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Cole-Davidson dynamics of simple chain models

Proposed for publication in the Journal of Chemical Physics.

Adolf, Douglas B.; Budzien, Joanne L.

Rotational relaxation functions of the end-to-end vector of short, freely jointed and freely rotating chains were determined from molecular dynamics simulations. The associated response functions were obtained from the one-sided Fourier transform of the relaxation functions. The Cole-Davidson function was used to fit the response functions with extensive use being made of Cole-Cole plots in the fitting procedure. For the systems studied, the Cole-Davidson function provided remarkably accurate fits [as compared to the transform of the Kohlrausch-Williams-Watts (KWW) function]. The only appreciable deviations from the simulation results were in the high frequency limit and were due to ballistic or free rotation effects. The accuracy of the Cole-Davidson function appears to be the result of the transition in the time domain from stretched exponential behavior at intermediate time to single exponential behavior at long time. Such a transition can be explained in terms of a distribution of relaxation times with a well-defined longest relaxation time. Since the Cole-Davidson distribution has a sharp cutoff in relaxation time (while the KWW function does not), it makes sense that the Cole-Davidson would provide a better frequency-domain description of the associated response function than the KWW function does.

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Foam process models

Rao, Rekha R.; Mondy, L.A.; Moffat, Harry K.; Noble, David R.; Notz, Patrick N.; Adolf, Douglas B.

In this report, we summarize our work on developing a production level foam processing computational model suitable for predicting the self-expansion of foam in complex geometries. The model is based on a finite element representation of the equations of motion, with the movement of the free surface represented using the level set method, and has been implemented in SIERRA/ARIA. An empirically based time- and temperature-dependent density model is used to encapsulate the complex physics of foam nucleation and growth in a numerically tractable model. The change in density with time is at the heart of the foam self-expansion as it creates the motion of the foam. This continuum-level model uses an homogenized description of foam, which does not include the gas explicitly. Results from the model are compared to temperature-instrumented flow visualization experiments giving the location of the foam front as a function of time for our EFAR model system.

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Experiments for foam model development and validation

Mondy, L.A.; Gorby, Allen D.; Cote, Raymond O.; Castaneda, Jaime N.; Thompson, Kyle R.; Rao, Rekha R.; Moffat, Harry K.; Kraynik, Andrew M.; Russick, Edward M.; Adolf, Douglas B.; Grillet, Anne M.; Brotherton, Christopher M.; Bourdon, Christopher B.

A series of experiments has been performed to allow observation of the foaming process and the collection of temperature, rise rate, and microstructural data. Microfocus video is used in conjunction with particle image velocimetry (PIV) to elucidate the boundary condition at the wall. Rheology, reaction kinetics and density measurements complement the flow visualization. X-ray computed tomography (CT) is used to examine the cured foams to determine density gradients. These data provide input to a continuum level finite element model of the blowing process.

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Rotational relaxation in simple chain models

Journal of Chemical Physics

Heffernan, Julieanne V.; Budzien, Joanne; Avila, Francisco; Dotson, Taylor C.; Aston, Victoria J.; McCoy, John D.; Adolf, Douglas B.

The rotational dynamics of chemically similar systems based on freely jointed and freely rotating chains are studied. The second Legendre polynomial of vectors along chain backbones is used to investigate the rotational dynamics at different length scales. In a previous study, it was demonstrated that the additional bond-angle constraint in the freely rotating case noticeably perturbs the character of the translational relaxation away from that of the freely jointed system. Here, it is shown that differences are also apparent in the two systems' rotational dynamics. The relaxation of the end-to-end vector is found to display a long time, single-exponential tail and a stretched exponential region at intermediate times. The stretching exponents Β are found to be 0.75±0.02 for the freely jointed case and 0.68±0.02 for the freely rotating case. For both system types, time-packing-fraction superposition is seen to hold on the end-to-end length scale. In addition, for both systems, the rotational relaxation times are shown to be proportional to the translational relaxation times, demonstrating that the Debye-Stokes-Einstein law holds. The second Legendre polynomial of the bond vector is used to probe relaxation behavior at short length scales. For the freely rotating case, the end-to-end relaxation times scale differently than the bond relaxation times, implying that the behavior is non-Stokes-Einstein, and that time-packing-fraction superposition does not hold across length scales for this system. For the freely jointed case, end-to-endrelaxation times do scale with bond relaxation times, and both Stokes-Einstein and time-packing-fraction-across-length-scales superposition are obeyed. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.

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Materials-based process tolerances for neutron generator encapsulation

Adolf, Douglas B.; Stavig, Mark E.; Berry, Ryan S.

Variations in the neutron generator encapsulation process can affect functionality. However, instead of following the historical path in which the effects of process variations are assessed directly through functional tests, this study examines how material properties key to generator functionality correlate with process variations. The results of this type of investigation will be applicable to all generators and can provide insight on the most profitable paths to process and material improvements. Surprisingly, the results at this point imply that the process is quite robust, and many of the current process tolerances are perhaps overly restrictive. The good news lies in the fact that our current process ensures reproducible material properties. The bad new lies in the fact that it would be difficult to solve functional problems by changes in the process.

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Wetting and free surface flow modeling for potting and encapsulation

Adolf, Douglas B.; Castaneda, Jaime N.; Kraynik, Andrew M.; Noble, David R.; Sun, Amy C.; Cote, Raymond O.; Grillet, Anne M.; Notz, Patrick N.; Brooks, Carlton F.; Givler, R.C.; Hopkins, Matthew M.; Mondy, L.A.; Rao, Rekha R.

As part of an effort to reduce costs and improve quality control in encapsulation and potting processes the Technology Initiative Project ''Defect Free Manufacturing and Assembly'' has completed a computational modeling study of flows representative of those seen in these processes. Flow solutions are obtained using a coupled, finite-element-based, numerical method based on the GOMA/ARIA suite of Sandia flow solvers. The evolution of the free surface is solved with an advanced level set algorithm. This approach incorporates novel methods for representing surface tension and wetting forces that affect the evolution of the free surface. In addition, two commercially available codes, ProCAST and MOLDFLOW, are also used on geometries representing encapsulation processes at the Kansas City Plant. Visual observations of the flow in several geometries are recorded in the laboratory and compared to the models. Wetting properties for the materials in these experiments are measured using a unique flowthrough goniometer.

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Adhesive joint and composites modeling in SIERRA

Hammerand, Daniel C.; Chambers, Robert S.; Brown, Arthur B.; Foulk, James W.; Adolf, Douglas B.; Ohashi, Yuki O.

Polymers and fiber-reinforced polymer matrix composites play an important role in many Defense Program applications. Recently an advanced nonlinear viscoelastic model for polymers has been developed and incorporated into ADAGIO, Sandia's SIERRA-based quasi-static analysis code. Standard linear elastic shell and continuum models for fiber-reinforced polymer-matrix composites have also been added to ADAGIO. This report details the use of these models for advanced adhesive joint and composites simulations carried out as part of an Advanced Simulation and Computing Advanced Deployment (ASC AD) project. More specifically, the thermo-mechanical response of an adhesive joint when loaded during repeated thermal cycling is simulated, the response of some composite rings under internal pressurization is calculated, and the performance of a composite container subjected to internal pressurization, thermal loading, and distributed mechanical loading is determined. Finally, general comparisons between the continuum and shell element approaches for modeling composites using ADAGIO are given.

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The relationship between polymer mobility and potential energy

Adolf, Douglas B.; Budzien, Joanne L.

The WLF equation is typically used to describe the dependence of polymer mobility on temperature at atmospheric pressure. Tests at different pressures would at least require different WLF parameterization. Completely different tests, for example, probing the temperature dependence of mobility at constant density, would require even greater modifications. By performing molecular dynamics simulations on simple chain molecules equilibrated at different thermodynamic states, we have shown that the mobility depends in a more general sense on the potential energy density of the system. That is, mobilities for any equilibrated state collapse onto one master curve when plotted against the potential energy density. Moreover, this relationship can be fit by either a 'generalized' WLF equation or by a power-law relationship observed in critical phenomena. When this mobility relationship is used within a rheologically simple, thermodynamically consistent, viscoelastic framework, quantitative agreement is seen between experimental data and theoretical predictions on a range of tests covering enthalpy relaxation to mechanical yield to physical aging.

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General relationships between the mobility of a chain fluid and various computed scalar metrics

Proposed for publication in the Journal of Chemical Physics.

Adolf, Douglas B.

We performed molecular dynamics simulations of chain systems to investigate general relationships between the system mobility and computed scalar quantities. Three quantities were found that had a simple one-to-one relationship with mobility: packing fraction, potential energy density, and the value of the static structure factor at the first peak. The chain center-of-mass mobility as a function of these three quantities could be described equally well by either a Vogel-Fulcher type or a power law equation.

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Verification and Validation of Encapsulation Flow Models in GOMA, Version 1.1

Mondy, L.A.; Rao, Rekha R.; Schunk, Randy; Sackinger, Philip A.; Adolf, Douglas B.; Rao, Rekha R.

Encapsulation is a common process used in manufacturing most non-nuclear components including: firing sets, neutron generators, trajectory sensing signal generators (TSSGs), arming, fusing and firing devices (AF and Fs), radars, programmers, connectors, and batteries. Encapsulation is used to contain high voltage, to mitigate stress and vibration and to protect against moisture. The purpose of the ASCI Encapsulation project is to develop a simulation capability that will allow us to aid in the encapsulation design process, especially for neutron generators. The introduction of an encapsulant poses many problems because of the need to balance ease of processing and properties necessary to achieve the design benefits such as tailored encapsulant properties, optimized cure schedule and reduced failure rates. Encapsulants can fail through fracture or delamination as a result of cure shrinkage, thermally induced residual stresses, voids or incomplete component embedding and particle gradients. Manufacturing design requirements include (1) maintaining uniform composition of particles in order to maintain the desired thermal coefficient of expansion (CTE) and density, (2) mitigating void formation during mold fill, (3) mitigating cure and thermally induced stresses during cure and cool down, and (4) eliminating delamination and fracture due to cure shrinkage/thermal strains. The first two require modeling of the fluid phase, and it is proposed to use the finite element code GOMA to accomplish this. The latter two require modeling of the solid state; however, ideally the effects of particle distribution would be included in the calculations, and thus initial conditions would be set from GOMA predictions. These models, once they are verified and validated, will be transitioned into the SIERRA framework and the ARIA code. This will facilitate exchange of data with the solid mechanics calculations in SIERRA/ADAGIO.

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Micromechanical Failure Analyses for Finite Element Polymer Modeling

Chambers, Robert S.; Reedy, Earl D.; Lo, Chi S.; Adolf, Douglas B.; Guess, Tommy R.

Polymer stresses around sharp corners and in constrained geometries of encapsulated components can generate cracks leading to system failures. Often, analysts use maximum stresses as a qualitative indicator for evaluating the strength of encapsulated component designs. Although this approach has been useful for making relative comparisons screening prospective design changes, it has not been tied quantitatively to failure. Accurate failure models are needed for analyses to predict whether encapsulated components meet life cycle requirements. With Sandia's recently developed nonlinear viscoelastic polymer models, it has been possible to examine more accurately the local stress-strain distributions in zones of likely failure initiation looking for physically based failure mechanisms and continuum metrics that correlate with the cohesive failure event. This study has identified significant differences between rubbery and glassy failure mechanisms that suggest reasonable alternatives for cohesive failure criteria and metrics. Rubbery failure seems best characterized by the mechanisms of finite extensibility and appears to correlate with maximum strain predictions. Glassy failure, however, seems driven by cavitation and correlates with the maximum hydrostatic tension. Using these metrics, two three-point bending geometries were tested and analyzed under variable loading rates, different temperatures and comparable mesh resolution (i.e., accuracy) to make quantitative failure predictions. The resulting predictions and observations agreed well suggesting the need for additional research. In a separate, additional study, the asymptotically singular stress state found at the tip of a rigid, square inclusion embedded within a thin, linear elastic disk was determined for uniform cooling. The singular stress field is characterized by a single stress intensity factor K{sub a} and the applicable K{sub a} calibration relationship has been determined for both fully bonded and unbended inclusions. A lack of interfacial bonding has a profound effect on inclusion-tip stress fields. A large radial compressive stress is generated in front of the inclusion-tip when the inclusion is well bonded, whereas a large tensile hoop stress is generated when the inclusion is unbended, and frictionless sliding is allowed. Consequently, an epoxy disk containing an unbended inclusion appears more likely to crack when cooled than a disk containing a fully bonded inclusion. A limited number of tests have been carried out to determine if encapsulant cracking can be induced by cooling a specimen fabricated by molding a square, steel insert within a thin, epoxy disk. Test results are in qualitative agreement with analysis. Cracks developed only in disks with mold-released inserts, and the tendency for cracking increased with inclusion size.

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Changes in the Nonlinear Viscoelasticity of Carbon Black Filled Rubber as it Ages

Adolf, Douglas B.; Lu, Wei-Yang L.

The effects of chemical aging on the behavior of carbon black filled rubber were investigated by two types of tests, aging under no strain and aging under a constant strain. A slight modification of the damage-based theory of Segalman, used previously on unaged samples, was found to be consistent with the experimental data.

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55 Results
55 Results