
Results 51–75 of 126
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Yield and emplacement depth effects on acoustic signals from buried explosions in hard rock

Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America

Bowman, Daniel B.

Subterranean energy releases such as explosions and earthquakes may disturb the Earth-atmosphere interface, creating acoustic waves that can travel great distances. These waves provide a record of the ground motion directly above the event. The information they encode may provide critical insight into the depth and size of underground explosions, the sequence of events immediately before volcanic eruptions, and the magnitude of strong motion resulting from earthquakes. However, the effect of event size and burial depth on the resulting acoustic wave has not been explored in detail. Here, the relationship between acoustic amplitude, frequency, and energy is investigated for a series of well-characterized underground chemical explosions in granite. Acoustic amplitude was found to vary linearly with explosive yield divided by emplacement depth. Peak acoustic frequency appears to be a function of explosive yield alone. The ratio of radiated acoustic energy to source energy had a relatively poor fit to yield, depth, and combinations thereof. These relationships suggest that acoustic analysis can be used to determine the size and depth of a buried explosion. The results presented here have particular relevance to the nuclear monitoring community, because depth is difficult to determine with seismic methods.

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Head Impact from Falling Payload of a Small Balloon

Hovey, Chad B.; Terpsma, Ryan J.; Reyes, Ramon R.; Bowman, Daniel B.

Despite the increasing number of small scientific balloon missions with payloads in the gram-to- kilogram mass range, little is known about the injury risk they pose to humans on the ground. We investigated the risk of head injury using the head injury criterion (HIC) from impact with a 1.54 kg (3.40 pound) payload. Study parameters were impact speeds of 670, 1341, and 2012 cm s -1 (15, 30, and 45 mph) and protective padding wall thicknesses between zero and 10 cm (3.9 inch). Padding provided meaningful reductions of injury risk outcomes at all speeds. The maximum risk of AIS 3+ injury was approximately 3.6% (HIC 249) for the 670 cm s -1 (15 mph) case with 0.5 cm (0.2 inch) of padding, 34% (HIC 801) for the 1341 cm s -1 (30 mph) case with 3.0 cm (1.2 inch) of padding, and 67% (HIC 1147) for the 2012 cm s -1 (45 mph) case with 7.0 cm (2.8 inch) of padding. Adding 1.0 cm (0.39 inch) of padding to these two latter cases reduced AIS 3+ injury risk to approximately 13% (HIC 498) and 37% (HIC 835), respectively. Public safety can be increased when balloon operators use padded payload enclosures as adjuncts to parachutes. KFY TERMS: head injury criterion (HIC), expanded polystyrene padding, injury risk, balloons ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of Sandia National Laboratories, Environment Safety & Health Planning, and John E. Myers, Safety Basis Engineer. We acknowledge Douglas Dederman for his participation in the R&A process.

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Detecting Lightning Infrasound Using a High-Altitude Balloon

Geophysical Research Letters

Lamb, Oliver D.; Lees, Jonathan M.; Bowman, Daniel B.

Acoustic waves with a wide range of frequencies are generated by lightning strokes during thunderstorms, including infrasonic waves (0.1 to 20 Hz). The source mechanism for these low-frequency acoustic waves is still debated, and studies have so far been limited to ground-based instruments. Here we report the first confirmed detection of lightning-generated infrasound with acoustic instruments suspended at stratospheric altitudes using a free-flying balloon. We observe high-amplitude signals generated by lightning strokes located within 100 km of the balloon as it flew over the Tasman Sea on 17 May 2016. The signals share many characteristics with waveforms recorded previously by ground-based instruments near thunderstorms. The ability to measure lightning activity with high-altitude infrasound instruments has demonstrated the potential for using these platforms to image the full acoustic wavefield in the atmosphere. Furthermore, it validates the use of these platforms for recording and characterizing infrasonic sources located beyond the detection range of ground-based instruments.

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Geophysical and Planetary Acoustics Via Balloon Borne Platforms

Bowman, Daniel B.; Young, Eliot F.; Krishnamoorthy, Siddharth K.; Lees, Jonathan L.; Albert, Sarah A.; Komjathy, Attila K.; Cutts, James A.

Balloon-borne infrasound research began again in 2014 with a small payload launched as part of the High Altitude Student Platform (HASP; Bowman and Lees(2015)). A larger payload was deployed through the same program in 2015. These proof of concept experiments demonstrated that balloon-borne microbarometers can capture the ocean microbarom (a pervasive infrasound signal generated by ocean waves) even when nearby ground sensors are not able to resolve them (Bowman and Lees, 2017). The following year saw infrasound sensors as secondary payloads on the 2016 Ultra Long Duration Balloon flight from Wanaka, New Zealand (Bowman and Lees, 2018; Lamb et al., 2018) and the WASP 2016 balloon flight from Ft. Sumner, New Mexico (Young et al., 2018). Another payload was included on the HASP 2016 flight as well. In 2017, the Heliotrope project included a four element microbarometer network drifting at altitudes of 20-24 km on solar hot air balloons (Bowman and Albert, 2018). At the time of this writing the Trans-Atlantic Infrasound Payload (TAIP, operated by Sandia National Laboratories) and the Payload for Infrasound Measurement in the Arctic (PIMA, operated by Jet Propulsion Laboratory) are preparing to fly from Sweden to Canada aboard the PMC-Turbo balloon. The purpose of this experiment is to cross-calibrate several different infrasound sensing systems and test whether wind noise events occur in the stratosphere.

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Explosion-generated infrasound recorded on ground and airborne microbarometers at regional distances

Seismological Research Letters

Young, E.F.; Bowman, Daniel B.; Lees, J.M.; Klein, V.; Arrowsmith, Stephen J.; Ballard, C.

Recent work in deploying infrasound (low-frequency sound) sensors on aerostats and free-flying balloons has shown them to be viable alternatives to ground stations. However, no study to date has compared the performance of surface and freefloating infrasound microbarometers with respect to acoustic events at regional (100s of kilometers) range. The prospect of enhanced detection of aerial explosions at similar ranges, such as those from bolides, has not been investigated either. We examined infrasound signals from three 1-ton trinitrotoluene (TNT) equivalent chemical explosions using microbarometers on two separate balloons at 280- to 400-km ranges and ground stations at 6.3- to 350-km ranges. Signal celerities were consistent with acoustic waves traveling in the stratospheric duct. However, significant differences were noted between the observed arrival patterns and those predicted by an acoustic propagation model. Very low-background noise levels on the balloons were consistent with previous studies that suggest wind interference is minimal on freely drifting sensors. Simulated propagation patterns and observed noise levels also confirm that balloon-borne microbarometers should be very effective at detecting explosions in the middle and upper atmosphere as well as those on the surface.

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Solar Hot Air Balloons for Terrestrial and Planetary Atmospheres

Bowman, Daniel B.; Albert, Sarah A.; Dexheimer, Darielle D.

The first solar hot air balloon was constructed in the early 1970s (Besset, 2016). Over the following decades the Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES) developed the Montgolfiere Infrarouge (MIR) balloon, which flew on solar power during the day and infrared radiation from the Earth's surface at night (Fommerau and Rougeron, 2011). The balloons were capable of flying for over 60 days and apparently reached altitudes of 30 km at least once (Malaterre, 1993). Solar balloons were the subject of a Jet Propulsion Laboratory study that performed test flights on Earth (Jones and Wu 1999) and discussed their mission potential for Mars, Jupiter, and Venus (Jones and Heun, 1997). The solar balloons were deployed from the ground and dropped from hot air balloons; some were altitude controlled by means of a remotely-commanded air valve at the top of the envelope. More recently, solar balloons have been employed for infrasound studies in the lower stratosphere (see Table 1). The program began in 2015, when a prototype balloon reached an altitude of 22 kilometers before terminating just prior to float (Bowman et al., 2015). An infrasound sensor was successfully deployed on a solar balloon during the 2016 SISE/USIE experiment, in which an acoustic signal from a ground explosion was captured at a range of 330 km (Anderson et al. 2018; Young et al. 2018). This led to the launch of a 5-balloon infrasound network during the Heliotrope experiment (Bowman and Albert, 2018). The balloons were constructed by the researchers themselves at a materials of less than $50 per envelope.

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Acoustic event location and background noise characterization on a free flying infrasound sensor network in the stratosphere

Geophysical Journal International

Bowman, Daniel B.; Albert, Sarah A.

A variety of Earth surface and atmospheric sources generate low-frequency sound waves that can travel great distances. Despite a rich history of ground-based sensor studies, very few experiments have investigated the prospects of free floating microphone arrays at high altitudes. However, recent initiatives have shown that such networks have very low background noise and may sample an acoustic wave field that is fundamentally different than that at Earth's surface. The experiments have been limited to at most two stations at altitude, making acoustic event detection and localization difficult.We describe the deployment of four drifting microphone stations at altitudes between 21 and 24 km above sea level. The stations detected one of two regional ground-based chemical explosions as well as the ocean microbarom while travelling almost 500 km across the American Southwest. The explosion signal consisted of multiple arrivals; signal amplitudes did not correlate with sensor elevation or source range. The waveforms and propagation patterns suggest interactions with gravity waves at 35-45 km altitude. A sparse network method that employed curved wave front corrections was able to determine the backazimuth from the free flying network to the acoustic source. Episodic signals similar to those seen on previous flights in the same region were noted, but their source remains unclear. Background noise levels were commensurate with those on infrasound stations in the International Monitoring System below 2 s.

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Results 51–75 of 126
Results 51–75 of 126