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Hahn, Kelly D.; Chandler, Gordon A.; Ruiz, Carlos L.; Cooper, Gary W.; Gomez, Matthew R.; Slutz, Stephen A.; Sefkow, Adam B.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Knapp, Patrick K.; Schmit, Paul S.; Harding, Eric H.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Awe, Thomas J.; Geissel, Matthias G.; Rovang, Dean C.; Torres, Jose A.; Bur, James A.; Cuneo, M.E.; Glebov, V.Yu.; Harvey-Thompson, Adam J.; Hess, Mark H.; Johns, Owen J.; Jones, Brent M.; Lamppa, Derek C.; Lash, Joel S.; Martin, Matthew; McBride, Ryan D.; Peterson, Kyle J.; Porter, John L.; Reneker, Joseph R.; Robertson, Grafton K.; Rochau, G.A.; Savage, Mark E.; Smith, Ian C.; Styron, Jedediah D.; Vesey, Roger A.

Abstract not provided.

Fusion-neutron measurements for magnetized liner inertial fusion experiments on the Z accelerator

Journal of Physics: Conference Series

Hahn, K.D.; Chandler, Gordon A.; Ruiz, Carlos L.; Cooper, Gary W.; Gomez, Matthew R.; Slutz, S.; Sefkow, Adam B.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Knapp, P.F.; Schmit, Paul S.; Harding, Eric H.; Jennings, C.A.; Awe, T.J.; Geissel, Matthias G.; Rovang, Dean C.; Torres, Jose A.; Bur, J.A.; Cuneo, M.E.; Glebov, V.Y.; Harvey-Thompson, Adam J.; Herrman, M.C.; Hess, Mark H.; Johns, Owen J.; Jones, Brent M.; Lamppa, Derek C.; Lash, Joel S.; Martin, M.R.; McBride, Ryan D.; Peterson, Kyle J.; Porter, John L.; Reneker, Joseph R.; Robertson, Grafton K.; Rochau, G.A.; Savage, Mark E.; Smith, Ian C.; Styron, Jedediah D.; Vesey, Roger A.

Several magnetized liner inertial fusion (MagLIF) experiments have been conducted on the Z accelerator at Sandia National Laboratories since late 2013. Measurements of the primary DD (2.45 MeV) neutrons for these experiments suggest that the neutron production is thermonuclear. Primary DD yields up to 3e12 with ion temperatures ∼2-3 keV have been achieved. Measurements of the secondary DT (14 MeV) neutrons indicate that the fuel is significantly magnetized. Measurements of down-scattered neutrons from the beryllium liner suggest ρRliner∼1g/cm2. Neutron bang times, estimated from neutron time-of-flight (nTOF) measurements, coincide with peak x-ray production. Plans to improve and expand the Z neutron diagnostic suite include neutron burn-history diagnostics, increased sensitivity and higher precision nTOF detectors, and neutron recoil-based yield and spectral measurements.

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SNL perspective on the nTOF workshop

Jones, Brent M.; Hahn, Kelly D.; Ruiz, Carlos L.; Chandler, Gordon A.; Fehl, David L.; Lash, Joel S.; Knapp, Patrick K.; Gomez, Matthew R.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Harding, Eric H.; McPherson, Leroy A.; Nelson, Alan J.; Rochau, G.A.; Schmit, Paul S.; Sefkow, Adam B.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Torres, Jose A.; Bur, James A.; Cooper, Gary W.; Bonura, Michael A.; Long, Joel L.; Styron, Jedediah D.; Buckles, Rob B.; Garza, Irene G.; Moy, Kenneth J.; Davis, Brent D.; Tinsley, Jim T.; Tiangco, Rod T.; Miller, Kirk M.; Mckenna, Ian M.

Abstract not provided.

Implementing and diagnosing magnetic flux compression on the Z pulsed power accelerator

McBride, Ryan D.; Bliss, David E.; Gomez, Matthew R.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Martin, Matthew; Jennings, Christopher A.; Slutz, Stephen A.; Rovang, Dean C.; Knapp, Patrick K.; Schmit, Paul S.; Awe, Thomas J.; Hess, Mark H.; Lemke, Raymond W.; Dolan, Daniel H.; Lamppa, Derek C.; Jobe, Marc R.; Fang, Lu F.; Hahn, Kelly D.; Chandler, Gordon A.; Cooper, Gary W.; Ruiz, Carlos L.; Robertson, Grafton K.; Cuneo, M.E.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Tomlinson, Kurt T.; Smith, Gary S.; Paguio, Reny P.; Intrator, Tom P.; Weber, Thomas E.; Greenly, John B.

We report on the progress made to date for a Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) project aimed at diagnosing magnetic flux compression on the Z pulsed-power accelerator (0-20 MA in 100 ns). Each experiment consisted of an initially solid Be or Al liner (cylindrical tube), which was imploded using the Z accelerator's drive current (0-20 MA in 100 ns). The imploding liner compresses a 10-T axial seed field, B z ( 0 ) , supplied by an independently driven Helmholtz coil pair. Assuming perfect flux conservation, the axial field amplification should be well described by B z ( t ) = B z ( 0 ) x [ R ( 0 ) / R ( t )] 2 , where R is the liner's inner surface radius. With perfect flux conservation, B z ( t ) and dB z / dt values exceeding 10 4 T and 10 12 T/s, respectively, are expected. These large values, the diminishing liner volume, and the harsh environment on Z, make it particularly challenging to measure these fields. We report on our latest efforts to do so using three primary techniques: (1) micro B-dot probes to measure the fringe fields associated with flux compression, (2) streaked visible Zeeman absorption spectroscopy, and (3) fiber-based Faraday rotation. We also mention two new techniques that make use of the neutron diagnostics suite on Z. These techniques were not developed under this LDRD, but they could influence how we prioritize our efforts to diagnose magnetic flux compression on Z in the future. The first technique is based on the yield ratio of secondary DT to primary DD reactions. The second technique makes use of the secondary DT neutron time-of-flight energy spectra. Both of these techniques have been used successfully to infer the degree of magnetization at stagnation in fully integrated Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion (MagLIF) experiments on Z [P. F. Schmit et al. , Phys. Rev. Lett. 113 , 155004 (2014); P. F. Knapp et al. , Phys. Plasmas, 22 , 056312 (2015)]. Finally, we present some recent developments for designing and fabricating novel micro B-dot probes to measure B z ( t ) inside of an imploding liner. In one approach, the micro B-dot loops were fabricated on a printed circuit board (PCB). The PCB was then soldered to off-the-shelf 0.020- inch-diameter semi-rigid coaxial cables, which were terminated with standard SMA connectors. These probes were recently tested using the COBRA pulsed power generator (0-1 MA in 100 ns) at Cornell University. In another approach, we are planning to use new multi-material 3D printing capabilities to fabricate novel micro B-dot packages. In the near future, we plan to 3D print these probes and then test them on the COBRA generator. With successful operation demonstrated at 1-MA, we will then make plans to use these probes on a 20-MA Z experiment.

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Fusion-Neutron Measurements for Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion Experiments on the Z Accelerator

Hahn, Kelly D.; Chandler, Gordon A.; Ruiz, Carlos L.; Cooper, Gary W.; Gomez, Matthew R.; Slutz, Stephen A.; Sefkow, Adam B.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Knapp, Patrick K.; Schmit, Paul S.; Harding, Eric H.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Awe, Thomas J.; Geissel, Matthias G.; Rovang, Dean C.; Torres, Jose A.; Bur, James A.; Cuneo, M.E.; Glebov, V.Yu.; Harvey-Thompson, Adam J.; Herrmann, M.C.H.; Hess, Mark H.; Johns, Owen J.; Jones, Brent M.; Lamppa, Derek C.; Martin, Matthew; McBride, Ryan D.; Peterson, Kyle J.; Porter, John L.; Reneker, Joseph R.; Robertson, Grafton K.; Rochau, G.A.; Savage, Mark E.; Smith, Ian C.; Styron, Jedediah D.; Vesey, Roger A.

Abstract not provided.

X-ray Imaging of MagLIF Experiments Using a Spherically Bent Crystal Optic

Harding, Eric H.; Gomez, Matthew R.; Slutz, Stephen A.; Sefkow, Adam B.; Geissel, Matthias G.; Harvey-Thompson, Adam J.; Schollmeier, Marius; Peterson, Kyle J.; Awe, Thomas J.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Hahn, Kelly D.; Knapp, Patrick K.; Schmit, Paul S.; Ruiz, Carlos L.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Smith, Ian C.; Rovang, Dean C.; Chandler, Gordon A.; Martin, Matthew; McBride, Ryan D.; Porter, John L.; Rochau, G.A.; Harding, Eric H.

Abstract not provided.

X-ray Imaging of MagLIF Experiments Using a Spherically Bent Crystal Optic

Harding, Eric H.; Gomez, Matthew R.; Slutz, Stephen A.; Geissel, Matthias G.; Harvey-Thompson, Adam J.; Schollmeier, Marius; Peterson, Kyle J.; Awe, Thomas J.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Schmit, Paul S.; Ruiz, Carlos L.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Smith, Ian C.; Rovang, Dean C.; Chandler, Gordon A.; Martin, Matthew; McBride, Ryan D.; Porter, John L.; Rochau, G.A.

Abstract not provided.

Experimental Progress in Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion (MagLIF)

Gomez, Matthew R.; Slutz, Stephen A.; Sefkow, Adam B.; Geissel, Matthias G.; Harvey-Thompson, Adam J.; Peterson, Kyle J.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Hahn, Kelly D.; Knapp, Patrick K.; Schmit, Paul S.; Ruiz, Carlos L.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Awe, Thomas J.; Harding, Eric H.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Smith, Ian C.; Rovang, Dean C.; Chandler, Gordon A.; Cuneo, M.E.; Lamppa, Derek C.; Martin, Matthew; McBride, Ryan D.; Porter, John L.; Rochau, G.A.

Abstract not provided.

Recent progress in Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion (MagLIF) experiments

Gomez, Matthew R.; Slutz, Stephen A.; Sefkow, Adam B.; Geissel, Matthias G.; Harvey-Thompson, Adam J.; Peterson, Kyle J.; Awe, Thomas J.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Harding, Eric H.; Hahn, Kelly D.; Knapp, Patrick K.; Schmit, Paul S.; Ruiz, Carlos L.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Smith, Ian C.; Rovang, Dean C.; Chandler, Gordon A.; Martin, Matthew; McBride, Ryan D.; Porter, John L.; Rochau, G.A.

Abstract not provided.

Effects of magnetization on fusion product trapping and secondary neutron spectra

Physics of Plasmas

Knapp, P.F.; Schmit, Paul S.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Gomez, Matthew R.; Hahn, K.D.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Peterson, Kyle J.; Slutz, S.A.; Sefkow, Adam B.; Awe, T.J.; Harding, Eric H.; Jennings, C.A.; Desjarlais, M.P.; Chandler, Gordon A.; Cooper, Gary W.; Cuneo, M.E.; Geissel, Matthias G.; Harvey-Thompson, Adam J.; Porter, John L.; Rochau, G.A.; Rovang, Dean C.; Ruiz, Carlos L.; Savage, Mark E.; Smith, Ian C.; Stygar, William A.; Herrmann, M.C.

By magnetizing the fusion fuel in inertial confinement fusion (ICF) systems, the required stagnation pressure and density can be relaxed dramatically. This happens because the magnetic field insulates the hot fuel from the cold pusher and traps the charged fusion burn products. This trapping allows the burn products to deposit their energy in the fuel, facilitating plasma self-heating. Here, we report on a comprehensive theory of this trapping in a cylindrical DD plasma magnetized with a purely axial magnetic field. Using this theory, we are able to show that the secondary fusion reactions can be used to infer the magnetic field-radius product, BR, during fusion burn. This parameter, not ρR, is the primary confinement parameter in magnetized ICF. Using this method, we analyze data from recent Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion experiments conducted on the Z machine at Sandia National Laboratories. We show that in these experiments BR ≈ 0.34(+0.14/-0.06) MG cm, a ∼ 14x increase in BR from the initial value, and confirming that the DD-fusion tritons are magnetized at stagnation. This is the first experimental verification of charged burn product magnetization facilitated by compression of an initial seed magnetic flux.

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Diagnosing magnetized liner inertial fusion experiments on Z

Physics of Plasmas

Hansen, Stephanie B.; Gomez, Matthew R.; Sefkow, Adam B.; Slutz, S.A.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Hahn, K.D.; Harding, Eric H.; Knapp, P.F.; Schmit, Paul S.; Awe, T.J.; McBride, Ryan D.; Jennings, C.A.; Geissel, Matthias G.; Harvey-Thompson, Adam J.; Peterson, K.J.; Rovang, Dean C.; Chandler, Gordon A.; Cooper, Gary W.; Cuneo, M.E.; Herrmann, M.C.; Hess, Mark H.; Johns, Owen J.; Lamppa, Derek C.; Martin, M.R.; Porter, J.L.; Robertson, G.K.; Rochau, G.A.; Ruiz, C.L.; Savage, M.E.; Smith, I.C.; Stygar, W.A.; Vesey, R.A.; Blue, B.E.; Ryutov, D.; Schroen, D.G.; Tomlinson, K.

Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion experiments performed at Sandia's Z facility have demonstrated significant thermonuclear fusion neutron yields (∼1012 DD neutrons) from multi-keV deuterium plasmas inertially confined by slow (∼10 cm/μs), stable, cylindrical implosions. Effective magnetic confinement of charged fusion reactants and products is signaled by high secondary DT neutron yields above 1010. Analysis of extensive power, imaging, and spectroscopic x-ray measurements provides a detailed picture of ∼3 keV temperatures, 0.3 g/cm3 densities, gradients, and mix in the fuel and liner over the 1-2 ns stagnation duration.

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Demonstration of thermonuclear conditions in magnetized liner inertial fusion experiments

Physics of Plasmas

Gomez, Matthew R.; Slutz, S.A.; Sefkow, Adam B.; Hahn, K.D.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Knapp, P.F.; Schmit, Paul S.; Ruiz, Carlos L.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Harding, Eric H.; Jennings, C.A.; Awe, T.J.; Geissel, Matthias G.; Rovang, Dean C.; Smith, Ian C.; Chandler, Gordon A.; Cooper, Gary W.; Cuneo, M.E.; Harvey-Thompson, Adam J.; Herrmann, M.C.; Hess, Mark H.; Lamppa, Derek C.; Martin, M.R.; McBride, Ryan D.; Peterson, Kyle J.; Porter, John L.; Rochau, G.A.; Savage, Mark E.; Schroen, D.G.; Stygar, William A.; Vesey, Roger A.

The magnetized liner inertial fusion concept [S. A. Slutz et al., Phys. Plasmas 17, 056303 (2010)] utilizes a magnetic field and laser heating to relax the pressure requirements of inertial confinement fusion. The first experiments to test the concept [M. R. Gomez et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 155003 (2014)] were conducted utilizing the 19 MA, 100-ns Z machine, the 2.5-kJ, 1 TW Z Beamlet laser, and the 10-T Applied B-field on Z system. Despite an estimated implosion velocity of only 70-km/s in these experiments, electron and ion temperatures at stagnation were as high as 3-keV, and thermonuclear deuterium-deuterium neutron yields up to 2-×-1012 have been produced. X-ray emission from the fuel at stagnation had widths ranging from 50 to 110 μm over a roughly 80% of the axial extent of the target (6-8-mm) and lasted approximately 2-ns. X-ray yields from these experiments are consistent with a stagnation density of the hot fuel equal to 0.2-0.4-g/cm3. In these experiments, up to 5-×-1010 secondary deuterium-tritium neutrons were produced. Given that the areal density of the plasma was approximately 1-2-mg/cm2, this indicates the stagnation plasma was significantly magnetized, which is consistent with the anisotropy observed in the deuterium-tritium neutron spectra. Control experiments where the laser and/or magnetic field were not utilized failed to produce stagnation temperatures greater than 1-keV and primary deuterium-deuterium yields greater than 1010. An additional control experiment where the fuel contained a sufficient dopant fraction to substantially increase radiative losses also failed to produce a relevant stagnation temperature. The results of these experiments are consistent with a thermonuclear neutron source.

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Recent Progress and Future Potential of Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion (MagLIF)

Sandia journal manuscript; Not yet accepted for publication

Slutz, Stephen A.; Gomez, Matthew R.; Sefkow, Adam B.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Hahn, Kelly D.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Harding, Eric H.; Knapp, Patrick K.; Schmit, Paul S.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Awe, Thomas J.; Herrmann, M.C.H.; Hess, Mark H.; Johns, Owen J.; Lamppa, Derek C.; Martin, Matthew; McBride, Ryan D.; Geissel, Matthias G.; Rovang, Dean C.; Chandler, Gordon A.; Cooper, Gary W.; Cuneo, M.E.; Harvey-Thompson, Adam J.; Peterson, Kyle J.; Porter, John L.; Robertson, Grafton K.; Rochau, G.A.; Ruiz, Carlos L.; Savage, Mark E.; Smith, Ian C.; Stygar, William A.; Vesey, Roger A.

The standard approaches to inertial confinement fusion (ICF) rely on implosion velocities greater than 300 km/s and spherical convergence to achieve the high fuel temperatures (T > 4 keV) and areal densities (ρr > 0.3 g/cm2) required for ignition1. Such high velocities are achieved by heating the outside surface of a spherical capsuleeither directly with a large number of laser beams (Direct Drive) or with x-rays generated within a hohlraum (Indirect Drive). A much more energetically efficient approach is to use the magnetic pressure generated by a pulsed power machine to directly drive an implosion. In this approach 5-10% of the stored energy can be converted to the implosion of a metal tube generally referred to as a “liner”. However, the implosion velocity is not very high 70-100 km/s and the convergence is cylindrical (rather than spherical) making it more difficult to achieve the high temperatures and areal densities needed for ignition.

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Experimental verification of the Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion (MagLIF) concept

ICOPS/BEAMS 2014 - 41st IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science and the 20th International Conference on High-Power Particle Beams

Gomez, Matthew R.; Slutz, S.A.; Sefkow, Adam B.; Awe, T.J.; Chandler, Gordon A.; Cuneo, M.E.; Geissel, Matthias G.; Hahn, K.D.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Harding, Eric H.; Harvey-Thompson, Adam J.; Herrmann, Mark H.; Jennings, C.A.; Knapp, P.F.; Lamppa, Derek C.; Martin, M.R.; McBride, Ryan D.; Peterson, Kyle J.; Porter, J.L.; Rochau, G.A.; Rovang, Dean C.; Ruiz, Carlos L.; Schmit, Paul S.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Smith, Ian C.

Abstract not provided.

Experimental demonstration of fusion-relevant conditions in magnetized liner inertial fusion

Physical Review Letters

Gomez, Matthew R.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Awe, Thomas J.; Geissel, Matthias G.; Rovang, Dean C.; Chandler, Gordon A.; Cuneo, M.E.; Harvey-Thompson, Adam J.; Herrmann, Mark H.; Hess, Mark H.; Slutz, Stephen A.; Johns, Owen J.; Lamppa, Derek C.; Martin, Matthew; McBride, Ryan D.; Peterson, Kyle J.; Robertson, Grafton K.; Rochau, G.A.; Ruiz, Carlos L.; Savage, Mark E.; Sefkow, Adam B.; Smith, Ian C.; Stygar, William A.; Vesey, Roger A.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Hahn, Kelly D.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Harding, Eric H.; Knapp, Patrick K.; Schmit, Paul S.

This Letter presents results from the first fully integrated experiments testing the magnetized liner inertial fusion concept [S.A. Slutz et al., Phys. Plasmas 17, 056303 (2010)], in which a cylinder of deuterium gas with a preimposed axial magnetic field of 10 T is heated by Z beamlet, a 2.5 kJ, 1 TW laser, and magnetically imploded by a 19 MA current with 100 ns rise time on the Z facility. Despite a predicted peak implosion velocity of only 70 km/s, the fuel reaches a stagnation temperature of approximately 3 keV, with Te ≈ Ti, and produces up to 2e12 thermonuclear DD neutrons. In this study, X-ray emission indicates a hot fuel region with full width at half maximum ranging from 60 to 120 μm over a 6 mm height and lasting approximately 2 ns. The number of secondary deuterium-tritium neutrons observed was greater than 1010, indicating significant fuel magnetization given that the estimated radial areal density of the plasma is only 2 mg/cm2.

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Neutron Diagnostics on the Z machine

Jones, Brent M.; Hahn, Kelly D.; Ruiz, Carlos L.; Chandler, Gordon A.; Fehl, David L.; Lash, Joel S.; Knapp, Patrick K.; McPherson, Leroy A.; Nelson, Alan J.; Rochau, G.A.; Schmit, Paul S.; Sefkow, Adam B.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Torres, Jose A.; Cooper, Gary W.; Bonura, Michael A.; Long, Joel L.; Styron, Jedediah D.; Davis, Brent D.; Buckles, Rob B.; Moy, Ken M.; Miller, Kirk M.; Mckenna, Ian M.

Abstract not provided.

Demonstration of fusion relevant conditions in Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion experiments on the Z facility

Gomez, Matthew R.; Slutz, Stephen A.; Sefkow, Adam B.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Hahn, Kelly D.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Harding, Eric H.; Knapp, Patrick K.; Schmit, Paul S.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Awe, Thomas J.; Geissel, Matthias G.; Rovang, Dean C.; Chandler, Gordon A.; Cuneo, M.E.; Harvey-Thompson, Adam J.; Herrmann, Mark H.; Lamppa, Derek C.; Martin, Matthew; McBride, Ryan D.; Peterson, Kyle J.; Porter, John L.; Rochau, G.A.; Ruiz, Carlos L.; Savage, Mark E.; Smith, Ian C.; Vesey, Roger A.

Abstract not provided.

Demonstration of fusion relevant conditions in Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion Experiments on the Z Facility

Gomez, Matthew R.; Slutz, Stephen A.; Sefkow, Adam B.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Hahn, Kelly D.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Harding, Eric H.; Knapp, Patrick K.; Schmit, Paul S.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Awe, Thomas J.; Geissel, Matthias G.; Rovang, Dean C.; Chandler, Gordon A.; Cuneo, M.E.; Harvey-Thompson, Adam J.; Herrmann, Mark H.; Lamppa, Derek C.; Martin, Matthew; McBride, Ryan D.; Peterson, Kyle J.; Porter, John L.; Rochau, G.A.; Ruiz, Carlos L.; Savage, Mark E.; Smith, Ian C.; Vesey, Roger A.

Abstract not provided.

Fusion-neutron-yield, activation measurements at the Z accelerator: Design, analysis, and sensitivity

Review of Scientific Instruments

Hahn, Kelly D.; Ruiz, Carlos L.; Chandler, Gordon A.; Knapp, Patrick K.; Smelser, Ruth S.

We present a general methodology to determine the diagnostic sensitivity that is directly applicable to neutron-activation diagnostics fielded on a wide variety of neutron-producing experiments, which include inertial-confinement fusion (ICF), dense plasma focus, and ion beam-driven concepts. This approach includes a combination of several effects: (1) non-isotropic neutron emission; (2) the 1/r2 decrease in neutron fluence in the activation material; (3) the spatially distributed neutron scattering, attenuation, and energy losses due to the fielding environment and activation material itself; and (4) temporally varying neutron emission. As an example, we describe the copper-activation diagnostic used to measure secondary deuterium-tritium fusion-neutron yields on ICF experiments conducted on the pulsed-power Z Accelerator at Sandia National Laboratories. Using this methodology along with results from absolute calibrations and Monte Carlo simulations, we find that for the diagnostic configuration on Z, the diagnostic sensitivity is 0.037% ± 17% counts/neutron per cm2 and is ~ 40% less sensitive than it would be in an ideal geometry due to neutron attenuation, scattering, and energy-loss effects.

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A novel method for modeling the neutron time of flight (nTOF) detector response in current mode to inertial confinement fusion experiments

Ruiz, Carlos L.; Chandler, Gordon A.; Hahn, Kelly D.; Leeper, Ramon J.; Smelser, Ruth S.

There are several machines in this country that produce short bursts of neutrons for various applications. A few examples are the Zmachine, operated by Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, NM; the OMEGA Laser Facility at the University of Rochester in Rochester, NY; and the National Ignition Facility (NIF) operated by the Department of Energy at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Livermore, California. They all incorporate neutron time of flight (nTOF) detectors which measure neutron yield, and the shapes of the waveforms from these detectors contain germane information about the plasma conditions that produce the neutrons. However, the signals can also be %E2%80%9Cclouded%E2%80%9D by a certain fraction of neutrons that scatter off structural components and also arrive at the detectors, thereby making analysis of the plasma conditions more difficult. These detectors operate in current mode - i.e., they have no discrimination, and all the photomultiplier anode charges are integrated rather than counted individually as they are in single event counting. Up to now, there has not been a method for modeling an nTOF detector operating in current mode. MCNPPoliMiwas developed in 2002 to simulate neutron and gammaray detection in a plastic scintillator, which produces a collision data output table about each neutron and photon interaction occurring within the scintillator; however, the postprocessing code which accompanies MCNPPoliMi assumes a detector operating in singleevent counting mode and not current mode. Therefore, the idea for this work had been born: could a new postprocessing code be written to simulate an nTOF detector operating in current mode? And if so, could this process be used to address such issues as the impact of neutron scattering on the primary signal? Also, could it possibly even identify sources of scattering (i.e., structural materials) that could be removed or modified to produce %E2%80%9Ccleaner%E2%80%9D neutron signals? This process was first developed and then applied to the axial neutron time of flight detectors at the ZFacility mentioned above. First, MCNPPoliMi was used to model relevant portions of the facility between the source and the detector locations. To obtain useful statistics, variance reduction was utilized. Then, the resulting collision output table produced by MCNPPoliMi was further analyzed by a MATLAB postprocessing code. This converted the energy deposited by neutron and photon interactions in the plastic scintillator (i.e., nTOF detector) into light output, in units of MeVee%D1%84 (electron equivalent) vs time. The time response of the detector was then folded into the signal via another MATLAB code. The simulated response was then compared with experimental data and shown to be in good agreement. To address the issue of neutron scattering, an %E2%80%9CIdeal Case,%E2%80%9D (i.e., a plastic scintillator was placed at the same distance from the source for each detector location) with no structural components in the problem. This was done to produce as %E2%80%9Cpure%E2%80%9D a neutron signal as possible. The simulated waveform from this %E2%80%9CIdeal Case%E2%80%9D was then compared with the simulated data from the %E2%80%9CFull Scale%E2%80%9D geometry (i.e., the detector at the same location, but with all the structural materials now included). The %E2%80%9CIdeal Case%E2%80%9D was subtracted from the %E2%80%9CFull Scale%E2%80%9D geometry case, and this was determined to be the contribution due to scattering. The time response was deconvolved out of the empirical data, and the contribution due to scattering was then subtracted out of it. A transformation was then made from dN/dt to dN/dE to obtain neutron spectra at two different detector locations.

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Progress in obtaining an absolute calibration of a total deuterium-tritium neutron yield diagnostic based on copper activation

Review of Scientific Instruments

Ruiz, Carlos L.; Chandler, Gordon A.; Cooper, G.W.; Fehl, D.L.; Hahn, K.D.; Leeper, Ramon J.; McWatters, Bruce R.; Nelson, A.J.; Smelser, Ruth S.; Snow, C.S.; Torres, J.A.

The 350-keV Cockroft-Walton accelerator at Sandia National laboratorys Ion Beam facility is being used to calibrate absolutely a total DT neutron yield diagnostic based on the 63Cu(n,2n) 62Cu(β+) reaction. These investigations have led to first-order uncertainties approaching 5 or better. The experiments employ the associated-particle technique. Deuterons at 175 keV impinge a 2.6 μm thick erbium tritide target producing 14.1 MeV neutrons from the T(d,n) 4He reaction. The alpha particles emitted are measured at two angles relative to the beam direction and used to infer the neutron flux on a copper sample. The induced 62Cu activity is then measured and related to the neutron flux. This method is known as the F-factor technique. Description of the associated-particle method, copper sample geometries employed, and the present estimates of the uncertainties to the F-factor obtained are given. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.

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A novel method for modeling the neutron time of flight detector response in current mode to inertial confinement fusion experiments (invited)

Review of Scientific Instruments

Nelson, A.J.; Ruiz, Carlos L.; Cooper, G.W.; Chandler, Gordon A.; Fehl, D.L.; Hahn, K.D.; Leeper, Ramon J.; Smelser, Ruth S.; Torres, J.A.

A novel method for modeling the neutron time of flight (nTOF) detector response in current mode for inertial confinement fusion experiments has been applied to the on-axis nTOF detectors located in the basement of the Z-Facility. It will be shown that this method can identify sources of neutron scattering, and is useful for predicting detector responses in future experimental configurations, and for identifying potential sources of neutron scattering when experimental set-ups change. This method can also provide insight on how much broadening neutron scattering contributes to the primary signals, which is then subtracted from them. Detector time responses are deconvolved from the signals, allowing a transformation from dN/dt to dN/dE, extracting neutron spectra at each detector location; these spectra are proportional to the absolute yield. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.

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Pulsed-power driven inertial confinement fusion development at Sandia National Laboratories

Proposed for publication in 5th Special Issue of the IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science Z-Pinch Plasmas.

Cuneo, M.E.; Mazarakis, Michael G.; Lamppa, Derek C.; Kaye, Ronald J.; Nakhleh, Charles N.; Bailey, James E.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; McBride, Ryan D.; Herrmann, Mark H.; Lopez, A.; Peterson, Kyle J.; Ampleford, David A.; Jones, Michael J.; Savage, Mark E.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Martin, Matthew; Slutz, Stephen A.; Lemke, Raymond W.; Christenson, Peggy J.; Sweeney, Mary A.; Jones, Brent M.; Yu, Edmund Y.; McPherson, Leroy A.; Harding, Eric H.; Knapp, Patrick K.; Gomez, Matthew R.; Awe, Thomas J.; Stygar, William A.; Leeper, Ramon J.; Ruiz, Carlos L.; Chandler, Gordon A.; Mckenney, John M.; Owen, Albert C.; McKee, George R.; Matzen, M.K.; Leifeste, Gordon T.; Atherton, B.W.; Vesey, Roger A.; Smith, Ian C.; Geissel, Matthias G.; Rambo, Patrick K.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Sefkow, Adam B.; Rovang, Dean C.; Rochau, G.A.

Abstract not provided.

Innovative high pressure gas MEM's based neutron detector for ICF and active SNM detection

Chandler, Gordon A.; Renzi, Ronald F.; Derzon, Mark S.

An innovative helium3 high pressure gas detection system, made possible by utilizing Sandia's expertise in Micro-electrical Mechanical fluidic systems, is proposed which appears to have many beneficial performance characteristics with regards to making these neutron measurements in the high bremsstrahlung and electrical noise environments found in High Energy Density Physics experiments and especially on the very high noise environment generated on the fast pulsed power experiments performed here at Sandia. This same system may dramatically improve active WMD and contraband detection as well when employed with ultrafast (10-50 ns) pulsed neutron sources.

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Results 51–100 of 122
Results 51–100 of 122