
26 Results
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Probabilistic Nanomagnetic Memories for Uncertain and Robust Machine Learning

Bennett, Christopher H.; Xiao, Tianyao X.; Liu, Samuel L.; Humphrey, Leonard H.; Incorvia, Jean A.; Debusschere, Bert D.; Ries, Daniel R.; Agarwal, Sapan A.

This project evaluated the use of emerging spintronic memory devices for robust and efficient variational inference schemes. Variational inference (VI) schemes, which constrain the distribution for each weight to be a Gaussian distribution with a mean and standard deviation, are a tractable method for calculating posterior distributions of weights in a Bayesian neural network such that this neural network can also be trained using the powerful backpropagation algorithm. Our project focuses on domain-wall magnetic tunnel junctions (DW-MTJs), a powerful multi-functional spintronic synapse design that can achieve low power switching while also opening the pathway towards repeatable, analog operation using fabricated notches. Our initial efforts to employ DW-MTJs as an all-in-one stochastic synapse with both a mean and standard deviation didn’t end up meeting the quality metrics for hardware-friendly VI. In the future, new device stacks and methods for expressive anisotropy modification may make this idea still possible. However, as a fall back that immediately satisfies our requirements, we invented and detailed how the combination of a DW-MTJ synapse encoding the mean and a probabilistic Bayes-MTJ device, programmed via a ferroelectric or ionically modifiable layer, can robustly and expressively implement VI. This design includes a physics-informed small circuit model, that was scaled up to perform and demonstrate rigorous uncertainty quantification applications, up to and including small convolutional networks on a grayscale image classification task, and larger (Residual) networks implementing multi-channel image classification. Lastly, as these results and ideas all depend upon the idea of an inference application where weights (spintronic memory states) remain non-volatile, the retention of these synapses for the notched case was further interrogated. These investigations revealed and emphasized the importance of both notch geometry and anisotropy modification in order to further enhance the endurance of written spintronic states. In the near future, these results will be mapped to effective predictions for room temperature and elevated operation DW-MTJ memory retention, and experimentally verified when devices become available.

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A Framework for Inverse Prediction Using Functional Response Data

Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering

Ries, Daniel R.; Zhang, Adah S.; Tucker, James D.; Shuler, Kurtis; Ausdemore, Madeline A.

Inverse prediction models have commonly been developed to handle scalar data from physical experiments. However, it is not uncommon for data to be collected in functional form. When data are collected in functional form, it must be aggregated to fit the form of traditional methods, which often results in a loss of information. For expensive experiments, this loss of information can be costly. In this study, we introduce the functional inverse prediction (FIP) framework, a general approach which uses the full information in functional response data to provide inverse predictions with probabilistic prediction uncertainties obtained with the bootstrap. The FIP framework is a general methodology that can be modified by practitioners to accommodate many different applications and types of data. We demonstrate the framework, highlighting points of flexibility, with a simulation example and applications to weather data and to nuclear forensics. Results show how functional models can improve the accuracy and precision of predictions.

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Semi-supervised Bayesian Low-shot Learning

Adams, Jason R.; Goode, Katherine J.; Michalenko, Joshua J.; Lewis, Phillip J.; Ries, Daniel R.

Deep neural networks (NNs) typically outperform traditional machine learning (ML) approaches for complicated, non-linear tasks. It is expected that deep learning (DL) should offer superior performance for the important non-proliferation task of predicting explosive device configuration based upon observed optical signature, a task which human experts struggle with. However, supervised machine learning is difficult to apply in this mission space because most recorded signatures are not associated with the corresponding device description, or “truth labels.” This is challenging for NNs, which traditionally require many samples for strong performance. Semi-supervised learning (SSL), low-shot learning (LSL), and uncertainty quantification (UQ) for NNs are emerging approaches that could bridge the mission gaps of few labels and rare samples of importance. NN explainability techniques are important in gaining insight into the inferential feature importance of such a complex model. In this work, SSL, LSL, and UQ are merged into a single framework, a significant technical hurdle not previously demonstrated. Exponential Average Adversarial Training (EAAT) and Pairwise Neural Networks (PNNs) are chosen as the SSL and LSL methods of choice. Permutation feature importance (PFI) for functional data is used to provide explainability via the Variable importance Explainable Elastic Shape Analysis (VEESA) pipeline. A variety of uncertainty quantification approaches are explored: Bayesian Neural Networks (BNNs), ensemble methods, concrete dropout, and evidential deep learning. Two final approaches, one utilizing ensemble methods and one utilizing evidential learning, are constructed and compared using a well-quantified synthetic 2D dataset along with the DIRSIG Megascene.

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Hyperspectral Image Target Detection Using Deep Ensembles for Robust Uncertainty Quantification

Conference Record - Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers

Sahay, Rajeev S.; Ries, Daniel R.; Zollweg, Joshua D.; Brinton, Christopher G.

Deep learning (DL) has been widely proposed for target detection in hyperspectral image (HSI) data. Yet, standard DL models produce point estimates at inference time, with no associated measure of uncertainty, which is vital in high-consequence HSI applications. In this work, we develop an uncertainty quantification (UQ) framework using deep ensemble (DE) learning, which builds upon the successes of DL-based HSI target detection, while simultaneously providing UQ metrics. Specifically, we train an ensemble of convolutional deep learning detection models using one spectral prototype at a particular time of day and atmospheric condition. We find that our proposed framework is capable of accurate target detection in additional atmospheric conditions and times of day despite not being exposed to them during training. Furthermore, in comparison to Bayesian Neural Networks, another DL based UQ approach, we find that DEs provide increased target detection performance while achieving comparable probabilities of detection at constant false alarm rates.

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Rim-to-Rim Werables at The Canyon for Health (R2R WATCH): Physiological Cognitive and Biological Markers of Performance Decline in an Extreme Environment

Journal of Human Performance in Extreme Environments

Divis, Kristin; Abbott, Robert G.; Branda, Catherine B.; Avina, Glory E.; Femling, Jon F.; Huerta, Jose G.; Jelinkova, Lucie J.; Jennings, Jeremy K.; Pearce, Emily P.; Ries, Daniel R.; Sanchez, Danielle; Silva, Austin R.

Abstract not provided.

Modeling energy balance while correcting for measurement error via free knot splines


Ries, Daniel R.; Carriquiry, Alicia; Shook, Robin

Measurements of energy balance components (energy intake, energy expenditure, changes in energy stores) are often plagued with measurement error. Doubly-labeled water can measure energy intake (EI) with negligible error, but is expensive and cumbersome. An alternative approach that is gaining popularity is to use the energy balance principle, by measuring energy expenditure (EE) and change in energy stores (ES) and then back-calculate EI. Gold standard methods for EE and ES exist and are known to give accurate measurements, albeit at a high cost. We propose a joint statistical model to assess the measurement error in cheaper, non-intrusive measures of EE and ES. We let the unknown true EE and ES for individuals be latent variables, and model them using a bivariate distribution. We try both a bivariate Normal as well as a Dirichlet Process Mixture Model, and compare the results via simulation. Our approach, is the first to account for the dependencies that exist in individuals’ daily EE and ES. We employ semiparametric regression with free knot splines for measurements with error, and linear components for error free covariates. We adopt a Bayesian approach to estimation and inference and use Reversible Jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo to generate draws from the posterior distribution. Based on the semipar-ameteric regression, we develop a calibration equation that adjusts a cheaper, less reliable estimate, closer to the true value. Along with this calibrated value, our method also gives credible intervals to assess uncertainty. A simulation study shows our calibration helps produce a more accurate estimate. Our approach compares favorably in terms of prediction to other commonly used models.

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Utilizing Distributional Measurements of Material Characteristics from SEM Images for Inverse Prediction

Ries, Daniel R.; Ries, Daniel R.; Lewis, John R.; Lewis, John R.; Zhang, Adah S.; Zhang, Adah S.; Anderson-Cook, Christine A.; Anderson-Cook, Christine A.; Wilkerson, Marianne W.; Wilkerson, Marianne W.; Wagner, Gregory L.; Wagner, Gregory L.; Gravelle, Julie G.; Gravelle, Julie G.; Dorhout, Jacquelyn D.; Dorhout, Jacquelyn D.

Abstract not provided.

26 Results
26 Results