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Geometric Hitting Set for Segments of Few Orientations

Theory of Computing Systems

Fekete, Sándor P.; Huang, Kan; Mitchell, Joseph S.B.; Parekh, Ojas D.; Phillips, Cynthia A.

We study several natural instances of the geometric hitting set problem for input consisting of sets of line segments (and rays, lines) having a small number of distinct slopes. These problems model path monitoring (e.g., on road networks) using the fewest sensors (the “hitting points”). We give approximation algorithms for cases including (i) lines of 3 slopes in the plane, (ii) vertical lines and horizontal segments, (iii) pairs of horizontal/vertical segments. We give hardness and hardness of approximation results for these problems. We prove that the hitting set problem for vertical lines and horizontal rays is polynomially solvable.

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Path Finding for Maximum Value of Information in Multi-Modal Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks

IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing

Gjanci, Petrika; Petrioli, Chiara; Basagni, Stefano; Phillips, Cynthia A.; Boloni, Ladislau; Turgut, Damla

We consider underwater multi-modal wireless sensor networks (UWSNs) suitable for applications on submarine surveillance and monitoring, where nodes offload data to a mobile autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) via optical technology, and coordinate using acoustic communication. Sensed data are associated with a value, decaying in time. In this scenario, we address the problem of finding the path of the AUV so that the Value of Information (VoI) of the data delivered to a sink on the surface is maximized. We define a Greedy and Adaptive AUV Path-finding (GAAP) heuristic that drives the AUV to collect data from nodes depending on the VoI of their data. For benchmarking the performance of AUV path-finding heuristics, we define an integer linear programming (ILP) formulation that accurately models the considered scenario, deriving a path that drives the AUV to collect and deliver data with the maximum VoI. In our experiments GAAP consistently delivers more than 80 percent of the theoretical maximum VoI determined by the ILP model. We also compare the performance of GAAP with that of other strategies for driving the AUV among sensing nodes, namely, random paths, TSP-based paths and a 'lawn mower'-like strategy. Our results show that GAAP always outperforms every other heuristic in terms of delivered VoI, also obtaining higher energy efficiency.

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Write-optimized skip lists

Proceedings of the ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems

Bender, Michael A.; Farach-Colton, Martín; Johnson, Rob; Mauras, Simon; Mayer, Tyler; Phillips, Cynthia A.; Xu, Helen

The skip list is an elegant dictionary data structure that is commonly deployed in RAM. A skip list with N elements supports searches, inserts, and deletes in O (log N) operations with high probability (w.h.p.) and range queries returning K elements in O(log N + K) operations w.h.p. A seemingly natural way to generalize the skip list to external memory with block size B is to "promote" with probability 1/B, rather than 1/2. However, there are practical and theoretical obstacles to getting the skip list to retain its efficient performance, space bounds, and high-probability guarantees. We give an external-memory skip list that achieves write-optimized bounds. That is, for 0 < ϵ < 1, range queries take O(logBϵ N + K/B) I/Os w.h.p. and insertions and deletions take O((logBϵ N)/B1-ϵ) amortized I/Os w.h.p. Our write-optimized skip list inherits the virtue of simplicity from RAM skip lists. Moreover, it matches or beats the asymptotic bounds of prior write-optimized data structures such as Bϵ trees or LSM trees. These data structures are deployed in high-performance databases and file systems. The main technical challenge in proving our bounds comes from the fact that there are so few levels in the skip list, an aspect of the data structure that is essential to getting strong external-memory bounds. We use extremal-graph coloring to show that it is possible to decompose paths in the skip list into uncorrelated groups, regardless of the insertion/deletion pattern. Thus, we achieve our bounds by averaging over these uncorrelated paths rather than by averaging over uncorrelated levels, as in the standard skip list.

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Two-level main memory co-design: Multi-threaded algorithmic primitives, analysis, and simulation

Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing

Bender, Michael A.; Berry, Jonathan W.; Hammond, Simon D.; Hemmert, Karl S.; McCauley, Samuel; Moore, Branden J.; Moseley, Benjamin; Phillips, Cynthia A.; Resnick, David R.; Rodrigues, Arun

A challenge in computer architecture is that processors often cannot be fed data from DRAM as fast as CPUs can consume it. Therefore, many applications are memory-bandwidth bound. With this motivation and the realization that traditional architectures (with all DRAM reachable only via bus) are insufficient to feed groups of modern processing units, vendors have introduced a variety of non-DDR 3D memory technologies (Hybrid Memory Cube (HMC),Wide I/O 2, High Bandwidth Memory (HBM)). These offer higher bandwidth and lower power by stacking DRAM chips on the processor or nearby on a silicon interposer. We will call these solutions “near-memory,” and if user-addressable, “scratchpad.” High-performance systems on the market now offer two levels of main memory: near-memory on package and traditional DRAM further away. In the near term we expect the latencies near-memory and DRAM to be similar. Thus, it is natural to think of near-memory as another module on the DRAM level of the memory hierarchy. Vendors are expected to offer modes in which the near memory is used as cache, but we believe that this will be inefficient. In this paper, we explore the design space for a user-controlled multi-level main memory. Our work identifies situations in which rewriting application kernels can provide significant performance gains when using near-memory. We present algorithms designed for two-level main memory, using divide-and-conquer to partition computations and streaming to exploit data locality. We consider algorithms for the fundamental application of sorting and for the data analysis kernel k-means. Our algorithms asymptotically reduce memory-block transfers under certain architectural parameter settings. We use and extend Sandia National Laboratories’ SST simulation capability to demonstrate the relationship between increased bandwidth and improved algorithmic performance. Memory access counts from simulations corroborate predicted performance improvements for our sorting algorithm. In contrast, the k-means algorithm is generally CPU bound and does not improve when using near-memory except under extreme conditions. These conditions require large instances that rule out SST simulation, but we demonstrate improvements by running on a customized machine with high and low bandwidth memory. These case studies in co-design serve as positive and cautionary templates, respectively, for the major task of optimizing the computational kernels of many fundamental applications for two-level main memory systems.

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Anti-persistence on persistent storage: History-independent sparse tables and dictionaries

Proceedings of the ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems

Bender, Michael A.; Berry, Jonathan W.; Johnson, Rob; Kroeger, Thomas M.; McCauley, Samuel; Phillips, Cynthia A.; Simon, Bertrand; Singh, Shikha; Zage, David J.

We present history-independent alternatives to a B-tree, the primary indexing data structure used in databases. A data structure is history independent (HI) if it is impossible to deduce any information by examining the bit representation of the data structure that is not already available through the API. We show how to build a history-independent cache-oblivious B-tree and a history-independent external-memory skip list. One of the main contributions is a data structure we build on the way - a history-independent packed-memory array (PMA). The PMA supports efficient range queries, one of the most important operations for answering database queries. Our HI PMA matches the asymptotic bounds of prior non-HI packed-memory arrays and sparse tables. Specifically, a PMA maintains a dynamic set of elements in sorted order in a linearsized array. Inserts and deletes take an amortized O(log2 N) element moves with high probability. Simple experiments with our implementation of HI PMAs corroborate our theoretical analysis. Comparisons to regular PMAs give preliminary indications that the practical cost of adding history-independence is not too large. Our HI cache-oblivious B-tree bounds match those of prior non-HI cache-oblivious B-trees. Searches take O(logB N) I/Os; inserts and deletes take O(log2N/B + logB N) amortized I/Os with high probability; and range queries returning k elements take O(logB N + k/B) I/Os. Our HI external-memory skip list achieves optimal bounds with high probability, analogous to in-memory skip lists: O(logB N) I/Os for point queries and amortized O(logB N) I/Os for inserts/deletes. Range queries returning k elements run in O(logB N + k/B) I/Os. In contrast, the best possible high-probability bounds for inserting into the folklore B-skip list, which promotes elements with probability 1/B, is just Θ(log N) I/Os. This is no better than the bounds one gets from running an inmemory skip list in external memory.

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Computing quality scores and uncertainty for approximate pattern matching in geospatial semantic graphs

Statistical Analysis and Data Mining

Stracuzzi, David J.; Brost, Randolph B.; Phillips, Cynthia A.; Robinson, David G.; Wilson, Alyson G.; Woodbridge, Diane W.

Geospatial semantic graphs provide a robust foundation for representing and analyzing remote sensor data. In particular, they support a variety of pattern search operations that capture the spatial and temporal relationships among the objects and events in the data. However, in the presence of large data corpora, even a carefully constructed search query may return a large number of unintended matches. This work considers the problem of calculating a quality score for each match to the query, given that the underlying data are uncertain. We present a preliminary evaluation of three methods for determining both match quality scores and associated uncertainty bounds, illustrated in the context of an example based on overhead imagery data.

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Two-level main memory co-design: Multi-threaded algorithmic primitives, analysis, and simulation

Proceedings - 2015 IEEE 29th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops, IPDPSW 2015

Bender, Michael A.; Berry, Jonathan W.; Hammond, Simon D.; Hemmert, Karl S.; McCauley, Samuel; Moore, Branden J.; Moseley, Benjamin; Phillips, Cynthia A.; Resnick, David R.; Rodrigues, Arun

A fundamental challenge for supercomputer architecture is that processors cannot be fed data from DRAM as fast as CPUs can consume it. Therefore, many applications are memory-bandwidth bound. As the number of cores per chip increases, and traditional DDR DRAM speeds stagnate, the problem is only getting worse. A variety of non-DDR 3D memory technologies (Wide I/O 2, HBM) offer higher bandwidth and lower power by stacking DRAM chips on the processor or nearby on a silicon interposer. However, such a packaging scheme cannot contain sufficient memory capacity for a node. It seems likely that future systems will require at least two levels of main memory: high-bandwidth, low-power memory near the processor and low-bandwidth high-capacity memory further away. This near memory will probably not have significantly faster latency than the far memory. This, combined with the large size of the near memory (multiple GB) and power constraints, may make it difficult to treat it as a standard cache. In this paper, we explore some of the design space for a user-controlled multi-level main memory. We present algorithms designed for the heterogeneous bandwidth, using streaming to exploit data locality. We consider algorithms for the fundamental application of sorting. Our algorithms asymptotically reduce memory-block transfers under certain architectural parameter settings. We use and extend Sandia National Laboratories' SST simulation capability to demonstrate the relationship between increased bandwidth and improved algorithmic performance. Memory access counts from simulations corroborate predicted performance. This co-design effort suggests implementing two-level main memory systems may improve memory performance in fundamental applications.

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Evaluating Moving Target Defense with PLADD

Jones, Stephen T.; Outkin, Alexander V.; Gearhart, Jared L.; Hobbs, Jacob A.; Siirola, John D.; Phillips, Cynthia A.; Verzi, Stephen J.; Tauritz, Daniel T.; Mulder, Samuel A.; Naugle, Asmeret B.

This project evaluates the effectiveness of moving target defense (MTD) techniques using a new game we have designed, called PLADD, inspired by the game FlipIt [28]. PLADD extends FlipIt by incorporating what we believe are key MTD concepts. We have analyzed PLADD and proven the existence of a defender strategy that pushes a rational attacker out of the game, demonstrated how limited the strategies available to an attacker are in PLADD, and derived analytic expressions for the expected utility of the game’s players in multiple game variants. We have created an algorithm for finding a defender’s optimal PLADD strategy. We show that in the special case of achieving deterrence in PLADD, MTD is not always cost effective and that its optimal deployment may shift abruptly from not using MTD at all to using it as aggressively as possible. We believe our effort provides basic, fundamental insights into the use of MTD, but conclude that a truly practical analysis requires model selection and calibration based on real scenarios and empirical data. We propose several avenues for further inquiry, including (1) agents with adaptive capabilities more reflective of real world adversaries, (2) the presence of multiple, heterogeneous adversaries, (3) computational game theory-based approaches such as coevolution to allow scaling to the real world beyond the limitations of analytical analysis and classical game theory, (4) mapping the game to real-world scenarios, (5) taking player risk into account when designing a strategy (in addition to expected payoff), (6) improving our understanding of the dynamic nature of MTD-inspired games by using a martingale representation, defensive forecasting, and techniques from signal processing, and (7) using adversarial games to develop inherently resilient cyber systems.

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Preliminary Results on Uncertainty Quantification for Pattern Analytics

Stracuzzi, David J.; Brost, Randolph B.; Chen, Maximillian G.; Malinas, Rebecca; Peterson, Matthew G.; Phillips, Cynthia A.; Robinson, David G.; Woodbridge, Diane W.

This report summarizes preliminary research into uncertainty quantification for pattern ana- lytics within the context of the Pattern Analytics to Support High-Performance Exploitation and Reasoning (PANTHER) project. The primary focus of PANTHER was to make large quantities of remote sensing data searchable by analysts. The work described in this re- port adds nuance to both the initial data preparation steps and the search process. Search queries are transformed from does the specified pattern exist in the data? to how certain is the system that the returned results match the query? We show example results for both data processing and search, and discuss a number of possible improvements for each.

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Cooperative Computing for Autonomous Data Centers

Proceedings - 2015 IEEE 29th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS 2015

Berry, Jonathan W.; Collins, Michael; Kearns, Aaron; Phillips, Cynthia A.; Saia, Jared; Smith, Randy

We present a new distributed model for graph computations motivated by limited information sharing. Two or more independent entities have collected large social graphs. They wish to compute the result of running graph algorithms on the entire set of relationships. Because the information is sensitive or economically valuable, they do not wish to simply combine the information in a single location. We consider two models for computing the solution to graph algorithms in this setting: 1) limited-sharing: the two entities can share only a poly logarithmic size subgraph, 2) low-trust: the entities must not reveal any information beyond the query answer, assuming they are all honest but curious. We believe this model captures realistic constraints on cooperating autonomous data centres' have results for both models for s-t connectivity, one of the simplest graph problems that requires global information in the worst case. In the limited-sharing model, our results exploit social network structure. Standard communication complexity gives polynomial lower bounds on s-t connectivity for general graphs. However, if the graph for each data centre has a giant component and these giant components intersect, then we can overcome this lower bound, computing-t connectivity while exchanging O(log 2 n) bits for a constant number of data centers. We can also test the assumption that the giant components overlap using O(log 2 n) bits provided the (unknown) overlap is sufficiently large. The second result is in the low trust model. We give a secure multi-party computation (MPC) algorithm that 1) does not make cryptographic assumptions when there are 3 or more entities, and 2) is efficient, especially when compared to the usual garbled circuit approach. The entities learn only the yes/no answer. No party learns anything about the others' graph, not even node names. This algorithm does not require any special graph structure. This secure MPC result for s-t connectivity is one of the first that involves a few parties computing on large inputs, instead of many parties computing on a few local values.

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Next-generation Algorithms for Assessing Infrastructure Vulnerability and Optimizing System Resilience

Burchett, Deon L.; Chen, Richard L.; Phillips, Cynthia A.; Richard, Jean-Philippe R.

This report summarizes the work performed under the project project Next-Generation Algo- rithms for Assessing Infrastructure Vulnerability and Optimizing System Resilience. The goal of the project was to improve mathematical programming-based optimization technology for in- frastructure protection. In general, the owner of a network wishes to design a network a network that can perform well when certain transportation channels are inhibited (e.g. destroyed) by an adversary. These are typically bi-level problems where the owner designs a system, an adversary optimally attacks it, and then the owner can recover by optimally using the remaining network. This project funded three years of Deon Burchett's graduate research. Deon's graduate advisor, Professor Jean-Philippe Richard, and his Sandia advisors, Richard Chen and Cynthia Phillips, supported Deon on other funds or volunteer time. This report is, therefore. essentially a replication of the Ph.D. dissertation it funded [12] in a format required for project documentation. The thesis had some general polyhedral research. This is the study of the structure of the feasi- ble region of mathematical programs, such as integer programs. For example, an integer program optimizes a linear objective function subject to linear constraints, and (nonlinear) integrality con- straints on the variables. The feasible region without the integrality constraints is a convex polygon. Careful study of additional valid constraints can significantly improve computational performance. Here is the abstract from the dissertation: We perform a polyhedral study of a multi-commodity generalization of variable upper bound flow models. In particular, we establish some relations between facets of single- and multi- commodity models. We then introduce a new family of inequalities, which generalizes traditional flow cover inequalities to the multi-commodity context. We present encouraging numerical results. We also consider the directed edge-failure resilient network design problem (DRNDP). This problem entails the design of a directed multi-commodity flow network that is capable of fulfilling a specified percentage of demands in the event that any G arcs are destroyed, where G is a constant parameter. We present a formulation of DRNDP and solve it in a branch-column-cut framework. We present computational results.

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Cyber Graph Queries for Geographically Distributed Data Centers

Berry, Jonathan W.; Collins, Michael C.; Kearns, Aaron K.; Phillips, Cynthia A.; Saia, Jared S.

We present new algorithms for a distributed model for graph computations motivated by limited information sharing we first discussed in [20]. Two or more independent entities have collected large social graphs. They wish to compute the result of running graph algorithms on the entire set of relationships. Because the information is sensitive or economically valuable, they do not wish to simply combine the information in a single location. We consider two models for computing the solution to graph algorithms in this setting: 1) limited-sharing: the two entities can share only a polylogarithmic size subgraph; 2) low-trust: the entities must not reveal any information beyond the query answer, assuming they are all honest but curious. We believe this model captures realistic constraints on cooperating autonomous data centers. We have algorithms in both setting for s - t connectivity in both models. We also give an algorithm in the low-communication model for finding a planted clique. This is an anomaly- detection problem, finding a subgraph that is larger and denser than expected. For both the low- communication algorithms, we exploit structural properties of social networks to prove perfor- mance bounds better than what is possible for general graphs. For s - t connectivity, we use known properties. For planted clique, we propose a new property: bounded number of triangles per node. This property is based upon evidence from the social science literature. We found that classic examples of social networks do not have the bounded-triangles property. This is because many social networks contain elements that are non-human, such as accounts for a business, or other automated accounts. We describe some initial attempts to distinguish human nodes from automated nodes in social networks based only on topological properties.

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Why do simple algorithms for triangle enumeration work in the real world?

Internet Mathematics

Berry, Jonathan W.; Fostvedt, Luke A.; Nordman, Daniel J.; Phillips, Cynthia A.; Comandur, Seshadhri C.; Wilson, Alyson G.

Listing all triangles is a fundamental graph operation. Triangles can have important interpretations in real-world graphs, especially social and other interaction networks. Despite the lack of provably efficient (linear, or slightly super linear) worst-case algorithms for this problem, practitioners run simple, efficient heuristics to find all triangles in graphs with millions of vertices. How are these heuristics exploiting the structure of these special graphs to provide major speedups in running time? We study one of the most prevalent algorithms used by practitioners. A trivial algorithm enumerates all paths of length 2, and checks if each such path is incident to a triangle. A good heuristic is to enumerate only those paths of length 2 in which the middle vertex has the lowest degree. It is easily implemented and is empirically known to give remarkable speedups over the trivial algorithm. We study the behavior of this algorithm over graphs with heavy-tailed degree distributions, a defining feature of real-world graphs. The erased configuration model (ECM) efficiently generates a graph with asymptotically (almost) any desired degree sequence. We show that the expected running time of this algorithm over the distribution of graphs created by the ECM is controlled by the l4/3-norm of the degree sequence. Norms of the degree sequence are a measure of the heaviness of the tail, and it is precisely this feature that allows non trivial speedups of simple triangle enumeration algorithms. As a corollary of our main theorem, we prove expected linear-time performance for degree sequences following a power law with exponent α ≥ 7/3, and non trivial speedup whenever α ∈ (2, 3).

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Geometric hitting set for segments of few orientations

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

Fekete, Sándor P.; Huang, Kan; Mitchell, Joseph S.B.; Parekh, Ojas D.; Phillips, Cynthia A.

We study several natural instances of the geometric hitting set problem for input consisting of sets of line segments (and rays, lines) having a small number of distinct slopes. These problems model path monitoring (e.g., on road networks) using the fewest sensors (the “hitting points”). We give approximation algorithms for cases including (i) lines of 3 slopes in the plane, (ii) vertical lines and horizontal segments, (iii) pairs of horizontal/vertical segments. We give hardness and hardness of approximation results for these problems. We prove that the hitting set problem for vertical lines and horizontal rays is polynomially solvable.

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Water Security Toolkit User Manual Version 1.2

Klise, Katherine A.; Siirola, John D.; Hart, David B.; Hart, William E.; Phillips, Cynthia A.; Haxton, Terranna H.; Murray, Regan M.; Janke, Robert J.; Taxon, Thomas T.; Laird, Carl L.; Seth, Arpan S.; Hackebeil, Gabriel H.; McGee, Shawn M.; Mann, Angelica M.

The Water Security Toolkit (WST) is a suite of open source software tools that can be used by water utilities to create response strategies to reduce the impact of contamination in a water distribution network . WST includes hydraulic and water quality modeling software , optimizati on methodologies , and visualization tools to identify: (1) sensor locations to detect contamination, (2) locations in the network in which the contamination was introduced, (3) hydrants to remove contaminated water from the distribution system, (4) locations in the network to inject decontamination agents to inactivate, remove, or destroy contaminants, (5) locations in the network to take grab sample s to help identify the source of contamination and (6) valves to close in order to isolate contaminate d areas of the network. This user manual describes the different components of WST , along w ith examples and case studies. License Notice The Water Security Toolkit (WST) v.1.2 Copyright c 2012 Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000, there is a non-exclusive license for use of this work by or on behalf of the U.S. government. This software is distributed under the Revised BSD License (see below). In addition, WST leverages a variety of third-party software packages, which have separate licensing policies: Acro Revised BSD License argparse Python Software Foundation License Boost Boost Software License Coopr Revised BSD License Coverage BSD License Distribute Python Software Foundation License / Zope Public License EPANET Public Domain EPANET-ERD Revised BSD License EPANET-MSX GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) v.3 gcovr Revised BSD License GRASP AT&T Commercial License for noncommercial use; includes randomsample and sideconstraints executable files LZMA SDK Public Domain nose GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) v.2.1 ordereddict MIT License pip MIT License PLY BSD License PyEPANET Revised BSD License Pyro MIT License PyUtilib Revised BSD License PyYAML MIT License runpy2 Python Software Foundation License setuptools Python Software Foundation License / Zope Public License six MIT License TinyXML zlib License unittest2 BSD License Utilib Revised BSD License virtualenv MIT License Vol Common Public License vpykit Revised BSD License Additionally, some precompiled WST binary distributions might bundle other third-party executables files: Coliny Revised BSD License (part of Acro project) Dakota GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) v.2.1 PICO Revised BSD License (part of Acro project) i Revised BSD License Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Sandia National Laboratories nor Sandia Corporation nor the names of its con- tributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IM- PLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL SANDIA CORPORATION BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUD- ING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ii Acknowledgements This work was supported by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency through its Office of Research and Development (Interagency Agreement # DW8992192801). The material in this document has been subject to technical and policy review by the U.S. EPA, and approved for publication. The views expressed by individual authors, however, are their own, and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Mention of trade names, products, or services does not convey official U.S. EPA approval, endorsement, or recommendation. The Water Security Toolkit is an extension of the Threat Ensemble Vulnerability Assessment-Sensor Place- ment Optimization Tool (TEVA-SPOT), which was also developed with funding from the U.S. Environ- mental Protection Agency through its Office of Research and Development (Interagency Agreement # DW8992192801). The authors acknowledge the following individuals for their contributions to the devel- opment of TEVA-SPOT: Jonathan Berry (Sandia National Laboratories), Erik Boman (Sandia National Laboratories), Lee Ann Riesen (Sandia National Laboratories), James Uber (University of Cincinnati), and Jean-Paul Watson (Sandia National Laboratories). iii Acronyms ATUS American Time-Use Survey BLAS Basic linear algebra sub-routines CFU Colony-forming unit CVAR Conditional value at risk CWS Contamination warning system EA Evolutionary algorithm EDS Event detection system EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency EC Extent of Contamination ERD EPANET results database file GLPK GNU Linear Programming Kit GRASP Greedy randomized adaptive sampling process HEX Hexadecimal HTML HyperText markup language INP EPANET input file LP Linear program MC Mass consumed MILP Mixed integer linear program MIP Mixed integer program MSX Multi-species extension for EPANET NFD Number of failed detections NS Number of sensors NZD Non-zero demand PD Population dosed PE Population exposed PK Population killed TAI Threat assessment input file TCE Tailed-conditioned expectation TD Time to detection TEC Timed extent of contamination TEVA Threat ensemble vulnerability assessment TSB Tryptic soy broth TSG Threat scenario generation file TSI Threat simulation input file VAR Value at risk VC Volume consumed WST Water Security Toolkit YML YAML configuration file format for WST iv Symbols Notation Definition Example { , } set brackets { 1,2,3 } means a set containing the values 1,2, and 3. [?] is an element of s [?] S means that s is an element of the set S . [?] for all s = 1 [?] s [?] S means that the statement s = 1 is true for all s in set S . P summation P n i =1 s i means s 1 + s 2 + * * * + s n . \ set minus S \ T means the set that contains all those elements of S that are not in set T . %7C given %7C is used to define conditional probability. P ( s %7C t ) means the prob- ability of s occurring given that t occurs. %7C ... %7C cardinality Cardinality of a set is the number of elements of the set. If set S = { 2,4,6 } , then %7C S %7C = 3. v

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Statistically significant relational data mining :

Berry, Jonathan W.; Leung, Vitus J.; Phillips, Cynthia A.; Pinar, Ali P.; Robinson, David G.

This report summarizes the work performed under the project (3z(BStatitically significant relational data mining.(3y (BThe goal of the project was to add more statistical rigor to the fairly ad hoc area of data mining on graphs. Our goal was to develop better algorithms and better ways to evaluate algorithm quality. We concetrated on algorithms for community detection, approximate pattern matching, and graph similarity measures. Approximate pattern matching involves finding an instance of a relatively small pattern, expressed with tolerance, in a large graph of data observed with uncertainty. This report gathers the abstracts and references for the eight refereed publications that have appeared as part of this work. We then archive three pieces of research that have not yet been published. The first is theoretical and experimental evidence that a popular statistical measure for comparison of community assignments favors over-resolved communities over approximations to a ground truth. The second are statistically motivated methods for measuring the quality of an approximate match of a small pattern in a large graph. The third is a new probabilistic random graph model. Statisticians favor these models for graph analysis. The new local structure graph model overcomes some of the issues with popular models such as exponential random graph models and latent variable models.

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Maximizing the value of sensed information in underwater wireless sensor networks via an autonomous underwater vehicle

Proceedings - IEEE INFOCOM

Basagni, Stefano; Bölöni, Ladislau; Gjanci, Petrika; Petrioli, Chiara; Phillips, Cynthia A.; Turgut, Danila

This paper considers underwater wireless sensor networks (UWSNs) for submarine surveillance and monitoring. Nodes produce data with an associated value, decaying in time. An autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) is sent to retrieve information from the nodes, through optical communication, and periodically emerges to deliver the collected data to a sink, located on the surface or onshore. Our objective is to determine a collection path for the AUV so that the Value of Information (VoI) of the data delivered to the sink is maximized. To this purpose, we first define an Integer Linear Programming (ILP) model for path planning that considers realistic data communication rates, distances, and surfacing constraints. We then define the first heuristic for path finding that is adaptive to the occurrence of new events, relying only on acoustic communication for exchanging short control messages. Our Greedy and Adaptive AUV Path-finding (GAAP) heuristic drives the AUV to collect packets from nodes to maximize the VoI of the delivered data. We compare the VoI of data obtained by running the optimum solution derived by the ILP model to that obtained from running GAAP over UWSNs with realistic and desirable size. In our experiments GAAP consistently delivers more than 80% of the theoretical maximum VoI determined by the ILP model. © 2014 IEEE.

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Results 51–100 of 176
Results 51–100 of 176