
Results 26–50 of 126
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Origin and mitigation of wind noise on balloon-borne infrasound microbarometers

Journal of the Acoustical Society of America

Krishnamoorthy, Siddharth; Bowman, Daniel B.; Komjathy, Attila; Pauken, Michael T.; Cutts, James A.

High-altitude monitoring of low-frequency acoustic waves (infrasound) on Earth has regained prominence in recent years, primarily driven by improvements in light-weight sensor technology and advances in scientific ballooning techniques. Balloon-borne infrasound monitoring is also being proposed as a remote sensing technique for planetary exploration. Contrary to ground-based infrasound monitoring, the infrasound noise background in the stratosphere as measured by a balloon remains uncharacterized and the efficacy of wind noise mitigation filters has not been investigated. In this study, an analysis of pressure data collected using infrasound microbarometers during the flight of a long-duration zero pressure balloon is presented. A dramatic reduction of background noise in the stratosphere is demonstrated and it is shown that wind noise mitigation filters are not effective at reducing wind noise under these conditions. Results from this study demonstrate stratospheric balloons as a low-noise platform for infrasound monitoring and motivate the development of improved noise mitigation tools.

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Multihour stratospheric flights with the heliotrope solar hot-air balloon

Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology

Bowman, Daniel B.; Norman, Paul E.; Pauken, Michael T.; Albert, Sarah A.; Dexheimer, Darielle D.; Yang, Xiao; Krishnamoorthy, Siddharth; Komjathy, Attila; Cutts, James A.

Standard meteorological balloons can deliver small scientific payloads to the stratosphere for a few tens of minutes, but achieving multihour level flight in this region is more difficult. We have developed a solarpowered hot-air balloon named the heliotrope that can maintain a nearly constant altitude in the upper troposphere–lower stratosphere as long as the sun is above the horizon. It can accommodate scientific payloads ranging from hundreds of grams to several kilograms. The balloon can achieve float altitudes exceeding 24 km and fly for days in the Arctic summer, although sunset provides a convenient flight termination mechanism at lower latitudes. Two people can build an envelope in about 3.5 h, and the materials cost about $30. The low cost and simplicity of the heliotrope enables a class of missions that is generally out of reach of institutions lacking specialized balloon expertise. Here, we discuss the design history, construction techniques, trajectory characteristics, and flight prediction of the heliotrope balloon. We conclude with a discussion of the physics of solar hot-air balloon flight.

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Heliotrope: A Solar Powered Hot Air Balloon Flight System

Bowman, Daniel B.

What it is: A roughly spherical balloon constructed from light duty painter's plastic (0.31 mil high density polyethylene) and darkened with air float charcoal powder. Balloons typically range from 12-40 ft across depending on mission needs. How it works: Sunlight shines on the balloon, heating the air inside. The density difference due to the hot air in the balloon is sufficient to lift it up to 80,000 ft in the air

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How to build a heliotrope solar hot air balloon

Bowman, Daniel B.

This document describes how to build a 5-gore, 5.8 m diameter heliotrope solar hot air balloon. This is a fairly straightforward process, but it is painstaking. When making the balloons, make sure not to wear anything that can snag the material (badges, etc). Sharp objects or corners should not be present. When laying out, folding, and cutting gores, it is best to wear socks instead of shoes. Tape should never be pulled off of a balloon. If it accidentally touches the balloon material, it should be left in place or cut free. Also, when adding tape (either intentionally or not), no sticky parts should be left. Sticky parts should either be cut free or taped over. Otherwise, the sticky part will grab the balloon envelope and tear it. You are building a 20 ft sphere out of material thinner than a grocery bag — the best guidance is just to use common sense.

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Infrasound and Gravity Waves Over the Andes Observed by a Pressure Sensor on Board a Stratospheric Balloon

Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres

Poler, Guerman; Garcia, Raphaël F.; Bowman, Daniel B.; Martire, Léo

The study of infrasound (acoustic) and gravity waves sources and propagation in the atmosphere of a planet gives us precious insight on atmosphere dynamics, climate, and even internal structure. The implementation of modern pressure sensors with high rate sampling on stratospheric balloons is improving their study. We analyzed the data from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Ultra Long Duration Balloon mission (16 May to 30 June 2016). Here, we focus on the balloon's transit of the Andes Mountains. We detected gravity waves that are associated to troposphere convective activity and mountain waves. An increase of the horizontal wavelengths from 50 to 70 km with increasing distance to the mountains is favoring the presence of mountain waves. We also report on the detection of infrasounds generated by the mountains in the 0.01–0.1 Hz range with a pressure amplitude increase by a factor 2 relative background signal. Besides, we characterized the decrease of microbaroms power when the balloon was flying away from the ocean coast. These observations suggest, in a way similar to microseisms for seismometers, that microbaroms are the main background noise sources recorded in the stratosphere even far from the ocean sources. Finally, we observed a broadband signal above the Andes, between 0.45 and 2 Hz, probably associated with a thunderstorm. The diversity of geophysical phenomena captured in less than a day of observation stresses the interest of high rate pressure sensors on board long-duration balloon missions.

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Aerial seismology using balloon-based barometers

IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

Krishnamoorthy, Siddharth; Kassarian, Ervan; Martire, Leo; Sournac, Anthony; Cadu, Alexandre; Lai, Voon H.; Komjathy, Attila; Pauken, Michael T.; Cutts, James A.; Garcia, Raphael F.; Mimoun, David; Jackson, Jennifer M.; Bowman, Daniel B.

Seismology on Venus has long eluded planetary scientists due to extreme temperature and pressure conditions on its surface, which most electronics cannot withstand for mission durations required for ground-based seismic studies. We show that infrasonic (low-frequency) pressure fluctuations, generated as a result of ground motion, produced by an artificial seismic source known as a seismic hammer, and recorded using sensitive microbarometers deployed on a tethered balloon, are able to replicate the frequency content of ground motion. We also show that weak, artificial seismic activity thus produced may be geolocated by using multiple airborne barometers. The success of this technique paves the way for balloon-based aero-seismology, leading to a potentially revolutionary method to perform seismic studies from a remote airborne station on the earth and solar system objects with substantial atmospheres such as Venus and Titan.

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Results 26–50 of 126
Results 26–50 of 126