Comparison of Field Measurements and Large Eddy Simulations of the Scaled Wind Farm Technology (SWiFT) Site
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Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Sciences and Engineering, UNCECOMP 2019
Communication networks have evolved to a level of sophistication that requires computer models and numerical simulations to understand and predict their behavior. A network simulator is a software that enables the network designer to model several components of a computer network such as nodes, routers, switches and links and events such as data transmissions and packet errors in order to obtain device and network level metrics. Network simulations, as many other numerical approximations that model complex systems, are subject to the specification of parameters and operative conditions of the system. Very often the full characterization of the system and their input is not possible, therefore Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) strategies need to be deployed to evaluate the statistics of its response and behavior. UQ techniques, despite the advancements in the last two decades, still suffer in the presence of a large number of uncertain variables and when the regularity of the systems response cannot be guaranteed. In this context, multifidelity approaches have gained popularity in the UQ community recently due to their flexibility and robustness with respect to these challenges. The main idea behind these techniques is to extract information from a limited number of high-fidelity model realizations and complement them with a much larger number of a set of lower fidelity evaluations. The final result is an estimator with a much lower variance, i.e. a more accurate and reliable estimator can be obtained. In this contribution we investigate the possibility to deploy multifidelity UQ strategies to computer network analysis. Two numerical configurations are studied based on a simplified network with one client and one server. Preliminary results for these tests suggest that multifidelity sampling techniques might be used as effective tools for UQ tools in network applications.
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This study explores a Bayesian calibration framework for the RAMPAGE alloy potential model for Cu-Ni and Cu-Zr systems, respectively. In RAMPAGE potentials, it is proposed that once calibrated potentials for individual elements are available, the inter-species interac- tions can be described by fitting a Morse potential for pair interactions with three parameters, while densities for the embedding function can be scaled by two parameters from the elemen- tal densities. Global sensitivity analysis tools were employed to understand the impact each parameter has on the MD simulation results. A transitional Markov Chain Monte Carlo al- gorithm was used to generate samples from the multimodal posterior distribution consistent with the discrepancy between MD simulation results and DFT data. For the Cu-Ni system the posterior predictive tests indicate that the fitted interatomic potential model agrees well with the DFT data, justifying the basic RAMPAGE assumtions. For the Cu-Zr system, where the phase diagram suggests more complicated atomic interactions than in the case of Cu-Ni, the RAMPAGE potential captured only a subset of the DFT data. The resulting posterior distri- bution for the 5 model parameters exhibited several modes, with each mode corresponding to specific simulation data and a suboptimal agreement with the DFT results.
In this work we propose an approach for accelerating Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) analysis in the context of Multifidelity applications. In the presence of complex multiphysics applications, which often require a prohibitive computational cost for each evaluation, mul- tifidelity UQ techniques try to accelerate the convergence of statistics by leveraging the in- formation collected from a larger number of a lower fidelity model realizations. However, at the-state-of-the-art, the performance of virtually all the multifidelity UQ techniques is related to the correlation between the high and low-fidelity models. In this work we proposed to design a multifidelity UQ framework based on the identification of independent important directions for each model. The main idea is that if the responses of each model can be represented in a common space, this latter can be shared to enhance the correlation when the samples are drawn with respect to it instead of the original variables. There are also two main additional advantages that follow from this approach. First, the models might be correlated even if their original parametrizations are chosen independently. Second, if the shared space between mod- els has a lower dimensionality than the original spaces, the UQ analysis might benefit from a dimension reduction standpoint. In this work we designed this general framework and we also tested it on several test problems ranging from analytical functions for verification purpose, up to more challenging application problems as an aero-thermo-structural analysis and a scramjet flow analysis.
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Efficiently performing predictive studies of irradiated particle-laden turbulent flows has the potential of providing significant contributions towards better understanding and optimizing, for example, concentrated solar power systems. As there are many uncertainties inherent in such flows, conducting uncertainty quantification analyses is fundamental to improve the predictive capabilities of the numerical simulations. For largescale, multi-physics problems exhibiting high-dimensional uncertainty, characterizing the stochastic solution presents a significant computational challenge as many methods require a large number of high-fidelity, forward model solves. This requirement results in the need for a possibly infeasible number of simulations when a typical converged high-fidelity simulation requires intensive computational resources. To reduce the cost of quantifying high-dimensional uncertainties, we investigate the application of a non-intrusive, bi-fidelity approximation to estimate statistics of quantities of interest associated with an irradiated particle-laden turbulent flow. This method relies on exploiting the low-rank structure of the solution to accelerate the stochastic sampling and approximation processes by means of cheaper-to-run, lower fidelity representations. The application of this bi-fidelity approximation results in accurate estimates of the QoI statistics while requiring a small number of high-fidelity model evaluations. It also enables efficient computation of sensitivity analyses which highlight that epistemic uncertainty plays an important role in the solution of irradiated, particle-laden turbulent flow.
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AIAA Journal
The development of scramjet engines is an important research area for advancing hypersonic and orbital flights. Progress toward optimal engine designs requires accurate flow simulations together with uncertainty quantification. However, performing uncertainty quantification for scramjet simulations is challenging due to the large number of uncertain parameters involved and the high computational cost of flow simulations. These difficulties are addressed in this paper by developing practical uncertainty quantification algorithms and computational methods, and deploying them in the current study to large-eddy simulations of a jet in crossflow inside a simplified HIFiRE Direct Connect Rig scramjet combustor. First, global sensitivity analysis is conducted to identify influential uncertain input parameters, which can help reduce the system’s stochastic dimension. Second, because models of different fidelity are used in the overall uncertainty quantification assessment, a framework for quantifying and propagating the uncertainty due to model error is presented. Finally, these methods are demonstrated on a nonreacting jet-in-crossflow test problem in a simplified scramjet geometry, with parameter space up to 24 dimensions, using static and dynamic treatments of the turbulence subgrid model, and with two-dimensional and three-dimensional geometries.
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AIAA Journal
The development of scramjet engines is an important research area for advancing hypersonic and orbital flights. Progress toward optimal engine designs requires accurate flow simulations together with uncertainty quantification. However, performing uncertainty quantification for scramjet simulations is challenging due to the large number of uncertainparameters involvedandthe high computational costofflow simulations. These difficulties are addressedin this paper by developing practical uncertainty quantification algorithms and computational methods, and deploying themin the current studyto large-eddy simulations ofajet incrossflow inside a simplified HIFiRE Direct Connect Rig scramjet combustor. First, global sensitivity analysis is conducted to identify influential uncertain input parameters, which can help reduce the system's stochastic dimension. Second, because models of different fidelity are used in the overall uncertainty quantification assessment, a framework for quantifying and propagating the uncertainty due to model error is presented. These methods are demonstrated on a nonreacting jet-in-crossflow test problem in a simplified scramjet geometry, with parameter space up to 24 dimensions, using static and dynamic treatments of the turbulence subgrid model, and with two-dimensional and three-dimensional geometries.
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19th AIAA Non-Deterministic Approaches Conference, 2017
The accurate evaluation of the performance of complex engineering devices needs to rely on high-fidelity numerical simulations and the systematic characterization and propagation of uncertainties. Several sources of uncertainty may impact the performance of an engineering device through operative conditions, manufacturing tolerances, and even physical models. In the presence of multiphysics systems the number of the uncertain parameters can be fairly large and their propagation through the numerical codes still remains prohibitive because the overall computational budget often allows for only an handful of such high-fidelity realizations. On the other side, common engineering practice can take advantage from a solid history of development and assessment of so called low-fidelity models which albeit less accurate are often capable to at least capture overall trends and parameter dependencies of the system. In this contribution we address the forward propagation of uncertainty parameters relying on statistical estimators built on sequences of numerical and physical discretizations which are provably convergent to the high-fidelity statistics, while exploiting low-fidelity computational models to increase the reliability and confidence in the numerical predictions. The performances of the approaches are presented by means of two fairly complicated aerospace problems, namely the aero-thermo-structural analysis of a turbofan engine nozzle and a flow through a scramjet-like device.
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