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Combined thermographic phosphor and digital image correlation (TP + DIC) for simultaneous temperature and strain measurements


Jones, Elizabeth M.; Jones, Amanda; Winters, Caroline W.

Thermographic phosphors (TP) are combined with stereo digital image correlation (DIC) in a novel diagnostic, TP + DIC, to measure full-field surface strains and temperatures simultaneously. The TP + DIC method is presented, including corrections for nonlinear CMOS camera detectors and generation of pixel-wise calibration curves to relate the known temperature to the ratio of pixel intensities between two distinct wavelength bands. Additionally, DIC is employed not only for strain measurements but also for accurate image registration between the two cameras for the two-colour ratio method approach of phosphoric thermography. TP + DIC is applied to characterize the thermo-mechanical response of 304L stainless steel dog bones during tensile testing at different strain rates. The dog bones are patterned for DIC with Mg3F2GeO4:Mn (MFG) via aerosol deposition through a shadow mask. Temperatures up to 425°K (150°C) and strains up to 1.0 mm/mm are measured in the localized necking region, with conservative noise levels of 10°K and 0.01 mm/mm or less. Finally, TP + DIC is compared to the more established method of combining infrared (IR) thermography with DIC (IR + DIC), with results agreeing favourably. Three topics of continued research are identified, including cracking of the aerosol-deposited phosphor DIC features, incomplete illumination for pixels on the border of the phosphor features, and phosphor emission evolution as a function of applied substrate strain. This work demonstrates the combination of phosphor thermography and DIC and lays the foundation for further development of TP + DIC for testing in combined thermo-mechancial environments.

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High-Speed X-Ray Stereo Digital Image Correlation in a Shock Tube

Experimental Techniques

James, J.W.; Jones, Elizabeth M.; Quintana, Enrico C.; Lynch, Kyle P.; Halls, B.R.; Wagner, Justin W.

X-ray stereo digital image correlation (DIC) measurements were performed at 10 kHz on the internal surface of a jointed structure in a shock tube at a shock Mach number of 1.42 and compared with optical stereo DIC measurements on the outer, visible surface of the structure. The shock tube environment introduces temperature and density gradients in the gas through which the structure was imaged, resulting in spatial and temporal index of refraction variations. These variations cause bias errors in optical DIC measurements due to beam-steering but have minimal influence on x-ray DIC measurements. These results demonstrate the utility of time-resolved x-ray DIC measurements in complicated environments where optical measurements suffer severe errors and/or are precluded by lack of optical access.

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Advances in phosphor two-color ratio method thermography for full-field surface temperature measurements

Measurement Science and Technology

Jones, Elizabeth M.; Jones, Amanda; Hoffmeister, Kathryn N.; Winters, Caroline W.

Thermographic phosphors can be employed for optical sensing of surface, gas phase, and bulk material temperatures through different strategies including the time-decay method, time-integrated method, and frequency-domain method. We focus on the time-integrated method, also known as the ratio method, as it can be more practical in many situations. This work advances the ratio method using two machine vision cameras with CMOS detectors for full-field temperature measurements of a solid surface. A phosphor calibration coupon is fabricated using aerosol deposition and employed for in situ determination of the temperature-versus-intensity ratio relationship. Algorithms from digital image correlation are employed to determine the stereoscopic imaging system intrinsic and extrinsic parameters, and accurately register material points on the sample to subpixel locations in each image with 0.07 px or better accuracy. Detector nonlinearity is carefully characterized and corrected. Temperature-dependent, spatial non-uniformity of the full-field intensity ratio-posited to be caused by a blue-shift effect of the bandpass filter for non-collimated light and/or a wavelength-dependent transmission efficiency of the lens-is assessed and treated for cases where a standard flat-field correction fails to correct the non-uniformity. In sum, pixel-wise calibration curves relating the computed intensity ratio to temperature in the range of T = 300-430 K are generated, with an embedded error of less than 3 K. This work offers a full calibration methodology and several improvements on two-color phosphor thermography, opening the door for full-field temperature measurements in dynamic tests with deforming test articles.

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3D optical diagnostics for explosively driven deformation and fragmentation

International Journal of Impact Engineering

Guildenbecher, Daniel R.; Jones, Elizabeth M.; Munz, Elise D.; Reu, Phillip L.; Miller, Timothy J.; Perez, Francisco; Thompson, Andrew D.; Ball, James P.

High-speed, optical imaging diagnostics are presented for three-dimensional (3D) quantification of explosively driven metal fragmentation. At early times after detonation, Digital Image Correlation (DIC) provides non-contact measures of 3D case velocities, strains, and strain rates, while a proposed stereo imaging configuration quantifies in-flight fragment masses and velocities at later times. Experiments are performed using commercially obtained RP-80 detonators from Teledyne RISI, which are shown to create a reproducible fragment field at the benchtop scale. DIC measurements are compared with 3D simulations, which have been ‘leveled’ to match the spatial resolution of DIC. Results demonstrate improved ability to identify predicted quantities-of-interest that fall outside of measurement uncertainty and shot-to-shot variability. Similarly, video measures of fragment trajectories and masses allow rapid experimental repetition and provide correlated fragment size-velocity measurements. Measured and simulated fragment mass distributions are shown to agree within confidence bounds, while some statistically meaningful differences are observed between the measured and predicted conditionally averaged fragment velocities. Together these techniques demonstrate new opportunities to improve future model validation.

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Comprehensive Material Characterization and Simultaneous Model Calibration for Improved Computational Simulation Credibility

Seidl, Daniel T.; Jones, Elizabeth M.; Lester, Brian T.

Computational simulation is increasingly relied upon for high-consequence engineering decisions, and a foundational element to solid mechanics simulations is a credible material model. Our ultimate vision is to interlace material characterization and model calibration in a real-time feedback loop, where the current model calibration results will drive the experiment to load regimes that add the most useful information to reduce parameter uncertainty. The current work investigated one key step to this Interlaced Characterization and Calibration (ICC) paradigm, using a finite load-path tree to incorporate history/path dependency of nonlinear material models into a network of surrogate models that replace computationally-expensive finite-element analyses. Our reference simulation was an elastoplastic material point subject to biaxial deformation with a Hill anisotropic yield criterion. Training data was generated using either a space-filling or adaptive sampling method, and surrogates were built using either Gaussian process or polynomial chaos expansion methods. Surrogate error was evaluated to be on the order of 10⁻5 and 10⁻3 percent for the space-filling and adaptive sampling training data, respectively. Direct Bayesian inference was performed with the surrogate network and with the reference material point simulator, and results agreed to within 3 significant figures for the mean parameter values, with a reduction in computational cost over 5 orders of magnitude. These results bought down risk regarding the surrogate network and facilitated a successful FY22-24 full LDRD proposal to research and develop the complete ICC paradigm.

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Anisotropic plasticity model forms for extruded Al 7079: Part II, validation

International Journal of Solids and Structures

Jones, Elizabeth M.; Corona, Edmundo C.; Jones, Amanda; Scherzinger, William M.; Kramer, Sharlotte L.

This is the second part of a two-part contribution on modeling of the anisotropic elastic-plastic response of aluminum 7079 from an extruded tube. Part I focused on calibrating a suite of yield and hardening functions from tension test data; Part II concentrates on evaluating those calibrations. Here, a rectangular validation specimen with a blind hole was designed to provide heterogeneous strain fields that exercise the material anisotropy, while at the same time avoiding strain concentrations near sample edges where Digital Image Correlation (DIC) measurements are difficult to make. Specimens were extracted from the tube in four different orientations and tested in tension with stereo-DIC measurements on both sides of the specimen. Corresponding Finite Element Analysis (FEA) with calibrated isotropic (von Mises) and anisotropic (Yld2004-18p) yield functions were also conducted, and both global force-extension curves as well as full-field strains were compared between the experiments and simulations. Specifically, quantitative full-field strain error maps were computed using the DIC-leveling approach proposed by Lava et al. The specimens experienced small deviations from ideal boundary conditions in the experiments, which had a first-order effect on the results. Therefore, the actual experimental boundary conditions had to be applied to the FEA in order to make valid comparisons. The predicted global force-extension curves agreed well with the measurements overall, but were sensitive to the boundary conditions in the nonlinear regime and could not differentiate between the two yield functions. Interrogation of the strain fields both qualitatively and quantitatively showed that the Yld2004-18p model was clearly able to better describe the strain fields on the surface of the specimen compared to the von Mises model. These results justify the increased complexity of the calibration process required for the Yld2004-18p model in applications where capturing the strain field evolution accurately is important, but not if only the global force-extension response of the elastic–plastic region is of interest.

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Validation of finite-element models using full-field experimental data: Levelling finite-element analysis data through a digital image correlation engine


Lava, Pascal; Jones, Elizabeth M.; Wittevrongel, Lukas; Pierron, Fabrice

Full-field data from digital image correlation (DIC) provide rich information for finite-element analysis (FEA) validation. However, there are several inherent inconsistencies between FEA and DIC data that must be rectified before meaningful, quantitative comparisons can be made, including strain formulations, coordinate systems, data locations, strain calculation algorithms, spatial resolutions and data filtering. In this paper, we investigate two full-field validation approaches: (1) the direct interpolation approach, which addresses the first three inconsistencies by interpolating the quantity of interest from one mesh to the other, and (2) the proposed DIC-levelling approach, which addresses all six inconsistencies simultaneously by processing the FEA data through a stereo-DIC simulator to ‘level' the FEA data to the DIC data in a regularisation sense. Synthetic ‘experimental' DIC data were generated based on a reference FEA of an exemplar test specimen. The direct interpolation approach was applied, and significant strain errors were computed, even though there was no model form error, because the filtering effect of the DIC engine was neglected. In contrast, the levelling approach provided accurate validation results, with no strain error when no model form error was present. Next, model form error was purposefully introduced via a mismatch of boundary conditions. With the direct interpolation approach, the mismatch in boundary conditions was completely obfuscated, while with the levelling approach, it was clearly observed. Finally, the ‘experimental' DIC data were purposefully misaligned slightly from the FEA data. Both validation techniques suffered from the misalignment, thus motivating continued efforts to develop a robust alignment process. In summary, direct interpolation is insufficient, and the proposed levelling approach is required to ensure that the FEA and the DIC data have the same spatial resolution and data filtering. Only after the FEA data have been ‘levelled' to the DIC data can meaningful, quantitative error maps be computed.

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X-Ray Stereo Digital Image Correlation

Experimental Techniques

Jones, Elizabeth M.; Quintana, Enrico C.; Reu, Phillip L.; Wagner, Justin W.

Digital Image Correlation (DIC) is a well-established, non-contact diagnostic technique used to measure shape, displacement and strain of a solid specimen subjected to loading or deformation. However, measurements using standard DIC can have significant errors or be completely infeasible in challenging experiments, such as explosive, combustion, or fluid-structure interaction applications, where beam-steering due to index of refraction variation biases measurements or where the sample is engulfed in flames or soot. To address these challenges, we propose using X-ray imaging instead of visible light imaging for stereo-DIC, since refraction of X-rays is negligible in many situations, and X-rays can penetrate occluding material. Two methods of creating an appropriate pattern for X-ray DIC are presented, both based on adding a dense material in a random speckle pattern on top of a less-dense specimen. A standard dot-calibration target is adapted for X-ray imaging, allowing the common bundle-adjustment calibration process in commercial stereo-DIC software to be used. High-quality X-ray images with sufficient signal-to-noise ratios for DIC are obtained for aluminum specimens with thickness up to 22.2 mm, with a speckle pattern thickness of only 80 μm of tantalum. The accuracy and precision of X-ray DIC measurements are verified through simultaneous optical and X-ray stereo-DIC measurements during rigid in-plane and out-of-plane translations, where errors in the X-ray DIC displacements were approximately 2–10 μm for applied displacements up to 20 mm. Finally, a vast reduction in measurement error—5–20 times reduction of displacement error and 2–3 times reduction of strain error—is demonstrated, by comparing X-ray and optical DIC when a hot plate induced a heterogeneous index of refraction field in the air between the specimen and the imaging systems. Collectively, these results show the feasibility of using X-ray-based stereo-DIC for non-contact measurements in exacting experimental conditions, where optical DIC cannot be used.

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High-speed x-ray stereo digital image correlation for fluid-structure interactions in a shock tube

AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum

James, Jeremy W.; Jones, Elizabeth M.; Quintana, Enrico C.; Lynch, Kyle P.; Halls, Benjamin R.; Wagner, Justin W.

X-ray stereo digital image correlation (DIC) measurements were performed at 10 kHz on a jointed-structure in a shock tube at a shock Mach number of 1.42. The X-ray results were compared to optical DIC using visible light. In the X-ray measurements, an internal surface with a tantalum-epoxy DIC pattern was imaged, whereas the optical DIC imaged an external surface. The environment within the shock tube caused temperature and density gradients in the gas through which the structure was imaged, therefore leading to spatial and temporal index of refraction variations. These variations caused beam-steering effects that resulted in bias error in optical DIC measurements. X-rays were used to mitigate the effects of beam-steering caused by the shock tube environment. Beam displacements measured using X-ray DIC followed similar trends (slopes, oscillations amplitudes and frequencies) as optical DIC data while ignoring beam-steering effects. Power spectral densities of both measurements showed peaks at the natural frequencies of the structure. X-ray DIC also has the advantage of being able to image internal structural responses, whereas optical DIC is only capable of measurements on the outer surface of objects.

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Investigation of assumptions and approximations in the virtual fields method for a viscoplastic material model


Jones, Elizabeth M.; Karlson, Kyle N.; Reu, Phillip L.

The Virtual Fields Method (VFM) is an inverse technique used for parameter estimation and calibration of constitutive models. Many assumptions and approximations—such as plane stress, incompressible plasticity, and spatial and temporal derivative calculations—are required to use VFM with full-field deformation data, for example, from Digital Image Correlation (DIC). This work presents a comprehensive discussion of the effects of these assumptions and approximations on parameters identified by VFM for a viscoplastic material model for 304L stainless steel. We generated synthetic data from a Finite-Element Analysis (FEA) in order to have a reference solution with a known material model and known model parameters, and we investigated four cases in which successively more assumptions and approximations were included in the data. We found that VFM is tolerant to small deviations from the plane stress condition in a small region of the sample, and that the incompressible plasticity assumption can be used to estimate thickness changes with little error. A local polynomial fit to the displacement data was successfully employed to compute the spatial displacement gradients. The choice of temporal derivative approximation (i.e., backwards difference versus central difference) was found to have a significant influence on the computed rate of deformation and on the VFM results for the rate-dependent model used in this work. Finally, the noise introduced into the displacement data from a stereo-DIC simulator was found to have negligible influence on the VFM results. Evaluating the effects of assumptions and approximations using synthetic data is a critical first step for verifying and validating VFM for specific applications. The results of this work provide the foundation for confidently using VFM for experimental data.

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Swelling during pyrolysis of fibre–resin composites when heated above normal operating temperatures

WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences

Houchens, Brent C.; Scott, Sarah N.; Brunini, Victor E.; Jones, Elizabeth M.; Montoya, Michael M.; Flores-Brito, Wendy; Hoffmeister, Kathryn N.G.

It is experimentally observed that multilayer fibre–resin composites can soften and swell significantly when heated above their designed operating temperatures. This swelling is expected to further accelerate the pyrolysis, releasing volatile components which can ignite in an oxygenated environment if exposed to a spark, flame or sufficiently elevated temperature. Here the intumescent behaviour of resin-infused carbon-fibre is investigated. Preliminary experiments and simulations are compared for a carbon-fibre sample radiatively heated on the top side and insulated on the bottom. Simulations consider coupled thermal and porous media flow.

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Revisit of dynamic Brazilian tests of geomaterials

Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series

Sanborn, Brett S.; Jones, Elizabeth M.; Hudspeth, Matthew; Song, Bo S.; Broome, Scott T.

Understanding the dynamic behavior of geomaterials is critical for refining modeling and simulation of applications that involve impacts or explosions. Obtaining material properties of geomaterials is challenging, particularly in tension, due to the brittle and low-strength nature of such materials. Dynamic split tension technique (also called dynamic Brazilian test) has been employed in recent decades to determine the dynamic tensile strength of geomaterials. This is primarily because the split tension method is relatively straightforward to implement in a Kolsky compression bar. Typically, investigators use the peak load reached by the specimen to calculate the tensile strength of the specimen material, which is valid when the specimen is compressed at quasi-static strain rate. However, the same assumption cannot be safely made at dynamic strain rates due to wave propagation effects. In this study, the dynamic split tension (or Brazilian) test technique is revisited. High-speed cameras and digital image correlation (DIC) were used to image the failure of the Brazilian-disk specimen to discover when the first crack occurred relative to the measured peak load during the experiment. Differences of first crack location and time on either side of the sample were compared. The strain rate when the first crack is initiated was also compared to the traditional estimation method of strain rate using the specimen stress history.

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Eliminating air refraction issues in DIC by conducting experiments in vacuum

Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series

Reu, Phillip L.; Jones, Elizabeth M.

A major and often unrecognized error source in digital image correlation (DIC) is the influence of the intervening air between the cameras and sample. Minute differences in air temperature, composition, or both can cause index of refraction changes that act as a lens and cause distortions in the DIC displacement and strain results (Jones and Reu, Exp Mech, 2017). There are limited options to correct this problem as it is both spatial and temporal in nature. One method is to use X-rays for imaging that are not affected by air refraction, but this requires costly equipment. A second method uses a vacuum chamber to minimize the intervening air to remove the distortions, but unfortunately this requires inconvenient setups.

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Distortion of Digital Image Correlation (DIC) Displacements and Strains from Heat Waves

Experimental Mechanics

Jones, Elizabeth M.; Reu, Phillip L.

“Heat waves” is a colloquial term used to describe convective currents in air formed when different objects in an area are at different temperatures. In the context of Digital Image Correlation (DIC) and other optical-based image processing techniques, imaging an object of interest through heat waves can significantly distort the apparent location and shape of the object. There are many potential heat sources in DIC experiments, including but not limited to lights, cameras, hot ovens, and sunlight, yet error caused by heat waves is often overlooked. This paper first briefly presents three practical situations in which heat waves contributed significant error to DIC measurements to motivate the investigation of heat waves in more detail. Then the theoretical background of how light is refracted through heat waves is presented, and the effects of heat waves on displacements and strains computed from DIC are characterized in detail. Finally, different filtering methods are investigated to reduce the displacement and strain errors caused by imaging through heat waves. The overarching conclusions from this work are that errors caused by heat waves are significantly higher than typical noise floors for DIC measurements, and that the errors are difficult to filter because the temporal and spatial frequencies of the errors are in the same range as those of typical signals of interest. Therefore, eliminating or mitigating the effects of heat sources in a DIC experiment is the best solution to minimizing errors caused by heat waves.

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Conversion of Plastic Work to Heat: A full-field study of thermomechanical coupling

Jones, Amanda; Reedlunn, Benjamin R.; Jones, Elizabeth M.; Kramer, Sharlotte L.

This project targeted a full-field understanding of the conversion of plastic work into heat us- ing advanced diagnostics (digital image correlation, DIC, combined with infrared, IR, imaging). This understanding will act as a catalyst for reformulating the prevalent simplistic model, which will ultimately transform Sandia's ability to design for and predict thermomechanical behavior, impacting national security applications including nuclear weapon assessments of accident scenar- ios. Tensile 304L stainless steel dogbones are pulled in tension at quasi-static rates until failure and full-field deformation and temperature data are captured, while accounting for thermal losses. The IR temperature fields are mapped onto the DIC coordinate system (Lagrangian formulation). The resultant fields are used to calculate the Taylor-Quinney coefficient, p, at two strain rates rates (0.002 s -1 and 0.08 s -1 ) and two temperatures (room temperature, RT, and 250degC).

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Parameter covariance and non-uniqueness in material model calibration using the Virtual Fields Method

Computational Materials Science

Jones, Elizabeth M.; Carroll, Jay D.; Karlson, Kyle N.; Kramer, S.L.B.; Lehoucq, Richard B.; Reu, Phillip L.; Turner, Daniel Z.

Traditionally, material identification is performed using global load and displacement data from simple boundary-value problems such as uni-axial tensile and simple shear tests. More recently, however, inverse techniques such as the Virtual Fields Method (VFM) that capitalize on heterogeneous, full-field deformation data have gained popularity. In this work, we have written a VFM code in a finite-deformation framework for calibration of a viscoplastic (i.e. strain-rate dependent) material model for 304L stainless steel. Using simulated experimental data generated via finite-element analysis (FEA), we verified our VFM code and compared the identified parameters with the reference parameters input into the FEA. The identified material model parameters had surprisingly large error compared to the reference parameters, which was traced to parameter covariance and the existence of many essentially equivalent parameter sets. This parameter non-uniqueness and its implications for FEA predictions is discussed in detail. Finally, we present two strategies to reduce parameter covariance – reduced parametrization of the material model and increased richness of the calibration data – which allow for the recovery of a unique solution.

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High-throughput Material Characterization using the Virtual Fields Method

Jones, Elizabeth M.; Carroll, Jay D.; Karlson, Kyle N.; Kramer, Sharlotte L.; Lehoucq, Richard B.; Reu, Phillip L.; Seidl, Daniel T.; Turner, Daniel Z.

Modeling material and component behavior using finite element analysis (FEA) is critical for modern engineering. One key to a credible model is having an accurate material model, with calibrated model parameters, which describes the constitutive relationship between the deformation and the resulting stress in the material. As such, identifying material model parameters is critical to accurate and predictive FEA. Traditional calibration approaches use only global data (e.g. extensometers and resultant force) and simplified geometries to find the parameters. However, the utilization of rapidly maturing full-field characterization tech- niques (e.g. Digital Image Correlation (DIC)) with inverse techniques (e.g. the Virtual Feilds Method (VFM)) provide a new, novel and improved method for parameter identification. This LDRD tested that idea: in particular, whether more parameters could be identified per test when using full-field data. The research described in this report successfully proves this hypothesis by comparing the VFM results with traditional calibration methods. Important products of the research include: verified VFM codes for identifying model parameters, a new look at parameter covariance in material model parameter estimation, new validation tech- niques to better utilize full-field measurements, and an exploration of optimized specimen design for improved data richness.

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Simultaneous PSP and DIC measurements for fluid-structure interactions in a shock tube

2018 Fluid Dynamics Conference

Lynch, Kyle P.; Jones, Elizabeth M.; Wagner, Justin W.

Simultaneous pressure sensitive paint (PSP) and stereo digital image correlation (DIC) measurements on a jointed beam structure are presented. Tests are conducted in a shock tube, providing an impulsive starting condition followed by approximately uniform high-speed flow conditions for 5.0 msec. The unsteady pressure loading generated by shock waves and vortex shedding results in the excitation of various structural modes in the beam. The combined data characterizes the structural loading input (pressure) and the resulting structural behavior output (deformation). Time-series filtering is used to remove external bias errors such as shock tube motion, and proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) is used to extract mode shapes from the deformation data. This demonstrates the utility of using fast-response PSP together with stereo digital image correlation (DIC), which provides a valuable capability for validating structural dynamics simulations.

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65 Results
65 Results