
Results 226–250 of 307
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Measurements of magneto-Rayleigh-Taylor instability growth during the implosion of initially solid metal liners

Physics of Plasmas

Sinars, Daniel S.; Edens, Aaron E.; Lopez, Mike R.; Smith, Ian C.; Shores, Jonathon S.; Slutz, Stephen A.; Bennett, Guy R.; Atherton, B.W.; Savage, Mark E.; Stygar, William A.; Leifeste, Gordon T.; Herrmann, Mark H.; McBride, Ryan D.; Cuneo, M.E.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Peterson, Kyle J.; Vesey, Roger A.; Nakhleh, Charles N.

Abstract not provided.

Beryllium liner z-pinches for Magneto-Rayleigh--Taylor studies on Z

McBride, Ryan D.; Slutz, Stephen A.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Lemke, Raymond W.; Martin, Matthew; Vesey, Roger A.; Cuneo, M.E.; Herrmann, Mark H.

Magnetic Liner Inertial Fusion (MagLIF) [S. A. Slutz, et al., Phys. Plasmas 17 056303 (2010)] is a promising new concept for achieving >100 kJ of fusion yield on Z. The greatest threat to this concept is the Magneto-Rayleigh-Taylor (MRT) instability. Thus an experimental campaign has been initiated to study MRT growth in fast-imploding (<100 ns) cylindrical liners. The first sets of experiments studied aluminum liner implosions with prescribed sinusoidal perturbations (see talk by D. Sinars). By contrast, this poster presents results from the latest sets of experiments that used unperturbed beryllium (Be) liners. The purpose for using Be is that we are able to radiograph 'through' the liner using the 6-keV photons produced by the Z-Beamlet backlighting system. This has enabled us to obtain time-resolved measurements of the imploding liner's density as a function of both axial and radial location throughout the field of view. This data is allowing us to evaluate the integrity of the inside (fuel-confining) surface of the imploding liner as it approaches stagnation.

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The evolution of instabilities during magnetically driven liner implosions

Slutz, Stephen A.; Sinars, Daniel S.; McBride, Ryan D.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Herrmann, Mark H.; Cuneo, M.E.

Numerical simulations [S.A. Slutz et al Phys. Plasmas 17, 056303 (2010)] indicate that fuel magnetization and preheat could enable cylindrical liner implosions to become an efficient means to generate fusion conditions. A series of simulations has been performed to study the stability of magnetically driven liner implosions. These simulations exhibit the initial growth and saturation of an electro-thermal instability. The Rayleigh-Taylor instability further amplifies the resultant density perturbations developing a spectrum of modes initially peaked at short wavelengths. With time the spectrum of modes evolves towards longer wavelengths developing an inverse cascade. The effects of mode coupling, the radial dependence of the magnetic pressure, and the initial surface roughness will be discussed.

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Scaling of X pinches from 1 MA to 6 MA

Sinars, Daniel S.; McBride, Ryan D.; Wenger, D.F.; Cuneo, M.E.; Yu, Edmund Y.; Harding, Eric H.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Ampleford, David A.; Jennings, Christopher A.

This final report for Project 117863 summarizes progress made toward understanding how X-pinch load designs scale to high currents. The X-pinch load geometry was conceived in 1982 as a method to study the formation and properties of bright x-ray spots in z-pinch plasmas. X-pinch plasmas driven by 0.2 MA currents were found to have source sizes of 1 micron, temperatures >1 keV, lifetimes of 10-100 ps, and densities >0.1 times solid density. These conditions are believed to result from the direct magnetic compression of matter. Physical models that capture the behavior of 0.2 MA X pinches predict more extreme parameters at currents >1 MA. This project developed load designs for up to 6 MA on the SATURN facility and attempted to measure the resulting plasma parameters. Source sizes of 5-8 microns were observed in some cases along with evidence for high temperatures (several keV) and short time durations (<500 ps).

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Measurements of Magneto-Rayleigh-Taylor instability growth in solid liners on the 20 MA Z facility

Sinars, Daniel S.; Edens, Aaron E.; Lopez, Mike R.; Smith, Ian C.; Shores, Jonathon S.; Bennett, Guy R.; Atherton, B.W.; Savage, Mark E.; Stygar, William A.; Leifeste, Gordon T.; Slutz, Stephen A.; Herrmann, Mark H.; Cuneo, M.E.; Peterson, Kyle J.; McBride, Ryan D.; Vesey, Roger A.; Nakhleh, Charles N.; Tomlinson, Kurt T.

The magneto-Rayleigh-Taylor (MRT) instability is the most important instability for determining whether a cylindrical liner can be compressed to its axis in a relatively intact form, a requirement for achieving the high pressures needed for inertial confinement fusion (ICF) and other high energy-density physics applications. While there are many published RT studies, there are a handful of well-characterized MRT experiments at time scales >1 {micro}s and none for 100 ns z-pinch implosions. Experiments used solid Al liners with outer radii of 3.16 mm and thicknesses of 292 {micro}m, dimensions similar to magnetically-driven ICF target designs [1]. In most tests the MRT instability was seeded with sinusoidal perturbations ({lambda} = 200, 400 {micro}m, peak-to-valley amplitudes of 10, 20 {micro}m, respectively), wavelengths similar to those predicted to dominate near stagnation. Radiographs show the evolution of the MRT instability and the effects of current-induced ablation of mass from the liner surface. Additional Al liner tests used 25-200 {micro}m wavelengths and flat surfaces. Codes being used to design magnetized liner ICF loads [1] match the features seen except at the smallest scales (<50 {micro}m). Recent experiments used Be liners to enable penetrating radiography using the same 6.151 keV diagnostics and provide an in-flight measurement of the liner density profile.

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Pulsed power driven Magneto-Rayleigh-Taylor experiments

Slutz, Stephen A.; Herrmann, Mark H.; Vesey, Roger A.; Sefkow, Adam B.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Rovang, Dean C.; Peterson, Kyle J.; Cuneo, M.E.

Numerical simulations indicate that significant fusion yields (>100 kJ) may be obtained by pulsed-power-driven implosions of cylindrical metal liners onto magnetized and preheated deuterium-tritium fuel. The primary physics risk to this approach is the Magneto-Rayleigh-Taylor (MRT) instability, which operates during both the acceleration and deceleration phase of the liner implosion. We have designed and performed some experiments to study the MRT during the acceleration phase, where the light fluid is purely magnetic. Results from our first series of experiments and plans for future experiments will be presented. According to simulations, an initial axial magnetic field of 10 T is compressed to >100 MG within the liner during the implosion. The magnetic pressure becomes comparable to the plasma pressure during deceleration, which could significantly affect the growth of the MRT instability at the fuel/liner interface. The MRT instability is also important in some astronomical objects such as the Crab Nebula (NGC1962). In particular, the morphological structure of the observed filaments may be determined by the ratio of the magnetic to material pressure and alignment of the magnetic field with the direction of acceleration [Hester, ApJ, 456, 225 1996]. Potential experiments to study this MRT behavior using the Z facility will be presented.

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Investigation of radial wire arrays for inertial confinement fusion and radiation effects science

Ampleford, David A.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Cuneo, M.E.; McBride, Ryan D.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Jones, Brent M.; Coverdale, Christine A.; Jones, Michael J.

Radial wire arrays provide an alternative x-ray source for Z-pinch driven Inertial Confinement Fusion. These arrays, where wires are positioned radially outwards from a central cathode to a concentric anode, have the potential to drive a more compact ICF hohlraum. A number of experiments were performed on the 7MA Saturn Generator. These experiments studied a number of potential risks in scaling radial wire arrays up from the 1MA level, where they have been shown to provide similar x-ray outputs to larger diameter cylindrical arrays, to the higher current levels required for ICF. Data indicates that at 7MA radial arrays can obtain higher power densities than cylindrical wire arrays, so may be of use for x-ray driven ICF on future facilities. Even at the 7MA level, data using Saturn's short pulse mode indicates that a radial array should be able to drive a compact hohlraum to temperatures {approx}92eV, which may be of interest for opacity experiments. These arrays are also shown to have applications to jet production for laboratory astrophysics. MHD simulations require additional physics to match the observed behavior.

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Effects of mass ablation on the scaling of X-ray power with current in wire-array Z pinches

Physical Review Letters

Lemke, R.W.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Waisman, E.M.; Cuneo, M.E.; Yu, E.P.; Haill, Thomas A.; Hanshaw, Heath L.; Brunner, Thomas A.; Jennings, C.A.; Stygar, William A.; Desjarlais, Michael P.; Mehlhorn, Thomas A.; Porter, J.L.

X-ray production by imploding wire-array Z pinches is studied using radiation magnetohydrodynamics simulation. It is found that the density distribution created by ablating wire material influences both x-ray power production, and how the peak power scales with applied current. For a given array there is an optimum ablation rate that maximizes the peak x-ray power, and produces the strongest scaling of peak power with peak current. This work is consistent with trends in wire-array Z pinch x-ray power scaling experiments on the Z accelerator. © 2009 The American Physical Society.

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Results 226–250 of 307
Results 226–250 of 307