A Detailed Numerical Simulation of an Impulsively Started N-Dodecane Lifted Jet Flame at 40 Bar
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Combustion and Flame
The flame structure corresponding to lean hydrogen–air premixed flames in intense sheared turbulence in the thin reaction zone regime is quantified from flame thickness and conditional scalar dissipation rate statistics, obtained from recent direct numerical simulation data of premixed temporally-evolving turbulent slot jet flames [1]. It is found that, on average, these sheared turbulent flames are thinner than their corresponding planar laminar flames. Extensive analysis is performed to identify the reason for this counter-intuitive thinning effect. The factors controlling the flame thickness are analyzed through two different routes i.e., the kinematic route, and the transport and chemical kinetics route. The kinematic route is examined by comparing the statistics of the normal strain rate due to fluid motion with the statistics of the normal strain rate due to varying flame displacement speed or self-propagation. It is found that while the fluid normal straining is positive and tends to separate iso-scalar surfaces, the dominating normal strain rate due to self-propagation is negative and tends to bring the iso-scalar surfaces closer resulting in overall thinning of the flame. The transport and chemical kinetics route is examined by studying the non-unity Lewis number effect on the premixed flames. The effects from the kinematic route are found to couple with the transport and chemical kinetics route. In addition, the intermittency of the conditional scalar dissipation rate is also examined. It is found to exhibit a unique non-monotonicity of the exponent of the stretched exponential function, conventionally used to describe probability density function tails of such variables. The non-monotonicity is attributed to the detailed chemical structure of hydrogen-air flames in which heat release occurs close to the unburnt reactants at near free-stream temperatures.
Combustion and Flame
In the present work, a direct numerical simulation (DNS) of an experimental high Karlovitz number (Ka) CH4/air piloted premixed flame was analyzed to study the inner structure and the stabilization mechanism of the turbulent flame. A reduced chemical mechanism for premixed CH4/air combustion with NOx based on GRI-Mech3.0 was used, including 268 elementary reactions and 28 transported species. The evolution of the stretch factor, I0, indicates that the burning rate per unit flame surface area is considerably reduced in the near field and exhibits a minimum at x/D = 8. Downstream, the burning rate gradually increases. The stretch factor is different between different species, suggesting the quenching of some reactions but not others. Comparison between the turbulent flame and strained laminar flames indicates that certain aspects of the mean flame structure can be represented surprisingly well by flamelets if changes in boundary conditions are accounted for and the strain rate of the mean flow is employed; however, the thickening of the flame due to turbulence is not captured. The spatial development of displacement speeds is studied at higher Ka than previous DNS. In contrast to almost all previous studies, the mean displacement speed conditioned on the flame front is negative in the near field, and the dominant contribution to the displacement speed is normal diffusion with the reaction contribution being secondary. Further downstream, reaction overtakes normal diffusion, contributing to a positive displacement speed. The negative displacement speed in the near field implies that the flame front situates itself in the pilot region where the inner structure of the turbulent flame is affected significantly, and the flame stabilizes in balance with the inward flow. Notably, in the upstream region of the turbulent flame, the main reaction contributing to the production of OH, H+O2⇔O+OH (R35), is weak. Moreover, oxidation reactions, H2+OH⇔H+H2O (R79) and CO+OH⇔CO2+H (R94), are influenced by H2O and CO2 from the pilot and are completely quenched. Hence, the entire radical pool of OH, H and O is affected. However, the fuel consumption layer remains comparably active and generates heat, mainly via the reaction CH4+OH⇔CH3+H2O (R93).
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
A two-dimensional direct numerical simulation of the ignition at diesel engine-relevant conditions was performed at 40 atm and at 900 K ambient temperature using dimethyl ether (DME) as the fuel with a 30 species reduced chemical mechanism. At these conditions similar to diesel fuel DME exhibited two-stage ignition. The low-temperature chemistry analysis revealed a "spotty" first-stage autoignition in lean regions which transitions to a diffusively supported cool-flame and then propagates up the local mixture fraction gradient towards richer regions. The cool-flame speed was much faster than can be attributed to spatial gradients in first-stage ignition delay time in homogeneous reactors and it caused a shortening of the second-stage ignition delay times compared to a homogeneous reactor wherein the shortening became more pronounced at richer mixtures. Multiple high-temperature ignition kernels were noted over a range of rich mixtures that are much richer than the homogeneous most reactive mixture and most kernels formed much earlier than suggested by the homogeneous ignition delay time of the corresponding local mixture.
Combustion and Flame
With the goal of providing a more detailed fundamental understanding of ignition processes in diesel engines, this study reports analysis of a direct numerical simulation (DNS) database. In the DNS, a pseudo turbulent mixing layer of dimethyl ether (DME) at 400 K and air at 900 K is simulated at a pressure of 40 atmospheres. At these conditions, DME exhibits a two-stage ignition and resides within the negative temperature coefficient (NTC) regime of ignition delay times, similar to diesel fuel. The analysis reveals a complex ignition process with several novel features. Autoignition occurs as a distributed, two-stage event. The high-temperature stage of ignition establishes edge flames that have a hybrid premixed/autoignition flame structure similar to that previously observed for lifted laminar flames at similar thermochemical conditions. A combustion mode analysis based on key radical species illustrates the multi-stage and multi-mode nature of the ignition process and highlights the substantial modelling challenge presented by diesel combustion.
Abstract not provided.
Combustion Science and Technology
Dissipation spectra of velocity and reactive scalars—temperature and fuel mass fraction—in turbulent premixed flames are studied using direct numerical simulation data of a temporally evolving lean hydrogen-air premixed planar jet (PTJ) flame and a statistically stationary planar lean methane-air (SP) flame. The equivalence ratio in both cases was 0.7, the pressure 1 atm while the unburned temperature was 700 K for the hydrogen-air PTJ case and 300 K for methane-air SP case, resulting in data sets with a density ratio of 3 and 5, respectively. The turbulent Reynolds numbers for the cases ranged from 200 to 428.4, the Damköhler number from 3.1 to 29.1, and the Karlovitz number from 0.1 to 4.5. The dissipation spectra collapse when normalized by the respective Favre-averaged dissipation rates. However, the normalized dissipation spectra in all the cases deviate noticeably from those predicted by classical scaling laws for constant-density turbulent flows and bear a clear influence of the chemical reactions on the dissipative range of the energy cascade.
Combustion and Flame
A three-dimensional direct numerical simulation (DNS) of a turbulent lifted dimethyl ether (DME) slot jet flame was performed at elevated pressure to study interactions between chemical reactions with low-temperature heat release (LTHR), negative temperature coefficient (NTC) reactions and shear generated turbulence in a jet in a heated coflow. By conditioning on mixture fraction, local reaction zones and local heat release rate, the turbulent flame is revealed to exhibit a "pentabrachial" structure that was observed for a laminar DME lifted flame [Krisman et al., (2015)]. The propagation characteristics of the stabilization and triple points are also investigated. Potential stabilization points, spatial locations characterized by preferred temperature and mixture fraction conditions, exhibit autoignition characteristics with large reaction rate and negligible molecular diffusion. The actual stabilization point which coincides with the most upstream samples from the pool of potential stabilization points fovr each spanwise location shows passive flame structure with large diffusion. The propagation speed along the stoichiometric surface near the triple point is compared with the asymptotic value obtained from theory [Ruetsch et al., (1995)]. At stoichiometric conditions, the asymptotic and averaged DNS values of flame displacement speed deviate by a factor of 1.7. However, accounting for the effect of low-temperature species on the local flame speed increase, these two values become comparable. This suggests that the two-stage ignition influences the triple point propagation speed through enhancement of the laminar flame speed in a configuration where abundant low-temperature products from the first stage, low-temperature ignition are transported to the lifted flame by the high-velocity jet.
Combustion and Flame
This paper presents a statistical analysis of edge flames in a turbulent lifted flame using direct numerical simulation (DNS). To investigate the dynamics of edge flames, a theoretical framework describing the edge-flame propagation velocity as a function of propagation velocities of mixture-fraction and product-mass fraction iso-surfaces at the flame base is used. The correlations between these propagation velocities and several other variables are then studied, including iso-surface curvatures, iso-surface orientations, strain rates, scalar dissipation rate and gradients of product mass fraction. The contribution of these parameters to the overall behaviour of the edge flame is also investigated using conditional averaging on two-dimensional spatial locations at the flame base. The analysis reveals that the tangential and normal strain rates in addition to the curvatures and scalar dissipation rates have significant contributions to the overall behaviour of the edge flame. The elliptical motion of the flame base described in our earlier study [1] is extended to provide a clearer picture of how these various parameters affect the large fluctuations of edge-flame velocity observed at the flame base.
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Combustion and Flame
The diffusive-thermal (D-T) instability of opposed nonpremixed tubular flames near extinction is investigated using two-dimensional (2-D) direct numerical simulations together with the linear stability analysis. Two different initial conditions (IC), i.e. the perturbed IC and the C-shaped IC are adopted to elucidate the effects of small and large amplitude disturbances on the formation of flame cells, similar to conditions found in linear stability analysis and experiments, respectively. The characteristics of the D-T instability of tubular flames are identified by a critical Damköhler number, DaC, at which the D-T instability first occurs and the corresponding number of flame cells for three different tubular flames with different flame radii. It is found that DaC predicted through linear stability analysis shows good agreement with that obtained from the 2-D simulations performed with two different ICs. The flame cell number, Ncell, from the 2-D simulations with the perturbed IC is also found to be equal to an integer close to the maximum wavenumber, kmax, obtained from the linear stability analysis. However, Ncell from the 2-D simulations with the C-shaped IC is smaller than kmax and Ncell found from the simulations with the perturbed IC. This is primarily because the strong reaction at the edges of the horseshoe-shaped cellular flame developed from the C-shaped IC is more likely to produce larger flame cells and reduce Ncell. It is also found that for cases with the C-shaped IC, once the cellular instability occurs, the number of flame cells remains constant until global extinction occurs by incomplete reaction manifested by small Da. It is also verified through the displacement speed, Sd, analysis that the two edges of the horseshoe-shaped cellular flame are stationary and therefore do not merge due to the diffusion-reaction balance at the edges. Moreover, large negative Sd is observed at the local extinction points while small positive or negative Sd features in the movement of flame cells as they adjust their location and size towards steady state.
International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, SC
Application resilience is a key challenge that has to be addressed to realize the exascale vision. Online recovery, even when it involves all processes, can dramatically reduce the overhead of failures as compared to the more traditional approach where the job is terminated and restarted from the last checkpoint. In this paper we explore how local recovery can be used for certain classes of applications to further reduce overheads due to resilience. Specifically we develop programming support and scalable runtime mechanisms to enable online and transparent local recovery for stencil-based parallel applications on current leadership class systems. We also show how multiple independent failures can be masked to effectively reduce the impact on the total time to solution. We integrate these mechanisms with the S3D combustion simulation, and experimentally demonstrate (using the Titan Cray-XK7 system at ORNL) the ability to tolerate high failure rates (i.e., node failures every 5 seconds) with low overhead while sustaining performance, at scales up to 262144 cores.
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IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
Computing distance fields is fundamental to many scientific and engineering applications. Distance fields can be used to direct analysis and reduce data. In this paper, we present a highly scalable method for computing 3D distance fields on massively parallel distributed-memory machines. A new distributed spatial data structure, named parallel distance tree, is introduced to manage the level sets of data and facilitate surface tracking over time, resulting in significantly reduced computation and communication costs for calculating the distance to the surface of interest from any spatial locations. Our method supports several data types and distance metrics from real-world applications. We demonstrate its efficiency and scalability on state-of-the-art supercomputers using both large-scale volume datasets and surface models. We also demonstrate in-situ distance field computation on dynamic turbulent flame surfaces for a petascale combustion simulation. Our work greatly extends the usability of distance fields for demanding applications.
Post-Moore's law scaling is creating a disruptive shift in simulation workflows, as saving the entirety of raw data to persistent storage becomes expensive. We are moving away from a post-process centric data analysis paradigm towards a concurrent analysis framework, in which raw simulation data is processed as it is computed. Algorithms must adapt to machines with extreme concurrency, low communication bandwidth, and high memory latency, while operating within the time constraints prescribed by the simulation. Furthermore, in- put parameters are often data dependent and cannot always be prescribed. The study of sublinear algorithms is a recent development in theoretical computer science and discrete mathematics that has significant potential to provide solutions for these challenges. The approaches of sublinear algorithms address the fundamental mathematical problem of understanding global features of a data set using limited resources. These theoretical ideas align with practical challenges of in-situ and in-transit computation where vast amounts of data must be processed under severe communication and memory constraints. This report details key advancements made in applying sublinear algorithms in-situ to identify features of interest and to enable adaptive workflows over the course of a three year LDRD. Prior to this LDRD, there was no precedent in applying sublinear techniques to large-scale, physics based simulations. This project has definitively demonstrated their efficacy at mitigating high performance computing challenges and highlighted the rich potential for follow-on re- search opportunities in this space.
Combustion and Flame
Direct numerical simulations of three-dimensional spatially-developing turbulent Bunsen flames were performed at three different turbulence intensities. The simulations were performed using a reduced methane-air chemical mechanism which was specifically tailored for the lean premixed conditions simulated here. A planar-jet turbulent Bunsen flame configuration was used in which turbulent preheated methane-air mixture at 0.7 equivalence ratio issued through a central jet and was surrounded by a hot laminar coflow of burned products. The turbulence characteristics at the jet inflow were selected such that combustion occured in the thin reaction zones (TRZ) regime. At the lowest turbulence intensity, the conditions fall on the boundary between the TRZ regime and the corrugated flamelet regime, and progressively moved further into the TRZ regime by increasing the turbulent intensity. The data from the three simulations was analyzed to understand the effect of turbulent stirring on the flame structure and thickness. Statistical analysis of the data showed that the thermal preheat layer of the flame was thickened due to the action of turbulence, but the reaction zone was not significantly affected. A global and local analysis of the burning velocity of the flame was performed to compare the different flames. Detailed statistical averages of the flame speed were also obtained to study the spatial dependence of displacement speed and its correlation to strain rate and curvature.
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Journal of Fluid Mechanics
A turbulent lifted slot-jet flame is studied using direct numerical simulation (DNS). A one-step chemistry model is employed with a mixture-fraction-dependent activation energy which can reproduce qualitatively the dependence of the laminar burning rate on the equivalence ratio that is typical of hydrocarbon fuels. The basic structure of the flame base is first examined and discussed in the context of earlier experimental studies of lifted flames. Several features previously observed in experiments are noted and clarified. Some other unobserved features are also noted. Comparison with previous DNS modelling of hydrogen flames reveals significant structural differences. The statistics of flow and relative edge-flame propagation velocity components conditioned on the leading edge locations are then examined. The results show that, on average, the streamwise flame propagation and streamwise flow balance, thus demonstrating that edge-flame propagation is the basic stabilisation mechanism. Fluctuations of the edge locations and net edge velocities are, however, significant. It is demonstrated that the edges tend to move in an essentially two-dimensional (2D) elliptical pattern (laterally outwards towards the oxidiser, then upstream, then inwards towards the fuel, then downstream again). It is proposed that this is due to the passage of large eddies, as outlined in Su et al. (Combust. Flame, vol. 144 (3), 2006, pp. 494-512). However, the mechanism is not entirely 2D, and out-of-plane motion is needed to explain how flames escape the high-velocity inner region of the jet. Finally, the time-averaged structure is examined. A budget of terms in the transport equation for the product mass fraction is used to understand the stabilisation from a time-averaged perspective. The result of this analysis is found to be consistent with the instantaneous perspective. The budget reveals a fundamentally 2D structure, involving transport in both the streamwise and transverse directions, as opposed to possible mechanisms involving a dominance of either one direction of transport. It features upstream transport balanced by entrainment into richer conditions, while on the rich side, upstream turbulent transport and entrainment from leaner conditions balance the streamwise convection.
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Combustion and Flame
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HPDC 2015 - Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing
Application resilience is a key challenge that must be ad-dressed in order to realize the exascale vision. Previous work has shown that online recovery, even when done in a global manner (i.e., involving all processes), can dramatically re-duce the overhead of failures when compared to the more traditional approach of terminating the job and restarting it from the last stored checkpoint. In this paper we suggest going one step further, and explore how local recovery can be used for certain classes of applications to reduce the over-heads due to failures. Specifically we study the feasibility of local recovery for stencil-based parallel applications and we show how multiple independent failures can be masked to effectively reduce the impact on the total time to solution.
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Combustion and Flame
This paper reports the results of a joint experimental and numerical study of the flow characteristics and flame structure of a hydrogen rich jet injected normal to a turbulent, vitiated crossflow of lean methane combustion products. Simultaneous high-speed stereoscopic PIV and OH PLIF measurements were obtained and analyzed alongside three-dimensional direct numerical simulations of inert and reacting JICF with detailed H2/CO chemistry. Both the experiment and the simulation reveal that, contrary to most previous studies of reacting JICF stabilized in low-to-moderate temperature air crossflow, the present conditions lead to a burner-attached flame that initiates uniformly around the burner edge. Significant asymmetry is observed, however, between the reaction zones located on the windward and leeward sides of the jet, due to the substantially different scalar dissipation rates. The windward reaction zone is much thinner in the near field, while also exhibiting significantly higher local and global heat release than the much broader reaction zone found on the leeward side of the jet. The unsteady dynamics of the windward shear layer, which largely control the important jet/crossflow mixing processes in that region, are explored in order to elucidate the important flow stability implications arising in the inert and reacting JICF. The paper concludes with an analysis of the ignition, flame characteristics, and global structure of the burner-attached flame. Chemical explosive mode analysis (CEMA) shows that the entire windward shear layer, and a large region on the leeward side of the jet, are highly explosive prior to ignition and are dominated by non-premixed flame structures after ignition. The predominantly mixing limited nature of the flow after ignition is examined by computing the Takeno flame index, which shows that ~70% of the heat release occurs in non-premixed regions.
Combustion and Flame
Three-dimensional direct numerical simulation results of a transverse syngas fuel jet in turbulent cross-flow of air are analyzed to study the influence of varying volume fractions of CO relative to H2 in the fuel composition on the near field flame stabilization. The mean flame stabilizes at a similar location for CO-lean and CO-rich cases despite the trend suggested by their laminar flame speed, which is higher for the CO-lean condition. To identify local mixtures having favorable mixture conditions for flame stabilization, explosive zones are defined using a chemical explosive mode timescale. The explosive zones related to flame stabilization are located in relatively low velocity regions. The explosive zones are characterized by excess hydrogen transported solely by differential diffusion, in the absence of intense turbulent mixing or scalar dissipation rate. The conditional averages show that differential diffusion is negatively correlated with turbulent mixing. Moreover, the local turbulent Reynolds number is insufficient to estimate the magnitude of the differential diffusion effect. Alternatively, the Karlovitz number provides a better indicator of the importance of differential diffusion. A comparison of the variations of differential diffusion, turbulent mixing, heat release rate and probability of encountering explosive zones demonstrates that differential diffusion predominantly plays an important role for mixture preparation and initiation of chemical reactions, closely followed by intense chemical reactions sustained by sufficient downstream turbulent mixing. The mechanism by which differential diffusion contributes to mixture preparation is investigated using the Takeno Flame Index. The mean Flame Index, based on the combined fuel species, shows that the overall extent of premixing is not intense in the upstream regions. However, the Flame Index computed based on individual contribution of H2 or CO species reveals that hydrogen contributes significantly to premixing, particularly in explosive zones in the upstream leeward region, i.e. at the preferred flame stabilization location. Therefore, a small amount of H2 diffuses much faster than CO, creating relatively homogeneous mixture pockets depending on the competition with turbulent mixing. These pockets, together with high H2 reactivity, contribute to stabilizing the flame at a consistent location regardless of the CO concentration in the fuel for the present range of DNS conditions.
Combustion and Flame
This paper presents the results of DNS of a partially premixed turbulent syngas/air flame at atmospheric pressure. The objective was to assess the importance and possible effects of molecular transport on flame behavior and structure. To this purpose DNS were performed at with two proprietary DNS codes and with three different molecular diffusion transport models: fully multi-component, mixture averaged, and imposing the Lewis number of all species to be unity. Results indicate that At the Reynolds numbers of the simulations (Returb = 600, Re = 8000) choice of molecular diffusion models affects significantly the temperature and concentration fields;Assuming Le = 1 for all species predicts temperatures up to 250 K higher than the physically realistic multi-component model;Faster molecular transport of lighter species changes the local concentration field and affects reaction pathways and chemical kinetics. A possible explanation for these observations is provided in terms of species diffusion velocity that is a strong function of gradients: thus, at sufficiently large Reynolds numbers, gradients and their effects tend to be large. The preliminary conclusion from these simulations seems to indicate molecular diffusion as the third important mechanism active in flames besides convective transport and kinetics. If confirmed by further DNS and measurements, molecular transport in high intensity turbulent flames will have to be realistically modeled to accurately predict emissions (gaseous and particulates) and other combustor performance metrics.
Combustion and Flame
In this paper, two- and three-dimensional direct numerical simulations (DNS) of autoignition phenomena in stratified dimethyl-ether (DME)/air turbulent mixtures are performed. A reduced DME oxidation mechanism, which was obtained using rigorous mathematical reduction and stiffness removal procedure from a detailed DME mechanism with 55 species, is used in the present DNS. The reduced DME mechanism consists of 30 chemical species. This study investigates the fundamental aspects of turbulence-mixing-autoignition interaction occurring in homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) engine environments. A homogeneous isotropic turbulence spectrum is used to initialize the velocity field in the domain. The computational configuration corresponds to a constant volume combustion vessel with inert mass source terms added to the governing equations to mimic the pressure rise due to piston motion, as present in practical engines. DME autoignition is found to be a complex three-staged process; each stage corresponds to a distinct chemical kinetic pathway. The distinct role of turbulence and reaction in generating scalar gradients and hence promoting molecular transport processes are investigated. By applying numerical diagnostic techniques, the different heat release modes present in the igniting mixture are identified. In particular, the contribution of homogeneous autoignition, spontaneous ignition front propagation, and premixed deflagration towards the total heat release are quantified.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
Results are presented here from a three-dimensional direct numerical simulation of a temporally-evolving planar slot jet flame and experimental measurements within a spatially-evolving axisymmetric jet flame operating with DME (dimethyl ether, CH3OCH3) as the fuel. Both simulation and experiment are conducted at a Reynolds number of 13050. The Damköhler number, stoichiometric mixture fraction and fuel and oxidizer compositions also are matched between simulation and experiment. Simultaneous OH/CH2O PLIF imaging is performed experimentally to characterize the spatial structure of the turbulent DME flames. The simulation shows a fully burning flame initially, which undergoes partial extinction and subsequently, reignition. The scalar dissipation rate (χ) increases to a value much greater than that calculated from near-extinction strained laminar flames, leading to the observed local extinction. As the turbulence decays, the local values of χ decrease and the flame reignites. The reignition process appears to be strongly dependent on the local χ value, which is consistent with previous results for simpler fuels. Statistics of OH and CH2O are compared between simulation and experiment and found to agree. The applicability of OH/CH2O (formaldehyde) product imaging as a surrogate for peak heat release rate is investigated. The concentration product is found to predict peak heat release rate extremely well in the simulation data. When this product imaging is applied to the experimental data, a similar extinction/reignition pattern also is observed in the experiments as a function of axial position. A new 30-species reduced chemical mechanism for DME was also developed as part of this work.
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Flow, Turbulence and Combustion
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This paper reports the results of a joint experimental and numerical study of the ow characteristics and flame stabilization of a hydrogen rich jet injected normal to a turbulent, vitiated cross ow of lean methane combustion products. Simultaneous high-speed stereoscopic PIV and OH PLIF measurements were obtained and analyzed alongside three-dimensional direct numerical simulations of inert and reacting JICF with detailed H2/CO chemistry. Both the experiment and the simulation reveal that, contrary to most previous studies of reacting JICF stabilized in low-to-moderate temperature air cross ow, the present conditions lead to an autoigniting, burner-attached flame that initiates uniformly around the burner edge. Significant asymmetry is observed, however, between the reaction zones located on the windward and leeward sides of the jet, due to the substantially different scalar dissipation rates. The windward reaction zone is much thinner in the near field, while also exhibiting significantly higher local and global heat release than the much broader reaction zone found on the leeward side of the jet. The unsteady dynamics of the windward shear layer, which largely control the important jet/cross flow mixing processes in that region, are explored in order to elucidate the important flow stability implications arising in the reacting JICF. Vorticity spectra extracted from the windward shear layer reveal that the reacting jet is globally unstable and features two high frequency peaks, including a fundamental mode whose Strouhal number of ~0.7 agrees well with previous non-reacting JICF stability studies. The paper concludes with an analysis of the ignition, ame stabilization, and global structure of the burner-attached flame. Chemical explosive mode analysis (CEMA) shows that the entire windward shear layer, and a large region on the leeward side of the jet, are highly explosive prior to ignition and are dominated by non-premixed flame structures after ignition. The predominantly mixing limited nature of the flow after ignition is confirmed by computing the Takeno flame index, which shows that ~70% of the heat release occurs in non-premixed regions.
Abstract not provided.
International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, SC
The ever increasing amount of data generated by scientific simulations coupled with system I/O constraints are fueling a need for in-situ analysis techniques. Of particular interest are approaches that produce reduced data representations while maintaining the ability to redefine, extract, and study features in a post-process to obtain scientific insights. This paper presents two variants of in-situ feature extraction techniques using segmented merge trees, which encode a wide range of threshold based features. The first approach is a fast, low communication cost technique that generates an exact solution but has limited scalability. The second is a scalable, local approximation that nevertheless is guaranteed to correctly extract all features up to a predefined size. We demonstrate both variants using some of the largest combustion simulations available on leadership class supercomputers. Our approach allows state-of-the-art, feature-based analysis to be performed in-situ at significantly higher frequency than currently possible and with negligible impact on the overall simulation runtime.
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J. Fluid Mech.
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J. Fluid Mech.
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