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Permeability-controlled migration of induced seismicity to deeper depths near Venus in North Texas

Scientific Reports

Chang, Kyung W.; Yoon, Hongkyu Y.

Migration of seismic events to deeper depths along basement faults over time has been observed in the wastewater injection sites, which can be correlated spatially and temporally to the propagation or retardation of pressure fronts and corresponding poroelastic response to given operation history. The seismicity rate model has been suggested as a physical indicator for the potential of earthquake nucleation along faults by quantifying poroelastic response to multiple well operations. Our field-scale model indicates that migrating patterns of 2015–2018 seismicity observed near Venus, TX are likely attributed to spatio-temporal evolution of Coulomb stressing rate constrained by the fault permeability. Even after reducing injection volumes since 2015, pore pressure continues to diffuse and steady transfer of elastic energy to the deep fault zone increases stressing rate consistently that can induce more frequent earthquakes at large distance scales. Sensitivity tests with variation in fault permeability show that (1) slow diffusion along a low-permeability fault limits earthquake nucleation near the injection interval or (2) rapid relaxation of pressure buildup within a high-permeability fault, caused by reducing injection volumes, may mitigate the seismic potential promptly.

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Continuous conditional generative adversarial networks for data-driven solutions of poroelasticity with heterogeneous material properties

Computers and Geosciences

Kadeethum, T.; O'Malley, D.; Choi, Y.; Viswanathan, H.S.; Bouklas, N.; Yoon, Hongkyu Y.

Machine learning-based data-driven modeling can allow computationally efficient time-dependent solutions of PDEs, such as those that describe subsurface multiphysical problems. In this work, our previous approach (Kadeethum et al., 2021d) of conditional generative adversarial networks (cGAN) developed for the solution of steady-state problems involving highly heterogeneous material properties is extended to time-dependent problems by adopting the concept of continuous cGAN (CcGAN). The CcGAN that can condition continuous variables is developed to incorporate the time domain through either element-wise addition or conditional batch normalization. Moreover, this framework can handle training data that contain different timestamps and then predict timestamps that do not exist in the training data. As a numerical example, the transient response of the coupled poroelastic process is studied in two different permeability fields: Zinn & Harvey transformation and a bimodal transformation. The proposed CcGAN uses heterogeneous permeability fields as input parameters while pressure and displacement fields over time are model output. Our results show that the model provides sufficient accuracy with computational speed-up. This robust framework will enable us to perform real-time reservoir management and robust uncertainty quantification in poroelastic problems.

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Deep learning-based spatio-temporal estimate of greenhouse gas emissions using satellite data

Yoon, Hongkyu Y.; Kadeethum, T.; Ringer, Robert J.; Harris, Trevor H.

Accurate estimation of greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions is very important for developing mitigation strategies to climate change by controlling and reducing GHG emissions. This project aims to develop multiple deep learning approaches to estimate anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions using multiple types of satellite data. NO2 concentration is chosen as an example of GHGs to evaluate the proposed approach. Two sentinel satellites (sentinel-2 and sentinel-5P) provide multiscale observations of GHGs from 10-60m resolution (sentinel-2) to ~kilometer scale resolution (sentinel-5P). Among multiple deep learning (DL) architectures evaluated, two best DL models demonstrate that key features of spatio-temporal satellite data and additional information (e.g., observation times and/or coordinates of ground stations) can be extracted using convolutional neural networks and feed forward neural networks, respectively. In particular, irregular time series data from different NO2 observation stations limit the flexibility of long short-term memory architecture, requiring zero-padding to fill in missing data. However, deep neural operator (DNO) architecture can stack time-series data as input, providing the flexibility of input structure without zero-padding. As a result, the DNO outperformed other deep learning architectures to account for time-varying features. Overall, temporal patterns with smooth seasonal variations were predicted very well, while frequent fluctuation patterns were not predicted well. In addition, uncertainty quantification using conformal inference method is performed to account for prediction ranges. Overall, this research will lead to a new groundwork for estimating greenhouse gas concentrations using multiple satellite data to enhance our capability of tracking the cause of climate change and developing mitigation strategies.

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Computational Analysis of Coupled Geoscience Processes in Fractured and Deformable Media

Yoon, Hongkyu Y.; Kucala, Alec K.; Chang, Kyung W.; Martinez, Mario J.; Bean, James B.; Kadeethum, T.; Warren, Maria W.; Wilson, Jennifer E.; Broome, Scott T.; Stewart, Lauren S.; Estrada, Diana E.; Bouklas, Nicholas B.; Fuhg, Jan N.

Prediction of flow, transport, and deformation in fractured and porous media is critical to improving our scientific understanding of coupled thermal-hydrological-mechanical processes related to subsurface energy storage and recovery, nonproliferation, and nuclear waste storage. Especially, earth rock response to changes in pressure and stress has remained a critically challenging task. In this work, we advance computational capabilities for coupled processes in fractured and porous media using Sandia Sierra Multiphysics software through verification and validation problems such as poro-elasticity, elasto-plasticity and thermo-poroelasticity. We apply Sierra software for geologic carbon storage, fluid injection/extraction, and enhanced geothermal systems. We also significantly improve machine learning approaches through latent space and self-supervised learning. Additionally, we develop new experimental technique for evaluating dynamics of compacted soils at an intermediate scale. Overall, this project will enable us to systematically measure and control the earth system response to changes in stress and pressure due to subsurface energy activities.

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Evaluation of accuracy and convergence of numerical coupling approaches for poroelasticity benchmark problems

Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment

Warren, Maria E.; Bean, James B.; Martinez, Mario J.; Kucala, Alec K.; Yoon, Hongkyu Y.

Accurate modeling of subsurface flow and transport processes is vital as the prevalence of subsurface activities such as carbon sequestration, geothermal recovery, and nuclear waste disposal increases. Computational modeling of these problems leverages poroelasticity theory, which describes coupled fluid flow and mechanical deformation. Although fully coupled monolithic schemes are accurate for coupled problems, they can demand significant computational resources for large problems. In this work, a fixed stress scheme is implemented into the Sandia Sierra Multiphysics toolkit. Two implementation methods, along with the fully coupled method, are verified with one-dimensional (1D) Terzaghi, 2D Mandel, and 3D Cryer sphere benchmark problems. The impact of a range of material parameters and convergence tolerances on numerical accuracy and efficiency was evaluated. Overall the fixed stress schemes achieved acceptable numerical accuracy and efficiency compared to the fully coupled scheme. However, the accuracy of the fixed stress scheme tends to decrease with low permeable cases, requiring the finer tolerance to achieve a desired numerical accuracy. For the fully coupled scheme, high numerical accuracy was observed in most of cases except a low permeability case where an order of magnitude finer tolerance was required for accurate results. Finally, a two-layer Terzaghi problem and an injection–production well system were used to demonstrate the applicability of findings from the benchmark problems for more realistic conditions over a range of permeability. Simulation results suggest that the fixed stress scheme provides accurate solutions for all cases considered with the proper adjustment of the tolerance. This work clearly demonstrates the robustness of the fixed stress scheme for coupled poroelastic problems, while a cautious selection of numerical tolerance may be required under certain conditions with low permeable materials.

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Potential Seismicity Along Basement Faults Induced by Geological Carbon Sequestration

Geophysical Research Letters

Chang, Kyung W.; Yoon, Hongkyu Y.; Martinez, Mario A.

Large-scale CO2 sequestration into geological formations has been suggested to reduce CO2 emissions from industrial activities. However, much like enhanced geothermal stimulation and wastewater injection, CO2 sequestration has a potential to induce earthquake along weak faults, which can be considered a negative impact on safety and public opinion. This research shows the physical mechanisms of potential seismic hazards along basement faults driven by CO2 sequestration under variation in geological and operational constraints. Specifically we compare the poroelastic behaviors between multiphase flow and single-phase flow cases, highlighting specific needs of evaluating induced seismicity associated with CO2 sequestration. In contrast to single-phase injection scenario, slower migration of the CO2 plume than pressure pulse may delay accumulation of pressure and stress along basement faults that may not be mitigated immediately by shut-in of injection. The impact of multiphase flow system, therefore, needs to be considered for proper monitoring and mitigation strategies.

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Fast and scalable earth texture synthesis using spatially assembled generative adversarial neural networks

Journal of Contaminant Hydrology

Kim, Sung E.; Yoon, Hongkyu Y.; Lee, Jonghyun

The earth texture with complex morphological geometry and compositions such as shale and carbonate rocks, is typically characterized with sparse field samples because of an expensive and time-consuming characterization process. Accordingly, generating arbitrary large size of the geological texture with similar topological structures at a low computation cost has become one of the key tasks for realistic geomaterial reconstruction and subsequent hydro-mechanical evaluation for science and engineering applications. Recently, generative adversarial neural networks (GANs) have demonstrated a potential of synthesizing input textural images and creating equiprobable geomaterial images for stochastic analysis of hydrogeological properties, for example, the feasibility of CO2 storage sites and exploration of unconventional resources. However, the texture synthesis with the GANs framework is often limited by the computational cost and scalability of the output texture size. In this study, we proposed a spatially assembled GANs (SAGANs) that can generate output images of an arbitrary large size regardless of the size of training images with computational efficiency. The performance of the SAGANs was evaluated with two and three dimensional (2D and 3D) rock image samples widely used in geostatistical reconstruction of the earth texture and Lattice-Boltzmann (LB) simulations were performed to compare pore-scale flow patterns and upscaled permeabilities of training and generated geomaterial images. We demonstrate SAGANs can generate the arbitrary large size of statistical realizations with connectivity and structural properties and flow characteristics similar to training images, and also can generate a variety of realizations even on a single training image. In addition, the computational time was significantly improved compared to standard GANs frameworks.

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Connectivity-informed drainage network generation using deep convolution generative adversarial networks

Scientific Reports

Kim, Sung E.; Seo, Yongwon; Hwang, Junshik; Yoon, Hongkyu Y.; Lee, Jonghyun

Stochastic network modeling is often limited by high computational costs to generate a large number of networks enough for meaningful statistical evaluation. In this study, Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks (DCGANs) were applied to quickly reproduce drainage networks from the already generated network samples without repetitive long modeling of the stochastic network model, Gibb’s model. In particular, we developed a novel connectivity-informed method that converts the drainage network images to the directional information of flow on each node of the drainage network, and then transforms it into multiple binary layers where the connectivity constraints between nodes in the drainage network are stored. DCGANs trained with three different types of training samples were compared; (1) original drainage network images, (2) their corresponding directional information only, and (3) the connectivity-informed directional information. A comparison of generated images demonstrated that the novel connectivity-informed method outperformed the other two methods by training DCGANs more effectively and better reproducing accurate drainage networks due to its compact representation of the network complexity and connectivity. This work highlights that DCGANs can be applicable for high contrast images common in earth and material sciences where the network, fractures, and other high contrast features are important.

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Predictive Data-driven Platform for Subsurface Energy Production

Yoon, Hongkyu Y.; Verzi, Stephen J.; Cauthen, Katherine R.; Musuvathy, Srideep M.; Melander, Darryl J.; Norland, Kyle N.; Morales, Adriana M.; Lee, Jonghyun H.; Sun, Alexander Y.

Subsurface energy activities such as unconventional resource recovery, enhanced geothermal energy systems, and geologic carbon storage require fast and reliable methods to account for complex, multiphysical processes in heterogeneous fractured and porous media. Although reservoir simulation is considered the industry standard for simulating these subsurface systems with injection and/or extraction operations, reservoir simulation requires spatio-temporal “Big Data” into the simulation model, which is typically a major challenge during model development and computational phase. In this work, we developed and applied various deep neural network-based approaches to (1) process multiscale image segmentation, (2) generate ensemble members of drainage networks, flow channels, and porous media using deep convolutional generative adversarial network, (3) construct multiple hybrid neural networks such as convolutional LSTM and convolutional neural network-LSTM to develop fast and accurate reduced order models for shale gas extraction, and (4) physics-informed neural network and deep Q-learning for flow and energy production. We hypothesized that physicsbased machine learning/deep learning can overcome the shortcomings of traditional machine learning methods where data-driven models have faltered beyond the data and physical conditions used for training and validation. We improved and developed novel approaches to demonstrate that physics-based ML can allow us to incorporate physical constraints (e.g., scientific domain knowledge) into ML framework. Outcomes of this project will be readily applicable for many energy and national security problems that are particularly defined by multiscale features and network systems.

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Isotopic fractionation as in-situ sensor of subsurface reactive flow and precursor for rock failure

Ilgen, Anastasia G.; Choens, Robert C.; Knight, Andrew W.; Harvey, Jacob A.; Martinez, Mario J.; Yoon, Hongkyu Y.; Wilson, Jennifer E.; Mills, Melissa M.; Wang, Qiaoyi W.; Gruenwald, Michael G.; Newell, Pania N.; Schuler, Louis S.; Davis, Haley J.

Greater utilization of subsurface reservoirs perturbs in-situ chemical-mechanical conditions with wide ranging consequences from decreased performance to project failure. Understanding the chemical precursors to rock deformation is critical to reducing the risks of these activities. To address this need, we investigated the coupled flow-dissolution- precipitation-adsorption reactions involving calcite and environmentally-relevant solid phases. Experimentally, we quantified (1) stable isotope fractionation processes for strontium during calcite nucleation and growth, and during reactive fluid flow; (2) consolidation behavior of calcite assemblages in the common brines. Numerically, we quantified water weakening of calcite using molecular dynamics simulations; and quantified the impact of calcite dissolution rate on macroscopic fracturing using finite element models. With microfluidic experiments and modeling, we show the effect of local flow fields on the dissolution kinetics of calcite. Taken together across a wide range of scales and methods, our studies allow us to separate the effects of reaction, flow, and transport, on calcite fracturing and the evolution of strontium isotopic signatures in the reactive fluids.

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Forecasting Marine Sediment Properties with Geospatial Machine Learning

Frederick, Jennifer M.; Eymold, William K.; Nole, Michael A.; Phrampus, Benjamin J.; Lee, Taylor R.; Wood, Warren T.; Fukuyama, David E.; Carty, Olin C.; Daigle, Hugh D.; Yoon, Hongkyu Y.; Conley, Ethan C.

Using a combination of geospatial machine learning prediction and sediment thermodynamic/physical modeling, we have developed a novel software workflow to create probabilistic maps of geoacoustic and geomechanical sediment properties of the global seabed. This new technique for producing reliable estimates of seafloor properties can better support Naval operations relying on sonar performance and seabed strength, can constrain models of shallow tomographic structure important for nuclear treaty compliance monitoring/detection, and can provide constraints on the distribution and inventory of shallow methane gas and gas hydrate accumulations on the continental shelves.

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Microfluidic Investigation of Salinity-Induced Oil Recovery in Porous Media during Chemical Flooding

Energy and Fuels

Park, Sung W.; Lee, Jonghyun; Yoon, Hongkyu Y.; Shin, Sangwoo

High and low salinity water flooding are common oil recovery processes performed in the oil fields for extracting crude oil from the reservoir. These processes are often performed sequentially, naturally establishing non-uniform salinity in the porous subsurface. In this article, we investigate oil transport in porous media induced by salinity change upon flooding with high and low salinity water. As we observe a large number of impervious dead-ends from three-dimensional imaging of the actual reservoir, we identify that these areas play an important role in oil recovery where the oil transport is governed by the salinity change rather than hydrodynamics. The salinity gradients induced upon high salinity water flooding provide pathways to enhance the transport of oil drops trapped in the dead-end regions via non-equilibrium effects. However, above a critical salinity, we observe a rapid aggregation of drops that lead to the complete blockage of the pore space, thereby inhibiting oil recovery. We also find that, at an intermediate salinity where the drop aggregation is modest, the aggregation rather promotes the oil recovery. Our observations suggest that there exist optimal salinity conditions for maximizing oil recovery during chemical flooding.

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Machine learning application for permeability estimation of three-dimensional rock images

CEUR Workshop Proceedings

Yoon, Hongkyu Y.; Melander, Darryl J.; Verzi, Stephen J.

Estimation of permeability in porous media is fundamental to understanding coupled multi-physics processes critical to various geoscience and environmental applications. Recent emerging machine learning methods with physics-based constraints and/or physical properties can provide a new means to improve computational efficiency while improving machine learning-based prediction by accounting for physical information during training. Here we first used three-dimensional (3D) real rock images to estimate permeability of fractured and porous media using 3D convolutional neural networks (CNNs) coupled with physics-informed pore topology characteristics (e.g., porosity, surface area, connectivity) during the training stage. Training data of permeability were generated using lattice Boltzmann simulations of segmented real rock 3D images. Our preliminary results show that neural network architecture and usage of physical properties strongly impact the accuracy of permeability predictions. In the future we can adjust our methodology to other rock types by choosing the appropriate architecture and proper physical properties, and optimizing the hyperparameters.

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Fracture Formation in Layered Synthetic Rocks with Oriented Mineral Fabric under Mixed Mode I and II Loading Conditions

55th U.S. Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium 2021

Jiang, Liyang; Yoon, Hongkyu Y.; Bobet, Antonio; Pyrak-Nolte, Laura J.

Anisotropy in the mechanical properties of rock is often attributed to bedding and mineral texture. Here, we use 3D printed synthetic rock to show that, in addition to bedding layers, mineral fabric orientation governs sample strength, surface roughness and fracture path under mixed mode I and II three point bending tests (3PB). Arrester (horizontal layering) and short traverse (vertical layering) samples were printed with different notch locations to compare pure mode I induced fractures to mixed mode I and II fracturing. For a given sample type, the location of the notch affected the intensity of mode II loading, and thus affected the peak failure load and fracture path. When notches were printed at the same location, crack propagation, peak failure load and fracture surface roughness were found to depend on both the layer and mineral fabric orientations. The uniqueness of the induced fracture path and roughness is a potential method for the assessment of the orientation and relative bonding strengths of minerals in a rock. With this information, we will be able to predict isotropic or anisotropic flow rates through fractures which is vital to induced fracturing, geothermal energy production and CO2 sequestration.

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Operational and geological controls of coupled poroelastic stressing and pore-pressure accumulation along faults: Induced earthquakes in Pohang, South Korea

Scientific Reports

Chang, Kyung W.; Yoon, Hongkyu Y.; Kim, Young H.; Lee, Moo Y.

Coupled poroelastic stressing and pore-pressure accumulation along pre-existing faults in deep basement contribute to recent occurrence of seismic events at subsurface energy exploration sites. Our coupled fluid-flow and geomechanical model describes the physical processes inducing seismicity corresponding to the sequential stimulation operations in Pohang, South Korea. Simulation results show that prolonged accumulation of poroelastic energy and pore pressure along a fault can nucleate seismic events larger than Mw3 even after terminating well operations. In particular the possibility of large seismic events can be increased by multiple-well operations with alternate injection and extraction that can enhance the degree of pore-pressure diffusion and subsequent stress transfer through a rigid and low-permeability rock to the fault. This study demonstrates that the proper mechanistic model and optimal well operations need to be accounted for to mitigate unexpected seismic hazards in the presence of the site-specific uncertainty such as hidden/undetected faults and stress regime.

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Hydromechanical Controls on the Spatiotemporal Patterns of Injection-Induced Seismicity in Different Fault Architecture: Implication for 2013–2014 Azle Earthquakes

Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth

Chang, Kyung W.; Yoon, Hongkyu Y.

Recent observations of seismic events at the subsurface energy exploration sites show that spatial and temporal correlations sometimes do not match the spatial order of the known or detected fault location from the injection well. This study investigates the coupled flow and geomechanical control on the patterns of induced seismicity along multiple basement faults that show an unusual spatiotemporal relation with induced seismicity occurring in the far field first, followed by the near field. Two possible geological scenarios considered are (1) the presence of conductive hydraulic pathway within the basement connected to the distant fault (hydraulic connectivity) and (2) no hydraulic pathway, but the coexistence of faults with mixed polarity (favorability to slip) as observed at Azle, TX. Based on the Coulomb stability analysis and seismicity rate estimates, simulation results show that direct pore pressure diffusion through a hydraulic pathway to the distant fault can generate a larger number of seismicity than along the fault close to the injection well. Prior to pore pressure diffusion, elastic stress transfer can initiate seismic activity along the favorably oriented fault, even at the longer distance to the well, which may explain the deep 2013–2014 Azle earthquake sequences. This study emphasizes that hydrological and geomechanical features of faults will locally control poroelastic coupling mechanisms, potentially influencing the spatiotemporal pattern of injection-induced seismicity, which can be used to infer subsurface architecture of fault/fracture networks.

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Permeability prediction of porous media using convolutional neural networks with physical properties

CEUR Workshop Proceedings

Yoon, Hongkyu Y.; Melander, Darryl J.; Verzi, Stephen J.

Permeability prediction of porous media system is very important in many engineering and science domains including earth materials, bio-, solid-materials, and energy applications. In this work we evaluated how machine learning can be used to predict the permeability of porous media with physical properties. An emerging challenge for machine learning/deep learning in engineering and scientific research is the ability to incorporate physics into machine learning process. We used convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to train a set of image data of bead packing and additional physical properties such as porosity and surface area of porous media are used as training data either by feeding them to the fully connected network directly or through the multilayer perception network. Our results clearly show that the optimal neural network architecture and implementation of physics-informed constraints are important to properly improve the model prediction of permeability. A comprehensive analysis of hyperparameters with different CNN architectures and the data implementation scheme of the physical properties need to be performed to optimize our learning system for various porous media system.

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Translating the micro-scale to the macro-scale: Signatures of fracture evolution

Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure Development- Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, ISRM 2019

Pyrak-Nolte, L.J.; Jiang, L.; Modiriasari, A.; Yoon, Hongkyu Y.; Bobet, A.

In this paper, the role of micro-scale properties and behavior on the detection of crack initiation, propagation and geochemical alteration is examined through three topics: (1) identification of a geophysical precursor for a system transitioning from meta-stability to unstable behavior with specific focus on crack nucleation, propagation and coalescence; (2) demonstration of acoustic emissions from geochemically-induced fractures; and (3) understanding the role of depositional layers and mineral fabric on tensile crack formation. The results from these studies advance current understanding of which microscopic properties of evolving fracture systems are most useful for predicting macroscopic behavior and the best imaging modalities to use to identify the seismic signatures of time evolving fracture properties.

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Pore-Scale Analysis of Calcium Carbonate Precipitation and Dissolution Kinetics in a Microfluidic Device

Environmental Science and Technology

Yoon, Hongkyu Y.; Chojnicki, Kirsten C.; Martinez, Mario J.

In this work, we have characterized the calcium carbonate (CaCO3) precipitates over time caused by reaction-driven precipitation and dissolution in a micromodel. Reactive solutions were continuously injected through two separate inlets, resulting in transverse-mixing induced precipitation during the precipitation phase. Subsequently, a dissolution phase was conducted by injecting clean water (pH = 4). The evolution of precipitates was imaged in two and three dimensions (2-, 3-D) at selected times using optical and confocal microscopy. With estimated reactive surface area, effective precipitation and dissolution rates can be quantitatively compared to results in the previous works. Our comparison indicates that we can evaluate the spatial and temporal variations of effective reactive areas more mechanistically in the microfluidic system only with the knowledge of local hydrodynamics, polymorphs, and comprehensive image analysis. Our analysis clearly highlights the feedback mechanisms between reactions and hydrodynamics. Pore-scale modeling results during the dissolution phase were used to account for experimental observations of dissolved CaCO3 plumes with dissolution of the unstable phase of CaCO3. Mineral precipitation and dissolution induce complex dynamic pore structures, thereby impacting pore-scale fluid dynamics. Pore-scale analysis of the evolution of precipitates can reveal the significance of chemical and pore structural controls on reaction and fluid migration.

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Investigation of Accessible Pore Structure Evolution under Pressurization and Adsorption for Coal and Shale Using Small-Angle Neutron Scattering

Energy and Fuels

Liu, Shimin; Zhang, Rui; Karpyn, Zuleima; Yoon, Hongkyu Y.; Dewers, Thomas D.

Pore structure is an important parameter to quantify the reservoir rock adsorption capability and diffusivity, both of which are fundamental reservoir properties to evaluate the gas production and carbon sequestration potential for coalbed methane (CBM) and shale gas reservoirs. In this study, we applied small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) to characterize the total and accessible pore structures for two coal and two shale samples. We carried out in situ SANS measurements to probe the accessible pore structure differences under argon, deuterated methane (CD 4 ), and CO 2 penetrations. The results show that the total porosity ranges between 0.25 and 5.8% for the four samples. Less than 50% of the total pores are accessible to CD 4 for the two coals, while more than 75% of the pores were found to be accessible for the two shales. This result suggests that organic matter pores tend to be disconnected compared to mineral matter pores. Argon pressurization can induce pore contraction because of the mechanical compression of the solid skeleton in both the coal and shale samples. Hydrostatic compression has a higher effect on the nanopores of coal and shale with a higher accessible porosity. Both methane and CO 2 injection can reduce the accessible nanopore volume due to a combination of mechanical compression, sorption-induced matrix swelling, and adsorbed molecule occupation. CO 2 has higher effects on sorption-induced matrix swelling and pore filling compared to methane for both the coal and shale samples. Gas densification and pore filling could occur at higher pressures and smaller pore sizes. In addition, the compression and adsorption could create nanopores in the San Juan coal and Marcellus shale drilled core but could have an opposite effect in the other samples, namely, the processes could damage the nanopores in the Hazleton coal and Marcellus shale outcrop.

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Coupled hydro-mechanical modeling of injection-induced seismicity in the multiphase flow system

53rd U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium

Chang, Kyung W.; Yoon, Hongkyu Y.; Martinez, Mario J.; Newell, Pania N.

The fluid injection into the subsurface perturbs the states of pore pressure and stress on the pre-existing faults, potentially causing earthquakes. In the multiphase flow system, the contrast of fluid and rock properties between different structures produces the changes in pressure gradients and subsequently stress fields. Assuming two-phase fluid flow (gas-water system) and poroelasticity, we simulate the three-layered formation including a basement fault, in which injection-induced pressure encounters the fault directly given injection scenarios. The single-phase poroelasticity model with the same setting is also conducted to evaluate the multiphase flow effects on poroelastic response of the fault to gas injection. Sensitivity tests are performed by varying the fault permeability. The presence of gaseous phase reduces the pressure buildup within the highly gas-saturated region, causing less Coulomb stress changes, whereas capillarity increases the pore pressure within the gas-water mixed region. Even though the gaseous plume does not approach the fault, the poroelastic stressing can affect the fault stability, potentially the earthquake occurrence.

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3-D Modeling of Induced Seismicity Along Multiple Faults: Magnitude, Rate, and Location in a Poroelasticity System

Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth

Chang, Kyung W.; Yoon, Hongkyu Y.

Understanding of the potential to injection-induced seismicity along faults requires the response of fault zone system to spatiotemporal perturbations in pore pressure and stress. In this study, three-dimensional (3-D) model system consisting of the caprock, reservoir, and basement is intersected by vertical strike-slip faults. We examine the full poroelastic behavior of the formation and perform the mechanical analysis along each fault zone using the Coulomb stress change. The magnitude, rate, and location of potential earthquakes are predicted using the spatial distribution of stresses and pore pressure over time. Rapid diffusion of pore pressure into conductive faults initiates failure, but the majority of induced seismicity occurs at deep fault zones due to poroelastic stabilization near the injection interval. Less permeable faults can be destabilized by either delayed pore pressure diffusion or poroelastic stressing. A two-dimensional (2-D) horizontal model, representing the interface between the reservoir and the basement, limits diffusion of pore pressure and deformation of the formation in the vertical direction that may overestimate or underestimate the potential of earthquakes along the fault. Our numerical results suggest that the 3-D modeling of faulting system including poroelastic coupling can reduce the uncertainty in the seismic hazard prediction by considering the hydraulic and mechanical interaction between faults and bounding formations.

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Seismicity rate surge on faults after shut-in: Poroelastic response to fluid injection

Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America

Chang, Kyung W.; Yoon, Hongkyu Y.; Martinez, Mario J.

Injection of large amounts of fluid into the subsurface alters the states of pore pressure and stress in the formation, potentially inducing earthquakes. Increase in the seismicity rate after shut-in is often observed at fluid-injection operation sites, but mechanistic study of the rate surge has not been investigated thoroughly. Considering full poroelastic coupling of pore pressure and stress, the earthquake occurrence after shut-in can be driven by two mechanisms: (1) post shut-in diffusion of pore pressure into distant faults and (2) poroelastic stressing caused by fluid injection. Interactions of these mechanisms can depend on fault geometry, hydraulic and mechanical properties of the formation, and injection operation. In this work, a 2D aerial view of the target reservoir intersected by strike-slip basement faults is used to evaluate the impact of injection-induced pressure buildup on seismicity rate surge. A series of sensitivity tests are performed by considering the variation in (1) permeability of the fault zone, (2) locations and the number of faults with respect to the injector, and (3) well operations with time-dependent injection rates. Lower permeability faults have higher seismicity rates than more permeable faults after shut-in due to delayed diffusion and poroelastic stressing. Hydraulic barriers, depending on their relative location to injection, can either stabilize or weaken a conductive fault via poroelastic stresses. Gradual reduction of the injection rate minimizes the coulomb stress change and the least seismicity rates are predicted due to slower relaxation of coupling-induced compression as well as pore-pressure dissipation.

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Acoustic emission during borehole breakout

52nd U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium

Choens, R.C.; Ingraham, Mathew D.; Lee, Moo Y.; Yoon, Hongkyu Y.; Dewers, Thomas D.

A novel experimental geometry is combined with acoustic emission monitoring capability to measure crack growth and damage accumulation during laboratory simulations of borehole breakout. Three different experiments are conducted in this study using Sierra White Granite. In the first experiment, the sample is deformed at a constant 17.2 MPa confining pressure without pore fluids; in the second experiment, the sample is held at a constant effective pressure of 17.2 MPa with a constant pore pressure; and in the third experiment, pore pressure is modified to induce failure at otherwise constant stress. The results demonstrate that effective pressure and stress path have controlling influence on breakout initiation and damage accumulation in laboratory simulations of wellbore behavior. Excellent agreement between the dry test and constant pore pressure test verify the application of the effective pressure law to borehole deformation. Located AE events coincide with post-test observations of damage and fracture locations. Comparison of AE behavior between the experiments with pore pressure show that breakouts develop prior to peak stress, and continued loading drives damage further into the formation and generates shear fractures.

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Coupled multiphase flow and geomechanical modeling of injection-induced seismicity on the basement fault

52nd U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium

Chang, Kyung W.; Yoon, Hongkyu Y.; Martinez, Mario J.; Newell, Pania N.

The fluid injection into deep geological formations altar the states of pore pressure and stress on the faults, potentially causing earthquakes. In the multiphase flow system, the interaction between fluid flow and mechanical deformation in porous media is critical to determine the spatio-temporal distribution of pore pressure and stress. The contrast of fluid and rock properties between different structures produces the changes in pressure gradients and subsequently stress fields. Assuming two-phase fluid flow (gas-water system), we simulate the two-dimensional reservoir including a basement fault, in which injection-induced pressure encounters the fault directly given injection scenarios. The single-phase flow model with the same setting is also conducted to evaluate the multiphase flow effects on mechanical response of the fault to gas injection. A series of sensitivity tests are performed by varying the fault permeability. The presence of gaseous phase reduces the pressure buildup within the gas-saturated region, causing less Coulomb stress change. The low-permeability fault prevent diffusion initially as observed in the single-phase flow system. Once gaseous phase approaches, the fault acts as a capillary barrier that causes increases in pressure within the fault zone, potentially inducing earthquakes even without direct diffusion.

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Multiscale Characterization of Structural Compositional and Textural Heterogeneity of Nano-porous Geomaterials

Yoon, Hongkyu Y.

The purpose of the project was to perform multiscale characterization of low permeability rocks to determine the effect of physical and chemical heterogeneity on the poromechanical and flow responses of shales and carbonate rocks with a broad range of physical and chemical heterogeneity . An integrated multiscale imaging of shale and carbonate rocks from nanometer to centimeter scales include s dual focused ion beam - scanning electron microscopy (FIB - SEM) , micro computed tomography (micro - CT) , optical and confocal microscopy, and 2D and 3D energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). In addition, mineralogical mapping and backscattered imaging with nanoindentation testing advanced the quantitative evaluat ion of the relationship between material heterogeneity and mechanical behavior. T he spatial distribution of compositional heterogeneity, anisotropic bedding patterns, and mechanical anisotropy were employed as inputs for brittle fracture simulations using a phase field model . Comparison of experimental and numerical simulations reveal ed that proper incorporation of additional material information, such as bedding layer thickness and other geometrical attributes of the microstructures, can yield improvements on the numerical prediction of the mesoscale fracture patterns and hence the macroscopic effective toughness. Overall, a comprehensive framework to evaluate the relationship between mechanical response and micro-lithofacial features can allow us to make more accurate prediction of reservoir performance by developing a multi - scale understanding of poromechanical response to coupled chemical and mechanical interactions for subsurface energy related activities.

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Effects of spatial heterogeneity and material anisotropy on the fracture pattern and macroscopic effective toughness of Mancos Shale in Brazilian tests

Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth

Na, Seon H.; Sun, Wai C.; Ingraham, Mathew D.; Yoon, Hongkyu Y.

For assessing energy-related activities in the subsurface, it is important to investigate the impact of the spatial variability and anisotropy on the geomechanical behavior of shale. The Brazilian test, an indirect tensile-splitting method, is performed in this work, and the evolution of strain field is obtained using digital image correlation. Experimental results show the significant impact of local heterogeneity and lamination on the crack pattern characteristics. For numerical simulations, a phase field method is used to simulate the brittle fracture behavior under various Brazilian test conditions. In this study, shale is assumed to consist of two constituents including the stiff and soft layers to which the same toughness but different elastic moduli are assigned. Microstructural heterogeneity is simplified to represent mesoscale (e.g., millimeter scale) features such as layer orientation, thickness, volume fraction, and defects. The effect of these structural attributes on the onset, propagation, and coalescence of cracks is explored. The simulation results show that spatial heterogeneity and material anisotropy highly affect crack patterns and effective fracture toughness, and the elastic contrast of two constituents significantly alters the effective toughness. However, the complex crack patterns observed in the experiments cannot completely be accounted for by either an isotropic or transversely isotropic effective medium approach. This implies that cracks developed in the layered system may coalesce in complicated ways depending on the local heterogeneity, and the interaction mechanisms between the cracks using two-constituent systems may explain the wide range of effective toughness of shale reported in the literature.

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Application of a pore-scale reactive transport model to a natural analog for reaction-induced pore alterations

Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering

Yoon, Hongkyu Y.; Major, Jonathan; Dewers, Thomas D.; Eichhubl, Peter

Dissolved CO2 in the subsurface resulting from geological CO2 storage may react with minerals in fractured rocks, confined aquifers, or faults, resulting in mineral precipitation and dissolution. The overall rate of reaction can be affected by coupled processes including hydrodynamics, transport, and reactions at the (sub) pore-scale. In this work pore-scale modeling of coupled fluid flow, reactive transport, and heterogeneous reactions at the mineral surface is applied to account for permeability alterations caused by precipitation-induced pore-blocking. This work is motivated by observations of CO2 seeps from a natural CO2 sequestration analog, Crystal Geyser, Utah. Observations along the surface exposure of the Little Grand Wash fault indicate the lateral migration of CO2 seep sites (i.e., alteration zones) of 10–50 m width with spacing on the order of ~100 m over time. Sandstone permeability in alteration zones is reduced by 3–4 orders of magnitude by carbonate cementation compared to unaltered zones. One granular porous medium and one fracture network systems are used to conceptually represent permeable porous media and locations of conduits controlled by fault-segment intersections and/or topography, respectively. Simulation cases accounted for a range of reaction regimes characterized by the Damköhler (Da) and Peclet (Pe) numbers. Pore-scale simulation results demonstrate that combinations of transport (Pe), geochemical conditions (Da), solution chemistry, and pore and fracture configurations contributed to match key patterns observed in the field of how calcite precipitation alters flow paths by pore plugging. This comparison of simulation results with field observations reveals mechanistic explanations of the lateral migration and enhances our understanding of subsurface processes associated with the CO2 injection. In addition, permeability and porosity relations are constructed from pore-scale simulations which account for a range of reaction regimes characterized by the Da and Pe numbers. The functional relationships obtained from pore-scale simulations can be used in a continuum scale model that may account for large-scale phenomena mimicking lateral migration of surface CO2 seeps.

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Permeability evolution of shale during spontaneous imbibition

Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering

Chakraborty, N.; Karpyn, Z.T.; Liu, S.; Yoon, Hongkyu Y.

Shales have small pore and throat sizes ranging from nano to micron scales, low porosity and limited permeability. The poor permeability and complex pore connectivity of shales pose technical challenges to (a) understanding flow and transport mechanisms in such systems and, (b) in predicting permeability changes under dynamic saturation conditions. This study presents quantitative experimental evidence of the migration of water through a generic shale core plug using micro CT imaging. In addition, in-situ measurements of gas permeability were performed during counter-current spontaneous imbibition of water in nano-darcy permeability Marcellus and Haynesville core plugs. It was seen that water blocks severely reduced the effective permeability of the core plugs, leading to losses of up to 99.5% of the initial permeability in experiments lasting 30 days. There was also evidence of clay swelling which further hindered gas flow. When results from this study were compared with similar counter-current gas permeability experiments reported in the literature, the initial (base) permeability of the rock was found to be a key factor in determining the time evolution of effective gas permeability during spontaneous imbibition. With time, a recovery of effective permeability was seen in the higher permeability rocks, while becoming progressively detrimental and irreversible in tighter rocks. These results suggest that matrix permeability of ultra-tight rocks is susceptible to water damage following hydraulic fracturing stimulation and, while shut-in/soaking time helps clearing-up fractures from resident fluid, its effect on the adjacent matrix permeability could be detrimental.

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Investigation of the influence of geomechanical and hydrogeological properties on surface uplift at In Salah [Systematic investigation of the influence of geomechanical and hydrogeological properties on surface uplift at In Salah]

Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering

Newell, Pania N.; Yoon, Hongkyu Y.; Martinez, Mario J.; Bishop, Joseph E.; Bryant, Steven B.

Coupled reservoir and geomechanical simulations are significantly important to understand the long-term behavior of geologic carbon storage (GCS) systems. In this study, we performed coupled fluid flow and geomechanical modeling of CO2 storage using available field data to (1) validate our existing numerical model and (2) perform parameter estimation via inverse modeling to identify the impact of key geomechanical (Young's modulus and Biot's coefficient) and hydrogeological (permeability and anisotropy ratio) properties on surface uplift and the pore pressure buildup at In Salah in Algeria. Furthermore, two sets of surface uplift data featuring low and high uplifts above two injection wells and the maximum change in the pore pressure due to CO2 injection were used to constrain the inverse model.

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Automated contact angle estimation for three-dimensional X-ray microtomography data

Advances in Water Resources

Klise, Katherine A.; Moriarty, Dylan; Yoon, Hongkyu Y.; Karpyn, Zuleima

Multiphase flow in capillary regimes is a fundamental process in a number of geoscience applications. The ability to accurately define wetting characteristics of porous media can have a large impact on numerical models. In this paper, a newly developed automated three-dimensional contact angle algorithm is described and applied to high-resolution X-ray microtomography data from multiphase bead pack experiments with varying wettability characteristics. The algorithm calculates the contact angle by finding the angle between planes fit to each solid/fluid and fluid/fluid interface in the region surrounding each solid/fluid/fluid contact point. Results show that the algorithm is able to reliably compute contact angles using the experimental data. The in situ contact angles are typically larger than flat surface laboratory measurements using the same material. Wetting characteristics in mixed-wet systems also change significantly after displacement cycles.

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Scalable subsurface inverse modeling of huge data sets with an application to tracer concentration breakthrough data from magnetic resonance imaging

Water Resources Research

Lee, Jonghyun; Yoon, Hongkyu Y.; Kitanidis, Peter K.; Werth, Charles J.; Valocchi, Albert J.

Characterizing subsurface properties is crucial for reliable and cost-effective groundwater supply management and contaminant remediation. With recent advances in sensor technology, large volumes of hydrogeophysical and geochemical data can be obtained to achieve high-resolution images of subsurface properties. However, characterization with such a large amount of information requires prohibitive computational costs associated with “big data” processing and numerous large-scale numerical simulations. To tackle such difficulties, the principal component geostatistical approach (PCGA) has been proposed as a “Jacobian-free” inversion method that requires much smaller forward simulation runs for each iteration than the number of unknown parameters and measurements needed in the traditional inversion methods. PCGA can be conveniently linked to any multiphysics simulation software with independent parallel executions. In this paper, we extend PCGA to handle a large number of measurements (e.g., 106 or more) by constructing a fast preconditioner whose computational cost scales linearly with the data size. For illustration, we characterize the heterogeneous hydraulic conductivity (K) distribution in a laboratory-scale 3-D sand box using about 6 million transient tracer concentration measurements obtained using magnetic resonance imaging. Since each individual observation has little information on the K distribution, the data were compressed by the zeroth temporal moment of breakthrough curves, which is equivalent to the mean travel time under the experimental setting. Only about 2000 forward simulations in total were required to obtain the best estimate with corresponding estimation uncertainty, and the estimated K field captured key patterns of the original packing design, showing the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed method.

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Pore-scale investigation on stress-dependent characteristics of granular packs and the impact of pore deformation on fluid distribution


Torrealba, V.A.; Karpyn, Z.T.; Yoon, Hongkyu Y.; Klise, Katherine A.; Crandall, D.

Understanding the effect of changing stress conditions on multiphase flow in porous media is of fundamental importance for many subsurface activities including enhanced oil recovery, water drawdown from aquifers, soil confinement, and geologic carbon storage. Geomechanical properties of complex porous systems are dynamically linked to flow conditions, but their feedback relationship is often oversimplified due to the difficulty of representing pore-scale stress deformation and multiphase flow characteristics in high fidelity. In this work, we performed pore-scale experiments of single- and multiphase flow through bead packs at different confining pressure conditions to elucidate compaction-dependent characteristics of granular packs and their impact on fluid flow. A series of drainage and imbibition cycles were conducted on a water-wet, soda-lime glass bead pack under varying confining stress conditions. Simultaneously, X-ray micro-CT was used to visualize and quantify the degree of deformation and fluid distribution corresponding with each stress condition and injection cycle. Micro-CT images were segmented using a gradient-based method to identify fluids (e.g., oil and water), and solid phase redistribution throughout the different experimental stages. Changes in porosity, tortuosity, and specific surface area were quantified as a function of applied confining pressure. Results demonstrate varying degrees of sensitivity of these properties to confining pressure, which suggests that caution must be taken when considering scalability of these properties for practical modeling purposes. Changes in capillary number with confining pressure are attributed to the increase in pore velocity as a result of pore contraction. However, this increase in pore velocity was found to have a marginal impact on average phase trapping at different confining pressures.

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Geologic Carbon Storage and Fracture Fate: Chemistry Heterogeneity Models and What to do with it all

Dewers, Thomas D.; Rinehart, Alex R.; Major, Jonathan R.; Lee, Sanghyun L.; Reber, Jacqueline R.; Choens, Robert C.; Feldman, Joshua D.; Eichhubl, Peter E.; Wheeler, Mary W.; Ganis, Ben G.; Hayman, Nick H.; Ilgen, Anastasia G.; Prodanovic, Masa P.; Bishop, Joseph E.; Balhoff, Matt B.; Espinoza, Nicolas E.; Martinez, Mario J.; Yoon, Hongkyu Y.

Abstract not provided.

Metabolism-Induced CaCO3 Biomineralization during Reactive Transport in a Micromodel: Implications for Porosity Alteration

Environmental Science and Technology

Singh, Rajveer; Yoon, Hongkyu Y.; Sanford, Robert A.; Katz, Lynn; Fouke, Bruce W.; Werth, Charles J.

The ability of Pseudomonas stutzeri strain DCP-Ps1 to drive CaCO3 biomineralization has been investigated in a microfluidic flowcell (i.e., micromodel) that simulates subsurface porous media. Results indicate that CaCO3 precipitation occurs during NO3- reduction with a maximum saturation index (SIcalcite) of ∼1.56, but not when NO3- was removed, inactive biomass remained, and pH and alkalinity were adjusted to SIcalcite ∼ 1.56. CaCO3 precipitation was promoted by metabolically active cultures of strain DCP-Ps1, which at similar values of SIcalcite, have a more negative surface charge than inactive strain DCP-Ps1. A two-stage NO3- reduction (NO3- → NO2- → N2) pore-scale reactive transport model was used to evaluate denitrification kinetics, which was observed in the micromodel as upper (NO3- reduction) and lower (NO2- reduction) horizontal zones of biomass growth with CaCO3 precipitation exclusively in the lower zone. Model results are consistent with two biomass growth regions and indicate that precipitation occurred in the lower zone because the largest increase in pH and alkalinity is associated with NO2- reduction. CaCO3 precipitates typically occupied the entire vertical depth of pores and impacted porosity, permeability, and flow. This study provides a framework for incorporating microbial activity in biogeochemistry models, which often base biomineralization only on SI (caused by biotic or abiotic reactions) and, thereby, underpredict the extent of this complex process. These results have wide-ranging implications for understanding reactive transport in relevance to groundwater remediation, CO2 sequestration, and enhanced oil recovery.

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Multiscale characterization of physical, chemical, and mechanical heterogeneity of mudstones

49th US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium 2015

Yoon, Hongkyu Y.; Dewers, Thomas D.; Grigg, J.; Mozley, P.

Multiscale characteristics of anisotropic, heterogeneous pore structure and compositional (e.g., kerogen, clay, cement, etc) distribution profoundly influence the hydro, mechanical, and chemical response of shale materials during stimulation and production. In this work the impact of these lithologic heterogeneities on physical, chemical, and mechanical properties is investigated over a micron to core scale of shale samples for Cretaceous Mancos Shale. Principal macroscopic lithofacies at a decimeter scale are petrographically examined. Thin sections (∼2-3cm) impregnated with fluorochromes are examined using laser scanning confocal microscopy and optical microscopy with different filters to characterize micro-facies (i.e., texture patterns) and using electron microprobe to identify the mineralogical distribution. Advanced multiscale image analysis for texture classification will be used to identify key features of samples which will be further analyzed using dual focused ion beam-scanning electron microscopy, aberration corrected-scanning TEM and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry for nano-pore and organic-pore structures and mineralogies at nano scale. This characterization will be examined against experimental data including acoustic emission and nano-indentation measurements of elastic properties using focused ion-beam milled pillars. Finally, multiscale 3-D image stacks will be segmented to rigorously test the scale of a representative elementary volume based on multiple measures from image analysis and pore-scale simulations.

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