
Results 26–50 of 239
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Characterization of partially observed epidemics through Bayesian inference: application to COVID-19

Computational Mechanics

Safta, Cosmin S.; Ray, Jaideep R.; Sargsyan, Khachik S.

We demonstrate a Bayesian method for the “real-time” characterization and forecasting of partially observed COVID-19 epidemic. Characterization is the estimation of infection spread parameters using daily counts of symptomatic patients. The method is designed to help guide medical resource allocation in the early epoch of the outbreak. The estimation problem is posed as one of Bayesian inference and solved using a Markov chain Monte Carlo technique. The data used in this study was sourced before the arrival of the second wave of infection in July 2020. The proposed modeling approach, when applied at the country level, generally provides accurate forecasts at the regional, state and country level. The epidemiological model detected the flattening of the curve in California, after public health measures were instituted. The method also detected different disease dynamics when applied to specific regions of New Mexico.

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Simulated production of OH, HO2, CH2O, and CO2 during dilute fuel oxidation can predict 1st-stage ignition delays

Combustion and Flame

Buras, Zachary B.; Safta, Cosmin S.; Zador, Judit Z.; Sheps, Leonid S.

Chemical kinetics simulations are used to explore whether detailed measurements of relevant chemical species during the oxidation of very dilute fuels (less than 1 Torr partial pressure) in a high-pressure plug flow reactor (PFR) can predict autoignition propensity. We find that for many fuels the timescale for the onset of spontaneous oxidation in dilute fuel/air mixtures in a simple PFR is similar to the 1st-stage ignition delay time (IDT) at stoichiometric engine-relevant conditions. For those fuels that deviate from this simple trend, the deviation is closely related to the peak rate of production of OH, HO2, CH2O, and CO2 formed during oxidation. We use these insights to show that an accurate correlation between simulated profiles of these species in a PFR and 1st-stage IDT can be developed using convolutional neural networks. Our simulations suggest that the accuracy of such a correlation is 10–50%, which is appropriate for rapid fuel screening and may be sufficient for predictive fuel performance modeling.

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Estimating Regional Methane Emissions Through Atmospheric Measurements and Inverse Modeling

Safta, Cosmin S.; Bambha, Ray B.; Michelsen, Hope M.

In this report we describe an enhanced methodology for performing stochastic Bayesian inversions of atmospheric trace gas inversions that allows the time variation of model parameters to be inferred. We use measurements of methane atmospheric mixing ratio made in Livermore, California along with atmospheric transport modeling and published prior estmates of emissions to estimate the regional emissions of methane and the temporal variations in inferred bias parameters. We compute Bayesian model evidence and continuous rank probability score to optimize the model with respect to temporal resolution. Using two different emissions inventories, we perform inversions for a series of models with increasing temporal resolution in the model bias representation. We show that temporal variation in the model bias can improve the model fit and can also increase the likelihood that the parameterization is appropriate, as measured by the Baysian model evidence. .

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Results 26–50 of 239
Results 26–50 of 239