
Results 51–70 of 70
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Reduction of uncertainties in remote measurement of greenhouse gas fluxes

IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings

Zak, Bernard D.; Bader, Brett W.; Bambha, Ray B.; Michelsen, Hope A.; Boslough, Mark B.; Jacobson, Andrew R.

As the U.S. and the International Community come to grips with anthropogenic climate change, it will be necessary to develop accurate techniques with global span for remote measurement of emissions and uptake of greenhouse gases (GHGs), with special emphasis on carbon dioxide. Presently, techniques exist for in situ and local remote measurements. The first steps towards expansion of these techniques to span the world are only now being taken with the launch of satellites with the capability to accurately measure column abundances of selected GHGs, including carbon dioxide. These satellite sensors do not directly measure emissions and uptake. The satellite data, appropriately filtered and processed, provide only one necessary, but not sufficient, input for the determination of emission and uptake rates. Optimal filtering and processing is a challenge in itself. But these data must be further combined with output from data-assimilation models of atmospheric structure and flows in order to infer emission and uptake rates for relevant points and regions. In addition, it is likely that substantially more accurate determinations would be possible given the addition of data from a sparse network of in situ and/or upward-looking remote GHG sensors. We will present the most promising approaches we've found for combining satellite, in situ, fixed remote sensing, and other potentially available data with atmospheric data-assimilation and backwarddispersion models for the purpose of determination of point and regional GHG emission and uptake rates. We anticipate that the first application of these techniques will be to GHG management for the U.S. Subsequent application may be to confirmation of compliance of other nations with future international GHG agreements. ©2010 IEEE.

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The Atmospheric and Terrestrial Mobile Laboratory (ATML)

Zak, Bernard D.; Ivey, Mark D.; Bambha, Ray B.; Roskovensky, John K.; Schubert, William K.; Michelsen, Hope A.

The ionospheric disturbance dynamo signature in geomagnetic variations is investigated using the National Center for Atmospheric Research Thermosphere-Ionosphere-Electrodynamics General Circulation Model. The model results are tested against reference magnetically quiet time observations on 21 June 1993, and disturbance effects were observed on 11 June 1993. The model qualitatively reproduces the observed diurnal and latitude variations of the geomagnetic horizontal intensity and declination for the reference quiet day in midlatitude and low-latitude regions but underestimates their amplitudes. The patterns of the disturbance dynamo signature and its source 'anti-Sq' current system are well reproduced in the Northern Hemisphere. However, the model significantly underestimates the amplitude of disturbance dynamo effects when compared with observations. Furthermore, the largest simulated disturbances occur at different local times than the observations. The discrepancies suggest that the assumed high-latitude storm time energy inputs in the model were not quantitatively accurate for this storm.

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Results 51–70 of 70
Results 51–70 of 70