
Results 51–79 of 79
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Combining water quality and operational data for improved event detection

Water Distribution Systems Analysis 2010 - Proceedings of the 12th International Conference, WDSA 2010

Hart, David B.; Mckenna, Sean A.; Murray, Regan; Haxton, Terra

Water quality signals from sensors provide a snapshot of the water quality at the monitoring station at discrete sample times. These data are typically processed by event detection systems to determine the probability of a water quality event occurring at each sample time. Inherent noise in sensor data and rapid changes in water quality due to operational actions can cause false alarms in event detection systems. While the event determination can be made solely on the data from each signal at the current time step, combining data across signals and backwards in time can provide a richer set of data for event detection. Here we examine the ability of algebraic combinations and other transformations of the raw signals to further decrease false alarms. As an example, using operational events such as one or more pumps turning on or off to define a period of decreased detection sensitivity is one approach to limiting false alarms. This method is effective when lag times are known or when the sensors are co-located with the equipment causing the change. The CANARY software was used to test and demonstrate these combinatorial techniques for improving sensitivity and decreasing false alarms on both background data and data with simulated events. Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the United States Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000. © 2012 ASCE.

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Sensor placement for municipal water networks

Phillips, Cynthia A.; Boman, Erik G.; Carr, Robert D.; Hart, William E.; Berry, Jonathan W.; Watson, Jean-Paul W.; Hart, David B.; Mckenna, Sean A.; Riesen, Lee A.

We consider the problem of placing a limited number of sensors in a municipal water distribution network to minimize the impact over a given suite of contamination incidents. In its simplest form, the sensor placement problem is a p-median problem that has structure extremely amenable to exact and heuristic solution methods. We describe the solution of real-world instances using integer programming or local search or a Lagrangian method. The Lagrangian method is necessary for solution of large problems on small PCs. We summarize a number of other heuristic methods for effectively addressing issues such as sensor failures, tuning sensors based on local water quality variability, and problem size/approximation quality tradeoffs. These algorithms are incorporated into the TEVA-SPOT toolkit, a software suite that the US Environmental Protection Agency has used and is using to design contamination warning systems for US municipal water systems.

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Estimating parameters and uncertainty for three-dimensional flow and transport in a highly heterogeneous sand box experiment

Yoon, Hongkyu Y.; Mckenna, Sean A.; Hart, David B.

Heterogeneity plays an important role in groundwater flow and contaminant transport in natural systems. Since it is impossible to directly measure spatial variability of hydraulic conductivity, predictions of solute transport based on mathematical models are always uncertain. While in most cases groundwater flow and tracer transport problems are investigated in two-dimensional (2D) systems, it is important to study more realistic and well-controlled 3D systems to fully evaluate inverse parameter estimation techniques and evaluate uncertainty in the resulting estimates. We used tracer concentration breakthrough curves (BTCs) obtained from a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique in a small flow cell (14 x 8 x 8 cm) that was packed with a known pattern of five different sands (i.e., zones) having cm-scale variability. In contrast to typical inversion systems with head, conductivity and concentration measurements at limited points, the MRI data included BTCs measured at a voxel scale ({approx}0.2 cm in each dimension) over 13 x 8 x 8 cm with a well controlled boundary condition, but did not have direct measurements of head and conductivity. Hydraulic conductivity and porosity were conceptualized as spatial random fields and estimated using pilot points along layers of the 3D medium. The steady state water flow and solute transport were solved using MODFLOW and MODPATH. The inversion problem was solved with a nonlinear parameter estimation package - PEST. Two approaches to parameterization of the spatial fields are evaluated: (1) The detailed zone information was used as prior information to constrain the spatial impact of the pilot points and reduce the number of parameters; and (2) highly parameterized inversion at cm scale (e.g., 1664 parameters) using singular value decomposition (SVD) methodology to significantly reduce the run-time demands. Both results will be compared to measured BTCs. With MRI, it is easy to change the averaging scale of the observed concentration from point to cross-section. This comparison allows us to evaluate which method best matches experimental results at different scales. To evaluate the uncertainty in parameter estimation, the null space Monte Carlo method will be used to reduce computational burden of the development of calibration-constrained Monte Carlo based parameter fields. This study will illustrate how accurately a well-calibrated model can predict contaminant transport.

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Integrating event detection system operation characteristics into sensor placement optimization

Hart, David B.; Hart, William E.; Mckenna, Sean A.; Phillips, Cynthia A.

We consider the problem of placing sensors in a municipal water network when we can choose both the location of sensors and the sensitivity and specificity of the contamination warning system. Sensor stations in a municipal water distribution network continuously send sensor output information to a centralized computing facility, and event detection systems at the control center determine when to signal an anomaly worthy of response. Although most sensor placement research has assumed perfect anomaly detection, signal analysis software has parameters that control the tradeoff between false alarms and false negatives. We describe a nonlinear sensor placement formulation, which we heuristically optimize with a linear approximation that can be solved as a mixed-integer linear program. We report the results of initial experiments on a real network and discuss tradeoffs between early detection of contamination incidents, and control of false alarms.

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Trajectory clustering approach for reducing water quality event false alarms

Proceedings of World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2009 - World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2009: Great Rivers

Vugrin, Eric D.; Mckenna, Sean A.; Hart, David B.

Event Detection Systems (EDS) performance is hindered by false alarms that cause unnecessary resource expenditure by the utility and undermine confidence in the EDS operation. Changes in water quality due to operational changes in the utility hydraulics can cause a significant number of false alarms. These changes may occur daily and each instance produces similar changes in the multivariate water quality pattern. Recognizing that patterns of water quality change must be identified, we adapt trajectory clustering as a means of classifying these multivariate patterns. We develop a general approach for dealing with changes in utility operations that impact water quality. This approach uses historical data water quality data from the utility to identify recurring patterns and retains those patterns in a library that can be accessed during online operation. We have implemented this pattern matching capability within CANARY and describe several example applications that demonstrate a decrease in false alarms. ©2009 ASCE.

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Impact of sensor detection limits on protecting water distribution systems from contamination events

Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management

McKenna, Sean A.; Hart, David B.; Yarrington, Lane Y.

Real-time water quality sensors are becoming commonplace in water distribution systems. However, field deployable, contaminant-specific sensors are still in the development stage. As development proceeds, the necessary operating parameters of these sensors must be determined to protect consumers from accidental and malevolent contamination events. This objective can be quantified in several different ways including minimization of: the time necessary to detect a contamination event, the population exposed to contaminated water, the extent of the contamination within the network, and others. We examine the ability of a sensor set to meet these objectives as a function of both the detection limit of the sensors and the number of sensors in the network. A moderately sized distribution network is used as an example and different sized sets of randomly placed sensors are considered. For each combination of a certain number of sensors and a detection limit, the mean values of the different objectives across multiple random sensor placements are calculated. The tradeoff between the necessary detection limit in a sensor and the number of sensors is evaluated. Results show that for the example problem examined here, a sensor detection limit of 0.01 of the average source concentration is adequate for maximum protection. Detection of events is dependent on the detection limit of the sensors, but for those events that are detected, the values of the performance measures are not a function of the sensor detection limit. The results of replacing a single sensor in a network with a sensor having a much lower detection limit show that while this replacement can improve results, the majority of the additional events detected had performance measures of relatively low consequence. © 2006 ASCE.

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Results 51–79 of 79
Results 51–79 of 79