Kokkos: Enabling Performance Portablility
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For the FY15 ASC L2 Trilab Codesign milestone Sandia National Laboratories performed two main studies. The first study investigated three topics (performance, cross-platform portability and programmer productivity) when using OpenMP directives and the RAJA and Kokkos programming models available from LLNL and SNL respectively. The focus of this first study was the LULESH mini-application developed and maintained by LLNL. In the coming sections of the report the reader will find performance comparisons (and a demonstration of portability) for a variety of mini-application implementations produced during this study with varying levels of optimization. Of note is that the implementations utilized including optimizations across a number of programming models to help ensure claims that Kokkos can provide native-class application performance are valid. The second study performed during FY15 is a performance assessment of the MiniAero mini-application developed by Sandia. This mini-application was developed by the SIERRA Thermal-Fluid team at Sandia for the purposes of learning the Kokkos programming model and so is available in only a single implementation. For this report we studied its performance and scaling on a number of machines with the intent of providing insight into potential performance issues that may be experienced when similar algorithms are deployed on the forthcoming Trinity ASC ATS platform.
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This report outlines the research, development, and support requirements for the Advanced Simulation and Computing (ASC ) Advanced Technology, Development, and Mitigation (ATDM) Performance Portability (a.k.a., Kokkos) project for 2015 - 2019 . The research and development (R&D) goal for Kokkos (v2) has been to create and demonstrate a thread - parallel programming model a nd standard C++ library - based implementation that enables performance portability across diverse manycore architectures such as multicore CPU, Intel Xeon Phi, and NVIDIA Kepler GPU. This R&D goal has been achieved for algorithms that use data parallel pat terns including parallel - for, parallel - reduce, and parallel - scan. Current R&D is focusing on hierarchical parallel patterns such as a directed acyclic graph (DAG) of asynchronous tasks where each task contain s nested data parallel algorithms. This five y ear plan includes R&D required to f ully and performance portably exploit thread parallelism across current and anticipated next generation platforms (NGP). The Kokkos library is being evaluated by many projects exploring algorithm s and code design for NGP. Some production libraries and applications such as Trilinos and LAMMPS have already committed to Kokkos as their foundation for manycore parallelism an d performance portability. These five year requirements includes support required for current and antic ipated ASC projects to be effective and productive in their use of Kokkos on NGP. The greatest risk to the success of Kokkos and ASC projects relying upon Kokkos is a lack of staffing resources to support Kokkos to the degree needed by these ASC projects. This support includes up - to - date tutorials, documentation, multi - platform (hardware and software stack) testing, minor feature enhancements, thread - scalable algorithm consulting, and managing collaborative R&D.
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The goal of the workshop and this report is to identify common themes and standardize concepts for locality-preserving abstractions for exascale programming models.
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We explore rearrangements of classical uncertainty quantification methods with the aim of achieving higher aggregate performance for uncertainty quantification calculations on emerging multicore and many core architectures. We show a rearrangement of the stochastic Galerkin method leads to improved performance and scalability on several computational architectures whereby uncertainty information is propagated at the lowest levels of the simulation code improving memory access patterns, exposing new dimensions of fine grained parallelism, and reducing communication. We also develop a general framework for implementing such rearrangements for a diverse set of uncertainty quantification algorithms as well as computational simulation codes to which they are applied.
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