profiler collects application event counters. A sampler uses an efficient inter-process communication method to periodically extract the application counters and stream them into an infrastructure for performance data collection. We implement a tool-set based on our approach and integrate it with the Lightweight Distributed Metric Service (LDMS) system, a monitoring system used on large-scale computational platforms. LDMS provides the infrastructure to create and gather streams of performance data in a low overhead manner. We demonstrate our approach using applications implemented with MPI, as it is one of the most common standards for the development of large-scale scientific applications. We utilize our tool-set to study the impact of our approach on an open source HPC application, Nalu. Our tool-set enables us to efficiently identify patterns in the behavior of the application without source-level knowledge. We leverage LDMS to collect system-level performance data and explore the correlation between the system and application events. Also, we demonstrate how our tool-set can help detect anomalies with a low latency. We run tests on two different architectures: a system enabled with Intel Xeon Phi and another system equipped with Intel Xeon processor. Our overhead study shows our method imposes at most 0.5% CPU usage overhead on the application in realistic deployment scenarios.

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Large-Scale System Monitoring Experiences and Recommendations

Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, ICCC

Ahlgren, Ville; Andersson, Stefan; Brandt, James M.; Cardo, Nicholas; Chunduri, Sudheer; Enos, Jeremy; Fields, Parks; Gentile, Ann C.; Gerber, Richard; Gienger, Michael; Greenseid, Joe; Greiner, Annette; Hadri, Bilel; He, Yun; Hoppe, Dennis; Kaila, Urpo; Kelly, Kaki; Klein, Mark; Kristiansen, Alex; Leak, Steve; Mason, Mike; Pedretti, Kevin P.; Piccinali, Jean G.; Repik, Jason; Rogers, Jim; Salminen, Susanna; Showerman, Mike; Whitney, Cary; Williams, Jim

Monitoring of High Performance Computing (HPC) platforms is critical to successful operations, can provide insights into performance-impacting conditions, and can inform methodologies for improving science throughput. However, monitoring systems are not generally considered core capabilities in system requirements specifications nor in vendor development strategies. In this paper we present work performed at a number of large-scale HPC sites towards developing monitoring capabilities that fill current gaps in ease of problem identification and root cause discovery. We also present our collective views, based on the experiences presented, on needs and requirements for enabling development by vendors or users of effective sharable end-to-end monitoring capabilities.

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Characterizing Supercomputer Traffic Networks Through Link-Level Analysis

Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, ICCC

Jha, Saurabh; Brandt, James M.; Gentile, Ann C.; Kalbarczyk, Zbigniew; Iyer, Ravishankar

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Large-Scale System Monitoring Experiences and Recommendations

Ahlgren, V.A.; Andersson, S.A.; Brandt, James M.; Cardo, N.C.; Chunduri, S.C.; Enos, J.E.; Fields, P.F.; Gentile, Ann C.; Gerber, R.B.; Gienger, M.G.; Greenseid, J.G.; Greiner, A.G.; Hadri, B.H.; He, Y.H.; Hoppe, D.H.; Kaila, U.K.; Kelly, K.K.; Klein, M.K.; Kristiansen, A.K.; Leak, S.L.; Mason, M.M.; Pedretti, Kevin P.; Piccinali, J-G.P.; Repik, Jason; Rogers, J.R.; Salminen, S.S.; showerman, m.s.; Whitney, C.W.; Williams, J.W.

Abstract not provided.

Integrating low-latency analysis into HPC system monitoring

ACM International Conference Proceeding Series

Izadpanah, Ramin; Naksinehaboon, Nichamon; Brandt, James M.; Gentile, Ann C.; Dechev, Damian

The growth of High Performance Computer (HPC) systems increases the complexity with respect to understanding resource utilization, system management, and performance issues. While raw performance data is increasingly exposed at the component level, the usefulness of the data is dependent on the ability to do meaningful analysis on actionable timescales. However, current system monitoring infrastructures largely focus on data collection, with analysis performed off-system in post-processing mode. This increases the time required to provide analysis and feedback to a variety of consumers. In this work, we enhance the architecture of a monitoring system used on large-scale computational platforms, to integrate streaming analysis capabilities at arbitrary locations within its data collection, transport, and aggregation facilities. We leverage the flexible communication topology of the monitoring system to enable placement of transformations based on overhead concerns, while still enabling low-latency exposure on node. Our design internally supports and exposes the raw and transformed data uniformly for both node level and off-system consumers. We show the viability of our implementation for a case with production-relevance: run-time determination of the relative per-node files system demands.

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Cray System Monitoring: Successes Requirements and Priorities

Ahlgren, Ville A.; Andersson, Stefan A.; Brandt, James M.; Cardo, Nicholas C.; Chunduri, Sudheer C.; Enos, Jeremy E.; Fields, Parks F.; Gentile, Ann C.; Gerber, Richard G.; Greenseid, Joe G.; Greiner, Annette G.; Hadri, Bilel H.; He, Yun H.; Hoppe, Dennis H.; Kaila, Urpo K.; Kelly, Kaki K.; Klein, Mark K.; Kristiansen, Alex K.; Leak, Steve L.; Mason, Mike M.; Pedretti, Kevin P.; Piccinali, Jean-Guillaume P.; Repik, Jason; Rogers, Jim R.; Salminen, Susanna S.; Showerman, Mike S.; Whitney, Cary W.; Williams, Jim W.

Abstract not provided.

Cray System Monitoring: Successes Requirements and Priorities

Ahlgren, Ville A.; Andersson, Stefan A.; Brandt, James M.; Cardo, Nicholas C.; Chunduri, Sudheer C.; Enos, Jeremy E.; Fields, Parks F.; Gentile, Ann C.; Gerber, Richard G.; Greenseid, Joe G.; Greiner, Annette G.; Hadri, Bilel H.; He, Yun H.; Hoppe, Dennis H.; Kaila, Urpo K.; Kelly, Kaki K.; Klein, Mark K.; Kristiansen, Alex K.; Leak, Steve L.; Mason, Mike M.; Pedretti, Kevin P.; Piccinali, Jean-Guillaume P.; Repik, Jason; Rogers, Jim R.; Salminen, Susanna S.; Showerman, Mike S.; Whitney, Cary W.; Williams, Jim W.

Abstract not provided.

Results 1–50 of 157
Results 1–50 of 157