
Results 101–150 of 256
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Non-thermal x-ray emission from wire array z-pinches

Ampleford, David A.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Webb, Timothy J.; Harper-Slaboszewicz, V.H.; Loisel, Guillaume P.; Flanagan, Timothy M.; Bell, Kate S.; Jones, Brent M.; Rochau, G.A.; Chittenden, Jeremy P.; Sherlock, Mark S.; Appelbe, Brian A.; Giuliani, John G.; Ouart, Nicholas O.; Seely, John S.; McPherson, Leroy A.

We report on experiments demonstrating the transition from thermally-dominated K-shell line emission to non-thermal, hot-electron-driven inner-shell emission for z pinch plasmas on the Z machine. While x-ray yields from thermal K-shell emission decrease rapidly with increasing atomic number Z, we find that non-thermal emission persists with favorable Z scaling, dominating over thermal emission for Z=42 and higher (hn ≥ 17keV). Initial experiments with Mo (Z=42) and Ag (Z=47) have produced kJ-level emission in the 17-keV and 22-keV Kα lines respectively. We will discuss the electron beam properties that could excite these non - thermal lines. We also report on experiments that have attempted to control non - thermal K - shell line emission by modifying the wire array or load hardware setup.

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Exploring magnetized liner inertial fusion with a semi-analytic model

McBride, Ryan D.; Slutz, Stephen A.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Vesey, Roger A.; Gomez, Matthew R.; Sefkow, Adam B.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Cochrane, Kyle C.; Schmit, Paul S.; Knapp, Patrick K.; Geissel, Matthias G.; Harvey-Thompson, Adam J.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Martin, Matthew; Awe, Thomas J.; Rovang, Dean C.; Lamppa, Derek C.; Peterson, Kyle J.; Rochau, G.A.; Porter, John L.; Stygar, William A.; Cuneo, M.E.

Abstract not provided.

Compact DD-n Spectrometer for Yield Ti pR & symmetry at Z OMEGA NIF and for Discovery Science

Hahn, Kelly D.; Jones, Brent M.; Rochau, G.A.; Han, W.H.; Milanese, L.M.; Seguin, F.H.; Lahmann, B.L.; Gatu Johnson, M.G.; Waugh, C.W.; Sio, H.W.; Kabadi, N.V.; Wink, C.W.; Sutcliffe, G.D.; Rojas-Herrera, J.R.; Birkel, A.B.; Frenje, J.A.; Li, C.K.L.; Bionta, R.B.; Casey, D.C.; Yeamans, C.B.; Glebov, V.Yu.G.; Knauer, J.P.; Sangster, T.C.S.; Stoeckl, C.S.

Abstract not provided.

Measuring the opacity of stellar interior matter in terrestrial laboratories

Bailey, James E.; Nagayama, Taisuke N.; Loisel, Guillaume P.; Rochau, G.A.; Blancard, C.B.; Colgan, J.C.; Cosse, Ph.C.; Faussurier, G.F.; Fontes, C.J.F.; Gilleron, F.G.; Golovkin, I.G.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Iglesias, C.A.I.; Kilcrease, D.P.K.; Macfarlane, Joseph J.; Mancini, Roberto C.; Nahar, S.N.N.; Orban, C.O.; Pain, J.-C.P.; Pradhan, A.K.P.; Sherrill, M.S.; Wilson, B.G.W.

Abstract not provided.

Iron Opacity Measurements at Solar Interior Temperatures

Bailey, James E.; Nagayama, Taisuke N.; Loisel, Guillaume P.; Rochau, G.A.; Blancard, C.B.; Colgan, J.C.; Cosse, Ph.C.; Faussurier, G.F.; Fontes, C.J.F.; Gilleron, F.G.; Golovkin, I.G.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Iglesias, C.A.I.; Kilcrease, D.P.K.; Macfarlane, Joseph J.; Mancini, Roberto C.; Nahar, S.N.N.; Orban, C.O.; Pain, J.-C.P.; Pradhan, A.K.P.; Sherrill, M.S.; Wilson, B.G.W.

Abstract not provided.

Fusion-Neutron Measurements for Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion Experiments on the Z Accelerator

Hahn, Kelly D.; Chandler, Gordon A.; Ruiz, Carlos L.; Cooper, Gary W.; Gomez, Matthew R.; Slutz, Stephen A.; Sefkow, Adam B.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Knapp, Patrick K.; Schmit, Paul S.; Harding, Eric H.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Awe, Thomas J.; Geissel, Matthias G.; Rovang, Dean C.; Torres, Jose A.; Bur, James A.; Cuneo, M.E.; Glebov, V.Yu.; Harvey-Thompson, Adam J.; Herrmann, M.C.H.; Hess, Mark H.; Johns, Owen J.; Jones, Brent M.; Lamppa, Derek C.; Martin, Matthew; McBride, Ryan D.; Peterson, Kyle J.; Porter, John L.; Reneker, Joseph R.; Robertson, Grafton K.; Rochau, G.A.; Savage, Mark E.; Smith, Ian C.; Styron, Jedediah D.; Vesey, Roger A.

Abstract not provided.

2-D RMHD modeling assessment of current flow, plasma conditions, and doppler effects in recent Z argon experiments

IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science

Thornhill, J.W.; Giuliani, John L.; Jones, Brent M.; Apruzese, John P.; Dasgupta, Arati; Chong, Young K.; Harvey-Thompson, Adam J.; Ampleford, David A.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Coverdale, Christine A.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Rochau, G.A.; Cuneo, M.E.; Lamppa, Derek C.; Johnson, Drew J.; Jones, Michael J.; Moore, Nathan W.; Waisman, Eduardo M.; Krishnan, Mahadevan; Coleman, Philip L.

By varying current-loss circuit parameters, the Mach2-tabular collisional radiative equilibrium 2-D radiation magnetohydrodynamic model was tuned to reproduce the radiative and electrical properties of three recent argon gas-puff experiments (same initial conditions) performed on the Z machine at Sandia National Laboratories. The model indicates that there were current losses occurring near or within the diode region of the Z machine during the stagnation phase of the implosion. The 'good' simulation reproduces the experimental K-shell powers, K-shell yields, total powers, percentage of emission radiated in α lines, size of the K-shell emission region, and the average electron temperature near the time-of-peak K-shell power. The calculated atomic populations, ion temperatures, and radial velocities are used as input to a detailed multifrequency ray-trace radiation transport model that includes the Doppler effect. This model is employed to construct time-, space-, and energy-resolved synthetic spectra. The role the Doppler effect likely plays in the experiments is demonstrated by comparing synthetic spectra generated with and without this effect.

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X-ray Imaging of MagLIF Experiments Using a Spherically Bent Crystal Optic

Harding, Eric H.; Gomez, Matthew R.; Slutz, Stephen A.; Sefkow, Adam B.; Geissel, Matthias G.; Harvey-Thompson, Adam J.; Schollmeier, Marius; Peterson, Kyle J.; Awe, Thomas J.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Hahn, Kelly D.; Knapp, Patrick K.; Schmit, Paul S.; Ruiz, Carlos L.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Smith, Ian C.; Rovang, Dean C.; Chandler, Gordon A.; Martin, Matthew; McBride, Ryan D.; Porter, John L.; Rochau, G.A.; Harding, Eric H.

Abstract not provided.

X-ray Imaging of MagLIF Experiments Using a Spherically Bent Crystal Optic

Harding, Eric H.; Gomez, Matthew R.; Slutz, Stephen A.; Geissel, Matthias G.; Harvey-Thompson, Adam J.; Schollmeier, Marius; Peterson, Kyle J.; Awe, Thomas J.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Schmit, Paul S.; Ruiz, Carlos L.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Smith, Ian C.; Rovang, Dean C.; Chandler, Gordon A.; Martin, Matthew; McBride, Ryan D.; Porter, John L.; Rochau, G.A.

Abstract not provided.

Exploring magnetized liner inertial fusion with a semi-analytic model

McBride, Ryan D.; Slutz, Stephen A.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Vesey, Roger A.; Gomez, Matthew R.; Sefkow, Adam B.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Cochrane, Kyle C.; Rovang, Dean C.; Lamppa, Derek C.; Geissel, Matthias G.; Harvey-Thompson, Adam J.; Schmit, Paul S.; Knapp, Patrick K.; Awe, Thomas J.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Martin, Matthew; Peterson, Kyle J.; Rochau, G.A.; Porter, John L.; Stygar, William A.; Cuneo, M.E.

Abstract not provided.


Astrophysical Journal

Falcon, Ross E.; Rochau, G.A.; Bailey, James E.; Gomez, T.A.; Winget, D.E.; Nagayama, Taisuke N.

We spectroscopically measure multiple hydrogen Balmer line profiles from laboratory plasmas to investigate the theoretical line profiles used in white dwarf (WD) atmosphere models. X-ray radiation produced at the Z Pulsed Power Facility at Sandia National Laboratories initiates plasma formation in a hydrogen-filled gas cell, replicating WD photospheric conditions. Here we present time-resolved measurements of Hβ and fit this line using different theoretical line profiles to diagnose electron density, ne, and n = 2 level population, n2. Aided by synthetic tests, we characterize the validity of our diagnostic method for this experimental platform. During a single experiment, we infer a continuous range of electron densities increasing from ne ∼ 4 to ∼30 × 1016 cm-3 throughout a 120-ns evolution of our plasma. Also, we observe n2 to be initially elevated with respect to local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE); it then equilibrates within ∼55 ns to become consistent with LTE. This supports our electron-temperature determination of Te ∼ 1.3 eV (∼15,000 K) after this time. At ne 1017 cm-3, we find that computer-simulation-based line-profile calculations provide better fits (lower reduced χ2) than the line profiles currently used in the WD astronomy community. The inferred conditions, however, are in good quantitative agreement. This work establishes an experimental foundation for the future investigation of relative shapes and strengths between different hydrogen Balmer lines.

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Investigating the Effects of Adding a Center jet to Argon gas puff implosions at the Z facility

Harvey-Thompson, Adam J.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Jones, Brent M.; Ampleford, David A.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Lamppa, Derek C.; Cuneo, M.E.; Reneker, Joseph R.; Johnson, Drew J.; Jones, Michael J.; Moore, Nathan W.; Flanagan, Timothy M.; Mckenney, John M.; Rochau, G.A.; Waisman, Eduardo M.; Coverdale, Christine A.; Apruzese, J.P.A.; Thornhill, J.W.T.; Giuliani, J.L.G.

Abstract not provided.

Experimental Progress in Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion (MagLIF)

Gomez, Matthew R.; Slutz, Stephen A.; Sefkow, Adam B.; Geissel, Matthias G.; Harvey-Thompson, Adam J.; Peterson, Kyle J.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Hahn, Kelly D.; Knapp, Patrick K.; Schmit, Paul S.; Ruiz, Carlos L.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Awe, Thomas J.; Harding, Eric H.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Smith, Ian C.; Rovang, Dean C.; Chandler, Gordon A.; Cuneo, M.E.; Lamppa, Derek C.; Martin, Matthew; McBride, Ryan D.; Porter, John L.; Rochau, G.A.

Abstract not provided.

Recent progress in Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion (MagLIF) experiments

Gomez, Matthew R.; Slutz, Stephen A.; Sefkow, Adam B.; Geissel, Matthias G.; Harvey-Thompson, Adam J.; Peterson, Kyle J.; Awe, Thomas J.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Harding, Eric H.; Hahn, Kelly D.; Knapp, Patrick K.; Schmit, Paul S.; Ruiz, Carlos L.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Smith, Ian C.; Rovang, Dean C.; Chandler, Gordon A.; Martin, Matthew; McBride, Ryan D.; Porter, John L.; Rochau, G.A.

Abstract not provided.

Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion on the Z Pulsed-Power Accelerator

McBride, Ryan D.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Slutz, Stephen A.; Gomez, Matthew R.; Sefkow, Adam B.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Awe, Thomas J.; Peterson, Kyle J.; Knapp, Patrick K.; Schmit, Paul S.; Rovang, Dean C.; Geissel, Matthias G.; Vesey, Roger A.; Harvey-Thompson, Adam J.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Martin, Matthew; Lemke, Raymond W.; Hahn, Kelly D.; Harding, Eric H.; Cuneo, M.E.; Porter, John L.; Rochau, G.A.; Stygar, William A.

Abstract not provided.

Computational modeling of Krypton gas puffs with tailored mass density profiles on Z

Physics of Plasmas

Jennings, C.A.; Ampleford, David A.; Lamppa, Derek C.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Jones, Brent M.; Harvey-Thompson, Adam J.; Jobe, M.; Strizic, T.; Reneker, Joseph R.; Rochau, G.A.; Cuneo, M.E.

Large diameter multi-shell gas puffs rapidly imploded by high current (∼20 MA, ∼100ns) on the Z generator of Sandia National Laboratories are able to produce high-intensity Krypton K-shell emission at ∼13keV. Efficiently radiating at these high photon energies is a significant challenge which requires the careful design and optimization of the gas distribution. To facilitate this, we hydrodynamically model the gas flow out of the nozzle and then model its implosion using a 3-dimensional resistive, radiative MHD code (GORGON). This approach enables us to iterate between modeling the implosion and gas flow from the nozzle to optimize radiative output from this combined system. Guided by our implosion calculations, we have designed gas profiles that help mitigate disruption from Magneto-Rayleigh-Taylor implosion instabilities, while preserving sufficient kinetic energy to thermalize to the high temperatures required for K-shell emission.

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Effects of magnetization on fusion product trapping and secondary neutron spectra

Physics of Plasmas

Knapp, P.F.; Schmit, Paul S.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Gomez, Matthew R.; Hahn, K.D.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Peterson, Kyle J.; Slutz, S.A.; Sefkow, Adam B.; Awe, T.J.; Harding, Eric H.; Jennings, C.A.; Desjarlais, M.P.; Chandler, Gordon A.; Cooper, Gary W.; Cuneo, M.E.; Geissel, Matthias G.; Harvey-Thompson, Adam J.; Porter, John L.; Rochau, G.A.; Rovang, Dean C.; Ruiz, Carlos L.; Savage, Mark E.; Smith, Ian C.; Stygar, William A.; Herrmann, M.C.

By magnetizing the fusion fuel in inertial confinement fusion (ICF) systems, the required stagnation pressure and density can be relaxed dramatically. This happens because the magnetic field insulates the hot fuel from the cold pusher and traps the charged fusion burn products. This trapping allows the burn products to deposit their energy in the fuel, facilitating plasma self-heating. Here, we report on a comprehensive theory of this trapping in a cylindrical DD plasma magnetized with a purely axial magnetic field. Using this theory, we are able to show that the secondary fusion reactions can be used to infer the magnetic field-radius product, BR, during fusion burn. This parameter, not ρR, is the primary confinement parameter in magnetized ICF. Using this method, we analyze data from recent Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion experiments conducted on the Z machine at Sandia National Laboratories. We show that in these experiments BR ≈ 0.34(+0.14/-0.06) MG cm, a ∼ 14x increase in BR from the initial value, and confirming that the DD-fusion tritons are magnetized at stagnation. This is the first experimental verification of charged burn product magnetization facilitated by compression of an initial seed magnetic flux.

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Demonstration of thermonuclear conditions in magnetized liner inertial fusion experiments

Physics of Plasmas

Gomez, Matthew R.; Slutz, S.A.; Sefkow, Adam B.; Hahn, K.D.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Knapp, P.F.; Schmit, Paul S.; Ruiz, Carlos L.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Harding, Eric H.; Jennings, C.A.; Awe, T.J.; Geissel, Matthias G.; Rovang, Dean C.; Smith, Ian C.; Chandler, Gordon A.; Cooper, Gary W.; Cuneo, M.E.; Harvey-Thompson, Adam J.; Herrmann, M.C.; Hess, Mark H.; Lamppa, Derek C.; Martin, M.R.; McBride, Ryan D.; Peterson, Kyle J.; Porter, John L.; Rochau, G.A.; Savage, Mark E.; Schroen, D.G.; Stygar, William A.; Vesey, Roger A.

The magnetized liner inertial fusion concept [S. A. Slutz et al., Phys. Plasmas 17, 056303 (2010)] utilizes a magnetic field and laser heating to relax the pressure requirements of inertial confinement fusion. The first experiments to test the concept [M. R. Gomez et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 155003 (2014)] were conducted utilizing the 19 MA, 100-ns Z machine, the 2.5-kJ, 1 TW Z Beamlet laser, and the 10-T Applied B-field on Z system. Despite an estimated implosion velocity of only 70-km/s in these experiments, electron and ion temperatures at stagnation were as high as 3-keV, and thermonuclear deuterium-deuterium neutron yields up to 2-×-1012 have been produced. X-ray emission from the fuel at stagnation had widths ranging from 50 to 110 μm over a roughly 80% of the axial extent of the target (6-8-mm) and lasted approximately 2-ns. X-ray yields from these experiments are consistent with a stagnation density of the hot fuel equal to 0.2-0.4-g/cm3. In these experiments, up to 5-×-1010 secondary deuterium-tritium neutrons were produced. Given that the areal density of the plasma was approximately 1-2-mg/cm2, this indicates the stagnation plasma was significantly magnetized, which is consistent with the anisotropy observed in the deuterium-tritium neutron spectra. Control experiments where the laser and/or magnetic field were not utilized failed to produce stagnation temperatures greater than 1-keV and primary deuterium-deuterium yields greater than 1010. An additional control experiment where the fuel contained a sufficient dopant fraction to substantially increase radiative losses also failed to produce a relevant stagnation temperature. The results of these experiments are consistent with a thermonuclear neutron source.

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Recent Progress and Future Potential of Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion (MagLIF)

Sandia journal manuscript; Not yet accepted for publication

Slutz, Stephen A.; Gomez, Matthew R.; Sefkow, Adam B.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Hahn, Kelly D.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Harding, Eric H.; Knapp, Patrick K.; Schmit, Paul S.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Awe, Thomas J.; Herrmann, M.C.H.; Hess, Mark H.; Johns, Owen J.; Lamppa, Derek C.; Martin, Matthew; McBride, Ryan D.; Geissel, Matthias G.; Rovang, Dean C.; Chandler, Gordon A.; Cooper, Gary W.; Cuneo, M.E.; Harvey-Thompson, Adam J.; Peterson, Kyle J.; Porter, John L.; Robertson, Grafton K.; Rochau, G.A.; Ruiz, Carlos L.; Savage, Mark E.; Smith, Ian C.; Stygar, William A.; Vesey, Roger A.

The standard approaches to inertial confinement fusion (ICF) rely on implosion velocities greater than 300 km/s and spherical convergence to achieve the high fuel temperatures (T > 4 keV) and areal densities (ρr > 0.3 g/cm2) required for ignition1. Such high velocities are achieved by heating the outside surface of a spherical capsuleeither directly with a large number of laser beams (Direct Drive) or with x-rays generated within a hohlraum (Indirect Drive). A much more energetically efficient approach is to use the magnetic pressure generated by a pulsed power machine to directly drive an implosion. In this approach 5-10% of the stored energy can be converted to the implosion of a metal tube generally referred to as a “liner”. However, the implosion velocity is not very high 70-100 km/s and the convergence is cylindrical (rather than spherical) making it more difficult to achieve the high temperatures and areal densities needed for ignition.

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The effect of gradients at stagnation on K-shell x-ray line emission in high-current Ar gas-puff implosions

Physics of Plasmas

Jones, Brent M.; Apruzese, J.P.; Harvey-Thompson, Adam J.; Ampleford, David A.; Jennings, C.A.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Moore, Nathan W.; Lamppa, Derek C.; Johnson, Drew J.; Jones, Brent M.; Waisman, Eduardo M.; Coverdale, Christine A.; Cuneo, M.E.; Rochau, G.A.; Giuliani, J.L.; Thornhill, J.W.; Ouart, N.D.; Chong, Y.K.; Velikovich, A.L.; Dasgupta, A.; Krishnan, M.; Coleman, P.L.

Argon gas puffs have produced 330kJ ± 9% of x-ray radiation above 3keV photon energy in fast z-pinch implosions, with remarkably reproducible K-shell spectra and power pulses. This reproducibility in x-ray production is particularly significant in light of the variations in instability evolution observed between experiments. Soft x-ray power measurements and K-shell line ratios from a time-resolved spectrum at peak x-ray power suggest that plasma gradients in these high-mass pinches may limit the K-shell radiating mass, K-shell power, and K-shell yield from high-current gas puffs.

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Experimental verification of the Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion (MagLIF) concept

ICOPS/BEAMS 2014 - 41st IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science and the 20th International Conference on High-Power Particle Beams

Gomez, Matthew R.; Slutz, S.A.; Sefkow, Adam B.; Awe, T.J.; Chandler, Gordon A.; Cuneo, M.E.; Geissel, Matthias G.; Hahn, K.D.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Harding, Eric H.; Harvey-Thompson, Adam J.; Herrmann, Mark H.; Jennings, C.A.; Knapp, P.F.; Lamppa, Derek C.; Martin, M.R.; McBride, Ryan D.; Peterson, Kyle J.; Porter, J.L.; Rochau, G.A.; Rovang, Dean C.; Ruiz, Carlos L.; Schmit, Paul S.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Smith, Ian C.

Abstract not provided.

Experimental demonstration of fusion-relevant conditions in magnetized liner inertial fusion

Physical Review Letters

Gomez, Matthew R.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Awe, Thomas J.; Geissel, Matthias G.; Rovang, Dean C.; Chandler, Gordon A.; Cuneo, M.E.; Harvey-Thompson, Adam J.; Herrmann, Mark H.; Hess, Mark H.; Slutz, Stephen A.; Johns, Owen J.; Lamppa, Derek C.; Martin, Matthew; McBride, Ryan D.; Peterson, Kyle J.; Robertson, Grafton K.; Rochau, G.A.; Ruiz, Carlos L.; Savage, Mark E.; Sefkow, Adam B.; Smith, Ian C.; Stygar, William A.; Vesey, Roger A.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Hahn, Kelly D.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Harding, Eric H.; Knapp, Patrick K.; Schmit, Paul S.

This Letter presents results from the first fully integrated experiments testing the magnetized liner inertial fusion concept [S.A. Slutz et al., Phys. Plasmas 17, 056303 (2010)], in which a cylinder of deuterium gas with a preimposed axial magnetic field of 10 T is heated by Z beamlet, a 2.5 kJ, 1 TW laser, and magnetically imploded by a 19 MA current with 100 ns rise time on the Z facility. Despite a predicted peak implosion velocity of only 70 km/s, the fuel reaches a stagnation temperature of approximately 3 keV, with Te ≈ Ti, and produces up to 2e12 thermonuclear DD neutrons. In this study, X-ray emission indicates a hot fuel region with full width at half maximum ranging from 60 to 120 μm over a 6 mm height and lasting approximately 2 ns. The number of secondary deuterium-tritium neutrons observed was greater than 1010, indicating significant fuel magnetization given that the estimated radial areal density of the plasma is only 2 mg/cm2.

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Neutron Diagnostics on the Z machine

Jones, Brent M.; Hahn, Kelly D.; Ruiz, Carlos L.; Chandler, Gordon A.; Fehl, David L.; Lash, Joel S.; Knapp, Patrick K.; McPherson, Leroy A.; Nelson, Alan J.; Rochau, G.A.; Schmit, Paul S.; Sefkow, Adam B.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Torres, Jose A.; Cooper, Gary W.; Bonura, Michael A.; Long, Joel L.; Styron, Jedediah D.; Davis, Brent D.; Buckles, Rob B.; Moy, Ken M.; Miller, Kirk M.; Mckenna, Ian M.

Abstract not provided.

Measurements of iron plasma opacity at solar interior temperatures


Bailey, James E.; Nagayama, Taisuke N.; Loisel, Guillaume P.; Rochau, G.A.; Blancard, C.B.; Colgan, J.C.; Cosse, Ph.C.; Faussurier, G.F.; Fontes, C.J.F.; Gilleron, F.G.; Golovkin, I.G.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Iglesias, C.A.I.; Kilcrease, D.P.K.; MacFarlane, J.J.M.; Mancini, R.C.M.; Orban, C.O.; Pain, J.-CP.; Pradhan, A.K.P.; Sherrill, M.S.; Wilson, B.G.W.

Abstract not provided.

Demonstration of fusion relevant conditions in Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion experiments on the Z facility

Gomez, Matthew R.; Slutz, Stephen A.; Sefkow, Adam B.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Hahn, Kelly D.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Harding, Eric H.; Knapp, Patrick K.; Schmit, Paul S.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Awe, Thomas J.; Geissel, Matthias G.; Rovang, Dean C.; Chandler, Gordon A.; Cuneo, M.E.; Harvey-Thompson, Adam J.; Herrmann, Mark H.; Lamppa, Derek C.; Martin, Matthew; McBride, Ryan D.; Peterson, Kyle J.; Porter, John L.; Rochau, G.A.; Ruiz, Carlos L.; Savage, Mark E.; Smith, Ian C.; Vesey, Roger A.

Abstract not provided.

The effect of adding a center jet to Argon gas puff implosions at the Z facility

Harvey-Thompson, Adam J.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Jones, Brent M.; Ampleford, David A.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Lamppa, Derek C.; Cuneo, M.E.; Reneker, Joseph R.; Johnson, Drew J.; Jones, Michael J.; Moore, N.W.M.; Flanagan, Timothy M.; Mckenney, John M.; Rochau, G.A.; Waisman, E.M.W.; Coverdale, Christine A.; Thornhill, J.W.T.; Giuliani, J.L.G.; Chong, Y.K.C.; Velikovich, A.L.V.; Dasgupta, A.D.; Apruzese, J.P.A.

Abstract not provided.

Results 101–150 of 256
Results 101–150 of 256