
Results 201–240 of 240
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Elucidating the mysteries of wetting

Brooks, Carlton F.; Emerson, John A.; Grest, Gary S.; Grillet, Anne M.; Sackinger, Philip A.; Ash, Benjamin J.; Webb, Edmund B.; Gorby, Allen D.; Bourdon, Christopher B.

Nearly every manufacturing and many technologies central to Sandia's business involve physical processes controlled by interfacial wetting. Interfacial forces, e.g. conjoining/disjoining pressure, electrostatics, and capillary condensation, are ubiquitous and can surpass and even dominate bulk inertial or viscous effects on a continuum level. Moreover, the statics and dynamics of three-phase contact lines exhibit a wide range of complex behavior, such as contact angle hysteresis due to surface roughness, surface reaction, or compositional heterogeneities. These thermodynamically and kinetically driven interactions are essential to the development of new materials and processes. A detailed understanding was developed for the factors controlling wettability in multicomponent systems from computational modeling tools, and experimental diagnostics for systems, and processes dominated by interfacial effects. Wettability probed by dynamic advancing and receding contact angle measurements, ellipsometry, and direct determination of the capillary and disjoining forces. Molecular scale experiments determined the relationships between the fundamental interactions between molecular species and with the substrate. Atomistic simulations studied the equilibrium concentration profiles near the solid and vapor interfaces and tested the basic assumptions used in the continuum approaches. These simulations provide guidance in developing constitutive equations, which more accurately take into account the effects of surface induced phase separation and concentration gradients near the three-phase contact line. The development of these accurate models for dynamic multicomponent wetting allows improvement in science based engineering of manufacturing processes previously developed through costly trial and error by varying material formulation and geometry modification.

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Diverse spreading behavior of binary polymer nanodroplets


Heine, David R.; Grest, Gary S.; Webb, Edmund B.

Molecular dynamics simulations are used to study the spreading of binary polymer nanodroplets in a cylindrical geometry. The polymers, described by the bead-spring model, spread on a flat surface with a surface-coupled Langevin thermostat to mimic the effects of a corrugated surface. Each droplet consists of chains of length 10 or 100 monomers with ∼350 000 monomers total. The qualitative features of the spreading dynamics are presented for differences in chain length, surface interaction strength, and composition. When the components of the droplet differ only in the surface interaction strength, the more strongly wetting component forms a monolayer film on the surface even when both materials are above or below the wetting transition. In the case where the only difference is the polymer chain length, the monolayer film beneath the droplet is composed of an equal amount of short chain and long chain monomers even when one component (the shorter chain length) is above the wetting transition and the other is not. The fraction of short and long chains in the precursor foot depends on whether both the short and the long chains are in the wetting regime. Diluting the concentration of the strongly wetting component in a mixture with a weakly wetting component decreases the rate of diffusion of the wetting material from the bulk to the surface and limits the spreading rate of the precursor foot, but the bulk spreading rate actually increases when both components are present. This may be due to the strongly wetting material pushing out the weakly wetting material as it moves toward the precursor foot. © 2005 American Chemical Society.

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Onset of three-dimensional shear in granular flow

Proposed for publication in Physical Review Letters.

Lechman, Jeremy B.; Grest, Gary S.

The evolution of granular shear flow is investigated as a function of height in a split-bottom Couette cell. Using particle tracking, magnetic-resonance imaging, and large-scale simulations, we find a transition in the nature of the shear as a characteristic height H* is exceeded. Below H* there is a central stationary core; above H* we observe the onset of additional axial shear associated with torsional failure. Radial and axial shear profiles are qualitatively different: the radial extent is wide and increases with height, while the axial width remains narrow and fixed.

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Discrete element simulation of granular flow in a modified Couette cell

Lechman, Jeremy B.; Grest, Gary S.

Slow, dense granular flows often exhibit thin, localized regions of particle motion, called shear bands, separating largely solid-like regions. Recent experiments using a split-bottom Couette cell found that the width of the shear zone grew as the pack height increased and the azimuthal velocities when rescaled fall on a universal curve regardless of the particle properties. Here we present large-scale Discrete Element simulations of a similar system for packs of varying height up to 180,000 monodisperse spheres. The onset and evolution of granular shear flow is investigated as a function of height. We find a transition in the nature of the shear as a characteristic height is exceeded. Below this height there is a central quasi-solid core; above this height we observe the onset of additional axial shear associated with a torsional failure mode of the inner core. Radial and axial shear profiles are qualitatively different: the radial extent is wide and increases with height while the axial width remains narrow and fixed.

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Scattering from polymer networks under elongational strain

Proposed for publication in Europhysics Letters.

Grest, Gary S.

Molecular-dynamics simulations are used to sample the single-chain form factor of labelled sub-chains in model polymer networks under elongational strain. We observe very similar results for randomly cross-linked and for randomly end-linked networks with the same average strand length and see no indication of lozenge-like scattering patterns reported for some experimental systems. Our data analysis shows that a recent variant of the tube model quantitatively describes scattering in the Guinier regime as well as the macroscopic elastic properties. The observed failure of the theory outside the Guinier regime is shown to be due to non-Gaussian pair-distance distributions.

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Jamming in granular hopper flow

Proposed for publication in Physical Review E.

Grest, Gary S.

Large-scale three dimensional molecular dynamics simulations of hopper flow are presented. The flow rate of the system is controlled by the width of the aperture at the bottom. As the steady-state flow rate is reduced, the force distribution P(f) changes only slightly, while there is a large change in the impulse distribution P(i). In both cases, the distributions show an increase in small forces or impulses as the systems approach jamming, the opposite of that seen in previous Lennard-Jones simulations. This occurs dynamically as well for a hopper that transitions from a flowing to a jammed state over time. The final jammed P(f) is quite distinct from a poured packing P(f) in the same geometry. The change in P(i) is a much stronger indicator of the approach to jamming. The formation of a peak or plateau in P(f) at the average force is not a general feature of the approach to jamming.

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Dissolutive wetting of Ag on Cu: A molecular dynamics simulation study

Acta Materialia

Webb, Edmund B.; Grest, Gary S.; Heine, David R.; Hoyt, J.J.

Reactive wetting in the eutectic AgCu system is studied with molecular dynamics simulations. As Ag(l) spreads on the Cu surface, Cu dissolves into the liquid. The results for reactive wetting are compared to simulations in which no mixing is permitted, demonstrating that wetting kinetics are enhanced by dissolution reactions. The time dependent radius of the droplet R(t) is used to quantify kinetics for the wetting geometry of an infinitely long cylinder spreading on a substrate. Data show that, when dissolution is dominant, spreading is well described by R(t) ∼ (R0t)1/2, where R0 is the starting cylinder radius. Contact angle θ(t) data were calculated via a method that accounts for structure near the contact region and compared to data obtained using circular fits to the droplet profile. Significant differences were observed due to molecular scale structure that rapidly evolves near the contact line. This structure exhibits markedly lower θ than what is predicted from droplet profile data and it is proposed to exist throughout most stages of dissolutive wetting. Simulations of AgCu binary liquids spreading on Cu demonstrate that wetting kinetics decrease with increasing Cu in the liquid, further emphasizing that wetting kinetics are intrinsically linked to dissolution kinetics. After dissolution is complete, a Ag-rich monolayer of atoms advances diffusively across the Cu surface. © 2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Acta Materialia Inc.

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Tribological properties of alkylsilane self-assembled monolayers

Proposed for publication in Langmuir.

Lorenz, Christian D.; Chandross, M.; Grest, Gary S.; Stevens, Mark J.; Webb, Edmund B.

In this study, we perform molecular dynamics simulations of adhesive contact and friction between alkylsilane Si(OH){sub 3}(CX{sub 2}){sub 10}CX{sub 3} and alkoxylsilane Si(OH){sub 2}(CX{sub 2}){sub 10}CX{sub 3} (where X = H or F) self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) on an amorphous silica substrate. The alkylsilane SAMs are primarily hydrogen-bonded or physisorbed to the surface. The alkoxylsilane SAMs are covalently bonded or chemisorbed to the surface. Previously, we studied the chemisorbed systems. In this work, we study the physisorbed systems and compare the tribological properties with the chemisorbed systems. Furthermore, we examine how water at the interface of the SAMs and substrate affects the tribological properties of the physisorbed systems. When less than a third of a monolayer is present, very little difference in the microscopic friction coefficient {mu} or shear stresses is observed. For increasing amounts of water, the values of {mu} and the shear stresses decrease; this effect is somewhat more pronounced for fluorocarbon alkylsilane SAMs than for the hydrocarbon SAMs. The observed decrease in friction is a consequence of a slip plane that occurs in the water as the amount of water is increased. We studied the frictional behavior using relative shear velocities ranging from v = 2 cm/s to 2 m/s. Similar to previously reported results for alkoxylsilane SAMs, the values of the measured stress and {mu} for the alkylsilane SAM systems decrease monotonically with v.

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Discrete element simulation of dense granular flow in a modified Couette cell

Grest, Gary S.; Lechman, Jeremy B.

Large-scale three dimensional Discrete Element simulations of granular flow in a modified split-bottom Couette cell for packs of up to 180,000 mono-disperse spheres are presented and compared with experiments. We find that the velocity profiles collapse onto a universal curve not only at the surface but also in the bulk of the pack until slip between layers becomes significant. In agreement with experiment, we find similar relations between the cell geometry and parameters involved in rescaling the velocities at the surface and in the bulk. Likewise, a change in the shape of the shear zone is observed as predicted for tall packs once the center of the shear zone is correctly defined; although the transition does not appear to be first order. Finally, the effect of cohesion is considered as a means to test the theoretical predictions.

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Morphology of evaporated multiblock copolymer membranes studied by molecular dynamics simulations


Tsige, Mesfin T.; Mattsson, Thomas M.; Grest, Gary S.

We present extensive simulations modeling the casting of multiblock polymer films by evaporation. The domain structure of the resulting film is strongly affected by varying the relative stiffness of the coblocks. The morphology changes from a bicontinuous lamellar phase when both blocks are flexible to a small-scale phase-separated phase with isolated domains as the stiffness of one of the blocks increases. As the relative stiffness of the blocks changes, the rate of evaporation, interfacial width, and morphology of the system changes. The findings can be used to tailor membrane morphology of interest to fuel-cell applications where the morphology is important for proton conduction.

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Identifying the primitive path mesh in entangled polymer liquids

Proposed for publication in J Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics.

Grest, Gary S.

Similar to entangled ropes, polymer chains cannot slide through each other. These topological constraints, the so-called entanglements, dominate the viscoelastic behavior of high-molecular-weight polymeric liquids. Tube models of polymer dynamics and rheology are based on the idea that entanglements confine a chain to small fluctuations around a primitive path which follows the coarse-grained chain contour. To establish the microscopic foundation for these highly successful phenomenological models, we have recently introduced a method for identifying the primitive path mesh that characterizes the microscopic topological state of computer-generated conformations of long-chain polymer melts and solutions. Here we give a more detailed account of the algorithm and discuss several key aspects of the analysis that are pertinent for its successful use in analyzing the topology of the polymer configurations. We also present a slight modification of the algorithm that preserves the previously neglected self-entanglements and allows us to distinguish between local self-knots and entanglements between distant sections of the same chain. Our results indicate that the latter make a negligible contribution to the tube and that the contour length between local self-knots, N{sub 1k} is significantly larger than the entanglement length N{sub e}.

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Atomistic simulations of reactive wetting in metallic systems

Proposed for publication in Interface Science.

Webb, Edmund B.; Hoyt, Jeffrey J.; Grest, Gary S.; Heine, David R.

Atomistic simulations were performed to investigate high temperature wetting phenomena for metals. A sessile drop configuration was modeled for two systems: Ag(l) on Cu and Pb(l) on Cu. The former case is an eutectic binary and the wetting kinetics were greatly enhanced by the presence of aggressive interdiffusion between Ag and Cu. Wetting kinetics were directly dependent upon dissolution kinetics. The dissolution rate was nearly identical for Ag(l) on Cu(100) compared to Cu(111); as such, the spreading rate was very similar on both surfaces. Pb and Cu are bulk immiscible so spreading of Pb(l) on Cu occurred in the absence of significant substrate dissolution. For Pb(l) on Cu(111) a precursor wetting film of atomic thickness emerged from the partially wetting liquid drop and rapidly covered the surface. For Pb(l) on Cu(100), a foot was also observed to emerge from a partially wetting drop; however, spreading kinetics were dramatically slower for Pb(l) on Cu(100) than on Cu(111). For the former, a surface alloying reaction was observed to occur as the liquid wet the surface. The alloying reaction was associated with dramatically decreased wetting kinetics on Cu(100) versus Cu(111), where no alloying was observed. These two cases demonstrate markedly different atomistic mechanisms of wetting where, for Ag(l) on Cu, the dissolution reaction is associated with increased wetting kinetics while, for Pb(l) on Cu, the surface alloying reaction is associated with decreased wetting kinetics.

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Effect of End-Tethered Polymers on Surface Adhesion of Glassy Polymers

Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics

Sides, Scott W.; Grest, Gary S.; Stevens, Mark J.; Plimpton, Steven J.

The adhesion between a glassy polymer melt and substrate is studied in the presence of end-grafted chains chemically attached to the substrate surface. Extensive molecular dynamics simulations have been carried out to study the effect of the areal density Σ of tethered chains and tensile pull velocity v on the adhesive failure mechanisms. The initial configurations are generated using a double-bridging algorithm in which new bonds are formed across a pair of monomers equidistant from their respective free ends. This generates new chain configurations that are substantially different than the original two chains such that the systems can be equilibrated in a reasonable amount of cpu time. At the slowest tensile pull velocity studied, a crossover from chain scission to crazing is observed as the coverage increases, while for very large pull velocity, only chain scission is observed. As the coverage increases, the sections of the tethered chains pulled out from the interface form the fibrils of a craze that are strong enough to suppress chain scission, resulting in cohesive rather than adhesive failure. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

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Equilibration of long chain polymer melts in computer simulations

Journal of Chemical Physics

Auhl, Rolf; Everaers, Ralf; Grest, Gary S.; Kremer, Kurt; Plimpton, Steven J.

Equilibrated melts of long chain polymers were prepared. The combination of molecular dynamic (MD) relaxation, double-bridging and slow push-off allowed the efficient and controlled preparation of equilibrated melts of short, medium, and long chains, respectively. Results were obtained for an off-lattice bead-spring model with chain lengths up to N=7000 beads.

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Granular packings with moving side walls

Proposed for publication in Physical Review E.

Grest, Gary S.; Landry, James W.; Grest, Gary S.

The effects of movement of the side walls of a confined granular packing are studied by discrete element, molecular dynamics simulations. The dynamical evolution of the stress is studied as a function of wall movement both in the direction of gravity as well as opposite to it. For all wall velocities explored, the stress in the final state of the system after wall movement is fundamentally different from the original state obtained by pouring particles into the container and letting them settle under the influence of gravity. The original packing possesses a hydrostaticlike region at the top of the container which crosses over to a depth-independent stress. As the walls are moved in the direction opposite to gravity, the saturation stress first reaches a minimum value independent of the wall velocity, then increases to a steady-state value dependent on the wall velocity. After wall movement ceases and the packing reaches equilibrium, the stress profile fits the classic Janssen form for high wall velocities, while some deviations remain for low wall velocities. The wall movement greatly increases the number of particle-wall and particle-particle forces at the Coulomb criterion. Varying the wall velocity has only small effects on the particle structure of the final packing so long as the walls travel a similar distance.

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Spreading dynamics of polymer nanodroplets

Proposed for publication in Physical Review E.

Grest, Gary S.; Heine, David R.; Grest, Gary S.; Webb, Edmund B.

The spreading of polymer droplets is studied using molecular dynamics simulations. To study the dynamics of both the precursor foot and the bulk droplet, large hemispherical drops of 200 000 monomers are simulated using a bead-spring model for polymers of chain length 10, 20, and 40 monomers per chain. We compare spreading on flat and atomistic surfaces, chain length effects, and different applications of the Langevin and dissipative particle dynamics thermostats. We find diffusive behavior for the precursor foot and good agreement with the molecular kinetic model of droplet spreading using both flat and atomistic surfaces. Despite the large system size and long simulation time relative to previous simulations, we find that even larger systems are required to observe hydrodynamic behavior in the hemispherical spreading droplet.

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Precursor film controlled wetting of pb on cu

Physical Review Letters

Webb, Edmund B.; Grest, Gary S.; Heine, David R.

Wetting in a system where the kinetics of drop spreading are controlled by the rate of formation of a precursor film is modeled for the first time at the atomistic scale. Molecular dynamics simulations of Pb(l) wetting Cu(111) and Cu(100) show that a precursor film of atomic thickness evolves and spreads diffusively. This precursor film spreads significantly faster on Cu(111) than on Cu(100). For Cu(100), the kinetics of drop spreading are dramatically decreased by slow advancement of the precursor film. Slow precursor film kinetics on Cu(100) are partly due to the formation of a surface alloy at the solid-liquid interface which does not occur on Cu(111). © 2003 The American Physical Society.

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Dynamics of exchange at gas-zeolite interfaces I: Pure component n-butane and isobutane

Journal of Physical Chemistry B

Chandross, M.; Webb, Edmund B.; Grest, Gary S.; Martin, Marcus G.; Thompson, Aidan P.; Roth, M.W.

We present the results of Molecular Dynamics and Monte Carlo simulations of n-butane and isobutane in silicalite. We begin with a comparison of the bulk adsorption and diffusion properties for two different parameterizations of the interaction potential between the hydrocarbon species, both of which have been shown to reproduce experimental gas-liquid coexistence curves. We examine diffusion as a function of the loading of the zeolite, as well as the temperature dependence of the diffusion constant at loading and for infinite dilution. Both force fields give accurate descriptions of bulk properties. We continue with simulations in which interfaces are formed between single component gases and the zeolite. After reaching equilibrium, we examine the dynamics of exchange between the bulk gas and the zeolite. In particular, we examine the average time spent in the adsorption layer by molecules as they enter the zeolite from the gas in an attempt to probe the microscopic origins of the surface barrier. The microscopic barrier is found to be insignificant for experimental systems. Finally, we calculate the permeability of the zeolite for n-butane and isobutane as a function of pressure. Our results underestimate the experimental results by an order of magnitude, indicating a strong effect from the surface barrier in these simulations. Our simulations are performed for a number of different gas temperatures and pressures, covering a wide range of state points.

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Self-consistent integral equation theory for polyolefins: Comparison to molecular dynamics simulations and X-ray scattering

Journal of Chemical Physics

Pütz, Mathias; Curro, John G.; Grest, Gary S.

The effect of polymer architecture on macroscopic properties were investigated using the self-consistent integral equation theory. Using several types of polyolefin polymers, the results obtained using the self consistent polymer reference interaction site model (PRISM) and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were compared. The results from the two methods were then compared with experimental X ray scattering data.

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History Dependent Phenomena in the Transverse Ising Ferro-Glass: the Free Energy Landscape

Physical Review Letters

Grest, Gary S.; Grest, Gary S.

In this paper the authors investigate the relationship between glassy and ferromagnetic phases in disordered Ising ferromagnets in the presence of transverse magnetic fields, {Lambda}. Iterative mean field simulations probe the free energy landscape and suggest the existence of a glass transition line in the {Lambda}, temperature T plane well within the ferromagnetic phase. New experimental field-cooled and zero-field-cooled data on LiHo{sub x} Y{sub 1{minus}x}F{sub 4} provide support for our theoretical picture.

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Gravity-driven dense granular flows

Rhysical Review Letters

Grest, Gary S.; Silbert, Leonardo E.; Grest, Gary S.

The authors report and analyze the results of numerical studies of dense granular flows in two and three dimensions, using both linear damped springs and Hertzian force laws between particles. Chute flow generically produces a constant density profile that satisfies scaling relations suggestive of a Bagnold grain inertia regime. The type for force law has little impact on the behavior of the system. Failure is not initiated at the surface, consistent with the absence of surface flows and different principal stress directions at vs. below the surface.

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Liquid/vapor surface tension of metals: Embedded atom method with charge gradient corrections

Physical Review Letters

Webb, Edmund B.; Grest, Gary S.; Grest, Gary S.

Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations for three separately parameterized embedded atom methods (EAM) function sets are used to determine the liquid/vapor surface tension {gamma} for Al, Ni, Cu, Ag, and Au. The three EAM models differ in both the functional forms employed and the fitting procedure used. All the EAM potentials underestimate {gamma} but one of the models performs consistently better than the others. The authors show that including a correction to the local charge density associated with gradients in the density together with exploiting the invariance of the EAM bulk potential to appropriate transformations in the charge density can lead to improved values for {gamma}, as well as for solid free surface energies, within existing EAM function sets.

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Results 201–240 of 240
Results 201–240 of 240