
Results 51–93 of 93
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A comparison of control strategies for wave energy converters

International Journal of Marine Energy

Coe, Ryan G.; Bacelli, Giorgio B.; Wilson, David G.; Abdelkhalik, Ossama; Korde, Umesh A.; Robinett, Rush D.

In this study, we employ a numerical model to compare the performance of a number of wave energy converter control strategies. The controllers selected for evaluation span a wide range in their requirements for implementation. Each control strategy is evaluated using a single numerical model with a set of sea states to represent a deployment site off the coast of Newport, OR. A number of metrics, ranging from power absorption to kinematics, are employed to provide a comparison of each control strategy's performance that accounts for both relative benefits and costs. The results show a wide range of performances from the different controllers and highlight the need for a holistic design approach which considers control design as a parallel component within the larger process WEC design.

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Multiresonant Feedback Control of a Three-Degree-of-Freedom Wave Energy Converter

IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy

Abdelkhalik, Ossama; Zou, Shangyan; Robinett, Rush D.; Bacelli, Giorgio B.; Wilson, David G.; Coe, Ryan; Korde, Umesh

For a three-degree-of-freedom wave energy converter (heave, pitch, and surge), the equations of motion could be coupled depending on the buoy shape. This paper presents a multiresonant feedback control, in a general framework, for this type of a wave energy converter that is modeled by linear time invariant dynamic systems. The proposed control strategy finds the optimal control in the sense that it computes the control based on the complex conjugate criteria. This control strategy is relatively easy to implement since it is a feedback control in the time domain that requires only measurements of the buoy motion. Numerical tests are presented for two different buoy shapes: a sphere and a cylinder. Regular, Bretschnieder, and Ochi-Hubble waves are tested. Simulation results show that the proposed controller harvests energy in the pitch-surge-heave modes that is about three times the energy that can be harvested using a heave-only device. This multiresonant control can also be used to shift the energy harvesting between the coupled modes, which can be exploited to eliminate one of the actuators while maintaining about the same level of energy harvesting.

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Model Predictive Control of parametric excited pitch-surge modes in wave energy converters

International Journal of Marine Energy

Zou, Shangyan; Abdelkhalik, Ossama; Robinett, Rush; Korde, Umesh; Bacelli, Giorgio B.; Wilson, David G.; Coe, Ryan

For a heave-pitch-surge three-degrees-of-freedom wave energy converter, the heave mode is usually decoupled from the pitch-surge modes for small motions. The pitch-surge modes are usually coupled and are parametrically excited by the heave mode, depending on the buoy geometry. In this paper, a Model Predictive Control is applied to the parametric excited pitch-surge motion, while the heave motion is optimized independently. The optimality conditions are derived, and a gradient-based numerical optimization algorithm is used to search for the optimal control. Numerical tests are conducted for regular and Bretschneider waves. The results demonstrate that the proposed control can be implemented to harvest more than three times the energy that can be harvested using a heave-only wave energy converter. The energy harvested using a parametrically excited model is higher than that is harvested when using a linear model.

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Optimal control of wave energy converters

Renewable Energy

Zou, Shangyan; Abdelkhalik, Ossama; Robinett, Rush; Bacelli, Giorgio B.; Wilson, David G.

Optimal control theory is applied to compute control for a single-degree-of-freedom heave wave energy converter. The goal is to maximize the energy extraction per cycle. Both constrained and unconstrained optimal control problems are presented. Both periodic and non-periodic excitation forces are considered. In contrast to prior work, it is shown that for this non-autonomous system, the optimal control, in general, includes both singular arc and bang-bang modes. Conditions that determine the switching times to/from the singular arc are derived. Simulation results show that the proposed optimal control solution matches the solution obtained using the complex conjugate control. A generic linear dynamic model is used in the simulations. The main advantage of the proposed control is that it finds the optimal control without the need for wave prediction; it only requires the knowledge of the excitation force and its derivatives at the current time.

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An assessment of WEC control performance uncertainty

Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - OMAE

Coe, Ryan G.; Bacelli, Giorgio B.; Wilson, David G.

A linear dynamic model for a wave energy converter (WEC) has been developed based on the results of experimental wave tank testing. Based on this model, a model predictive control (MPC) strategy has been designed and implemented. To assess the performance of this control strategy, a deployment environment off the coast of Newport, OR has been selected and the controller has been used to simulate the WEC response in a set of irregular sea states. To better understand the influence of model accuracy on control performance, an uncertainty analysis has been performed by varying the parameters of the model used for the design of the controller (i.e. the control model), while keeping the WEC dynamic model employed in these simulations (i.e. the plant model) unaltered. The results of this study indicate a relative low sensitivity of the MPC control strategy to uncertainties in the controller model for the specific case studied here.

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WEC geometry optimization with advanced control

Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - OMAE

Coe, Ryan G.; Bacelli, Giorgio B.; Wilson, David G.

A study was performed to optimize the geometry of a point absorber style wave energy converter (WEC). An axisymmetric single-body device, moving in heave only, was considered. Design geometries, generated using a parametric definition, were optimized using genetic algorithms. Each geometry was analyzed using a boundary element model (BEM) tool to obtain corresponding frequency domain models. Based on these models, a pseudo-spectral method was applied to develop a control methodology for each geometry. The performance of each design was assessed using a Bretschneider sea state. The objective of optimization is to maximize harvested energy. In this preliminary investigation, a constraint is imposed on the the geometry to guarantee a linear dynamic model would be valid for all geometries generated by the optimization tool. Numerical results are presented for axisymmetric buoy shapes.

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Estimation of excitation force on wave energy converters using pressure measurements for feedback control

OCEANS 2016 MTS/IEEE Monterey, OCE 2016

Abdelkhalik, Ossama; Zou, Shangyan; Bacelli, Giorgio B.; Robinett, Rush D.; Wilson, David G.; Coe, Ryan G.

Many of the control strategies for wave energy converters (WECs) that have been studied in the literature rely on the availability of estimates for either the wave elevation or the exciting force caused by the incoming wave; with the objective of addressing this issue, this paper presents the design of a state estimator for a WEC. In particular, the work described in this paper is based on an extended Kalman filter that uses measurements from pressure sensors located on the hull of the WEC to estimate the wave exciting force. Simulation results conducted on a heaving point absorber WEC shows that the extended Kalman filter provides a good estimation of the exciting force in the presence of measurement noise combined with a simplified model of the system, thus making it a suitable candidate for the implementation in an experimental set-up.

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Advanced WEC Dynamics & Controls FY16 Testing Report

Coe, Ryan G.; Bacelli, Giorgio B.; Wilson, David G.; Patterson, David

A model-scale wave tank test was conducted in the interest of improving control systems design of wave energy converters (WECs). The success of most control strategies is based directly upon the availability of a reduced-order model with the ability to capture the dynamics of the system with sufficient accuracy. For this reason, the test described in this report, which is the first in a series of planned tests on WEC controls, focused on system identification (system ID) and model validation.

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Damping optimization for wave energy converters with compressible volumes

Sandia journal manuscript; Not yet accepted for publication

Bacelli, Giorgio B.; Neary, Vincent S.; Murphy, Andrew W.

The addition of a compressible degree of freedom (CDOF) to a wave energy converter (WEC)-which results in a compressible WEC-has been shown to significantly increase power absorption compared to a rigid WEC of the same shape and mass for a variety of architectures. This study demonstrates that a compressible point absorber, with a passive power-take-off (PTO) and optimized damping, can also achieve equal or better performance levels than an optimally controlled rigid point absorber (with the same shape and mass) using reactive power from the PTO. Wave energy is converted to mechanical energy in both cases using a linear damper PTO, with the PTO coefficient optimized for each resonance frequency and compressible volume. The large compressible volume required to tune the compressible point absorber to the desired frequency is a practical limitation that needs to be addressed with further research, especially for low frequencies. While realistic, these auxiliary units would increase the CapEx and OpEx costs, potentially reducing the aforementioned benefits gained by CDOF. However, alternative approaches can be developed to implement CDOF without the large compressible volume requirements, including the development of flexible surface panels tuned with mechanical springs.

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A comparison of WEC control strategies

Coe, Ryan G.; Bull, Diana L.; Bacelli, Giorgio B.; Wilson, David G.; Korde, Umesh A.; Robinett, Rush D.; Abdelkhalik, Ossama A.

The operation of Wave Energy Converter (WEC) devices can pose many challenging problems to the Water Power Community. A key research question is how to significantly improve the performance of these WEC devices through improving the control system design. This report summarizes an effort to analyze and improve the performance of WEC through the design and implementation of control systems. Controllers were selected to span the WEC control design space with the aim of building a more comprehensive understanding of different controller capabilities and requirements. To design and evaluate these control strategies, a model scale test-bed WEC was designed for both numerical and experimental testing (see Section 1.1). Seven control strategies have been developed and applied on a numerical model of the selected WEC. This model is capable of performing at a range of levels, spanning from a fully-linear realization to varying levels of nonlinearity. The details of this model and its ongoing development are described in Section 1.2.

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Compressible degree of freedom (CDOF): A potential strategy for improving wave energy capture

Bacelli, Giorgio B.; Neary, Vincent S.; Murphy, Andrew W.

The addition of a compressible degree of freedom (CDOF) has been shown to significantly increase the power absorption compared to a traditional rigid WEC of the same shape and mass for a variety of architectures. The present study demonstrates that a compressible point absorber, with a passive power-take-off (PTO) and optimized damping, can also achieve at the same performance levels or better than an optimally controlled rigid point absorber using reactive power from the PTO. Eliminating the need for a reactive PTO would sub- stantially reduce costs by reducing PTO design complexity. In addition, it would negate the documented problems of reactive PTO efficiencies on absorbed power. Improvements to per- formance were quantified in the present study by comparing a compressible point absorber to a conventional rigid one with the same shape and mass. Wave energy is converted to mechan- ical energy in both cases using a linear damper PTO, with the PTO coefficient optimized for each resonance frequency and compressible volume. The large compressible volumes required to tune the compressible point absorber to the desired frequency are a practical limitation that needs to be addressed with further research; especially for low frequencies. If fact, all compressible volumes exceed the submerged volume of the point absorber by significant amounts; requiring auxiliary compressible volume storage units that are connected to the air chamber in the submerged portion of the point absorber. While realistic, these auxiliary units would increase the Cap Ex and Op Ex costs, potentially reducing the aforementioned benefits gained by CDOF. However, alternative approaches can be developed to implement CDOF without the large compressible volume requirements, including the development of flexible surface panels tuned with mechanical springs.

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Design of a physical point-absorbing WEC model on which multiple control strategies will be tested at large scale in the MASK basin

Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference

Bull, Diana L.; Coe, Ryan G.; Monda, Mark; Dullea, Kevin; Bacelli, Giorgio B.; Patterson, David

A new multi-year effort has been launched by the Department of Energy to validate the extent to which control strategies can increase the power produced by resonant wave energy conversion (WEC) devices. This paper describes the design of a WEC device to be employed by this program in the development and assessment of WEC control strategies. The operational principle of the device was selected to provide a test-bed for control strategies, in which a specific control strategies effectiveness and the parameters on which its effectiveness depends can be empirically determined. Numerical design studies were employed to determine the device geometry, so as to maximize testing opportunities in the Maneuvering and Seakeeping (MASK) Basin at the Naval Surface Warfare Centers David Taylor Model Basin. Details on the physical model including specific components and model fabrication methodologies are presented. Finally the quantities to be measured and the mechanisms of measurement are listed.

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Results 51–93 of 93
Results 51–93 of 93