A High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse (HEMP) is a potential threat to the power grid. HEMP can couple to transmission lines and cables, causing significant overvoltages which can be harmful to line connected equipment. The effects of overvoltages on various types of power systems components need to be understood. HEMP effects on trip coils were tested and presented in this report. A high voltage pulser was built to replicate the induced voltage waveform from a HEMP. The pulser was used to test breaker trip coils with increasing pulse magnitudes ranging from 20 kV to 80 kV. The State-of-Health of each trip coils was measured via mechanical operation and impedance measurements before and after each insult to identify any damage or degradation to the trip coils. Dielectric breakdown was observed at the conductor leads during testing, causing the HEMP insult to be diverted to the grounded casing. However, the dielectric breakdown did not cause interference with regular device operation.
Determining the effectiveness of surge and pulse protection devices in the United States power grid against effects of a High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse (HEMP) is crucial in determining the present state of grid resilience. Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors (TVSS) are used to protect loads in substations from transient overvoltages. Designed to mitigate the effects of lightning, their response to a HEMP event is unknown and was determined. TVSSs were tested in two unique configurations using a pulser that generates pulses in the tens of nanoseconds scale to determine their protective capability as well as to determine their self-resilience against HEMP pulses. Testing concluded that TVSS devices adequately protect against microsecond scale pulses like lightning but do not protect against pulses resembling HEMP events. It suggests that TVSS devices should not be relied upon to mitigate the effects of HEMP pulses.
This report examines the interactions involved with flashover along a surface in high density electronegative gases. The focus is on fast ionization processes rather than the later time ionic drift or thermalization of the discharge. A kinetic simulation of the gas and surface is used to examine electron multiplication and includes gas collision, excitation and ionization, and attachment processes, gas photoionization and surface photoemission processes, as well as surface attachment. These rates are then used in a 1.5D fluid ionization wave (streamer) model to study streamer propagation with and without the surface in air and in SF6. The 1.5D model therefore includes rates for all these processes. To get a better estimate for the behavior of the radius we have studied radial expansion of the streamer in air and in SF6. The focus of the modeling is on voltage and field level changes (with and without a surface) rather than secondary effects, such as, velocities or changes in discharge path. An experiment has been set up to carry out measurements of threshold voltages, streamer velocities, and other discharge characteristics. This setup includes both electrical and photographic diagnostics (streak and framing cameras). We have observed little change in critical field levels (where avalanche multiplication sets in) in the gas alone versus with the surface. Comparisons between model calculations and experimental measurements are in agreement with this. We have examined streamer sustaining fields (field which maintains ionization wave propagation) in the gas and on the surface. Agreement of the gas levels with available literature is good and agreement between experiment and calculation is good also. Model calculations do not indicate much difference between the gas alone versus the surface levels. Experiments have identified differences in velocity between streamers on the surface and in the gas alone (the surface values being larger).
In October 2005, an intensive three-year Laser Triggered Gas Switch (LTGS) development program was initiated to investigate and solve observed performance and reliability issues with the LTGS for ZR. The approach taken has been one of mission-focused research: to revisit and reassess the design, to establish a fundamental understanding of LTGS operation and failure modes, and to test evolving operational hypotheses. This effort is aimed toward deploying an initial switch for ZR in 2007, on supporting rolling upgrades to ZR as the technology can be developed, and to prepare with scientific understanding for the even higher voltage switches anticipated needed for future high-yield accelerators. The ZR LTGS was identified as a potential area of concern quite early, but since initial assessments performed on a simplified Switch Test Bed (STB) at 5 MV showed 300-shot lifetimes on multiple switch builds, this component was judged acceptable. When the Z{sub 20} engineering module was brought online in October 2003 frequent flashovers of the plastic switch envelope were observed at the increased stresses required to compensate for the programmatically increased ZR load inductance. As of October 2006, there have been 1423 Z{sub 20} shots assessing a variety of LTGS designs. Numerous incremental and fundamental switch design modifications have been investigated. As we continue to investigate the LTGS, the basic science of plastic surface tracking, laser triggering, cascade breakdown, and optics degradation remain high-priority mission-focused research topics. Significant progress has been made and, while the switch does not yet achieve design requirements, we are on the path to develop successively better switches for rolling upgrade improvements to ZR. This report summarizes the work performed in FY 2006 by the large team. A high-level summary is followed by detailed individual topical reports.
The later time phase of electrical breakdown in water is investigated for the purpose of improving understanding of the discharge characteristics. One dimensional simulations in addition to a zero dimensional lumped model are used to study the spark discharge. The goal is to provide better electrical models for water switches used in the pulse compression section of pulsed power systems. It is found that temperatures in the discharge channel under representative drive conditions, and assuming small initial radii from earlier phases of development, reach levels that are as much as an order of magnitude larger than those used to model discharges in atmospheric gases. This increased temperature coupled with a more rapidly rising conductivity with temperature than in air result in a decreased resistance characteristic compared to preceding models. A simple modification is proposed for the existing model to enable the approximate calculation of channel temperature and incorporate the resulting conductivity increase into the electrical circuit for the discharge channel. Comparisons are made between the theoretical predictions and recent experiments at Sandia. Although present and past experiments indicated that preceding late time channel models overestimated channel resistance, the calculations in this report seem to underestimate the resistance relative to recent experiments. Some possible reasons for this discrepancy are discussed.
We report on the successful attempts to trigger high voltage pressurized gas switches by utilizing beam transport through 1 MO-cm deionized water. The wavelength of the laser radiation was 532 nm. We have investigated Nd: YAG laser triggering of a 6 MV, SF6 insulated gas switch for a range of laser and switch parameters. Laser wavelength of 532 nm with nominal pulse lengths of 10 ns full width half maximum (FWHM) were used to trigger the switch. The laser beam was transported through 67 cm-long cell of 1 MO-cm deionized water constructed with anti reflection UV grade fused silica windows. The laser beam was then focused to form a breakdown arc in the gas between switch electrodes. Less than 10 ns jitter in the operation of the switch was obtained for laser pulse energies of between 80-110 mJ. Breakdown arcs more than 35 mm-long were produced by using a 70 cm focusing optic.
Electrical breakdown simulations are carried out for liquids in response to a sub-microsecond ({approx}100-200 ns) voltage pulse. This model builds on our previous analysis and focuses particularly on the polarity effect seen experimentally in point-plane geometries. The flux-corrected transport approach is used for the numerical implementation. Our model adequately explains experimental observations of pre-breakdown current fluctuations, streamer propagation and branching as well as disparities in hold-off voltage and breakdown initiation times between the anode and cathode polarities. It is demonstrated that polarity effects basically arise from the large mobility difference between electrons and ions. The higher electron mobility leads to greater charge smearing and diffusion that impacts the local electric field distributions. Non-linear couplings between the number density, electric field and charge generation rates then collectively affect the formation of ionized channels and their temporal dynamics.
In the mid-90's, breakthroughs were achieved at Sandia with z-pinches for high energy density physics on the Saturn machine. These initial tests led to the modification of the PBFA II machine to provide high currents rather than the high voltage it was initially designed for. The success of z-pinch for high energy density physics experiments insured a new mission for the converted accelerator, known as Z since 1997. Z now provides a unique capability to a number of basic science communities and has expanded its mission to include radiation effects research, inertial confinement fusion and material properties research. To achieve continued success, the physics community has requested higher peak current, better precision and pulse shaping versatility be incorporated into the refurbishment of the Z machine, known as ZR. In addition to the performance specification for ZR of a peak current of 26 MA with an implosion time of 100 ns, the machine also has a reliability specification to achieve 400 shots per year. While changes to the basic architecture of the Z machine are minor, the vast majority of its components have been redesigned. Moreover the increase in peak current from its present 18 MA to ZR's peak current of 26 MA at nominal operating parameters requires significantly higher voltages. These higher voltages, along with the reliability requirement, mandate a system assessment be performed to insure the requirements have been met. This paper will describe the System Assessment Test Program (SATPro) for the ZR project and report on the results.
Approximate formulas are constructed and numerical simulations are carried out for electric field derivative probes that have the form of flush mounted monopoles. Effects such as rounded edges are included. A method is introduced to make results from two-dimensional conformal mapping analyses accurately apply to the three-dimensional axisymmetric probe geometry
Transverse electromagnetic (TEM) wave analysis is used to estimate the efficiencies of the coax to triplate transition in Sandia's Z-20 test module. The structure of both the TEM mode and higher order TE modes in the triplate transmission line are characterized. In addition, three dimensional time domain simulations are carried out and used in conjunction with the modal analysis to provide insight into the wave structure excited in the triplate transmission line.
Gas switch development for application in Z refurbishment (ZR) has continued since PPPS Conference 2001. Several iterations have been tested both in oil and water dielectrics. The first switch tested was an evolved version of the Sandia designed HERMES III switch. The 6MV ZR Baseline Switch consists of a self-breakdown (cascade) section in which the discharge current flows in several parallel channels, and a trigger section where the current flows through a single spark channel. The second switch tested is a Cantilevered Switch. The entire cascade section is cantilevered on a plastic support rod allowing for a single continuous insulator housing but having the same characteristics as the Baseline. The third switch tested is a Sandia Hybrid switch. The laser triggered section of the Hybrid switch includes 5 Cascade like electrodes connected in parallel to a triggered gap via a ∼2μH series isolation inductor. The discharge current in the Hybrid switch trigger section flows in several parallel channels eliminating the single channel flow as in the Baseline Switch trigger section. The design iterations of these switches and results of these tests are presented.