Engineering arrays of active optical centers to control the interaction Hamiltonian between light and matter has been the subject of intense research recently. Collective interaction of atomic arrays with optical photons can give rise to directionally enhanced absorption or emission, which enables engineering of broadband and strong atom-photon interfaces. Here, we report on the observation of long-range cooperative resonances in an array of rare-earth ions controllably implanted into a solid-state lithium niobate micro-ring resonator. We show that cooperative effects can be observed in an ordered ion array extended far beyond the light’s wavelength. We observe enhanced emission from both cavity-induced Purcell enhancement and array-induced collective resonances at cryogenic temperatures. Engineering collective resonances as a paradigm for enhanced light-matter interactions can enable suppression of free-space spontaneous emission. The multi-functionality of lithium niobate hosting rare-earth ions can open possibilities of quantum photonic device engineering for scalable and multiplexed quantum networks.
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) spectroscopy of bulk quantum materials have provided insight into phenomena, such as quantum phase criticality, magnetism, and superconductivity. With the emergence of nanoscale 2D materials with magnetic phenomena, inductively detected NMR and NQR spectroscopy are not sensitive enough to detect the smaller number of spins in nanomaterials. The nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center in diamond has shown promise in bringing the analytic power of NMR and NQR spectroscopy to the nanoscale. However, due to depth-dependent formation efficiency of the defect centers, noise from surface spins, band bending effects, and the depth dependence of the nuclear magnetic field, there is ambiguity regarding the ideal NV depth for surface NMR of statistically polarized spins. In this work, we prepared a range of shallow NV ensemble layer depths and determined the ideal NV depth by performing NMR spectroscopy on statistically polarized 19F in Fomblin oil on the diamond surface. We found that the measurement time needed to achieve a signal-to-noise ratio of 3 using XY8-N noise spectroscopy has a minimum at an NV ensemble depth of 5.5 ± 1.5 nm for ensembles activated from 100 ppm nitrogen concentration. To demonstrate the sensing capabilities of NV ensembles, we perform NQR spectroscopy on the 11B of hexagonal boron nitride flakes. We compare our best diamond to previous work with a single NV and find that this ensemble provides a shorter measurement time with excitation diameters as small as 4 μm. This analysis provides ideal conditions for further experiments involving NMR/NQR spectroscopy of 2D materials with magnetic properties.
An in situ counted ion implantation experiment improving the error on the number of ions required to form a single optically active silicon vacancy (SiV) defect in diamond 7-fold compared to timed implantation is presented. Here, traditional timed implantation relies on a beam current measurement followed by implantation with a preset pulse duration. It is dominated by Poisson statistics, resulting in large errors for low ion numbers. Instead, our in situ detection, measuring the ion number arriving at the substrate, results in a 2-fold improvement of the error on the ion number required to generate a single SiV compared to timed implantation. Through postimplantation analysis, the error is improved 7-fold compared to timed implantation. SiVs are detected by photoluminescence spectroscopy, and the yield of 2.98% is calculated through the photoluminescence count rate. Hanbury–Brown–Twiss interferometry is performed on locations potentially hosting single-photon emitters, confirming that 82% of the locations exhibit single photon emission statistics.
Pavunny, Shojan P.; Yeats, Andrew L.; Banks, Hunter B.; Bielejec, Edward S.; Myers-Ward, Rachael L.; DeJarld, Matthew T.; Bracker, Allan S.; Gaskill, D.K.; Carter, Samuel G.
Point defects in SiC are an attractive platform for quantum information and sensing applications because they provide relatively long spin coherence times, optical spin initialization, and spin-dependent fluorescence readout in a fabrication-friendly semiconductor. The ability to precisely place these defects at the optimal location in a host material with nano-scale accuracy is desirable for integration of these quantum systems with traditional electronic and photonic structures. Here, we demonstrate the precise spatial patterning of arrays of silicon vacancy (VSi) emitters in an epitaxial 4H-SiC (0001) layer through mask-less focused ion beam implantation of Li+. We characterize these arrays with high-resolution scanning confocal fluorescence microscopy on the Si-face, observing sharp emission lines primarily coming from the V1 ′ zero-phonon line (ZPL). The implantation dose is varied over 3 orders of magnitude, leading to VSi densities from a few per implantation spot to thousands per spot, with a linear dependence between ZPL emission and implantation dose. Optically-detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) is also performed, confirming the presence of V2 VSi. Our investigation reveals scalable and reproducible defect generation.
The freely available "Stopping and Range of Ions in Matter"(SRIM) code is used for evaluating ion beam ranges and depth profiles. We present secondary ion mass spectrometry and Rutherford backscattering experimental results of Si samples implanted with low energy Sb ions to evaluate the accuracy of SRIM simulations. We show that the SRIM simulation systematically overestimates the range by 2-6 nm and this overestimation increases for larger ion implantation energy. For the lowest energy implantation investigated, here we find up to a 25% error between the SRIM simulation and the measured range. The ion straggle shows excellent agreement between simulation and experimental results.
This project will test the coupling of light emitted from silicon vacancy and nitrogen vacancy defects in diamond into additively manufactured photonic wire bonds toward integration into an "on-chip quantum photonics platform". These defects offer a room-temperature solid state solution for quantum information technologies but suffer from issues such as low activation rate and variable local environments. Photonic wire bonding will allow entanglement of pre-selected solid-state defects alleviating some of these issues and enable simplified integration with other photonic devices. These developments could prove to be key technologies to realize quantum secured networks for national security applications.
Understanding the capture of charge carriers by colour centres in semiconductors is important for the development of novel forms of sensing and quantum information processing, but experiments typically involve ensemble measurements, often impacted by defect proximity. Here we show that confocal fluorescence microscopy and magnetic resonance can be used to induce and probe charge transport between individual nitrogen-vacancy centres in diamond at room temperature. In our experiments, a ‘source’ nitrogen vacancy undergoes optically driven cycles of ionization and recombination to produce a stream of photogenerated carriers, one of which is subsequently captured by a ‘target’ nitrogen vacancy several micrometres away. We use a spin-to-charge conversion scheme to encode the spin state of the source colour centre into the charge state of the target, which allows us to set an upper bound to carrier injection from other background defects. We attribute our observations to the action of unscreened Coulomb potentials producing giant carrier capture cross-sections, orders of magnitude greater than those measured in ensembles.
This project focused on providing a fundamental physico-chemical understanding of the coupling mechanisms of corrosion- and radiation-induced degradation at material-salt interfaces in Ni-based alloys operating in emulated Molten Salt Reactor(MSR) environments through the use of a unique suite of aging experiments, in-situ nanoscale characterization experiments on these materials, and multi-physics computational models. The technical basis and capabilities described in this report bring us a step closer to accelerate the deployment of MSRs by closing knowledge gaps related to materials degradation in harsh environments.
We describe a method to automatically generate an ion implantation recipe, a set of energies and fluences, to produce a desired defect density profile in a solid using the fewest required energies. We simulate defect density profiles for a range of ion energies, fit them with an appropriate function, and interpolate to yield defect density profiles at arbitrary ion energies. Given N energies, we then optimize a set of N energy-fluence pairs to match a given target defect density profile. Finally, we find the minimum N such that the error between the target defect density profile and the defect density profile generated by the N energy-fluence pairs is less than a given threshold. Inspired by quantum sensing applications with nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond, we apply our technique to calculate optimal ion implantation recipes to create uniform-density 1 μm surface layers of 15N or vacancies (using 4He).
Bulk 14-nm FinFET technology was irradiated in a heavy-ion environment (42-MeV Si ions) to study the possibility of displacement damage (DD) in scaled technology devices, resulting in drive current degradation with increased cumulative fluence. These devices were also exposed to an electron beam, proton beam, and cobalt-60 source (gamma radiation) to further elucidate the physics of the device response. Annealing measurements show minimal to no 'rebound' in the ON-state current back to its initial high value; however, the OFF-state current 'rebound' was significant for gamma radiation environments. Low-temperature experiments of the heavy-ion-irradiated devices reveal increased defect concentration as the result for mobility degradation with increased fluence. Furthermore, the subthreshold slope (SS) temperature dependence uncovers a possible mechanism of increased defect bulk traps contributing to tunneling at low temperatures. Simulation work in Silvaco technology computer-aided design (TCAD) suggests that the increased OFF-state current is a total ionizing dose (TID) effect due to oxide traps in the shallow trench isolation (STI). The significant SS elongation and ON-state current degradation could only be produced when bulk traps in the channel were added. Heavy-ion irradiation on bulk 14-nm FinFETs was found to be a combination of TID and DD effects.
We evaluate the resilience of CoFeB/MgO/CoFeB magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs) with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA) to displacement damage induced by heavy-ion irradiation. MTJs were exposed to 3-MeV Ta2+ ions at different levels of ion beam fluence spanning five orders of magnitude. The devices remained insensitive to beam fluences up to $10^{11}$ ions/cm2, beyond which a gradual degradation in the device magnetoresistance, coercive magnetic field, and spin-transfer-torque (STT) switching voltage were observed, ending with a complete loss of magnetoresistance at very high levels of displacement damage (>0.035 displacements per atom). The loss of magnetoresistance is attributed to structural damage at the MgO interfaces, which allows electrons to scatter among the propagating modes within the tunnel barrier and reduces the net spin polarization. Ion-induced damage to the interface also reduces the PMA. This study clarifies the displacement damage thresholds that lead to significant irreversible changes in the characteristics of STT magnetic random access memory (STT-MRAM) and elucidates the physical mechanisms underlying the deterioration in device properties.
Accurate predictions of device performance in 14-MeV neutron environments rely upon understanding the recoil cascades that may be produced. Recoils from 14-MeV neutrons impinging on both gallium nitride (GaN) and gallium arsenide (GaAs) devices were modeled and compared to the recoil spectra of devices exposed to 14-MeV neutrons. Recoil spectra were generated using nuclear reaction modeling programs and converted into an ionizing energy loss (IEL) spectrum. We measured the recoil IEL spectra by capturing the photocurrent pulses produced by single neutron interactions with the device. Good agreement, with a factor of two, was found between the model and the experiment under strongly depleted conditions. However, this range of agreement between the model and the experiment decreased significantly when the bias was removed, indicating partial energy deposition due to cascades that escape the active volume of the device not captured by the model. Consistent event rates across multiple detectors confirm the reliability of our neutron recoil detection method.
This report documents work done at the Sandia Ion Beam Laboratory to develop a capability to produce 14 Me neutrons at levels sufficient for testing radiation effects on electronic materials and components. The work was primarily enabled by a laboratory directed research and development (LDRD) project. The main elements of the work were to optimize target lifetime, test a new thin- film target design concept to reduce tritium usage, design and construct a new target chamber and beamline optimized for high-flux tests, and conduct tests of effects on electronic devices and components. These tasks were all successfully completed. The improvements in target performance and target chamber design have increased the flux and fluence of 14 MV neutrons available at the test location by several orders of magnitude. The outcome of the project is that a new capability for testing radiation-effects on electronic components from 14 MeV neutrons is now available at Sandia National Laboratories. This capability has already been extensively used for many qualification and component evaluation and development tests.