
Results 101–125 of 155
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Site characterization for a deep borehole field test

15th International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference 2015, IHLRWM 2015

Kuhlman, Rristopher L.; Arnold, Bill W.; Brady, Patrick V.; Sassani, David C.; Freeze, Geoffrey A.; Hardin, Ernest H.

Deep Borehole Disposal (DBD) of radioactive waste has some clear advantages over mined repositories, including incremental construction and loading, enhanced natural barriers provided by deep continental crystalline basement, and reduced site characterization. Unfavorable features for a DBD site include upward vertical fluid potential gradients, presence of economically exploitable natural resources, presence of high permeability connection from the waste disposal zone to the shallow subsurface, and significant probability of future volcanic activity. Site characterization activities would encompass geomechanical (i.e., rock stress state, fluid pressure, and faulting), geological (i.e., both overburden and bedrock lithology), hydrological (i.e., quantity of fluid, fluid convection properties, and solute transport mechanisms), chemical (i.e., rock and fluid interaction), and socioeconomic (i.e., likelihood for human intrusion) aspects. For a planned Deep Borehole Field Test (DBFT), site features and/or physical processes would be evaluated using both direct (i.e., sampling and in-hole testing) and indirect (i.e., surface and borehole geophysical) methods for efficient and effective characterization. Surface-based characterization would be used to guide the exploratory drilling program, once a candidate DBFT site has been selected. Borehole based characterization will be used to determine the variability of system state (i.e., stress, pressure, temperature, petrology, and water chemistry) with depth, and to develop material and system parameters relevant for numerical simulation. While the site design of DBD could involve an array of disposal boreholes, it may not be necessary to characterize each borehole in detail. Characterization strategies will be developed in the DBFT that establish disposal system safety sufficient for licensing a disposal array.

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Research needs for deep boreholes

15th International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference 2015, IHLRWM 2015

Brady, Patrick V.; Arnold, Bill W.; MacKinnon, R.J.; Hardin, Ernest H.; Sassani, David C.; Kuhlman, Kristopher L.; Freeze, Geoffrey A.

While deep borehole disposal of nuclear waste should rely primarily on off-the-shelf technologies pioneered by the oil and gas and geothermal industries, the development of new science and technology will remain important. Key knowledge gaps have been outlined in the research roadmap for deep boreholes (B. Arnold et al, 2012, Research, Development, and Demonstration Roadmap for Deep Borehole Disposal, Sandia National Laboratories, SAND2012-8527P) and in a recent Deep Borehole Science Needs Workshop. Characterizing deep crystalline basement, understanding the nature and role of deep fractures, more precisely age-dating deep groundwaters, and demonstrating long-term performance of seals are all important topics of interest. Overlapping deep borehole and enhanced geothermal technology needs include: quantification of seal material performance/failure, stress measurement beyond the borehole, advanced drilling and completion tools, and better subsurface sensors. A deep borehole demonstration has the potential to trigger more focused study of deep hydrology, high temperature brine-rock interaction, and thermomechanical behavior.

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Performance Assessment Modeling and Sensitivity Analyses of Generic Disposal System Concepts

Sevougian, Stephen D.; Freeze, Geoffrey A.; Gardner, William P.; Hammond, Glenn E.; Mariner, Paul M.

directly, rather than through simplified abstractions. It also a llows for complex representations of the source term, e.g., the explicit representation of many individual waste packages (i.e., meter - scale detail of an entire waste emplacement drift). This report fulfills the Generic Disposal System Analysis Work Packa ge Level 3 Milestone - Performance Assessment Modeling and Sensitivity Analyses of Generic Disposal System Concepts (M 3 FT - 1 4 SN08080 3 2 ).

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Results 101–125 of 155
Results 101–125 of 155