
Results 26–50 of 161
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Direct numerical simulation of flame stabilization assisted by autoignition in a reheat gas turbine combustor

Proceedings of the Combustion Institute

Konduri, Aditya K.; Gruber, Andrea; Xu, Chao; Lu, Tianfeng; Krisman, Alexander K.; Bothien, Mirko R.; Chen, Jacqueline H.

A three-dimensional direct numerical simulation (DNS) is performed for a turbulent hydrogen-air flame, represented with detailed chemistry, stabilized in a model gas-turbine combustor. The combustor geometry consists of a mixing duct followed by a sudden expansion and a combustion chamber, which represents a geometrically simplified version of Ansaldo Energia's GT26/GT36 sequential combustor design. In this configuration, a very lean blend of hydrogen and vitiated air is prepared in the mixing duct and convected into the combustion chamber, where the residence time from the inlet of the mixing duct to the combustion chamber is designed to coincide with the ignition delay time of the mixture. The results show that when the flame is stabilized at its design position, combustion occurs due to both autoignition and flame propagation (deflagration) modes at different locations within the combustion chamber. A chemical explosive mode analysis (CEMA) reveals that most of the fuel is consumed due to autoignition in the bulk-flow along the centerline of the combustor, and lower amounts of fuel are consumed by flame propagation near the corners of the sudden expansion, where the unburnt temperature is reduced by the thermal wall boundary layers. An unstable operating condition is also identified, wherein periodic auto-ignition events occur within the mixing duct. These events appear upstream of the intended stabilization position, due to positive temperature fluctuations induced by pressure waves originating from within the combustion chamber. The present DNS investigation represents the initial step of a comprehensive research effort aimed at gaining detailed physical insight into the rate-limiting processes that govern the sequential combustor behavior and avoid the insurgence of the off-design auto-ignition events.

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A parametric study of ignition dynamics at ECN Spray A thermochemical conditions using 2D DNS

Proceedings of the Combustion Institute

Krisman, Alexander K.; Hawkes, Evatt R.; Chen, Jacqueline H.

The ignition process in diesel engines is highly complex and incompletely understood. In the present study, two-dimensional direct numerical simulations are performed to investigate the ignition dynamics and their sensitivity to thermochemical and mixing parameters. The thermochemical and mixing conditions are matched to the benchmark Spray A experiment from the Engine Combustion Network. The results reveal a complex ignition process with overlapping stages of: low-temperature ignition (cool flames), rich premixed ignition, and nonpremixed ignition, which are qualitatively consistent with prior experimental and numerical investigations, however, this is the first time that fully-resolved simulations have been reported at the actual Spray A thermochemical condition. Parametric variations are then performed for the Damkohler number Da, oxidiser temperature, oxygen concentration, and peak mixture fraction (a measure of premixedness), to study their effect on the ignition dynamics. It is observed that with both increasing oxidiser temperature and decreasing oxygen concentration, that the cool flame moves to richer mixtures, the overlap in the ignition stages decreases, and the (nondimensional) time taken to reach a fully burning state increases. With increasing Da, the cool-flame speed is decreased due to lower mean mixing rates, which causes a delayed onset of high-temperature ignition. With increasing peak mixture fraction, the onset of each stage of ignition is not affected, but the overall duration of the ignition increases leading to a longer burn duration. Overall, the results suggest that turbulence-chemistry interactions play a significant role in determining the timing and location in composition space of the entire ignition process.

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Direct numerical simulations of premixed and stratified flame propagation in turbulent channel flow

Physical Review Fluids

Gruber, Andrea; Richardson, Edward S.; Konduri, Aditya K.; Chen, Jacqueline H.

Direct numerical simulations are performed to investigate the transient upstream flame propagation (flashback) through homogeneous and fuel-stratified hydrogen-air mixtures transported in fully developed turbulent channel flows. Results indicate that, for both cases, the flame maintains steady propagation against the bulk flow direction, and the global flame shape and the local flame characteristics are both affected by the occurrence of fuel stratification. Globally, the mean flame shape undergoes an abrupt change when the approaching reactants transition from an homogeneous to a stratified mixing configuration. A V-shaped flame surface, whose leading-edge is located in the near-wall region, characterizes the nonstratified, homogeneous mixture case, while a U-shaped flame surface, whose leading edge propagates upstream at the channel centerline, distinguishes the case with fuel stratification (fuel-lean in the near-wall region and fuel-rich away from the wall). The characteristic thickness, wrinkling, and displacement speed of the turbulent flame brush are subject to considerable changes across the channel due to the dependence of the turbulence and mixture properties on the distance from the channel walls. More specifically, the flame transitions from a moderately wrinkled, thin-flamelet combustion regime in the homogeneous mixture case to a strongly wrinkled flame brush more representative of a thickened-flame combustion regime in the near-wall region of the fuel-stratified case. The combustion regime may be related to the Karlovitz number, and it is shown that a nominal channel-flow Karlovitz number, Kainch, based on the wall-normal variation of canonical turbulence (tη=(ν/ϵ)1/2) and chemistry (tl=δl/Sl) timescales in fully developed channel flow, compares well with an effective Karlovitz number, Kaflch, extracted from the present DNS datasets using conditionally sampled values of tη and tl in the immediate vicinity of the flame (0.1

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Fluid age-based analysis of a lifted turbulent DME jet flame DNS [Residence Time-Based Analysis of a Lifted Turbulent DME Jet Flame]

Proceedings of the Combustion Institute

Shin, Dong-Hyuk S.; Richardson, Edward S.; Aparace-Scutariu, Vlad A.; Minamoto, Yuki M.; Chen, Jacqueline H.

The link between the distribution of fluid residence time and the distribution of reactive scalars is analysed using Direct Numerical Simulation data. Information about the reactive scalar distribution is needed in order to model the reaction terms that appear in Large Eddy and Reynolds-Averaged simulations of turbulent reacting flows. The lifted flame is simulated taking account of multi-step chemistry for dimethyl-ether fuel and differential diffusion. Due to autoignition and flame propagation, the reaction progress increases with residence time. The variation of fluid residence time is evaluated by solving an Eulerian transport equation for the fluid age. The fluid age is a passive scalar with a spatially-uniform source term, meaning that its moments and dissipation rates in turbulent flows can be modelled using closures already established for conserved scalars such as mixture fraction. In combination with the mixture fraction, the fluid age serves as a useful mapping variable to distinguish younger less-reacted fluid near the inlet from older more-reacted fluid downstream. The local fluctuations of mixture fraction and fluid age have strong negative correlation and, building upon established presumed-pdf models for mixture fraction, this feature can be used to construct an accurate presumed-pdf model for the joint mixture fraction/fluid age pdf. It is demonstrated that the double-conditional first-order moment closure combined with the proposed presumed model for the joint pdf of mixture fraction and fluid age gives accurate predictions for unconditional reaction rates – both for pre-ignition radical species produced by low-temperature processes upstream of the flame base, and for major species that are produced at the flame front.

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Optimal Compressed Sensing and Reconstruction of Unstructured Mesh Datasets

Data Science and Engineering

Salloum, Maher S.; Fabian, Nathan D.; Hensinger, David M.; Lee, Jina L.; Allendorf, Elizabeth M.; Bhagatwala, Ankit; Blaylock, Myra L.; Chen, Jacqueline H.; Templeton, Jeremy A.; Tezaur, Irina

Exascale computing promises quantities of data too large to efficiently store and transfer across networks in order to be able to analyze and visualize the results. We investigate compressed sensing (CS) as an in situ method to reduce the size of the data as it is being generated during a large-scale simulation. CS works by sampling the data on the computational cluster within an alternative function space such as wavelet bases and then reconstructing back to the original space on visualization platforms. While much work has gone into exploring CS on structured datasets, such as image data, we investigate its usefulness for point clouds such as unstructured mesh datasets often found in finite element simulations. We sample using a technique that exhibits low coherence with tree wavelets found to be suitable for point clouds. We reconstruct using the stagewise orthogonal matching pursuit algorithm that we improved to facilitate automated use in batch jobs. We analyze the achievable compression ratios and the quality and accuracy of reconstructed results at each compression ratio. In the considered case studies, we are able to achieve compression ratios up to two orders of magnitude with reasonable reconstruction accuracy and minimal visual deterioration in the data. Our results suggest that, compared to other compression techniques, CS is attractive in cases where the compression overhead has to be minimized and where the reconstruction cost is not a significant concern.

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Scalable Failure Masking for Stencil Computations using Ghost Region Expansion and Cell to Rank Remapping

SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

Gamell, Marc G.; Teranishi, Keita T.; Kolla, Hemanth K.; Mayo, Jackson M.; Heroux, Michael A.; Chen, Jacqueline H.; Parashar, Manish P.

In order to achieve exascale systems, application resilience needs to be addressed. Some programming models, such as task-DAG (directed acyclic graphs) architectures, currently embed resilience features whereas traditional SPMD (single program, multiple data) and message-passing models do not. Since a large part of the community's code base follows the latter models, it is still required to take advantage of application characteristics to minimize the overheads of fault tolerance. To that end, this paper explores how recovering from hard process/node failures in a local manner is a natural approach for certain applications to obtain resilience at lower costs in faulty environments. In particular, this paper targets enabling online, semitransparent local recovery for stencil computations on current leadership-class systems as well as presents programming support and scalable runtime mechanisms. Also described and demonstrated in this paper is the effect of failure masking, which allows the effective reduction of impact on total time to solution due to multiple failures. Furthermore, we discuss, implement, and evaluate ghost region expansion and cell-to-rank remapping to increase the probability of failure masking. To conclude, this paper shows the integration of all aforementioned mechanisms with the S3D combustion simulation through an experimental demonstration (using the Titan system) of the ability to tolerate high failure rates (i.e., node failures every five seconds) with low overhead while sustaining performance at large scales. In addition, this demonstration also displays the failure masking probability increase resulting from the combination of both ghost region expansion and cell-to-rank remapping.

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Modeling and simulating multiple failure masking enabled by local recovery for stencil-based applications at extreme scales

IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems

Gamell, Marc; Teranishi, Keita T.; Mayo, Jackson M.; Kolla, Hemanth K.; Heroux, Michael A.; Chen, Jacqueline H.; Parashar, Manish

Obtaining multi-process hard failure resilience at the application level is a key challenge that must be overcome before the promise of exascale can be fully realized. Previous work has shown that online global recovery can dramatically reduce the overhead of failures when compared to the more traditional approach of terminating the job and restarting it from the last stored checkpoint. If online recovery is performed in a local manner further scalability is enabled, not only due to the intrinsic lower costs of recovering locally, but also due to derived effects when using some application types. In this paper we model one such effect, namely multiple failure masking, that manifests when running Stencil parallel computations on an environment when failures are recovered locally. First, the delay propagation shape of one or multiple failures recovered locally is modeled to enable several analyses of the probability of different levels of failure masking under certain Stencil application behaviors. Our results indicate that failure masking is an extremely desirable effect at scale which manifestation is more evident and beneficial as the machine size or the failure rate increase.

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Two-stage autoignition and edge flames in a high pressure turbulent jet

Journal of Fluid Mechanics

Krisman, Alexander K.; Hawkes, Evatt R.; Chen, Jacqueline H.

A three-dimensional direct numerical simulation is conducted for a temporally evolving planar jet of n-heptane at a pressure of 40 atmospheres and in a coflow of air at 1100 K. At these conditions, n-heptane exhibits a two-stage ignition due to low- and high-temperature chemistry, which is reproduced by the global chemical model used in this study. The results show that ignition occurs in several overlapping stages and multiple modes of combustion are present. Low-temperature chemistry precedes the formation of multiple spatially localised high-temperature chemistry autoignition events, referred to as 'kernels'. These kernels form within the shear layer and core of the jet at compositions with short homogeneous ignition delay times and in locations experiencing low scalar dissipation rates. An analysis of the kernel histories shows that the ignition delay time is correlated with the mixing rate history and that the ignition kernels tend to form in vortically dominated regions of the domain, as corroborated by an analysis of the topology of the velocity gradient tensor. Once ignited, the kernels grow rapidly and establish edge flames where they envelop the stoichiometric isosurface. A combination of kernel formation (autoignition) and the growth of existing burning surface (via edge-flame propagation) contributes to the overall ignition process. An analysis of propagation speeds evaluated on the burning surface suggests that although the edge-flame speed is promoted by the autoignitive conditions due to an increase in the local laminar flame speed, edge-flame propagation of existing burning surfaces (triggered initially by isolated autoignition kernels) is the dominant ignition mode in the present configuration.

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Examination of the effect of differential molecular diffusion in DNS of turbulent non-premixed flames

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy

Han, Chao; Lignell, David O.; Hawkes, Evatt R.; Chen, Jacqueline H.; Wang, Haifeng

The effect of differential molecular diffusion (DMD) in turbulent non-premixed flames is studied by examining two previously reported DNS of temporally evolving planar jet flames, one with CO/H2 as the fuel and the other with C2H4 as the fuel. The effect of DMD in the CO/H2 DNS flames in which H2 is part of fuel is found to behave similar to laminar flamelet, while in the C2H4 DNS flames in which H2 is not present in the fuel it is similar to laminar flamelet in early stages but becomes different from laminar flamelet later. The scaling of the effect of DMD with respect to the Reynolds number Re is investigated in the CO/H2 DNS flames, and an evident power law scaling (∼Re−a with a a positive constant) is observed. The scaling of the effect of DMD with respect to the Damköhler number Da is explored in both laminar counter-flow jet C2H4 diffusion flames and the C2H4 DNS flames. A power law scaling (∼Daa with a a positive constant) is clearly demonstrated for C2H4 nonpremixed flames.

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Results 26–50 of 161
Results 26–50 of 161