Performance Portable Multi-Species Plasma Code
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SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
This paper describes the design of Teko, an object-oriented C++ library for implementing advanced block preconditioners. Mathematical design criteria that elucidate the needs of block preconditioning libraries and techniques are explained and shown to motivate the structure of Teko. For instance, a principal design choice was for Teko to strongly reflect the mathematical statement of the preconditioners to reduce development burden and permit focus on the numerics. Additional mechanisms are explained that provide a pathway to developing an optimized production capable block preconditioning capability with Teko. Finally, Teko is demonstrated on fluid flow and magnetohydrodynamics applications. In addition to highlighting the features of the Teko library, these new results illustrate the effectiveness of recent preconditioning developments applied to advanced discretization approaches.
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) representations are used to model a wide range of plasma physics applications and are characterized by a nonlinear system of partial differential equations that strongly couples a charged fluid with the evolution of electromagnetic fields. The resulting linear systems that arise from discretization and linearization of the nonlinear problem are generally difficult to solve. In this paper, we investigate multigrid preconditioners for this system. We consider two well-known multigrid relaxation methods for incompressible fluid dynamics: Braess-Sarazin relaxation and Vanka relaxation. We first extend these to the context of steady-state one-fluid viscoresistive MHD. Then we compare the two relaxation procedures within a multigrid-preconditioned GMRES method employed within Newton's method. To isolate the effects of the different relaxation methods, we use structured grids, inf-sup stable finite elements, and geometric interpolation. We present convergence and timing results for a two-dimensional, steady-state test problem.
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We study a time-parallel approach to solving quadratic optimization problems with linear time-dependent partial differential equation (PDE) constraints. These problems arise in formulations of optimal control, optimal design and inverse problems that are governed by parabolic PDE models. They may also arise as subproblems in algorithms for the solution of optimization problems with nonlinear time-dependent PDE constraints, e.g., in sequential quadratic programming methods. We apply a piecewise linear finite element discretization in space to the PDE constraint, followed by the Crank-Nicolson discretization in time. The objective function is discretized using finite elements in space and the trapezoidal rule in time. At this point in the discretization, auxiliary state variables are introduced at each discrete time interval, with the goal to enable: (i) a decoupling in time; and (ii) a fixed-point iteration to recover the solution of the discrete optimality system. The fixed-point iterative schemes can be used either as preconditioners for Krylov subspace methods or as smoothers for multigrid (in time) schemes. We present promising numerical results for both use cases.
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