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Anti-Icing Coatings using Ionomer Film Layer Structuring

Bell, Nelson S.; Narcross, Hannah N.; Bowman, Ashley B.; Jansen, Annika L.; Grest, Gary S.; Thurston, Bryce A.

This research effort examined the application of Nafion polymers in alcohol solvents as an anti-ice surface coating, as a mixture with hydrophilic polymers and freezing point depressant salt systems. Co-soluble systems of Nafion, polymer and salt were applied using dip coating methods to create smooth films for frost observation over a Peltier plate thermal system in ambient laboratory conditions. Cryo-DSC was applied to examine freezing events of the Nafion-surfactant mixtures, but the sensitivity of the measurement was insufficient to determine frost behavior. Collaborations with the Fog Chamber at Sandia-Albuquerque, and in environmental SAXS measurements with CINT-LANL were requested but were not able to be performed under the research duration. Since experimental characterization of these factors is difficult to achieve directly, computational modeling was used to guide the scientific basis for property improvement. Computational modeling was performed to improve understanding of the dynamic association between ionomer side groups and added molecules and deicing salts. The polyacrylic acid in water system was identified at the start of the project as a relevant system for exploring the effect of varying counterions on the properties of fully deprotonated polyacrylic acid (PAA) in the presence of water. Simulations were modeled with four different counterions, two monovalent counterions (K+ and Na+) and two divalent counterions (Ca2+ and Mg2+). The wt% of PAA in these systems was varied from ~10 to 80 wt% PAA for temperatures from 250K to 400K. In the second set of simulations, the interpenetration of water into a dry PAA film was studied for Na+ or Ca2+ counterions for temperatures between 300K and 400K. The result of this project is a sprayable Nafion film composite which resists ice nucleation at -20 °C for periods of greater than three hours. It is composed of Nafion polymer, hydrophilic polyethylene oxide polymer and CaCl2 anti-ice crosslinker. Durability and field performance properties remain to be determined.

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Modeling Solution Drying by Moving a Liquid-Vapor Interface: Method and Applications


Tang, Yanfei T.; McLaugahan, John E.; Grest, Gary S.; cheng, shengfeng c.

A method of simulating the drying process of a soft matter solution with an implicit solvent model by moving the liquid-vapor interface is applied to various solution films and droplets. For a solution of a polymer and nanoparticles, we observe “polymer-on-top” stratification, similar to that found previously with an explicit solvent model. Furthermore, “polymer-on-top” is found even when the nanoparticle size is smaller than the radius of gyration of the polymer chains. For a suspension droplet of a bidisperse mixture of nanoparticles, we show that core-shell clusters of nanoparticles can be obtained via the “small-on-outside” stratification mechanism at fast evaporation rates. “Large-on-outside” stratification and uniform particle distribution are also observed when the evaporation rate is reduced. Polymeric particles with various morphologies, including Janus spheres, core-shell particles, and patchy particles, are produced from drying droplets of polymer solutions by combining fast evaporation with a controlled interaction between the polymers and the liquid-vapor interface. Our results validate the applicability of the moving interface method to a wide range of drying systems. The limitations of the method are pointed out and cautions are provided to potential practitioners on cases where the method might fail.

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Large-scale frictionless jamming with power-law particle size distributions

Physical Review. E

Monti, Joseph M.; Clemmer, Joel T.; Srivastava, Ishan S.; Silber, Leonardo S.; Grest, Gary S.; Lechman, Jeremy B.

Due to significant computational expense, discrete element method simulations of jammed packings of size-dispersed spheres with size ratios greater than 1:10 have remained elusive, limiting the correspondence between simulations and real-world granular materials with large size dispersity. Here, invoking a recently developed neighbor binning algorithm, we generate mechanically stable jammed packings of frictionless spheres with power-law size distributions containing up to nearly 4 000 000 particles with size ratios up to 1:100. By systematically varying the width and exponent of the underlying power laws, we analyze the role of particle size distributions on the structure of jammed packings. The densest packings are obtained for size distributions that balance the relative abundance of large-large and small-small particle contacts. Although the proportion of rattler particles and mean coordination number strongly depend on the size distribution, the mean coordination of nonrattler particles attains the frictionless isostatic value of six in all cases. The size distribution of nonrattler particles that participate in the load-bearing network exhibits no dependence on the width of the total particle size distribution beyond a critical particle size for low-magnitude exponent power laws. This signifies that only particles with sizes greater than the critical particle size contribute to the mechanical stability. However, for high-magnitude exponent power laws, all particle sizes participate in the mechanical stability of the packing.

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Nonlinear Elongation Flows in Associating Polymer Melts: From Homogeneous to Heterogeneous Flow

Physical Review. X

Mohottalalage, Supun S.; Senanayake, Manjula S.; Clemmer, Joel T.; Perahia, Dvora P.; Grest, Gary S.; O'Connor, Thomas O.

Response to elongational flow is fundamental to soft matter and directly impacts new developments in a broad range of technologies form polymer processing and microfluidics to controlled flow in biosystems. Of particular significance are the effects of elongational flow on self-assembled systems where the interactions between the fundamental building blocks control their adaptation. Here we probe the effects of associating groups on the structure and dynamics of linear polymer melts in uniaxial elongation using molecular dynamics simulations. We study model polymers with randomly incorporated backbone associations with interaction strengths varying from 1kBT to 10kBT. These associating groups drive the formation of clusters in equilibrium with an average size that increases with interaction strength. Flow drives these clusters to continuously break and reform as chains stretch. These flow-driven cluster dynamics drive a qualitative transition in polymer elongation dynamics from homogeneous to nanoscale localized yield and cavitation as the association strength increases.

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Overlap Concentration in Salt-Free Polyelectrolyte Solutions


Bollinger, Jonathan A.; Grest, Gary S.; Stevens, Mark J.; Rubinstein, Michael

For strongly charged polyelectrolytes in salt-free solutions, we use molecular dynamics simulations of a coarse-grained bead-spring model to calculate overlap concentrations c∗ and chain structure for polymers containing N = 10 to 1600 monomers. Over much of this range, we find that the end-to-end distance R∗ at c∗ increases faster than linearly with increasing N, as chains at the overlap concentration approach strongly extended conformations. This trend results in the overlap concentration c∗ decreasing as a stronger function of N than the classical prediction c∗ ∼N-2. This stronger dependence can be fit either by a logarithmic correction to scaling or by an apparent scaling c∗ ∼N-m, with m > 2.

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Modeling the Nonlinear Rheology of Polymer Additive Manufacturing

O'Connor, Thomas O.; Clemmer, Joel T.; Grest, Gary S.; Stevens, Mark J.

This report summarizes molecular and continuum simulation studies focused on developing physics - based predictive models for the evolution of polymer molecular order during the nonlinear processing flows of additive manufacturing. Our molecular simulations of polymer elongation flows identified novel mechanisms of fluid dissipation for various polymer architectures that might be harnessed to enhance material processability. In order to predict the complex thermal and flow history of polymer realistic additive manufacturing processes, we have developed and deployed a high - performance mesh - free hydrodynamics module in Sandia's LAMMPS software. This module called RHEO – short for Reproducing Hydrodynamics and Elastic Objects – hybridizes an updated - Lagrange reproducing - kernel method for complex fluids with a bonded particle method (BPM) to capture solidification and solid objects in multiphase flows. In combination, our two methods allow rapid, multiscale characterization of the hydrodynamics and molecular evolution of polymers in realistic processing geometries.

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Jamming of bidisperse frictional spheres

Physical Review Research

Srivastava, Ishan; Clemmer, Joel T.; Silbert, Leonardo E.; Lechman, Jeremy B.; Grest, Gary S.

By generalizing a geometric argument for frictionless spheres, a model is proposed for the jamming density φJ of mechanically stable packings of bidisperse, frictional spheres. The monodisperse, μs-dependent jamming density φJmono(μs) is the only input required in the model, where μs is the coefficient of friction. The predictions of the model are validated by robust estimates of φJ obtained from computer simulations of up to 107 particles for a wide range of μs, and size ratios up to 40:1. Although φJ varies nonmonotonically with the volume fraction of small spheres fs for all μs, its maximum value φJ,max at an optimal fmaxs are both μs dependent. The optimal fmaxs is characterized by a sharp transition in the fraction of small rattler particles.

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Interfacial Response and Structural Adaptation of Structured Polyelectrolyte Thin Films


Senanayake, Manjula; Aryal, Dipak; Grest, Gary S.; Perahia, Dvora

Ionizable block copolymers with distinctive block characteristics display the diversity crucial for the design of macromolecules for targeted applications. In contrast to van der Waals copolymers, their interfaces, which are critical to their function, consist of nanodomains, each of a different nature and thus unique interfacial behavior. Here, the interfacial response of a symmetric block copolymer with a sulfonated polystyrene polyelectrolyte center, tethered to polyethylene-r-propylene and terminated by poly(t-butyl styrene) is probed as polymer films are exposed to three polar solvents, water, propanol, and tetrahydrofuran (THF), using molecular dynamics simulations. Each of the solvents captures a distinctive interaction with the individual blocks. We find that at the film boundary, the interfacial response is initially dominated by that of the hydrophobic blocks to all solvents. At later times, the solvent distribution among the blocks, where water molecules associate predominantly with the sulfonated groups and propanol and THF reside at multiple different sites, determines the chemical composition and the polymer conformation at the interface. Overall, these simulations provide the first direct molecular insight into the interfacial response of ionizable copolymers.

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Nonlinear Shear Rheology of Entangled Polymer Rings


Parisi, Daniele; Costanzo, Salvatore; Jeong, Youncheol; Ahn, Junyoung; Chang, Taihyun; Vlassopoulos, Dimitris; Halverson, Jonathan D.; Kremer, Kurt; Ge, Ting; Rubinstein, Michael; Grest, Gary S.; Srinin, Watee; Grosberg, Alexander Y.

Steady-state shear viscosity (γ˙) of unconcatenated ring polymer melts as a function of the shear rate γ˙ is studied by a combination of experiments, simulations, and theory. Experiments using polystyrenes with Z ≈ 5 and Z ≈ 11 entanglements indicate weaker shear thinning for rings compared to linear polymers exhibiting power law scaling of shear viscosity ∼γ˙-0.56 ± 0.02, independent of chain length, for Weissenberg numbers up to about 102. Nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations using the bead-spring model reveal a similar behavior with ∼γ˙-0.57 ± 0.08 for 4 ≤ Z ≤ 57. Viscosity decreases with chain length for high γ˙. In our experiments, we see the onset of this regime, and in simulations, which we extended to Wi ∼104, the nonuniversality is fully developed. In addition to a naive scaling theory yielding for the universal regime ∼γ˙-0.57, we developed a novel shear slit model explaining many details of observed conformations and dynamics as well as the chain length-dependent behavior of viscosity at large γ˙. The signature feature of the model is the presence of two distinct length scales: the size of tension blobs and much larger thickness of a shear slit in which rings are self-consistently confined in the velocity gradient direction and which is dictated by the size of a chain section with relaxation time 1/γ˙. These two length scales control the two normal stress differences. In this model, the chain length-dependent onset of nonuniversal behavior is set by tension blobs becoming as small as about one Kuhn segment. This model explains the approximate applicability of the Cox-Merz rule for ring polymers.

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Effects of interaction strength of associating groups on linear and star polymer dynamics

Journal of Chemical Physics

Senanayake, Manjula; Perahia, Dvora; Grest, Gary S.

A small number of associating groups incorporated onto a polymer backbone have dramatic effects on the mobility and viscoelastic response of the macromolecules in melts. These associating groups assemble, driving the formation of clusters, whose lifetime affects the properties of the polymers. Here, we probe the effects of the interaction strength on the structure and dynamics of two topologies, linear and star polymer melts, and further investigate blends of associative and non-associating polymers using molecular dynamics simulations. Polymer chains of approximately one entanglement length are described by a bead-spring model, and the associating groups are incorporated in the form of interacting beads with an interaction strength between them that is varied from 1 to 20 kBT. We find that, for all melts and blends, interaction of a few kBT between the associating groups drives cluster formation, where the size of the clusters increases with increasing interaction strength. These clusters act as physical crosslinkers, which slow the chain mobility. Blends of chains with and without associating groups macroscopically phase separate for interaction strength between the associating groups of a few kBT and above. For weakly interacting associating groups, the static structure function S(q) is well fit by functional form predicted by the random phase approximation where a clear deviation occurs as phase segregation takes place, providing a quantitative assessment of phase segregation.

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Scale and rate in CdS pressure-induced phase transition

AIP Conference Proceedings

Lane, J.M.D.; Thompson, Aidan P.; Srivastava, Ishan S.; Grest, Gary S.; Ao, Tommy A.; Stoltzfus, Brian S.; Austin, Kevin N.; Fan, H.; Morgan, D.; Knudson, Marcus D.

We describe recent efforts to improve our predictive modeling of rate-dependent behavior at, or near, a phase transition using molecular dynamics simulations. Cadmium sulfide (CdS) is a well-studied material that undergoes a solid-solid phase transition from wurtzite to rock salt structures between 3 and 9 GPa. Atomistic simulations are used to investigate the dominant transition mechanisms as a function of orientation, size and rate. We found that the final rock salt orientations were determined relative to the initial wurtzite orientation, and that these orientations were different for the two orientations and two pressure regimes studied. The CdS solid-solid phase transition is studied, for both a bulk single crystal and for polymer-encapsulated spherical nanoparticles of various sizes.

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Threading-Unthreading Transition of Linear-Ring Polymer Blends in Extensional Flow

ACS Macro Letters

Borger, Anine; Wang, Wendi; O'Connor, Thomas O.; Ge, Ting; Grest, Gary S.; Jensen, Grethe V.; Ahn, Junyoung; Chang, Taihyun; Hassager, Ole; Mortensen, Kell; Vlassopoulos, Dimitris; Huang, Qian

Adding small amounts of ring polymers to a matrix of their linear counterparts is known to increase the zero-shear-rate viscosity because of linear-ring threading. Uniaxial extensional rheology measurements show that, unlike its pure linear and ring constituents, the blend exhibits an overshoot in the stress growth coefficient. By combining these measurements with ex-situ small-angle neutron scattering and nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations, this overshoot is shown to be driven by a transient threading-unthreading transition of rings embedded within the linear entanglement network. Prior to unthreading, embedded rings deform affinely with the linear entanglement network and produce a measurably stronger elongation of the linear chains in the blend compared to the pure linear melt. Thus, rings uniquely alter the mechanisms of transient elongation in linear polymers.

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Viscoelastic Response of Dispersed Entangled Polymer Melts


Peters, Brandon L.; Salerno, K.M.; Ge, Ting; Perahia, Dvora; Grest, Gary S.

Polymer synthesis routes result in macromolecules with molecular weight dispersity M that depends on the polymerization mechanism. The lowest dispersity polymers are those made by anionic and atom-transfer radical polymerization, which exhibit narrow distributions M = Mw/Mn ∼1.02-1.04. Even for small dispersity, the chain length can vary by a factor of two from the average. The impact of chain length dispersity on the viscoelastic response remains an open question. Here, the effects of dispersity on stress relaxation and shear viscosity of entangled polyethylene melts are studied using molecular dynamics simulations. Melts with chain length dispersity, which follow a Schulz-Zimm (SZ) distribution with M = 1.0-1.16, are studied for times up to 800 μs, longer than the terminal time. These systems are compared to those with binary and ternary distributions. The stress relaxation functions are extracted from the Green-Kubo relation and from stress relaxation following a uniaxial extension. At short and intermediate time scales, both the mean squared displacement and the stress relaxation function G(t) are independent of M. At longer times, the terminal relaxation time decreases with increasing M. In this time range, the faster motion of the shorter chains results in constraint release for the longer chains.

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Granular packings with sliding, rolling, and twisting friction

Physical Review E

Santos, Andrew P.; Bolintineanu, Dan S.; Grest, Gary S.; Lechman, Jeremy B.; Plimpton, Steven J.; Srivastava, Ishan; Silbert, Leonardo E.

Intuition tells us that a rolling or spinning sphere will eventually stop due to the presence of friction and other dissipative interactions. The resistance to rolling and spinning or twisting torque that stops a sphere also changes the microstructure of a granular packing of frictional spheres by increasing the number of constraints on the degrees of freedom of motion. We perform discrete element modeling simulations to construct sphere packings implementing a range of frictional constraints under a pressure-controlled protocol. Mechanically stable packings are achievable at volume fractions and average coordination numbers as low as 0.53 and 2.5, respectively, when the particles experience high resistance to sliding, rolling, and twisting. Only when the particle model includes rolling and twisting friction were experimental volume fractions reproduced.

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Effects of Tethered Polymers on Dynamics of Nanoparticles in Unentangled Polymer Melts


Ge, Ting; Rubinstein, Michael; Grest, Gary S.

Polymer-tethered nanoparticles (NPs) are commonly added to a polymer matrix to improve the material properties. Critical to the fabrication and processing of such composites is the mobility of the tethered NPs. Here, we study the motion of tethered NPs in unentangled polymer melts using molecular dynamics simulations, which offer a precise control of the grafted chain length Ng and the number z of grafted chains per particle. As Ng increases, there is a crossover from particle-dominated to tethered-chain-dominated terminal diffusion of NPs with the same z. The mean squared displacement of loosely tethered NPs in the case of tethered-chain-dominated terminal diffusion exhibits two subdiffusive regimes at intermediate time scales for small z. The first one at shorter time scales arises from the dynamical coupling of the particle and matrix chains, while the one at longer time scales is due to the participation of the particle in the dynamics of the tethered chains. The friction of loosely grafted chains in unentangled melts scales linearly with the total number of monomers in the chains, as the friction of individual monomers is additive in the absence of hydrodynamic coupling. As more chains are grafted to a particle, hydrodynamic interactions between grafted chains emerge. As a result, there is a nondraining layer of hydrodynamically coupled chain segments surrounding the bare particle. Outside the nondraining layer is a free-draining layer of grafted chain segments with no hydrodynamic coupling. The boundary of the two layers is the stick surface where the shear stress due to the relative melt flow is balanced by the friction between the grafted and melt chains in the interpenetration layer. The stick surface is located further away from the bare surface of the particle with higher grafting density.

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Topological Linking Drives Anomalous Thickening of Ring Polymers in Weak Extensional Flows

Physical Review Letters

O'Connor, Thomas O.; Grest, Gary S.; Rubinstein, Michael R.

Molecular dynamics simulations confirm recent extensional flow experiments showing ring polymer melts exhibit strong extension-rate thickening of the viscosity at Weissenberg numbers Wi « 1. Thickening coincides with the extreme elongation of a minority population of rings that grows with Wi. The large susceptibility of some rings to extend is due to a flow-driven formation of topological links that connect multiple rings into supramolecular chains. Links form spontaneously with a longer delay at lower Wi and are pulled tight and stabilized by the flow. Once linked, these composite objects experience larger drag forces than individual rings, driving their strong elongation. The fraction of linked rings depends non-monotonically on Wi, increasing to a maximum when Wi 1 before rapidly decreasing when the strain rate approaches 1/Te.

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Random walks on jammed networks: Spectral properties

Physical Review E

Lechman, Jeremy B.; Bond, Stephen D.; Bolintineanu, Dan S.; Grest, Gary S.; Yarrington, Cole Y.; Silbert, Leonardo E.

Using random walk analyses we explore diffusive transport on networks obtained from contacts between isotropically compressed, monodisperse, frictionless sphere packings generated over a range of pressures in the vicinity of the jamming transition p→0. For conductive particles in an insulating medium, conduction is determined by the particle contact network with nodes representing particle centers and edges contacts between particles. The transition rate is not homogeneous, but is distributed inhomogeneously due to the randomness of packing and concomitant disorder of the contact network, e.g., the distribution of the coordination number. A narrow escape time scale is used to write a Markov process for random walks on the particle contact network. This stochastic process is analyzed in terms of spectral density of the random, sparse, Euclidean and real, symmetric, positive, semidefinite transition rate matrix. Results show network structures derived from jammed particles have properties similar to ordered, euclidean lattices but also some unique properties that distinguish them from other structures that are in some sense more homogeneous. In particular, the distribution of eigenvalues of the transition rate matrix follow a power law with spectral dimension 3. However, quantitative details of the statistics of the eigenvectors show subtle differences with homogeneous lattices and allow us to distinguish between topological and geometric sources of disorder in the network.

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Mechanics of Gold Nanoparticle Superlattices at High Hydrostatic Pressures

Journal of Physical Chemistry C

Srivastava, Ishan S.; Peters, Brandon L.; Lane, J.M.; Fan, Hongyou F.; Salerno, K.M.; Grest, Gary S.

Pressure-driven assembly of ligand-grafted gold nanoparticle superlattices is a promising approach for fabricating gold nanostructures, such as nanowires and nanosheets. Optimizing this fabrication method will require extending our understanding of superlattice mechanics to regimes of high pressures. We use molecular dynamics simulations to characterize the response of alkanethiol-grafted gold nanoparticle superlattices to applied hydrostatic pressures up to 15 GPa. At low applied pressures, intrinsic voids govern the mechanics of compaction. As applied pressures increase, the void collapse and ligand compression depend significantly on the ligand length. These microstructural observations correlate directly with trends in bulk modulus and elastic constants. For short ligands, core-core contact between gold nanoparticles is observed at high pressures, which augurs irreversible response and eventual sintering. This presintering behavior was unexpected under hydrostatic loading and is observed only for the shortest ligands.

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Stratification of drying particle suspensions: Comparison of implicit and explicit solvent simulations

Journal of Chemical Physics

Tang, Yanfei; Grest, Gary S.; Cheng, Shengfeng

Large scale molecular dynamics simulations are used to study drying suspensions of a binary mixture of large and small particles in explicit and implicit solvents. The solvent is first modeled explicitly and then mapped to a uniform viscous medium by matching the diffusion coefficients and the pair correlation functions of the particles. "Small-on-top" stratification of the particles, with an enrichment of the smaller ones at the receding liquid-vapor interface during drying, is observed in both models under the same drying conditions. With the implicit solvent model, we are able to model much thicker films and study the effect of the initial film thickness on the final distribution of particles in the dry film. Our results show that the degree of stratification is controlled by the Péclet number defined using the initial film thickness as the characteristic length scale. When the Péclet numbers of large and small particles are much larger than 1, the degree of "small-on-top" stratification is first enhanced and then weakens as the Péclet numbers are increased.

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Mechanics of Gold Nanoparticle Superlattices at High Hydrostatic Pressure

Srivastava, Ishan S.; Peters, Brandon L.; Lane, James M.; Fan, Hongyou F.; Grest, Gary S.; Salerno, Michael S.

Pressure-driven assembly of ligand-grafted gold nanoparticle superlattices is a promising approach for fabricating gold nanostructures, such as nanowires and nanosheets. However, optimizing this fabrication method requires an understanding of the mechanics of their complex hierarchical assemblies at high pressures. We use molecular dynamics simulations to characterize the response of alkanethiol-grafted gold nanoparticle superlattices to applied hydrostatic pressures up to 15 GPa, and demonstrate that the internal mechanics significantly depend on ligand length. At low pressures, intrinsic voids govern the mechanics of pressure-induced compaction, and the dynamics of collapse of these voids under pressure depend significantly on ligand length. These microstructural observations correlate well with the observed trends in bulk modulus and elastic constants. For the shortest ligands at high pressures, coating failure leads to gold core-core contact, an augur of irreversible response and eventual sintering. This behavior was unexpected under hydrostatic loading, and was only observed for the shortest ligands.

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Temperature response of soft ionizable polymer nanoparticles

Journal of Chemical Physics

Wijesinghe, Sidath; Perahia, Dvora; Grest, Gary S.

The temperature response of luminescent ionizable polymers confined into far from equilibrium nanoparticles without chemical links was studied using molecular dynamics simulations. These nanoparticles, often referred to as polydots, are emerging as a promising tool for nanomedicine. Incorporating ionizable groups into these polymers enables biofunctionality; however, they also affect the delicate balance of interactions that hold these nanoparticles together. Here polydots formed by a model polymer dialkyl p-phenylene ethynylene with varying number of carboxylate groups along the polymer backbone were probed. We find that increasing temperature affects neutral and charged polydots differently, where neutral polydots exhibit a transition above which their structure becomes dynamic and they unravel. The dependence of the transition temperature on the surface to volume ratio of these polydots is much stronger than what has previously been observed in polymeric thin films. Charged polydots become dynamic enabling migration of the ionizable groups toward the particle interface, while retaining the overall particle shape.

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Effect of Chain Length Dispersity on the Mobility of Entangled Polymers

Physical Review Letters

Peters, Brandon L.; Salerno, K.M.; Ge, Ting; Perahia, Dvora; Grest, Gary S.

While nearly all theoretical and computational studies of entangled polymer melts have focused on uniform samples, polymer synthesis routes always result in some dispersity, albeit narrow, of distribution of molecular weights (Crossed D signM=Mw/Mn∼1.02-1.04). Here, the effects of dispersity on chain mobility are studied for entangled, disperse melts using a coarse-grained model for polyethylene. Polymer melts with chain lengths set to follow a Schulz-Zimm distribution for the same average Mw=36 kg/mol with Crossed D signM=1.0 to 1.16, were studied for times of 600-800 μs using molecular dynamics simulations. This time frame is longer than the time required to reach the diffusive regime. We find that dispersity in this range does not affect the entanglement time or tube diameter. However, while there is negligible difference in the average mobility of chains for the uniform distribution Crossed D signM=1.0 and Crossed D signM=1.02, the shortest chains move significantly faster than the longest ones offering a constraint release pathway for the melts for larger Crossed D signM.

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Stratification in Drying Films Containing Bidisperse Mixtures of Nanoparticles


Tang, Yanfei; Grest, Gary S.; Cheng, Shengfeng

Large scale molecular dynamics simulations for bidisperse nanoparticle suspensions with an explicit solvent are used to investigate the effects of evaporation rates and volume fractions on the nanoparticle distribution during drying. Our results show that "small-on-top" stratification can occur when Pesøs ≳ c with c ∼ 1, where Pes is the Péclet number and øs is the volume fraction of the smaller particles. This threshold of Pesøs for "small-on-top" is larger by a factor of ∼α2 than the prediction of the model treating solvent as an implicit viscous background, where α is the size ratio between the large and small particles. Our simulations further show that when the evaporation rate of the solvent is reduced, the "small-on-top" stratification can be enhanced, which is not predicted by existing theories. This unexpected behavior is explained with thermophoresis associated with a positive gradient of solvent density caused by evaporative cooling at the liquid/vapor interface. For ultrafast evaporation the gradient is large and drives the nanoparticles toward the liquid/vapor interface. This phoretic effect is stronger for larger nanoparticles, and consequently the "small-on-top" stratification becomes more distinct when the evaporation rate is slower (but not too slow such that a uniform distribution of nanoparticles in the drying film is produced), as thermophoresis that favors larger particles on the top is mitigated. A similar effect can lead to "large-on-top" stratification for Pesøs above the threshold when Pes is large but øs is small. Our results reveal the importance of including the solvent explicitly when modeling evaporation-induced particle separation and organization and point to the important role of density gradients brought about by ultrafast evaporation.

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Effect of an external field on capillary waves in a dipolar fluid

Physical Review E

Koski, Jason K.; Moore, Stan G.; Grest, Gary S.; Stevens, Mark J.

The role of an external field on capillary waves at the liquid-vapor interface of a dipolar fluid is investigated using molecular dynamics simulations. For fields parallel to the interface, the interfacial width squared increases linearly with respect to the logarithm of the size of the interface across all field strengths tested. The value of the slope decreases with increasing field strength, indicating that the field dampens the capillary waves. With the inclusion of the parallel field, the surface stiffness increases with increasing field strength faster than the surface tension. For fields perpendicular to the interface, the interfacial width squared is linear with respect to the logarithm of the size of the interface for small field strengths, and the surface stiffness is less than the surface tension. Above a critical field strength that decreases as the size of the interface increases, the interface becomes unstable due to the increased amplitude of the capillary waves.

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Reentrant equilibrium disordering in nanoparticle-polymer mixtures

npj Computational Materials

Meng, Dong; Kumar, Sanat K.; Grest, Gary S.; Mahynski, Nathan A.; Panagiotopoulos, Athanassios Z.

A large body of experimental work has established that athermal colloid/polymer mixtures undergo a sequence of transitions from a disordered fluid state to a colloidal crystal to a second disordered phase with increasing polymer concentration. These transitions are driven by polymer-mediated interparticle attraction, which is a function of both the polymer density and size. It has been posited that the disordered state at high polymer density is a consequence of strong interparticle attractions that kinetically inhibit the formation of the colloidal crystal, i.e., the formation of a non-equilibrium gel phase interferes with crystallization. Here we use molecular dynamics simulations and density functional theory on polymers and nanoparticles (NPs) of comparable size and show that the crystal-disordered phase coexistence at high polymer density for sufficiently long chains corresponds to an equilibrium thermodynamic phase transition. While the crystal is, indeed, stabilized at intermediate polymer density by polymer-induced intercolloid attractions, it is destabilized at higher densities because long chains lose significant configurational entropy when they are forced to occupy all of the crystal voids. Our results are in quantitative agreement with existing experimental data and show that, at least in the nanoparticle limit of sufficiently small colloidal particles, the crystal phase only has a modest range of thermodynamic stability.

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Polymers at Liquid/Vapor Interface

ACS Macro Letters

Peters, Brandon L.; Pike, Darin Q.; Rubinstein, Michael; Grest, Gary S.

Polymers confined to the liquid/vapor interface are studied using molecular dynamics simulations. We show that for polymers which are weakly immiscible with the solvent, the density profile perpendicular to the liquid/vapor interface is strongly asymmetric. On the vapor side of the interface, the density distribution falls off as a Gaussian with a decay length on the order of the bead diameter, whereas on the liquid side, the density profile decays as a simple exponential. This result differs from that of a polymer absorbed from a good solvent with the density profile decaying as a power law. As the surface coverage increases, the average end-to-end distance and chain mobility systematically decreases toward that of the homopolymer melt.

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Structured Ionomer Thin Films at Water Interface: Molecular Dynamics Simulation Insight


Aryal, Dipak; Agrawal, Anupriya; Perahia, Dvora; Grest, Gary S.

Controlling the structure and dynamics of thin films of ionizable polymers at water interfaces is critical to their many applications. As the chemical diversity within one polymer is increased, controlling the structure and dynamics of the polymer, which is a key to their use, becomes a challenge. Here molecular dynamics simulations (MD) are used to obtain molecular insight into the structure and dynamics of thin films of one such macromolecule at the interface with water. The polymer consists of an ABCBA topology with randomly sulfonated polystyrene (C), tethered symmetrically to flexible poly(ethylene-r-propylene) blocks (B), and end-capped by a poly(t-butylstyrene) block (A). The compositions of the interfacial and bulk regions of thin films of the ABCBA polymers are followed as a function of exposure time to water. We find that interfacial rearrangements take place where buried ionic segments migrate toward the water interface. The hydrophobic blocks collapse and rearrange to minimize their exposure to water. The water that initially drives interfacial reengagements breaks the ionic clusters within the film, forming a dynamic hydrophilic internal network within the hydrophobic segments.

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Structure and Dynamics of Ionic Block Copolymer Melts: Computational Study


Aryal, Dipak; Agrawal, Anupriya; Perahia, Dvora; Grest, Gary S.

Structure and dynamics of melts of copolymers with an ABCBA topology, where C is an ionizable block, have been studied by fully atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. Introducing an ionizable block for functionality adds a significant element to the coupled set of interactions that determine the structure and dynamics of the macromolecule. The polymer consists of a randomly sulfonated polystyrene C block tethered to a flexible poly(ethylene-r-propylene) bridge B and end-capped with poly(tert-butylstyrene) A. The chemical structure and topology of these polymers constitute a model for incorporation of ionic blocks within a framework that provides tactility and mechanical stability. Here we resolve the structure and dynamics of a structured polymer on the nanoscale constrained by ionic clusters. We find that the melts form intertwined networks of the A and C blocks independent of the degree of sulfonation of the C block with no long-range order. The cluster cohesiveness and morphology affect both macroscopic translational motion and segmental dynamics of all the blocks.

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Resolving Properties of Polymers and Nanoparticle Assembly through Coarse-Grained Computational Studies

Grest, Gary S.

Coupled length and time scales determine the dynamic behavior of polymers and polymer nanocomposites and underlie their unique properties. To resolve the properties over large time and length scales it is imperative to develop coarse grained models which retain the atomistic specificity. Here we probe the degree of coarse graining required to simultaneously retain significant atomistic details a nd access large length and time scales. The degree of coarse graining in turn sets the minimum length scale instrumental in defining polymer properties and dynamics. Using polyethylene as a model system, we probe how the coarse - graining scale affects the measured dynamics with different number methylene group s per coarse - grained beads. Using these models we simulate polyethylene melts for times over 500 ms to study the viscoelastic properties of well - entangled polymer melts and large nanoparticle assembly as the nanoparticles are driven close enough to form nanostructures.

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Luminescent tunable polydots: Charge effects in confined geometry

Journal of Chemical Physics

Wijesinghe, Sidath; Maskey, Sabina; Perahia, Dvora; Grest, Gary S.

Long-lived soft nanoparticles, formed by conjugated polymers, constitute a new class of far-from-equilibrium responsive structures for nano-medicine. Tethering ionizable groups to the polymers enables functionality. However concurrently, the ionic groups perturb the delicate balance of interactions that governs these particles. Using fully atomistic molecular dynamics simulations, this study probed the effects of charged groups tethered to poly para phenylene ethynylene substituted by alkyl groups on the polymer conformation and dynamics in confined geometry. We find that the ionizable groups affect the entire shape of the polydots and impact the conformation and dynamics of the polymer.

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Coarse-Grained Modeling of Polyethylene Melts: Effect on Dynamics

Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation

Peters, Brandon L.; Salerno, K.M.; Agrawal, Anupriya; Perahia, Dvora; Grest, Gary S.

The distinctive viscoelastic behavior of polymers results from a coupled interplay of motion on multiple length and time scales. Capturing the broad time and length scales of polymer motion remains a challenge. Using polyethylene (PE) as a model macromolecule, we construct coarse-grained (CG) models of PE with three to six methyl groups per CG bead and probe two critical aspects of the technique: pressure corrections required after iterative Boltzmann inversion (IBI) to generate CG potentials that match the pressure of reference fully atomistic melt simulations and the transferability of CG potentials across temperatures. While IBI produces nonbonded pair potentials that give excellent agreement between the atomistic and CG pair correlation functions, the resulting pressure for the CG models is large compared with the pressure of the atomistic system. We find that correcting the potential to match the reference pressure leads to nonbonded interactions with much deeper minima and slightly smaller effective bead diameter. However, simulations with potentials generated by IBI and pressure-corrected IBI result in similar mean-square displacements (MSDs) and stress autocorrelation functions G(t) for PE melts. While the time rescaling factor required to match CG and atomistic models is the same for pressure-and non-pressure-corrected CG models, it strongly depends on temperature. Transferability was investigated by comparing the MSDs and stress autocorrelation functions for potentials developed at different temperatures.

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Superfast assembly and synthesis of gold nanostructures using nanosecond low-temperature compression via magnetic pulsed power

Nature Communications

Li, Binsong; Bian, Kaifu B.; Lane, J.M.; Salerno, K.M.; Grest, Gary S.; Ao, Tommy A.; Hickman, Randy J.; Wise, Jack L.; Wang, Zhongwu; Fan, Hongyou F.

Gold nanostructured materials exhibit important size- and shape-dependent properties that enable a wide variety of applications in photocatalysis, nanoelectronics and phototherapy. Here we show the use of superfast dynamic compression to synthesize extended gold nanostructures, such as nanorods, nanowires and nanosheets, with nanosecond coalescence times. Using a pulsed power generator, we ramp compress spherical gold nanoparticle arrays to pressures of tens of GPa, demonstrating pressure-driven assembly beyond the quasi-static regime of the diamond anvil cell. Our dynamic magnetic ramp compression approach produces smooth, shockless (that is, isentropic) one-dimensional loading with low-temperature states suitable for nanostructure synthesis. Transmission electron microscopy clearly establishes that various gold architectures are formed through compressive mesoscale coalescences of spherical gold nanoparticles, which is further confirmed by in-situ synchrotron X-ray studies and large-scale simulation. This nanofabrication approach applies magnetically driven uniaxial ramp compression to mimic established embossing and imprinting processes, but at ultra-short (nanosecond) timescales.

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Nanoparticle Motion in Entangled Melts of Linear and Nonconcatenated Ring Polymers


Ge, Ting; Kalathi, Jagannathan T.; Halverson, Jonathan D.; Grest, Gary S.; Rubinstein, Michael

The motion of nanoparticles (NPs) in entangled melts of linear polymers and nonconcatenated ring polymers are compared by large-scale molecular dynamics simulations. The comparison provides a paradigm for the effects of polymer architecture on the dynamical coupling between NPs and polymers in nanocomposites. Strongly suppressed motion of NPs with diameter d larger than the entanglement spacing a is observed in a melt of linear polymers before the onset of Fickian NP diffusion. This strong suppression of NP motion occurs progressively as d exceeds a and is related to the hopping diffusion of NPs in the entanglement network. In contrast to the NP motion in linear polymers, the motion of NPs with d > a in ring polymers is not as strongly suppressed prior to Fickian diffusion. The diffusion coefficient D decreases with increasing d much slower in entangled rings than in entangled linear chains. NP motion in entangled nonconcatenated ring polymers is understood through a scaling analysis of the coupling between NP motion and the self-similar entangled dynamics of ring polymers.

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Soft nanoparticles: nano ionic networks of associated ionic polymers


Aryal, Dipak; Grest, Gary S.; Perahia, Dvora

Directing the formation of nanostructures that serve as building blocks of membranes presents an immense step towards engineering controlled polymeric ion transport systems. Using the exquisite atomic detail captured by molecular dynamics simulations, we follow the assembly of a co-polymer that consists of polystyrene sulfonate tethered symmetrically to hydrophobic blocks, realizing a new type of long lived solvent-responsive soft nanoparticle.

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Association of a multifunctional ionic block copolymer in a selective solvent

Journal of Chemical Physics

Etampawala, Thusitha N.; Aryal, Dipak; Osti, Naresh C.; He, Lilin; Heller, William T.; Willis, Carl L.; Grest, Gary S.; Perahia, Dvora

The self-assembly of multiblock copolymers in solutions is controlled by a delicate balance between inherent phase segregation due to incompatibility of the blocks and the interaction of the individual blocks with the solvent. The current study elucidates the association of pentablock copolymers in a mixture of selective solvents which are good for the hydrophobic segments and poor for the hydrophilic blocks using small angle neutron scattering (SANS). The pentablock consists of a center block of randomly sulfonated polystyrene, designed for transport, tethered to poly-ethylene-r-propylene and end-capped by poly-t-butyl styrene, for mechanical stability. We find that the pentablock forms ellipsoidal core-shell micelles with the sulfonated polystyrene in the core and Gaussian decaying chains of swollen poly-ethylene-r-propylene and poly-t-butyl styrene tertiary in the corona. With increasing solution concentration, the size of the micelle, the thickness of the corona, and the aggregation number increase, while the solvent fraction in the core decreases. In dilute solution the micelle increases in size as the temperature is increased, however, temperature effects dissipate with increasing solution concentration.

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Communication: Polymer entanglement dynamics: Role of attractive interactions

Journal of Chemical Physics

Grest, Gary S.

The coupled dynamics of entangled polymers, which span broad time and length scales, govern their unique viscoelastic properties. To follow chain mobility by numerical simulations from the intermediate Rouse and reptation regimes to the late time diffusive regime, highly coarse grained models with purely repulsive interactions between monomers are widely used since they are computationally the most efficient. Here using large scale molecular dynamics simulations, the effect of including the attractive interaction between monomers on the dynamics of entangled polymer melts is explored for the first time over a wide temperature range. Attractive interactions have little effect on the local packing for all temperatures T and on the chain mobility for T higher than about twice the glass transition Tg. These results, across a broad range of molecular weight, show that to study the dynamics of entangled polymer melts, the interactions can be treated as pure repulsive, confirming a posteriori the validity of previous studies and opening the way to new large scale numerical simulations.

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Dynamics in entangled polyethylene melts [Multi time scale dynamics in entangled polyethylene melts]

European Physical Journal. Special Topics

Salerno, Kenneth M.; Agrawal, Anupriya A.; Peters, Brandon L.; Perahia, Dvora P.; Grest, Gary S.

Polymer dynamics creates distinctive viscoelastic behavior as a result of a coupled interplay of motion at the atomic length scale and motion of the entire macromolecule. Capturing the broad time and length scales of polymeric motion however, remains a challenge. Using linear polyethylene as a model system, we probe the effects of the degree of coarse graining on polymer dynamics. Coarse-grained (CG) potentials are derived using iterative Boltzmann inversion with λ methylene groups per CG bead (denoted CGλ) with λ = 2,3,4 and 6 from a fully-atomistic polyethylene melt simulation. By rescaling time in the CG models by a factor α, the chain mobility for the atomistic and CG models match. We show that independent of the degree of coarse graining, all measured static and dynamic properties are essentially the same once the dynamic scaling factor α and a non-crossing constraint for the CG6 model are included. The speedup of the CG4 model is about 3 times that of the CG3 model and is comparable to that of the CG6 model. Furthermore, using these CG models we were able to reach times of over 500 μs, allowing us to measure a number of quantities, including the stress relaxation function, plateau modulus and shear viscosity, and compare directly to experiment.

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Crazing of nanocomposites with polymer-tethered nanoparticles

Journal of Chemical Physics

Meng, Dong; Kumar, Sanat K.; Ge, Ting; Robbins, Mark O.; Grest, Gary S.

The crazing behavior of polymer nanocomposites formed by blending polymer grafted nanoparticles with an entangled polymer melt is studied by molecular dynamics simulations. We focus on the three key differences in the crazing behavior of a composite relative to the pure homopolymer matrix, namely, a lower yield stress, a smaller extension ratio, and a grafted chain length dependent failure stress. The yield behavior is found to be mostly controlled by the local nanoparticle-grafted polymer interfacial energy, with the grafted polymer-polymer matrix interfacial structure being of little to no relevance. Increasing the attraction between nanoparticle core and the grafted polymer inhibits void nucleation and leads to a higher yield stress. In the craze growth regime, the presence of "grafted chain" sections of ≈100 monomers alters the mechanical response of composite samples, giving rise to smaller extension ratios and higher drawing stresses than for the homopolymer matrix. The dominant failure mechanism of composite samples depends strongly on the length of the grafted chains, with disentanglement being the dominant mechanism for short chains, while bond breaking is the failure mode for chain lengths >10Ne, where Ne is the entanglement length.

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Dispersing Nanoparticles in a Polymer Film via Solvent Evaporation

ACS Macro Letters

Cheng, Shengfeng; Grest, Gary S.

Large-scale molecular dynamics simulations are used to study the dispersion of nanoparticles (NPs) in a polymer film during solvent evaporation. As the solvent evaporates, a dense polymer-rich skin layer forms at the liquid/vapor interface, which is either NP rich or poor depending on the strength of the NP/polymer interaction. When the NPs are strongly wet by the polymer, the NPs accumulate at the interface and form layers. However, when the NPs are only partially wet by the polymer, most NPs are uniformly distributed in the bulk of the polymer film, with the dense skin layer serving as a barrier to prevent the NPs from moving to the interface. Our results point to a possible route to employ less favorable NP/polymer interactions and fast solvent evaporation to uniformly disperse NPs in a polymer film, contrary to the common belief that strong NP/polymer attractions are needed to make NPs well dispersed in polymer nanocomposites.

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Cluster morphology-polymer dynamics correlations in sulfonated polystyrene melts: Computational study

Physical Review Letters

Agrawal, Anupriya; Perahia, Dvora; Grest, Gary S.

Reaching exceptionally long times up to 500 ns in equilibrium and nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations studies, we have attained a fundamental molecular understanding of the correlation of ionomer clusters structure and multiscale dynamics, providing new insight into one critical, long-standing challenge in ionic polymer physics. The cluster structure in melts of sulfonated polystyrene with Na+ and Mg2+ counterions are resolved and correlated with the dynamics on multiple length and time scales extracted from measurements of the dynamic structure factor and shear rheology. We find that as the morphology of the ionic clusters changes from ladderlike for Na+ to disordered structures for Mg2+, the dynamic structure factor is affected on the length scale corresponding to the ionic clusters. Rheology studies show that the viscosity for Mg2+ melts is higher than for Na+ ones for all shear rates, which is well correlated with the larger ionic clusters' size for the Mg2+ melts.

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Dynamics of Polydots: Soft Luminescent Polymeric Nanoparticles


Maskey, Sabina; Osti, Naresh C.; Grest, Gary S.; Perahia, Dvora

The conformation and dynamics of luminescent polymers collapsed into nanoparticles or polydots were studied using fully atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, providing a first insight into their internal dynamics. Controlling the conformation and dynamics of confined polymers is essential for realization of the full potential of polydots in nanomedicine and biotechnology. Specifically, the shape and internal dynamics of polydots that consist of highly rigid dialkyl p-phenylene ethynylene (PPE) are probed as a function of temperature. At room temperature, the polydots are spherical without any correlations between the aromatic rings on the PPE backbone. With increasing temperature, they expand and become slightly aspherical; however, the polymers remain confined. The coherent dynamic structure factor reveals that the internal motion of the polymer backbone is arrested, and the side chains dominate the internal dynamics of the polydots. These new soft nanoparticles retain their overall shape and dynamics over an extended temperature range, and their conformation is tunable via their degree of expansion.

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Tension Amplification in Tethered Layers of Bottle-Brush Polymers


Leuty, Gary M.; Tsige, Mesfin; Grest, Gary S.; Rubinstein, Michael

Molecular dynamics simulations of a coarse-grained bead-spring model have been used to study the effects of molecular crowding on the accumulation of tension in the backbone of bottle-brush polymers tethered to a flat substrate. The number of bottle-brushes per unit surface area, Σ, as well as the lengths of the bottle-brush backbones Nbb (50 ≤ Nbb ≤ 200) and side chains Nsc (50 ≤ Nsc ≤ 200) were varied to determine how the dimensions and degree of crowding of bottle-brushes give rise to bond tension amplification along the backbone, especially near the substrate. From these simulations, we have identified three separate regimes of tension. For low Σ, the tension is due solely to intramolecular interactions and is dominated by the side chain repulsion that governs the lateral brush dimensions. With increasing Σ, the interactions between bottle-brush polymers induce compression of the side chains, transmitting increasing tension to the backbone. For large Σ, intermolecular side chain repulsion increases, forcing side chain extension and reorientation in the direction normal to the surface and transmitting considerable tension to the backbone.

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Structure of Rigid Polymers Confined to Nanoparticles: Molecular Dynamics Simulations Insight


Maskey, Sabina; Lane, J.M.; Perahia, Dvora; Grest, Gary S.

Nanoparticles (NPs) grafted with organic layers form hybrids able to retain their unique properties through integration into the mesoscopic scale. The organic layer structure and response often determine the functionality of the hybrids on the mesoscopic length scale. Using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, we probe the conformation of luminescent rigid polymers, dialkyl poly(p-phenylene ethynylene)s (PPE), end-grafted onto a silica nanoparticle in different solvents as the molecular weights and polymer coverages are varied. We find that, in contrast to NP-grafted flexible polymers, the chains are fully extended independent of the solvent. In toluene and decane, which are good solvents, the grafted PPEs chains assume a similar conformation to that observed in dilute solutions. In water, which is a poor solvent for the PPEs, the polymer chains form one large cluster but remain extended. The radial distribution of the chains around the core of the nanoparticle is homogeneous in good solvents, whereas in poor solvents clusters are formed independent of molecular weights and coverages. The clustering is distinctively different from the response of grafted flexible and semiflexible polymers.

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Conformation of ionizable poly Para phenylene ethynylene in dilute solutions

Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics

Wijesinghe, Sidath; Maskey, Sabina; Perahia, Dvora; Grest, Gary S.

The conformation of dinonyl poly para phenylene ethynylenes (PPEs) with carboxylate side chains, equilibrated in solvents of different quality have been studied using molecular dynamics simulations. PPEs are of interest because of their tunable electro-optical properties, chemical diversity, and functionality which are essential in wide range of applications. The polymer conformation determines the conjugation length and their assembly mode and affects electro-optical properties which are critical in current and potential uses. This study investigates the effect of carboxylate fraction on PPEs side chains on the conformation of chains in the dilute limit, in solvents of different quality. The dinonyl PPE chains are modeled atomistically, where the solvents are modeled both implicitly and explicitly. Dinonyl PPEs maintained a stretched out conformation up to a carboxylate fraction f of 0.7 in all solvents studied. The nonyl side chains are extended and oriented away from the PPE backbone in toluene and in implicit good solvent, whereas in water and implicit poor solvent, the nonyl side chains are collapsed toward the PPE backbone. Rotation around the aromatic ring is fast and no long range correlations are seen within the backbone.

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Resolving Dynamic Properties of Polymers through Coarse-Grained Computational Studies

Physical Review Letters

Salerno, K.M.; Agrawal, Anupriya; Perahia, Dvora; Grest, Gary S.

Coupled length and time scales determine the dynamic behavior of polymers and underlie their unique viscoelastic properties. To resolve the long-time dynamics it is imperative to determine which time and length scales must be correctly modeled. Here we probe the degree of coarse graining required to simultaneously retain significant atomistic details and access large length and time scales. The degree of coarse graining in turn sets the minimum length scale instrumental in defining polymer properties and dynamics. Using linear polyethylene as a model system, we probe how the coarse-graining scale affects the measured dynamics. Iterative Boltzmann inversion is used to derive coarse-grained potentials with 2-6 methylene groups per coarse-grained bead from a fully atomistic melt simulation. We show that atomistic detail is critical to capturing large-scale dynamics. Using these models we simulate polyethylene melts for times over 500 μs to study the viscoelastic properties of well-entangled polymer melts.

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Clustering effects in ionic polymers: Molecular dynamics simulations

Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics

Agrawal, Anupriya; Perahia, Dvora; Grest, Gary S.

Ionic clusters control the structure, dynamics, and transport in soft matter. Incorporating a small fraction of ionizable groups in polymers substantially reduces the mobility of the macromolecules in melts. These ionic groups often associate into random clusters in melts, where the distribution and morphology of the clusters impact the transport in these materials. Here, using molecular dynamic simulations we demonstrate a clear correlation between cluster size and morphology with the polymer mobility in melts of sulfonated polystyrene. We show that in low dielectric media ladderlike clusters that are lower in energy compared with spherical assemblies are formed. Reducing the electrostatic interactions by enhancing the dielectric constant leads to morphological transformation from ladderlike clusters to globular assemblies. Decrease in electrostatic interaction significantly enhances the mobility of the polymer.

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Ligand structure and mechanical properties of single-nanoparticle-thick membranes

Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics

Salerno, K.M.; Bolintineanu, Dan S.; Lane, J.M.; Grest, Gary S.

The high mechanical stiffness of single-nanoparticle-thick membranes is believed to result from the local structure of ligand coatings that mediate interactions between nanoparticles. These ligand structures are not directly observable experimentally. We use molecular dynamics simulations to observe variations in ligand structure and simultaneously measure variations in membrane mechanical properties. We have shown previously that ligand end group has a large impact on ligand structure and membrane mechanical properties. Here we introduce and apply quantitative molecular structure measures to these membranes and extend analysis to multiple nanoparticle core sizes and ligand lengths. Simulations of nanoparticle membranes with a nanoparticle core diameter of 4 or 6 nm, a ligand length of 11 or 17 methylenes, and either carboxyl (COOH) or methyl (CH3) ligand end groups are presented. In carboxyl-terminated ligand systems, structure and interactions are dominated by an end-to-end orientation of ligands. In methyl-terminated ligand systems large ordered ligand structures form, but nanoparticle interactions are dominated by disordered, partially interdigitated ligands. Core size and ligand length also affect both ligand arrangement within the membrane and the membrane's macroscopic mechanical response, but are secondary to the role of the ligand end group. Moreover, the particular end group (COOH or CH3) alters the nature of how ligand length, in turn, affects the membrane properties. The effect of core size does not depend on the ligand end group, with larger cores always leading to stiffer membranes. Asymmetry in the stress and ligand density is observed in membranes during preparation at a water-vapor interface, with the stress asymmetry persisting in all membranes after drying.

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Rouse mode analysis of chain relaxation in polymer nanocomposites

Soft Matter

Kalathi, Jagannathan T.; Kumar, Sanat K.; Rubinstein, Michael; Grest, Gary S.

Large-scale molecular dynamics simulations are used to study the internal relaxations of chains in nanoparticle (NP)/polymer composites. We examine the Rouse modes of the chains, a quantity that is closest in spirit to the self-intermediate scattering function, typically determined in an (incoherent) inelastic neutron scattering experiment. Our simulations show that for weakly interacting mixtures of NPs and polymers, the effective monomeric relaxation rates are faster than in a neat melt when the NPs are smaller than the entanglement mesh size. In this case, the NPs serve to reduce both the monomeric friction and the entanglements in the polymer melt, as in the case of a polymer-solvent system. However, for NPs larger than half the entanglement mesh size, the effective monomer relaxation is essentially unaffected for low NP concentrations. Even in this case, we observe a strong reduction in chain entanglements for larger NP loadings. Thus, the role of NPs is to always reduce the number of entanglements, with this effect only becoming pronounced for small NPs or for high concentrations of large NPs. Our studies of the relaxation of single chains resonate with recent neutron spin echo (NSE) experiments, which deduce a similar entanglement dilution effect.

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Conformation of Single Pentablock Ionomer Chains in Dilute Solutions

Sandia journal manuscript; Not yet accepted for publication

Aryal, Dipak A.; Perahia, Dvora P.; Grest, Gary S.

The conformation of single chain pentablock ionomers (A-B-C-B-A) containing randomly sulfonated polystyrene in the center block, tethered to poly-ethylene-r-propylene end-capped by poly-t-butyl styrene is studied in dilute solutions by molecular dynamics simulations. Multi-block copolymers offer a means to tailor several properties into one molecule, taking advantage of their rich phase diagram together with unique properties of specific blocks. For this pentablock the ionic block facilitates transport while the A and B components are incorporated for mechanical stability. The present study investigates the confirmation of a single chain of pentablock ionomer of molecular weight Mw ~ 50,000 g/mol and sulfonated polystyrene of the same molecular weight as that of the center block for six sulfonation fractions f from f=0.0-0.55. For the sulfonated systems Na+ counterions are included. Results for the equilibrium conformation of the chains and the three blocks in water and 1:1 mixture of cyclohexane and n-heptane are compared to simulations in implicit poor solvents with dielectric constants ε =1.0 and 77.73. In water, the pentablock is collapsed with sulfonated groups on the outer surface. As the sulfonation fraction f increases, the ionic, center block is increasingly segregated from the hydrophobic regions. In the 1:1 mixture of cyclohexane and heptane both the flexible and end blocks are swollen while the center ionic block is collasped for f>0, while for f=0 all blocks are swollen. In both implicit poor solvents the pentablock is collapsed into a nearly spherical shape for all f. The sodium counterions are dispersed widely throughout the simulation cell for both water and ε =77.73 whereas for ε =1.0 the counterions are largely condensed on the collapsed pentablock.

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Temperature effects on nanostructure and mechanical properties of single-nanoparticle thick membranes

Faraday Discussions

Salerno, K.M.; Grest, Gary S.

The properties of mechanically stable single-nanoparticle (NP)-thick membranes have largely been studied at room temperature. How these membranes soften as nanoparticle ligands disorder with increasing temperature is unknown. Molecular dynamics simulations are used to probe the temperature dependence of the mechanical and nanostructural properties of nanoparticle membranes made of 6 nm diameter Au nanoparticles coated with dodecanethiol ligands and terminated with either methyl (CH3) or carboxyl (COOH) terminal groups. For methyl-terminated ligands, interactions along the alkane chain provide mechanical stiffness, with a Young's modulus of 1.7 GPa at 300 K. For carboxyl-terminated chains, end-group interactions are significant, producing stiffer membranes at all temperatures, with a Young's modulus of 3.8 GPa at 300 K. For both end-group types, membrane stiffness is reduced to zero at about 400 K. Ligand structure and mechanical properties of membranes at 300 K that have been annealed at 400 K are comparable to samples that do not undergo thermal annealing.

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Phase behavior of a single structured ionomer chain in solutiona

Macromolecular Theory and Simulations

Aryal, Dipak; Etampawala, Thusitha; Perahia, Dvora; Grest, Gary S.

Structured polymers offer a means to tailor transport pathways within mechanically stable manifolds. The building block of such a membrane is examined, namely a single large pentablock co-polymer that consists of a center block of a randomly sulfonated polystyrene, designed for transport, tethered to poly-Ethylene-R-Propylene and end-Capped by poly-T-Butyl styrene, for mechanical stability, using molecular dynamics simulations. The polymer structure in a cyclohexane-Heptane mixture, a technologically viable solvent, and in water, a poor solvent for all segments and a ubiquitous substance is extracted. In all solvents the pentablock collapsed into nearly spherical aggregates where the ionic block is segregated. In hydrophobic solvents, the ionic block resides in the center, surrounded by swollen intermix of flexible and end blocks. In water all blocks are collapsed with the sulfonated block residing on the surface. Our results demonstrate that solvents drive different local nano-Segregation, providing a gateway to assemble membranes with controlled topology.

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Tensile fracture of welded polymer interfaces: Miscibility, entanglements, and crazing


Ge, Ting; Grest, Gary S.; Robbins, Mark O.

Large-scale molecular simulations are performed to investigate tensile failure of polymer interfaces as a function of welding time t. Changes in the tensile stress, mode of failure and interfacial fracture energy GI are correlated to changes in the interfacial entanglements as determined from primitive path analysis. Bulk polymers fail through craze formation, followed by craze breakdown through chain scission. At small t welded interfaces are not strong enough to support craze formation and fail at small strains through chain pullout at the interface. Once chains have formed an average of about one entanglement across the interface, a stable craze is formed throughout the sample. The failure stress of the craze rises with welding time and the mode of craze breakdown changes from chain pullout to chain scission as the interface approaches bulk strength. The interfacial fracture energy GI is calculated by coupling the simulation results to a continuum fracture mechanics model. As in experiment, GI increases as t1/2 before saturating at the average bulk fracture energy Gb. As in previous simulations of shear strength, saturation coincides with the recovery of the bulk entanglement density. Before saturation, GI is proportional to the areal density of interfacial entanglements. Immiscibiltiy limits interdiffusion and thus suppresses entanglements at the interface. Even small degrees of immiscibility reduce interfacial entanglements enough that failure occurs by chain pullout and GI 蠐 Gb.

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Effects of functional groups and ionization on the structure of alkanethiol-coated gold nanoparticles


Bolintineanu, Dan S.; Lane, J.M.; Grest, Gary S.

We report classical atomistic molecular dynamics simulations of alkanethiol-coated gold nanoparticles solvated in water and decane, as well as at water/vapor interfaces. The structure of the coatings is analyzed as a function of various functional end groups, including amine and carboxyl groups in various ionization states. We study both neutral and charged end groups for two different chain lengths (9 and 17 carbons). For the charged end groups, we simulated both mono- and divalent counterions. For the longer alkanes, we find significant local bundling of chains on the nanoparticle surface, which results in highly asymmetric coatings. In general, the charged end groups attenuate this effect by enhancing the water solubility of the nanoparticles. On the basis of the coating structures and density profiles, we can qualitatively infer the overall solubility of the nanoparticles. This asymmetry in the alkanethiol coatings is likely to have a significant effect on aggregation behavior. Our simulations elucidate the mechanism by which modulating the end group charge state can be used to control coating structure and therefore nanoparticle solubility and aggregation behavior.

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Rouse mode analysis of chain relaxation in homopolymer melts


Grest, Gary S.

We use molecular dynamics simulations of the Kremer–Grest (KG) bead–spring model of polymer chains of length between 10 and 500, and a closely related analogue that allows for chain crossing, to clearly delineate the effects of entanglements on the length-scale-dependent chain relaxation in polymer melts. We analyze the resulting trajectories using the Rouse modes of the chains and find that entanglements strongly affect these modes. The relaxation rates of the chains show two limiting effective monomeric frictions, with the local modes experiencing much lower effective friction than the longer modes. The monomeric relaxation rates of longer modes vary approximately inversely with chain length due to kinetic confinement effects. The time-dependent relaxation of Rouse modes has a stretched exponential character with a minimum of stretching exponent in the vicinity of the entanglement chain length. None of these trends are found in models that allow for chain crossing. As a result, these facts, in combination, argue for the confined motion of chains for time scales between the entanglement time and their ultimate free diffusion.

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Particle dynamics modeling methods for colloid suspensions

Computational Particle Mechanics

Bolintineanu, Dan S.; Grest, Gary S.; Lechman, Jeremy B.; Pierce, Flint P.; Plimpton, Steven J.; Schunk, Randy

We present a review and critique of several methods for the simulation of the dynamics of colloidal suspensions at the mesoscale. We focus particularly on simulation techniques for hydrodynamic interactions, including implicit solvents (Fast Lubrication Dynamics, an approximation to Stokesian Dynamics) and explicit/particle-based solvents (Multi-Particle Collision Dynamics and Dissipative Particle Dynamics). Several variants of each method are compared quantitatively for the canonical system of monodisperse hard spheres, with a particular focus on diffusion characteristics, as well as shear rheology and microstructure. In all cases, we attempt to match the relevant properties of a well-characterized solvent, which turns out to be challenging for the explicit solvent models. Reasonable quantitative agreement is observed among all methods, but overall the Fast Lubrication Dynamics technique shows the best accuracy and performance. We also devote significant discussion to the extension of these methods to more complex situations of interest in industrial applications, including models for non-Newtonian solvent rheology, non-spherical particles, drying and curing of solvent and flows in complex geometries. This work identifies research challenges and motivates future efforts to develop techniques for quantitative, predictive simulations of industrially relevant colloidal suspension processes.

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Healing of polymer interfaces: Interfacial dynamics, entanglements, and strength

Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics

Ge, Ting; Robbins, Mark O.; Perahia, Dvora; Grest, Gary S.

Self-healing of polymer films often takes place as the molecules diffuse across a damaged region, above their melting temperature. Using molecular dynamics simulations we probe the healing of polymer films and compare the results with those obtained for thermal welding of homopolymer slabs. These two processes differ from each other in their interfacial structure since damage leads to increased polydispersity and more short chains. A polymer sample was cut into two separate films that were then held together in the melt state. The recovery of the damaged film was followed as time elapsed and polymer molecules diffused across the interface. The mass uptake and formation of entanglements, as obtained from primitive path analysis, are extracted and correlated with the interfacial strength obtained from shear simulations. We find that the diffusion across the interface is significantly faster in the damaged film compared to welding because of the presence of short chains. Though interfacial entanglements increase more rapidly for the damaged films, a large fraction of these entanglements are near chain ends. As a result, the interfacial strength of the healing film increases more slowly than for welding. For both healing and welding, the interfacial strength saturates as the bulk entanglement density is recovered across the interface. However, the saturation strength of the damaged film is below the bulk strength for the polymer sample. At saturation, cut chains remain near the healing interface. They are less entangled and as a result they mechanically weaken the interface. Chain stiffness increases the density of entanglements, which increases the strength of the interface. Our results show that a few entanglements across the interface are sufficient to resist interfacial chain pullout and enhance the mechanical strength. © 2014 American Physical Society.

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Hot spot and temperature analysis of shocked hydrocarbon polymer foams using molecular dynamics simulation

Computational Materials Science

Lane, James M.; Grest, Gary S.; Mattsson, Thomas M.

Hydrocarbon polymers, foams and nanocomposites are increasingly being subjected to extreme environments. Molecular scale modeling of these materials offers insight into failure mechanisms and complex response. Prior classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of the principal shock Hugoniot for two hydrocarbon polymers, polyethylene (PE) and poly (4-methyl-1-pentene) (PMP) have shown good agreement with density functional theory (DFT) calculations and experiments conducted at Sandia National Laboratories. We extended these results to include low-density polymer foams using nonequilibrium MD techniques and found good quantitative agreement with experiment. Here, we have measured the local temperature during void collapse to investigate the formation of hot spots and their relationship to polymer dissociation in foams.

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Molecular scale modeling of polymer imprint nanolithography


Chandross, Michael; Grest, Gary S.

We present the results of large-scale molecular dynamics simulations of two different nanolithographic processes, step-flash imprint lithography (SFIL), and hot embossing. We insert rigid stamps into an entangled bead-spring polymer melt above the glass transition temperature. After equilibration, the polymer is then hardened in one of two ways, depending on the specific process to be modeled. For SFIL, we cross-link the polymer chains by introducing bonds between neighboring beads. To model hot embossing, we instead cool the melt to below the glass transition temperature. We then study the ability of these methods to retain features by removing the stamps, both with a zero-stress removal process in which stamp atoms are instantaneously deleted from the system as well as a more physical process in which the stamp is pulled from the hardened polymer at fixed velocity. We find that it is necessary to coat the stamp with an antifriction coating to achieve clean removal of the stamp. We further find that a high density of cross-links is necessary for good feature retention in the SFIL process. The hot embossing process results in good feature retention at all length scales studied as long as coated, low surface energy stamps are used. © 2011 American Chemical Society.

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Nanomanufacturing : nano-structured materials made layer-by-layer

Schunk, Randy; Grest, Gary S.; Chandross, M.; Reedy, Earl D.; Cox, James C.; Fan, Hongyou F.

Large-scale, high-throughput production of nano-structured materials (i.e. nanomanufacturing) is a strategic area in manufacturing, with markets projected to exceed $1T by 2015. Nanomanufacturing is still in its infancy; process/product developments are costly and only touch on potential opportunities enabled by growing nanoscience discoveries. The greatest promise for high-volume manufacturing lies in age-old coating and imprinting operations. For materials with tailored nm-scale structure, imprinting/embossing must be achieved at high speeds (roll-to-roll) and/or over large areas (batch operation) with feature sizes less than 100 nm. Dispersion coatings with nanoparticles can also tailor structure through self- or directed-assembly. Layering films structured with these processes have tremendous potential for efficient manufacturing of microelectronics, photovoltaics and other topical nano-structured devices. This project is designed to perform the requisite R and D to bring Sandia's technology base in computational mechanics to bear on this scale-up problem. Project focus is enforced by addressing a promising imprinting process currently being commercialized.

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Conformational study of a single molecule of poly para phenylene ethynylenes in dilute solutions

Journal of Chemical Physics

Maskey, Sabina; Pierce, Flint; Perahia, Dvora; Grest, Gary S.

The conformation of single molecules of dialkyl poly para phenylene ethynylenes (PPEs), electro-active polymers, is studied in solutions using molecular dynamics simulations. The conformation of conjugated polymers affects their electro-optical properties and therefore is critical to their current and potential uses, though only limited theoretical knowledge is available regarding the factors that control their configuration. The present study investigates the affects of molecular parameters including molecular weight of the polymer and chemical structure of the side chains of PPEs in different solvents on the conformation of the polymers. The PPEs are modeled atomistically where the solvents are modeled both implicitly and explicitly. The study finds that PPEs assume extended configuration which is affected by the length of the polymer backbone and the nature and length of substituting side chains. While the polymer remains extended, local dynamics is retained and no long range correlations are observed within the backbone. The results are compared with scattering experiments. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.

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Drying/self-assembly of nanoparticle suspensions

Grest, Gary S.; Cheng, Shengfeng C.; Lechman, Jeremy B.; Plimpton, Steven J.

The most feasible way to disperse particles in a bulk material or control their packing at a substrate is through fluidization in a carrier that can be processed with well-known techniques such as spin, drip and spray coating, fiber drawing, and casting. The next stage in the processing is often solidification involving drying by solvent evaporation. While there has been significant progress in the past few years in developing discrete element numerical methods to model dense nanoparticle dispersion/suspension rheology which properly treat the hydrodynamic interactions of the solvent, these methods cannot at present account for the volume reduction of the suspension due to solvent evaporation. As part of LDRD project FY-101285 we have developed and implemented methods in the current suite of discrete element methods to remove solvent particles and volume, and hence solvent mass from the liquid/vapor interface of a suspension to account for volume reduction (solvent drying) effects. To validate the methods large scale molecular dynamics simulations have been carried out to follow the evaporation process at the microscopic scale.

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Studies of the viscoelastic properties of water confined between surfaces of specified chemical nature

Moore, Nathan W.; Feibelman, Peter J.; Grest, Gary S.

This report summarizes the work completed under the Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) project 10-0973 of the same title. Understanding the molecular origin of the no-slip boundary condition remains vitally important for understanding molecular transport in biological, environmental and energy-related processes, with broad technological implications. Moreover, the viscoelastic properties of fluids in nanoconfinement or near surfaces are not well-understood. We have critically reviewed progress in this area, evaluated key experimental and theoretical methods, and made unique and important discoveries addressing these and related scientific questions. Thematically, the discoveries include insight into the orientation of water molecules on metal surfaces, the premelting of ice, the nucleation of water and alcohol vapors between surface asperities and the lubricity of these molecules when confined inside nanopores, the influence of water nucleation on adhesion to salts and silicates, and the growth and superplasticity of NaCl nanowires.

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Performance of mesoscale modeling methods for predicting microstructure, mobility and rheology of charged suspensions

Plimpton, Steven J.; Schunk, Randy; Lechman, Jeremy B.; Grest, Gary S.; Pierce, Flint P.; Grillet, Anne M.

In this presentation we examine the accuracy and performance of a suite of discrete-element-modeling approaches to predicting equilibrium and dynamic rheological properties of polystyrene suspensions. What distinguishes each approach presented is the methodology of handling the solvent hydrodynamics. Specifically, we compare stochastic rotation dynamics (SRD), fast lubrication dynamics (FLD) and dissipative particle dynamics (DPD). Method-to-method comparisons are made as well as comparisons with experimental data. Quantities examined are equilibrium structure properties (e.g. pair-distribution function), equilibrium dynamic properties (e.g. short- and long-time diffusivities), and dynamic response (e.g. steady shear viscosity). In all approaches we deploy the DLVO potential for colloid-colloid interactions. Comparisons are made over a range of volume fractions and salt concentrations. Our results reveal the utility of such methods for long-time diffusivity prediction can be dubious in certain ranges of volume fraction, and other discoveries regarding the best formulation to use in predicting rheological response.

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Shear thinning of nanoparticle suspensions

Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics

In't Veld, Pieter J.; Petersen, Matt K.; Grest, Gary S.

Results of large scale nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations are presented for nanoparticles in an explicit solvent. The nanoparticles are modeled as a uniform distribution of Lennard-Jones particles, while the solvent is represented by standard Lennard-Jones particles. We present results for the shear rheology of spherical nanoparticles of diameter 10 times that of the solvent for a range of nanoparticle volume fractions. By varying the strength of the interactions between nanoparticles and with the solvent, this system can be used to model colloidal gels and glasses as well as hard spherelike nanoparticles. Effect of including the solvent explictly is demonstrated by comparing the pair correlation function of nanoparticles to that in an implicit solvent. The shear rheology for dumbbell nanoparticles made of two fused spheres is similar to that of single nanoparticle. © 2009 The American Physical Society.

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Molecular dynamics simulations of water confined between matched pairs of hydrophobic and hydrophilic self-assembled monolayers

Proposed for publication in Langmuir.

Stevens, Mark J.; Lane, James M.; Grest, Gary S.; Chandross, M.

We have conducted a molecular dynamics (MD) simulation study of water confined between methyl-terminated and carboxyl-terminated alkylsilane self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) on amorphous silica substrates. In doing so, we have investigated the dynamic and structural behavior of the water molecules when compressed to loads ranging from 20 to 950 MPa for two different amounts of water (27 and 58 water molecules/nm{sup 2}). Within the studied range of loads, we observe that no water molecules penetrate the hydrophobic region of the carboxyl-terminated SAMs. However, we observe that at loads larger than 150 MPa water molecules penetrate the methyl-terminated SAMs and form hydrogen-bonded chains that connect to the bulk water. The diffusion coefficient of the water molecules decreases as the water film becomes thinner and pressure increases. When compared to bulk diffusion coefficients of water molecules at the various loads, we found that the diffusion coefficients for the systems with 27 water molecules/nm{sup 2} are reduced by a factor of 20 at low loads and by a factor of 40 at high loads, while the diffusion coefficients for the systems with 58 water molecules/nm{sup 2} are reduced by a factor of 25 at all loads.

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Nanoparticle flow, ordering and self-assembly

Grest, Gary S.; Brown, William M.; Lechman, Jeremy B.; Petersen, Matt K.; Plimpton, Steven J.; Schunk, Randy

Nanoparticles are now more than ever being used to tailor materials function and performance in differentiating technologies because of their profound effect on thermo-physical, mechanical and optical properties. The most feasible way to disperse particles in a bulk material or control their packing at a substrate is through fluidization in a carrier, followed by solidification through solvent evaporation/drying/curing/sintering. Unfortunately processing particles as concentrated, fluidized suspensions into useful products remains an art largely because the effect of particle shape and volume fraction on fluidic properties and suspension stability remains unexplored in a regime where particle-particle interaction mechanics is prevalent. To achieve a stronger scientific understanding of the factors that control nanoparticle dispersion and rheology we have developed a multiscale modeling approach to bridge scales between atomistic and molecular-level forces active in dense nanoparticle suspensions. At the largest length scale, two 'coarse-grained' numerical techniques have been developed and implemented to provide for high-fidelity numerical simulations of the rheological response and dispersion characteristics typical in a processing flow. The first is a coupled Navier-Stokes/discrete element method in which the background solvent is treated by finite element methods. The second is a particle based method known as stochastic rotational dynamics. These two methods provide a new capability representing a 'bridge' between the molecular scale and the engineering scale, allowing the study of fluid-nanoparticle systems over a wide range of length and timescales as well as particle concentrations. To validate these new methodologies, multi-million atoms simulations explicitly including the solvent have been carried out. These simulations have been vital in establishing the necessary 'subgrid' models for accurate prediction at a larger scale and refining the two coarse-grained methodologies.

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Liquid-liquid interfaces of semifluorinated alkane diblock copolymers with water, alkanes, and perfluorinated alkanes

Proposed for publication in the Journal of Physical Chemistry B.

Grest, Gary S.

The liquid-liquid interface between semifluorinated alkane diblock copolymers of the form F3C(CF2)n-1-(CH2)m-1CH3 and water, protonated alkanes, and perfluorinated alkanes are studied by fully atomistic molecular dynamics simulations. A modified version of the OPLS-AA (Optimized Parameter for Liquid Simulation All-Atom) force field of Jorgensen et al. has been used to study the interfacial behavior of semifluorinated diblocks. Aqueous interfaces are found to be sharp, with correspondingly large values of the interfacial tension. Due to the reduced hydrophobicity of the protonated block compared to the fluorinated block, hydrogen enhancement is observed at the interface. Water dipoles in the interfacial region are found to be oriented nearly parallel to the liquid-liquid interface. A number of protonated alkanes and perfluorinated alkanes are found to be mutually miscible with the semifluorinated diblocks. For these liquids, interdiffusion follows the expected Fickian behavior, and concentration-dependent diffusivities are determined.

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Simulations of nanotribology with realistic probe tip models


Chandross, Michael; Lorenz, Christian D.; Stevens, Mark J.; Grest, Gary S.

We present the results of massively parallel molecular dynamics simulations aimed at understanding the nanotribological properties of alkylsilane self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) on amorphous silica. In contrast to studies with opposing flat plates, as found in the bulk of the simulation literature, we use a model system with a realistic AFM tip (radius of curvature ranging from 3 to 30 nm) in contact with a SAM-coated silica substrate. We compare the differences in response between systems in which chains are fully physisorbed, fully chemisorbed, and systems with a mixture of the two. Our results demonstrate that the ubiquitous JKR and DMT models do not accurately describe the contact mechanics of these systems. In shear simulations, we find that the chain length has minimal effects on both the friction force and coefficient. The tip radius affects the friction force only (i.e., the coefficient is unchanged) by a constant shift in magnitude due to the increase in pull-off force with increasing radius. We also find that at extremely low loads, on the order of 10 nN, shearing from the tip causes damage to the physisorbed monolayers by removal of molecules. © 2008 American Chemical Society.

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Structure of Poly(dialkylsiloxane) Melts:  Comparisons of Wide-Angle X-ray Scattering, Molecular Dynamics Simulations, and Integral Equation Theory


Grest, Gary S.

Here, wide-angle X-ray scattering, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, and integral equation theory are used to study the structure of poly(diethylsiloxane) (PDES), poly(ethylmethylsiloxane) (PEMS), and poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) melts. The structure functions of PDES, PEMS, and PDMS are similar, but systematic trends in the intermolecular packing are observed. The local intramolecular structure is extracted from the experimental structure functions. The bond distances and bond angles obtained, including the large Si-O-Si angle, are in good agreement with the explicit atom (EA) and united atom (UA) potentials used in the simulations and theory and from other sources. Very good agreement is found between the MD simulations using the EA potentials and the experimental scattering results. Good agreement is also found between the polymer reference interaction site model (PRISM theory) and the UA MD simulations. The intermolecular structure is examined experimentally using an appropriately weighted radial distribution function and with theory and simulation using intermolecular site/site pair correlation functions. Finally, experiment, simulation, and theory show systematic increases in the chain/chain packing distances in the siloxanes as the number of sites in the pendant side chains is increased.

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Structure and dynamics of water near the interface with oligo(ethylene oxide) self-assembled monolayers


Ismail, Ahmed I.; Grest, Gary S.; Stevens, Mark J.

We performed molecular dynamics simulations of the oligo(ethylene oxide) (OEO) self-assembled monolayers in water to determine the nature of the systems' interfacial structure and dynamics. The density profiles, hydrogen bonding, and water dynamics are calculated as a function of the area per molecule A of OEO. At the highest coverages, the interface is hydrophobic, and a density drop is found at the interface. The interfacial region becomes more like bulk water as A increases. The OEO and water become progressively more mixed, and hydrogen bonding increases within the interfacial region. Water mobility is slower within the interfacial region, but not substantially. The implications of our results on the resistance of OEO SAMs to protein adsorption are discussed. Our principal result is that as A increases the increasingly waterlike interfacial region provides a more protein-resistant surface. This finding supports recent experimental measurements that protein resistance is maximal for less than full coverage on Au. © 2007 American Chemical Society.

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Substructured multibody molecular dynamics

Crozier, Paul C.; Grest, Gary S.; Ismail, Ahmed I.; Lehoucq, Richard B.; Plimpton, Steven J.; Stevens, Mark J.

We have enhanced our parallel molecular dynamics (MD) simulation software LAMMPS (Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator, to include many new features for accelerated simulation including articulated rigid body dynamics via coupling to the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute code POEMS (Parallelizable Open-source Efficient Multibody Software). We use new features of the LAMMPS software package to investigate rhodopsin photoisomerization, and water model surface tension and capillary waves at the vapor-liquid interface. Finally, we motivate the recipes of MD for practitioners and researchers in numerical analysis and computational mechanics.

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Report on ASC project degradation of organic materials

Lo, Chi S.; Thompson, Aidan P.; Grest, Gary S.

Using molecular dynamics simulations, a constitutive model for the chemical aging of polymer networks was developed. This model incorporates the effects on the stress from the chemical crosslinks and the physical entanglements. The independent network hypothesis has been modified to account for the stress transfer between networks due to crosslinking and scission in strained states. This model was implemented in the finite element code Adagio and validated through comparison with experiment. Stress relaxation data was used to deduce crosslinking history and the resulting history was used to predict permanent set. The permanent set predictions agree quantitatively with experiment.

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MD simulations of chemically reacting networks : analysis of permanent set

Curro, John G.; Budzien, Joanne L.; Grest, Gary S.; Thompson, Aidan P.

The Independent Network Model (INM) has proven to be a useful tool for understanding the development of permanent set in strained elastomers. Our previous work showed the applicability of the INM to our simulations of polymer systems crosslinking in strained states. This study looks at the INM applied to theoretical models incorporating entanglement effects, including Flory's constrained junction model and more recent tube models. The effect of entanglements has been treated as a separate network formed at gelation, with additional curing treated as traditional phantom contributions. Theoretical predictions are compared with large-scale molecular dynamics simulations.

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Constitutive models for rubber networks undergoing simultaneous crosslinking and scission

Budzien, Joanne L.; Lo, Chi S.; Curro, John G.; Thompson, Aidan P.; Grest, Gary S.

Constitutive models for chemically reacting networks are formulated based on a generalization of the independent network hypothesis. These models account for the coupling between chemical reaction and strain histories, and have been tested by comparison with microscopic molecular dynamics simulations. An essential feature of these models is the introduction of stress transfer functions that describe the interdependence between crosslinks formed and broken at various strains. Efforts are underway to implement these constitutive models into the finite element code Adagio. Preliminary results are shown that illustrate the effects of changing crosslinking and scission rates and history.

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