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The growth and nanothermite reaction of 2Al/3NiO multilayer thin films

Journal of Applied Physics

Abere, Michael J.; Beason, Matthew T.; Reeves, Robert V.; Rodriguez, Mark A.; Kotula, Paul G.; Sobczak, Catherine E.; Son, Steven F.; Yarrington, Cole D.; Adams, David P.

Nanothermite NiO–Al is a promising material system for low gas emission heat sources; yet, its reactive properties are highly dependent on material processing conditions. In the current study, sputter deposition is used to fabricate highly controlled nanolaminates comprised of alternating NiO and Al layers. Films having an overall stoichiometry of 2Al to 3NiO were produced with different bilayer thicknesses to investigate how ignition and self-sustained, high temperature reactions vary with changes to nanometer-scale periodicity and preheat conditions. Ignition studies were carried out with both hot plate and laser irradiation and compared to slow heating studies in hot-stage x-ray diffraction. Ignition behavior has bilayer thickness and heating rate dependencies. The 2Al/3NiO with λ ≤ 300 nm ignited via solid/solid diffusion mixing (activation energy, E a  = 49 ± 3 kJ/mole). Multilayers having λ ≥ 500 nm required a more favorable mixing kinetics of solid/liquid dissolution into molten Al ( E a  = 30 ± 4 kJ/mole). This solid/liquid dissolution E a is a factor of 5 lower than that of the previously reported powder compacts due to the elimination of a passivating Al oxide layer present on the powder. The reactant mixing mechanism between 300 and 500 nm bilayer thicknesses was dependent on the ignition source's heating rate. The self-propagating reaction velocities of 2Al/3NiO multilayers varied from 0.4 to 2.5 m/s. Pre-heating nanolaminates to temperatures below the onset reaction temperatures associated with forming intermediate nickel aluminides at multilayer interfaces led to increased propagation velocities, whereas pre-heating samples above the onset temperatures inhibited subsequent attempts at laser ignition.

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Irradiation-induced grain boundary facet motion: In situ observations and atomic-scale mechanisms

Science Advances

Barr, Christopher M.; Chen, Elton Y.; Nathaniel, James E.; Lu, Ping L.; Adams, David P.; Dingreville, Remi P.; Boyce, Brad B.; Hattar, Khalid M.; Medlin, Douglas L.

Metals subjected to irradiation environments undergo microstructural evolution and concomitant degradation, yet the nanoscale mechanisms for such evolution remain elusive. Here, we combine in situ heavy ion irradiation, atomic resolution microscopy, and atomistic simulation to elucidate how radiation damage and interfacial defects interplay to control grain boundary (GB) motion. While classical notions of boundary evolution under irradiation rest on simple ideas of curvature-driven motion, the reality is far more complex. Focusing on an ion-irradiated Pt Σ3 GB, we show how this boundary evolves by the motion of 120° facet junctions separating nanoscale {112} facets. Our analysis considers the short- and mid-range ion interactions, which roughen the facets and induce local motion, and longer-range interactions associated with interfacial disconnections, which accommodate the intergranular misorientation. We suggest how climb of these disconnections could drive coordinated facet junction motion. These findings emphasize that both local and longer-range, collective interactions are important to understanding irradiation-induced interfacial evolution.

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3D simulations of spinlike flames in Co/Al multilayers with enhanced conduction losses

Combustion and Flame

Kittell, David E.; Abere, Michael J.; Yarrington, Cole Y.; Adams, David P.

Reactive Co/Al multilayers are uniformly structured materials that may be ignited to produce rapid and localized heating. Prior studies varying the bilayer thickness (i.e., sum of two individual layers of Co and Al) have revealed different types of flame morphologies, including: (a) steady/planar, (b) wavy/periodic, and (c) transverse bands, originating in the flame front. These instabilities resemble the “spin waves” first observed in the early studies of solid combustion (i.e., Ti cylinder in a N2 atmosphere), and are likewise thought to be due to the balance of heat released by reaction and heat conduction forward into the unreacted multilayer. However, the multilayer geometry and three-dimensional (3D) edge effects are relatively unexplored. In this work, a new diffusion-limited reaction model for Co/Al multilayers was implemented in large, novel 3D finite element analysis (FEA) simulations, in order to study the origins of these spinlike flames. This reaction model builds upon previous work by introducing three new phase-dependent property models for: (1) the diffusion coefficient, (2) anisotropic thermal conductivity tensor, and (3) bulk heat capacity, as well as one additional model for the bilayer-dependent heat of reaction. These novel 3D simulations are the first to predict both steady and unsteady flames in Co/Al multilayers. Moreover, two unsteady modes of flame propagation are identified, which depend on the enhanced conduction losses with slower flames, as well as flame propagation around notched edges. Future work will consider the generality of the current modeling approach and also seek to define a more generalized set of stability criteria for additional multilayer systems.

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Germanium Telluride Chalcogenide Switches for RF Applications

Hummel, Gwendolyn H.; Patrizi, G.A.; Young, Andrew I.; Schroeder, Katlin S.; Ruyack, Alexander R.; Schiess, Adrian R.; Finnegan, Patrick S.; Adams, David P.; Nordquist, Christopher N.

This project developed prototype germanium telluride switches, which can be used in RF applications to improve SWAP (size, weight, and power) and signal quality in RF systems. These switches can allow for highly reconfigurable systems, including antennas, communications, optical systems, phased arrays, and synthetic aperture radar, which all have high impact on current National Security goals for improved communication systems and communication technology supremacy. The final result of the project was the demonstration of germanium telluride RF switches, which could act as critical elements necessary for a single chip RF communication system that will demonstrate low SWAP and high reconfigurability

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Basic Research of Intrinsic, Tamper Indication Markings and Patterns Defined by Pulsed Laser Irradiation: 2015 Annual Report IACRO 13-5897I (DTRA Project Year End Report)

Adams, David P.

Information from 2015 annual report highlighting several tasks, including: Task 7: Research of microspectrophotometry for inspection and validation of laser color markings. Task 8: Investigate new laser fabrication techniques that produce color markings with improved corrosion resistance. Task 9: Research new methods for laser marking curved surfaces (and large areas). Task 10: Complete model simulations of laser-induced ripple formation-involves an ElectroMagnetic field solver.

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Simultaneous thickness and thermal conductivity measurements of thinned silicon from 100 nm to 17 μ m

Applied Physics Letters

Scott, Ethan A.; Perez, Christopher P.; Saltonstall, Christopher B.; Adams, David P.; Carter Hodges, V.; Asheghi, Mehdi; Goodson, Kenneth E.; Hopkins, Patrick E.; Leonhardt, Darin L.; Ziade, Elbara Z.

Studies of size effects on thermal conductivity typically necessitate the fabrication of a comprehensive film thickness series. In this Letter, we demonstrate how material fabricated in a wedged geometry can enable similar, yet higher-throughput measurements to accelerate experimental analysis. Frequency domain thermoreflectance (FDTR) is used to simultaneously determine the thermal conductivity and thickness of a wedged silicon film for thicknesses between 100 nm and 17 μm by considering these features as fitting parameters in a thermal model. FDTR-deduced thicknesses are compared to values obtained from cross-sectional scanning electron microscopy, and corresponding thermal conductivity measurements are compared against several thickness-dependent analytical models based upon solutions to the Boltzmann transport equation. Our results demonstrate how the insight gained from a series of thin films can be obtained via fabrication of a single sample.

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Variable Laser Ignition Pathways in Al/Pt Reactive Multilayers across 10 Decades of Pulse Duration

Journal of Physical Chemistry C

Abere, Michael J.; Yarrington, Cole D.; Kotula, Paul G.; McDonald, Joel P.; Adams, David P.

Pulsed laser irradiation is used to investigate the local initiation of rapid, self-propagating formation reactions in Al/Pt multilayers. The single pulse direct laser ignition of these 1.6 μm thick freestanding foils was characterized over 10 decades of pulse duration (10 ms to 150 fs). Finite element, reactive heat transport modeling of the near-threshold conditions has identified three distinct ignition pathways. For milli- to microsecond pulses, ignition occurs following sufficient absorption of laser energy to enable diffusion of Al and Pt between layers such that the heat released from the corresponding exothermic reaction overcomes conductive losses outside the laser-irradiated zone. When pulse duration is decreased into the nanosecond regime, heat is concentrated near the surface such that the Al locally melts, and a portion of the top-most bilayers react initially. The favorable kinetics and additional heat enable ignition. Further reducing pulse duration to hundreds of femtoseconds leads to a third ignition pathway. While much of the energy from these pulses is lost to ablation, the remaining heat beneath the crater can be sufficiently concentrated to drive a transverse self-propagating reaction, wherein the heat released from mixing at each interface occurs under kinetic conditions capable of igniting the subsequent layer.

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The role of grain boundary character in solute segregation and thermal stability of nanocrystalline Pt-Au


Barr, Christopher M.; Foiles, Stephen M.; Alkayyali, Malek; Mahmood, Yasir; Price, Patrick M.; Adams, David P.; Boyce, Brad B.; Abdeljawad, Fadi; Hattar, Khalid M.

Nanocrystalline (NC) metals suffer from an intrinsic thermal instability; their crystalline grains undergo rapid coarsening during processing treatments or under service conditions. Grain boundary (GB) solute segregation has been proposed to mitigate grain growth and thermally stabilize the grain structures of NC metals. However, the role of GB character in solute segregation and thermal stability of NC metals remains poorly understood. Herein, we employ high resolution microscopy techniques, atomistic simulations, and theoretical analysis to investigate and characterize the impact of GB character on segregation behavior and thermal stability in a model NC Pt-Au alloy. High resolution electron microscopy along with X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy and automated crystallographic orientation mapping is used to obtain spatially correlated Pt crystal orientation, GB misorientation, and Au solute concentration data. Atomistic simulations of polycrystalline Pt-Au systems are used to reveal the plethora of GB segregation profiles as a function of GB misorientation and the corresponding impact on grain growth processes. With the aid of theoretical models of interface segregation, the experimental data for GB concentration profiles are used to extract GB segregation energies, which are then used to elucidate the impact of GB character on solute drag effects. Our results highlight the paramount role of GB character in solute segregation behavior. In broad terms, our approach provides future avenues to employ GB segregation as a microstructure design strategy to develop NC metallic alloys with tailored microstructures. This journal is

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Thin film graded density impactors for high rate off-Hugoniot loading: Application to Ta strength

2019 15th Hypervelocity Impact Symposium, HVIS 2019

Brown, Justin L.; Adams, David P.; Alexander, Charles S.; Wise, Jack L.; Reinhart, William D.

Graded density impactors (GDIs) have long been of interest to provide off-Hugoniot loading capabilities for impact systems. We describe a new technique which utilizes sputter deposition to produce an approximately 40 µm-thick film containing alternating layers of Al and Cu. The thicknesses of the respective layers are adjusted to give an effective density gradient through the film. The GDIs were launched into samples of interest with a 2-stage light gas gun, and the resulting shock-ramp-release velocity profiles were measured over timescales of ~10 ns with a new velocimetry probe. Results are shown for the direct impact of the film onto a LiF window, which allows for the dynamic characterization of the GDI, as well as from impact onto a thin (~40 µm) sputtered Ta sample backed by a LiF window. These measurements were coupled into mesoscale numerical simulations to infer the strength of Ta at the high rate (107 s-1), and high pressure (1 MBar) conditions this unique capability provides. Initial results suggest this is a viable strength platform which fills a critical gap and aids in cross-platform comparisons with other high-pressure strength platforms.

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Thermal conductivity of (Ge2Sb2Te5)1–xCx phase change films

Journal of Applied Physics

Scott, Ethan A.; Ziade, Elbara Z.; Saltonstall, Christopher B.; McDonald, Anthony E.; Rodriguez, Mark A.; Hopkins, Patrick E.; Beechem, Thomas E.; Adams, David P.

Germanium–antimony–telluride has emerged as a nonvolatile phase change memory material due to the large resistivity contrast between amorphous and crystalline states, rapid crystallization, and cyclic endurance. Improving thermal phase stability, however, has necessitated further alloying with optional addition of a quaternary species (e.g., C). In this work, the thermal transport implications of this additional species are investigated using frequency-domain thermoreflectance in combination with structural characterization derived from x-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. Specifically, the room temperature thermal conductivity and heat capacity of (Ge2Sb2Te5)1–xCx are reported as a function of carbon concentration (x ≤ 0:12) and anneal temperature (T ≤ 350 °C) with results assessed in reference to the measured phase, structure, and electronic resistivity. Phase stability imparted by the carbon comes with comparatively low thermal penalty as materials exhibiting similar levels of crystallinity have comparable thermal conductivity despite the addition of carbon. The additional thermal stability provided by the carbon does, however, necessitate higher anneal temperatures to achieve similar levels of structural order.

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Complexion dictated thermal resistance with interface density in reactive metal multilayers

Physical Review B

Saltonstall, Christopher B.; McClure, Zachary D.; Abere, Michael J.; Guzman, David; Reeve, Samuel T.; Strachan, Alejandro; Kotula, Paul G.; Adams, David P.; Beechem, Thomas E.

Multilayers composed of aluminum (Al) and platinum (Pt) exhibit a nonmonotonic trend in thermal resistance with bilayer thickness as measured by time domain thermoreflectance. The thermal resistance initially increases with reduced bilayer thickness only to reach a maximum and then decrease with further shrinking of the multilayer period. These observations are attributed to the evolving impact of an intermixed amorphous complexion approximately 10 nm in thickness, which forms at each boundary between Al- and Pt-rich layers. Scanning transmission electron microscopy combined with energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy find that the elemental composition of the complexion varies based on bilayer periodicity as does the fraction of the multilayer composed of this interlayer. These variations in complexion mitigate boundary scattering within the multilayers as shown by electronic transport calculations employing density-functional theory and nonequilibrium Green's functions on amorphous structures obtained via finite temperature molecular dynamics. The lessening of boundary scattering reduces the total resistance to thermal transport leading to the observed nonmonotonic trend thereby highlighting the central role of complexion on thermal transport within reactive metal multilayers.

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Stabilizing effects of oxidation on propagating formation reactions occurring in nanometer-scale metal multilayers

Thin Solid Films

Adams, David P.; Abere, Michael J.; Sobczak, C.; Rodriguez, Mark A.

Reactive rare-earth/transition metal multilayers exhibit a variety of complex reaction behaviors depending on surrounding gaseous environment and material design. Small period (< 100 nm bilayer), 5 μm-thick Sc/Ag multilayers undergo self-sustained formation reactions when ignited in air or in vacuum. High-speed videography reveals unstable reaction waves in these samples, characterized by the repeated, transverse passage of narrow, spin bands. Intermediate Sc/Ag designs – with multilayer period between 100 and 200 nm – only react in air. These multilayers exhibit propagating reactions with alternating unstable and stable characteristics. Narrow, spin bands advance the reaction front stepwise. Soon after the passage of a transverse band, a trailing oxidation wave encroaches on the intermetallic reaction front temporarily pushing the stalled wave forward in a uniform manner. Viewed in full, these events repeat giving rise to a new oscillatory behavior. Sc/Ag multilayers having a large period (> 200 nm bilayer) also react exclusively in air but exhibit a different propagating mode. The oxidation of Sc combined with the exothermic reaction of metal species results in continually-stable waves characterized by a smooth wavefront morphology and uniform velocity. The flame temperatures associated with propagating waves are estimated using measured heats of reaction and enthalpy-temperature relationships in order to provide insight into the possible phase transformations that occur during these different exothermic reactions.

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Shortening the Design and Certification Cycle for Additively Manufactured Materials by Improved Mesoscale Simulations and Validation Experiments: Fiscal Year 2019 Status Report

Specht, Paul E.; Mitchell, John A.; Adams, David P.; Brown, Justin L.; Silling, Stewart A.; Wise, Jack L.; Palmer , Todd P.

This report outlines the fiscal year (FY) 2019 status of an ongoing multi-year effort to develop a general, microstructurally-aware, continuum-level model for representing the dynamic response of material with complex microstructures. This work has focused on accurately representing the response of both conventionally wrought processed and additively manufactured (AM) 304L stainless steel (SS) as a test case. Additive manufacturing, or 3D printing, is an emerging technology capable of enabling shortened design and certification cycles for stockpile components through rapid prototyping. However, there is not an understanding of how the complex and unique microstructures of AM materials affect their mechanical response at high strain rates. To achieve our project goal, an upscaling technique was developed to bridge the gap between the microstructural and continuum scales to represent AM microstructures on a Finite Element (FE) mesh. This process involves the simulations of the additive process using the Sandia developed kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) code SPPARKS. These SPPARKS microstructures are characterized using clustering algorithms from machine learning and used to populate the quadrature points of a FE mesh. Additionally, a spall kinetic model (SKM) was developed to more accurately represent the dynamic failure of AM materials. Validation experiments were performed using both pulsed power machines and projectile launchers. These experiments have provided equation of state (EOS) and flow strength measurements of both wrought and AM 304L SS to above Mbar pressures. In some experiments, multi-point interferometry was used to quantify the variation is observed material response of the AM 304L SS. Analysis of these experiments is ongoing, but preliminary comparisons of our upscaling technique and SKM to experimental data were performed as a validation exercise. Moving forward, this project will advance and further validate our computational framework, using advanced theory and additional high-fidelity experiments. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors greatly appreciate the support of Mike Saavedra in machining the experimental samples. The authors would also like to thank the Dynamic Integrated Compression facility (DICE) staff for executing the Thor experiments: Brian Stoltzfus, Randy Hickman, Keith Hodge, Joshua Usher, Lena Pacheco, and Eric Breden. The authors would also like to thank the staff at the Shock Thermodynamics Applied Research (STAR) facility for executing the plate impact experiments: Scott Alexander, Bill Reinhart, Bernardo Farfan, Rocky Palomino, John Martinez, and Rafael Sanchez. Lastly, the authors would like to acknowledge the development support of Jason Sanchez in ALEGRA to incorporate our upscaling method and Michael Powell for helping with post processing scripts for results analysis.

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New nanoscale toughening mechanisms mitigate embrittlement in binary nanocrystalline alloys


Heckman, Nathan H.; Foiles, Stephen M.; O'Brien, Christopher J.; Chandross, M.; Barr, Christopher M.; Argibay, Nicolas A.; Hattar, Khalid M.; Lu, Ping L.; Adams, David P.; Boyce, Brad B.

Nanocrystalline metals offer significant improvements in structural performance over conventional alloys. However, their performance is limited by grain boundary instability and limited ductility. Solute segregation has been proposed as a stabilization mechanism, however the solute atoms can embrittle grain boundaries and further degrade the toughness. In the present study, we confirm the embrittling effect of solute segregation in Pt-Au alloys. However, more importantly, we show that inhomogeneous chemical segregation to the grain boundary can lead to a new toughening mechanism termed compositional crack arrest. Energy dissipation is facilitated by the formation of nanocrack networks formed when cracks arrested at regions of the grain boundaries that were starved in the embrittling element. This mechanism, in concert with triple junction crack arrest, provides pathways to optimize both thermal stability and energy dissipation. A combination of in situ tensile deformation experiments and molecular dynamics simulations elucidate both the embrittling and toughening processes that can occur as a function of solute content.

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In situ tribochemical formation of self-lubricating diamond-like carbon films


Argibay, Nicolas A.; Babuska, Tomas F.; Curry, John C.; Dugger, Michael T.; Lu, Ping L.; Adams, David P.; Nation, Brendan L.; Doyle, Barney L.; Pham, Minh P.; Pimentel, Adam S.; Mowry, Curtis D.; Hinkle, Adam H.; Chandross, M.

Diamond-like carbon (DLC) films were tribochemically formed from ambient hydrocarbons on the surface of a highly stable nanocrystalline Pt-Au alloy. A sliding contact between an alumina sphere and Pt-Au coated steel exhibited friction coefficients as low as μ = 0.01 after dry sliding in environments containing trace (ppb) organics. Ex situ analysis indicated that the change in friction coefficient was due to the formation of amorphous carbon films, and Raman spectroscopy and elastic recoil analysis showed that these films consist of sp2/sp3 amorphous carbon with as much as 20% hydrogen. Transmission electron microscopy indicated these films had thicknesses exceeding 100 nm, and were enhanced by the incorporation of worn Pt-Au nanoparticles. The result was highly wear-resistant, low-friction DLC/Pt-Au nanocomposites. Atomistic simulations of hydrocarbons under shear between rigid Pt slabs using a reactive force field showed stress-induced changes in bonding through chain scission, a likely route towards the formation of these coatings. This novel demonstration of in situ tribochemical formation of self-lubricating films has significant impact potential in a wide range of engineering applications.

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Achieving Ultralow Wear with Stable Nanocrystalline Metals

Advanced Materials

Curry, John C.; Babuska, Tomas F.; Furnish, Timothy A.; Lu, Ping L.; Adams, David P.; Kustas, Andrew K.; Nation, Brendan L.; Dugger, Michael T.; Chandross, M.; Clark, Blythe C.; Boyce, Brad B.; Schuh, Christopher A.; Argibay, Nicolas A.

Recent work suggests that thermally stable nanocrystallinity in metals is achievable in several binary alloys by modifying grain boundary energies via solute segregation. The remarkable thermal stability of these alloys has been demonstrated in recent reports, with many alloys exhibiting negligible grain growth during prolonged exposure to near-melting temperatures. Pt–Au, a proposed stable alloy consisting of two noble metals, is shown to exhibit extraordinary resistance to wear. Ultralow wear rates, less than a monolayer of material removed per sliding pass, are measured for Pt–Au thin films at a maximum Hertz contact stress of up to 1.1 GPa. This is the first instance of an all-metallic material exhibiting a specific wear rate on the order of 10−9 mm3 N−1 m−1, comparable to diamond-like carbon (DLC) and sapphire. Remarkably, the wear rate of sapphire and silicon nitride probes used in wear experiments are either higher or comparable to that of the Pt–Au alloy, despite the substantially higher hardness of the ceramic probe materials. High-resolution microscopy shows negligible surface microstructural evolution in the wear tracks after 100k sliding passes. Mitigation of fatigue-driven delamination enables a transition to wear by atomic attrition, a regime previously limited to highly wear-resistant materials such as DLC.

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Heating rate dependent ignition of Al/Pt nanolaminates through pulsed laser irradiation

Journal of Applied Physics

Abere, Michael J.; Yarrington, Cole Y.; Adams, David P.

Direct laser irradiation of sputter deposited Al/Pt nanolaminate multilayers results in rapid local heating and exothermic mixing of reactant layers. Milli- and microsecond pulsed laser irradiation under certain test conditions leads to single-point ignition of rapid, self-propagating, formation reactions. Multilayers having bilayer thicknesses of 328 nm, 164 nm, and 65 nm are characterized by their ignition onset times and temperatures. Smaller bilayer thickness multilayers require less laser intensity for ignition compared with larger bilayer designs (when utilizing a particular pulse duration). The relationship between laser intensity and ignition onset time is used to calibrate an activation energy for ignition within a finite element reactive heat transport model. The local heating rate is varied from 104 K/s to 106 K/s by selecting a laser intensity. Kissinger analysis was performed on the heating rate-dependent ignition temperatures measured with high speed pyrometry to experimentally determine an activation energy in the foils of (6.2 ± 1.6 × 104 J/mole atoms). This value is then compared to an activation energy produced from model fits to an ignition onset time of 7.2 × 104 J/mole atoms.

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A diffusion-limited reaction model for self-propagating Al/Pt multilayers with quench limits

Journal of Applied Physics

Kittell, David E.; Yarrington, Cole Y.; Hobbs, Michael L.; Abere, Michael J.; Adams, David P.

A diffusion-limited reaction model was calibrated for Al/Pt multilayers ignited on oxidized silicon, sapphire, and tungsten substrates, as well as for some Al/Pt multilayers ignited as free-standing foils. The model was implemented in a finite element analysis code and used to match experimental burn front velocity data collected from several years of testing at Sandia National Laboratories. Moreover, both the simulations and experiments reveal well-defined quench limits in the total Al + Pt layer (i.e., bilayer) thickness. At these limits, the heat generated from atomic diffusion is insufficient to support a self-propagating wave front on top of the substrates. Quench limits for reactive multilayers are seldom reported and are found to depend on the thermal properties of the individual layers. Here, the diffusion-limited reaction model is generalized to allow for temperature- and composition-dependent material properties, phase change, and anisotropic thermal conductivity. Utilizing this increase in model fidelity, excellent overall agreement is shown between the simulations and experimental results with a single calibrated parameter set. However, the burn front velocities of Al/Pt multilayers ignited on tungsten substrates are over-predicted. Possible sources of error are discussed and a higher activation energy (from 41.9 kJ/ to 47.5 kJ/ is shown to bring the simulations into agreement with the velocity data observed on tungsten substrates. This higher activation energy suggests an inhibited diffusion mechanism present at lower heating rates.

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Reactive nanolaminate pulsed-laser ignition mechanism: Modeling and experimental evidence of diffusion limited reactions

Journal of Applied Physics

Yarrington, Cole Y.; Abere, Michael J.; Adams, David P.; Hobbs, Michael L.

Al/Pt nanolaminates with a bilayer thickness (tb, width of an Al/Pt pair-layer) of 164 nm were irradiated with single laser pulses with durations of 10 ms and 0.5 ms at 189 W/cm2 and 1189 W/cm2, respectively. The time to ignition was measured for each pulse, and shorter ignition times were observed for the higher power/shorter pulse width. Videographic images of the irradiated area shortly after ignition show a non-uniform radial brightness for the longer pulse, while the shorter pulse shows uniform brightness. A diffusion-limited single step reaction mechanism was implemented in a finite element package to model the progress from reactants to products at both pulse widths. The model captures well both the observed ignition delay and qualitative observations regarding the non-uniform radial temperature.

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Comparative shock response of additively manufactured versus conventionally wrought 304L stainless steel

AIP Conference Proceedings

Wise, Jack L.; Adams, David P.; Nishida, E.E.; Song, Bo S.; Maguire, M.C.; Carroll, Jay D.; Reedlunn, Benjamin R.; Bishop, Joseph E.; Palmer, T.A.

Gas-gun experiments have probed the compression and release behavior of impact-loaded 304L stainless steel specimens that were machined from additively manufactured (AM) blocks as well as baseline ingot-derived bar stock. The AM technology permits direct fabrication of net-or near-net-shape metal parts. For the present investigation, velocity interferometer (VISAR) diagnostics provided time-resolved measurements of sample response for onedimensional (i.e., uniaxial strain) shock compression to peak stresses ranging from 0.2 to 7.0 GPa. The acquired waveprofile data have been analyzed to determine the comparative Hugoniot Elastic Limit (HEL), Hugoniot equation of state, spall strength, and high-pressure yield strength of the AM and conventional materials. The possible contributions of various factors, such as composition, porosity, microstructure (e.g., grain size and morphology), residual stress, and/or sample axis orientation relative to the additive manufacturing deposition trajectory, are considered to explain differences between the AM and baseline 304L dynamic material results.

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Environmental resistance of oxide tags fabricated on 304L stainless steel via nanosecond pulsed laser irradiation

Surface and Coatings Technology

Lawrence, Samantha K.; Adams, David P.; Bahr, David F.; Moody, Neville R.

Nanosecond pulsed laser irradiation was used to fabricate colored, mechanically robust oxide "tags" on 304L stainless steel. Immersion in simulated seawater solution, salt fog exposure, and anodic polarization in a 3.5% NaCl solution were employed to evaluate the environmental resistance of these oxide tags. Single layer oxides outside a narrow thickness range (~100-150 nm) are susceptible to dissolution in chloride containing environments. The 304L substrates immediately beneath the oxides corrode severely-attributed to Cr-depletion in the melt zone during laser processing. For the first time, multilayered oxides were fabricated with pulsed laser irradiation in an effort to expand the protective thickness range while also increasing the variety of film colors attainable in this range. Layered films grown using a laser scan rate of 475 mm/s are more resistant to both localized and general corrosion than oxides fabricated at 550 mm/s. In the absence of pre-processing to mitigate Cr-depletion, layered films can enhance environmental stability of the system.

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The Effect of Substrate Microstructure on the Heat-Affected Zone Size in Sn-Zn Alloys Due to Adjoining Ni-Al Reactive Multilayer Foil Reaction

Journal of Electronic Materials

Hooper, R.J.; Adams, David P.; Hirschfeld, Deidre H.; Manuel, M.V.

The rapid release of energy from reactive multilayer foils can create extreme local temperature gradients near substrate materials. In order to fully exploit the potential of these materials, a better understanding of the interaction between the substrate or filler material and the foil is needed. Specifically, this work investigates how variations in local properties within the substrate (i.e. differences between properties in constituent phases) can affect heat transport into the substrate. This can affect the microstructural evolution observed within the substrate, which may affect the final joint properties. The effect of the initial substrate microstructure on microstructural evolution within the heat-affected zone is evaluated experimentally in two Sn-Zn alloys and numerical techniques are utilized to inform the analysis.

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The dynamics of Al/Pt reactive multilayer ignition via pulsed-laser irradiation

Applied Physics Letters

Murphy, Ryan D.; Reeves, Robert V.; Yarrington, Cole Y.; Adams, David P.

Reactive multilayers consisting of alternating layers of Al and Pt were irradiated by single laser pulses ranging from 100 μs to 100 ms in duration, resulting in the initiation of rapid, self-propagating reactions. The threshold intensities for ignition vary with the focused laser beam diameter, bilayer thickness, and pulse length and are affected by solid state reactions and conduction of heat away from the irradiated regions. High-speed photography was used to observe ignition dynamics during irradiation and elucidate the effects of heat transfer into a multilayer foil. For an increasing laser pulse length, the ignition process transitioned from a more uniform to a less uniform temperature profile within the laser-heated zone. A more uniform temperature profile is attributed to rapid heating rates and heat localization for shorter laser pulses, and a less uniform temperature profile is due to slower heating of reactants and conduction during irradiation by longer laser pulses. Finite element simulations of laser heating using measured threshold intensities indicate that micron-scale ignition of Al/Pt occurs at low temperatures, below the melting point of both reactants.

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Dynamic compressive response of wrought and additive manufactured 304L stainless steels

EPJ Web of Conferences

Nishida, E.E.; Song, Bo S.; Maguire, Michael C.; Adams, David P.; Carroll, Jay D.; Wise, Jack L.; Bishop, Joseph E.; Palmer, Todd

Additive manufacturing (AM) technology has been developed to fabricate metal components that include complex prototype fabrication, small lot production, precision repair or feature addition, and tooling. However, the mechanical response of the AM materials is a concern to meet requirements for specific applications. Differences between AM materials as compared to wrought materials might be expected, due to possible differences in porosity (voids), grain size, and residual stress levels. When the AM materials are designed for impact applications, the dynamic mechanical properties in both compression and tension need to be fully characterized and understood for reliable designs. In this study, a 304L stainless steel was manufactured with AM technology. For comparison purposes, both the AM and wrought 304L stainless steels were dynamically characterized in compression Kolsky bar techniques. They dynamic compressive stress-strain curves were obtained and the strain rate effects were determined for both the AM and wrought 304L stainless steels. A comprehensive comparison of dynamic compressive response between the AM and wrought 304L stainless steels was performed. SAND2015-0993 C.

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Prediction and characterization of heat-affected zone formation due to neighboring nickel-aluminum multilayer foil reaction

Adams, David P.; Hirschfeld, Deidre H.; Hooper, Ryan J.; Manuel, Michelle (.

Reactive multilayer foils have the potential to be used as local high intensity heat sources for a variety of applications. Much of the past research effort concerning these materials have focused on understanding the structure-property relationships of the foils that govern the energy released during a reaction. To enhance the ability of researchers to more rapidly develop technologies based on reactive multilayer foils, a deeper and more predictive understanding of the relationship between the heat released from the foil and microstructural evolution in the neighboring materials is needed. This work describes the development of a numerical model for the purpose of evaluating new foil-substrate combinations for screening and optimization. The model is experimentally validated using a commercially available Ni-Al multilayer foils and different alloys.

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Reactive multilayers fabricated by vapor deposition: A critical review

Thin Solid Films

Adams, David P.

Reactive multilayer thin films are a class of energetic materials that continue to attract attention for use in joining applications and as igniters. Generally composed of two reactants, these heterogeneous solids can be stimulated by an external source to promptly release stored chemical energy in a sudden emission of light and heat. In this critical review article, results from recent investigations of these materials are discussed. Discussion begins with a brief description of the vapor deposition techniques that provide accurate control of layer thickness and film composition. More than 50 reactive film compositions have been reported to date, with most multilayers fabricated by magnetron sputter deposition or electron-beam evaporation. In subsequent sections, we review how multilayer ignition threshold, reaction rate, and total heat are tailored via thin film design. For example, planar multilayers with nanometer-scale periodicity exhibit rapid, self-sustained reactions with wavefront velocities up to 100 m/s. Numeric and analytical models have elucidated many of the fundamental processes that underlie propagating exothermic reactions while demonstrating how reaction rates vary with multilayer design. Recent, time-resolved diffraction and imaging studies have further revealed the phase transformations and the wavefront dynamics associated with propagating chemical reactions. Many reactive multilayers (e.g., Co/Al) form product phases that are consistent with published equilibrium phase diagrams, yet a few systems, such as Pt/Al, develop metastable products. The final section highlights current and emerging applications of reactive multilayers. Examples include reactive Ni(V)/Al and Pd/Al multilayers which have been developed for localized soldering of heat-sensitive components.

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Thermal stability of oxide-based solar selective coatings for CSP central receivers

ASME 2015 9th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES 2015, collocated with the ASME 2015 Power Conference, the ASME 2015 13th International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology, and the ASME 2015 Nuclear Forum

Ambrosini, Andrea A.; Lambert, Timothy N.; Boubault, Antoine; Hunt, Andrew; Davis, Danae J.; Adams, David P.; Hall, Aaron C.

Efforts at Sandia National Laboratories are addressing more efficient solar selective coatings for tower applications, based on oxide materials deposited by a variety of methods. Over the course of this investigation, several compositions with optical properties competitive to Pyromark have been identified. These promising coatings were deposited on Inconel 625 and Haynes 230 Ni alloys and isothermally aged in air at temperatures between 600-800 °C for up to 480 hours, concurrently with Pyromark®, which was used as a reference standard. At various heating times, the samples were removed from the furnace and their optical properties (solar-weighted absorptance and emittance) were measured. In addition, x-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy were utilized to investigate any structural or morphological changes that occurred over time with heating, in an attempt to correlate with changes in optical properties. At 600 and 700 °C, several of the coatings maintained an absorptivity > 90%. While the chemical makeup of the coating material greatly influences its optical properties, the morphology of the surface also plays in important part. A thermal sprayed coating modified using a novel laser treatment showed improved properties versus the untreated coating, on par with Pyromark™ at 600 °C, with little degradation after 480 hours. The results of aging on the optical, structural, and morphological properties of these novel coatings will be discussed.

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Deformation and fracture of oxides fabricated on 304L stainless steel via pulsed laser irradiation

Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings

Lawrence, Samantha K.; Stauffer, Douglas D.; Major, Ryan C.; Adams, David P.; Gerberich, William W.; Bahr, David F.; Moody, Neville R.

Localized heating of metals and alloys using a focused laser beam in ambient atmosphere produces dielectric oxide layers that have characteristic optical appearances including different colors. Nanoindentation probed the deformation and fracture of laser-fabricated oxides on 304L stainless steel. Conductive nanoindentation measured electrical contact resistance (ECR) of the same colored oxides indicating a correlation between laser exposure, conductance during loading, current-voltage (I-V) behavior at constant load, and indentation response. Microscopy and X-ray diffraction examined the microstructure and chemical composition of the oxides. Combining techniques provides a unique approach for correlating mechanical behavior and the resulting performance of the films in conditions that cause wear. © 2012 Materials Research Society.

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Substrate compliance effects on buckle driven delamination in thin gold film systems

Moody, Neville R.; Reedy, Earl D.; Corona, Edmundo C.; Adams, David P.

Film durability is a primary factor governing the use of emerging thin film flexible substrate devices where compressive stresses can lead to delamination and buckling. It is of particular concern in gold film systems found in many submicron and nanoscale applications. We are therefore studying these effects in gold on PMMA systems using compressively stressed tungsten overlayers to force interfacial failure and simulations employing cohesive zone elements to model the fracture process. Delamination and buckling occurred spontaneously following deposition with buckle morphologies that differed significantly from existing model predictions. Moreover, use of thin adhesive interlayers had no discernable effect on performance. In this presentation we will use observations and simulations to show how substrate compliance and yielding affects the susceptibility to buckling of gold films on compliant substrates. We will also compare the fracture energies and buckle morphologies of this study with those of gold films on sapphire substrates to show how changing substrate compliance affects buckle formation.

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Buckle driven delamination in thin hard film compliant substrate systems

Reedy, Earl D.; Corona, Edmundo C.; Adams, David P.

Deformation and fracture of thin films on compliant substrates are key factors constraining the performance of emerging flexible substrate devices. These systems often contain layers of thin polymer, ceramic and metallic films and stretchable interconnects where differing properties induce high normal and shear stresses. As long as the films remain bonded to the substrates, they may deform far beyond their freestanding form. Once debonded, substrate constraint disappears leading to film failure. Experimentally it is very difficult to measure properties in these systems at sub-micron and nanoscales. Theoretically it is very difficult to determine the contributions from the films, interfaces, and substrates. As a result our understanding of deformation and fracture behavior in compliant substrate systems is limited. This motivated a study of buckle driven delamination of thin hard tungsten films on pure PMMA substrates. The films were sputter deposited to thicknesses of 100 nm, 200 nm, and 400 nm with a residual compressive stress of 1.7 GPa. An aluminum oxide interlayer was added on several samples to alter interfacial composition. Buckles formed spontaneously on the PMMA substrates following film deposition. On films without the aluminum oxide interlayer, an extensive network of small telephone cord buckles formed following deposition, interspersed with regions of larger telephone cord buckles. On films with an aluminum oxide interlayer, telephone cord buckles formed creating a uniform widely spaced pattern. Through-substrate optical observations revealed matching buckle patterns along the film-substrate interface indicating that delamination occurred for large and small buckles with and without an interlayer. The coexistence of large and small buckles on the same substrate led to two distinct behaviors as shown in Figure 2 where normalized buckle heights are plotted against normalized film stress. The behaviors deviate significantly from behavior predicted by rigid elastic solutions. To address this issue we developed a finite element analysis technique that employed a cohesive zone model to simulate interfacial crack growth. Specifying the traction-separation relationship, cohesive strength, and work of separation along with film thickness, film stress, and film and substrate properties, buckle width and height were determined as a function of interfacial toughness. The simulations indicate that an analysis based on rigid substrate solutions significantly underestimate toughness for prescribed buckle widths: a result consistent with an analysis by Yu and Hutchinson that pieced together a solution based on non-linear plate theory with a solution for the linear film on substrate problem. More importantly, the results defined a lower limiting bound to seemingly disparate buckle deflection data. The variance from linear elastic behavior, especially for the small buckles, indicates more than substrate compliance is controlling behavior. Comparison of the experimental results with cohesive zone simulations suggests that the two buckle behaviors are associated with different levels of substrate yielding. In this presentation we will use the results to show how substrate compliance and deformation affect delamination and buckling of films on compliant substrates and provide a means to predict device performance.

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Nanomechanics of hard films on compliant substrates

Moody, Neville R.; Reedy, Earl D.; Corona, Edmundo C.; Adams, David P.; Zhou, Xiaowang Z.

Development of flexible thin film systems for biomedical, homeland security and environmental sensing applications has increased dramatically in recent years [1,2,3,4]. These systems typically combine traditional semiconductor technology with new flexible substrates, allowing for both the high electron mobility of semiconductors and the flexibility of polymers. The devices have the ability to be easily integrated into components and show promise for advanced design concepts, ranging from innovative microelectronics to MEMS and NEMS devices. These devices often contain layers of thin polymer, ceramic and metallic films where differing properties can lead to large residual stresses [5]. As long as the films remain substrate-bonded, they may deform far beyond their freestanding counterpart. Once debonded, substrate constraint disappears leading to film failure where compressive stresses can lead to wrinkling, delamination, and buckling [6,7,8] while tensile stresses can lead to film fracture and decohesion [9,10,11]. In all cases, performance depends on film adhesion. Experimentally it is difficult to measure adhesion. It is often studied using tape [12], pull off [13,14,15], and peel tests [16,17]. More recent techniques for measuring adhesion include scratch testing [18,19,20,21], four point bending [22,23,24], indentation [25,26,27], spontaneous blisters [28,29] and stressed overlayers [7,26,30,31,32,33]. Nevertheless, sample design and test techniques must be tailored for each system. There is a large body of elastic thin film fracture and elastic contact mechanics solutions for elastic films on rigid substrates in the published literature [5,7,34,35,36]. More recent work has extended these solutions to films on compliant substrates and show that increasing compliance markedly changes fracture energies compared with rigid elastic solution results [37,38]. However, the introduction of inelastic substrate response significantly complicates the problem [10,39,40]. As a result, our understanding of the critical relationship between adhesion, properties, and fracture for hard films on compliant substrates is limited. To address this issue, we integrated nanomechanical testing and mechanics-based modeling in a program to define the critical relationship between deformation and fracture of nanoscale films on compliant substrates. The approach involved designing model film systems and employing nano-scale experimental characterization techniques to isolate effects of compliance, viscoelasticity, and plasticity on deformation and fracture of thin hard films on substrates that spanned more than two orders of compliance magnitude exhibit different interface structures, have different adhesion strengths, and function differently under stress. The results of this work are described in six chapters. Chapter 1 provides the motivation for this work. Chapter 2 presents experimental results covering film system design, sample preparation, indentation response, and fracture including discussion on the effects of substrate compliance on fracture energies and buckle formation from existing models. Chapter 3 describes the use of analytical and finite element simulations to define the role of substrate compliance and film geometry on the indentation response of thin hard films on compliant substrates. Chapter 4 describes the development and application of cohesive zone model based finite element simulations to determine how substrate compliance affects debond growth. Chapter 5 describes the use of molecular dynamics simulations to define the effects of substrate compliance on interfacial fracture of thin hard tungsten films on silicon substrates. Chapter 6 describes the Workshops sponsored through this program to advance understanding of material and system behavior.

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Determination of activation energy of intermixing in textured metal-metal multilayer films via two-dimensional X-ray diffraction

Powder Diffraction

Rodriguez, Marko A.; Adams, David P.; Tissot, Ralph G.

Activation energies for the intermixing reaction of textured metal-metal multilayer thin films have been determined using X-ray diffraction analysis. Kinetic data were collected utilizing an area detector so as to reduce intensity bias from changes in out-of-plane texture during the intermixing reaction. Activation energies for Al/Pt, Ni/Ti, and Co/Al metal-metal multilayer thin films have been determined as 95.4(2) kJ/mol, 201(13) kJ/mol, and 247(19) kJ/mol, respectively. © 2009 International Centre for Diffraction Data.

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Direct observation of spinlike reaction fronts in planar energetic multilayer foils

Applied Physics Letters

McDonald, Joel P.; Hodges, Vernon C.; Jones, E.D.; Adams, David P.

Propagating reactions in initially planar cobalt/aluminum exothermic multilayer foils have been investigated using high-speed digital photography. Real-time observations of reactions indicate that unsteady (spinlike) reaction propagation leads to the formation of highly periodic surface morphologies with length scales ranging from 1 μm to 1 mm. The characteristics of propagating spinlike reactions and corresponding reacted foil morphologies depend on the bilayer thickness of multilayer foils. © 2009 American Institute of Physics.

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X-ray powder diffraction data for rhombohedral AlPt

Powder Diffraction

Rodriguez, Mark A.; Adams, David P.

X-ray powder diffraction data for a rhombohedral AlPt phase formed by self-propagating, high-temperature reactions of AlPt bi-layer films are reported. Multilayer AlPt thin film samples, reacted in air or vacuum, transformed into rhombohedral AlPt with space group R-3(148). Indexing and lattice parameter refinement of AlPt powders (generated from thin-film samples) yielded trigonal/hexagonal unit-cell lattice parameters of a=15.623(6) Å and c=5.305(2) Å, Z=39, and V=1121.5 Å3. © International Centre for Diffraction Data.

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Bioagent detection using miniaturized NMR and nanoparticle amplification : final LDRD report

Alam, Todd M.; Adams, David P.; Williams, John D.; Fan, Hongyou F.

This LDRD program was directed towards the development of a portable micro-nuclear magnetic resonance ({micro}-NMR) spectrometer for the detection of bioagents via induced amplification of solvent relaxation based on superparamagnetic nanoparticles. The first component of this research was the fabrication and testing of two different micro-coil ({micro}-coil) platforms: namely a planar spiral NMR {micro}-coil and a cylindrical solenoid NMR {micro}-coil. These fabrication techniques are described along with the testing of the NMR performance for the individual coils. The NMR relaxivity for a series of water soluble FeMn oxide nanoparticles was also determined to explore the influence of the nanoparticle size on the observed NMR relaxation properties. In addition, The use of commercially produced superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) for amplification via NMR based relaxation mechanisms was also demonstrated, with the lower detection limit in number of SPIONs per nanoliter (nL) being determined.

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The role of adhesion and fracture on the performance of nanostructured films

Adams, David P.

Nanostructured materials are the basis for emerging technologies, such as MEMS, NEMS, sensors, and flexible electronics, that will dominate near term advances in nanotechnology. These technologies are often based on devices containing layers of nanoscale polymer, ceramic and metallic films and stretchable interconnects creating surfaces and interfaces with properties and responses that differ dramatically from bulk counterparts. The differing properties can induce high interlaminar stresses that lead to wrinkling, delamination, and buckling in compression [1,2], and film fracture and decohesion in tension. [3] However, the relationships between composition, structure and properties, and especially adhesion and fracture, are not well-defined at the nanoscale. These relationships are critical to assuring performance and reliability of nanostructured materials and devices. They are also critical for building materials science based predictive models of structure and behavior.

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Design and manufacturing of complex optics: the dragonfly eye optic

Gill, David D.; Sweatt, W.C.; Claudet, Andre C.; Hodges, Vernon C.; Adams, David P.

The ''Design and Manufacturing of Complex Optics'' LDRD sought to develop new advanced methods for the design and manufacturing of very complex optical systems. The project team developed methods for including manufacturability into optical designs and also researched extensions of manufacturing techniques to meet the challenging needs of aspherical, 3D, multi-level lenslet arrays on non-planar surfaces. In order to confirm the applicability of the developed techniques, the team chose the Dragonfly Eye optic as a testbed. This optic has arrays of aspherical micro-lenslets on both the exterior and the interior of a 4mm diameter hemispherical shell. Manufacturing of the dragonfly eye required new methods of plunge milling aspherical optics and the development of a method to create the milling tools using focused ion beam milling. The team showed the ability to create aspherical concave milling tools which will have great significance to the optical industry. A prototype dragonfly eye exterior was created during the research, and the methods of including manufacturability in the optical design process were shown to be successful as well.

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Effects of evolving surface morphology on yield during focused ion beam milling of carbon

Proposed for publication in Applied Surface Science.

Adams, David P.; Mayer, T.M.; Archuleta, Kim A.

We investigate evolving surface morphology during focused ion beam bombardment of C and determine its effects on sputter yield over a large range of ion dose (10{sup 17}-10{sup 19} ions/cm{sup 2}) and incidence angles ({Theta} = 0-80{sup o}). Carbon bombarded by 20 keV Ga{sup +} either retains a smooth sputtered surface or develops one of two rough surface morphologies (sinusoidal ripples or steps/terraces) depending on the angle of ion incidence. For conditions that lead to smooth sputter-eroded surfaces there is no change in yield with ion dose after erosion of the solid commences. However, for all conditions that lead to surface roughening we observe coarsening of morphology with increased ion dose and a concomitant decrease in yield. A decrease in yield occurs as surface ripples increase wavelength and, for large {Theta}, as step/terrace morphologies evolve. The yield also decreases with dose as rippled surfaces transition to have steps and terraces at {Theta} = 75{sup o}. Similar trends of decreasing yield are found for H{sub 2}O-assisted focused ion beam milling. The effects of changing surface morphology on yield are explained by the varying incidence angles exposed to the high-energy beam.

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