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Gen 3 Particle Pilot Plant (G3P3) Life Cycle Management Plan (SAND report)

Sment, Jeremy N.; Ho, Clifford K.

The National Solar Thermal Test Facility (NSTTF) at Sandia National Laboratories New Mexico (SNL/NM) developed this Life Cycle Management Plan (LCMP) to document its process for executing, monitoring, controlling and closing-out Phase 3 of the Gen 3 Particle Pilot Plant (G3P3). This plan serves as a resource for stakeholders who wish to be knowledgeable of project objectives and how they will be accomplished.

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Energy Storage for Manufacturing and Industrial Decarbonization (Energy StorM)

Ho, Clifford K.; Rao, Prakash R.; Iloeje, Nwike I.; Marschilok, Amy M.; Liaw, Boryann L.; Kaur, Sumanjeet K.; Slaughter, Julie S.; Hertz, Kristin L.; Wendt, Lynn W.; Supekar, Sarang S.; Montes, Marisa A.

This report summarizes the needs, challenges, and opportunities associated with carbon-free energy and energy storage for manufacturing and industrial decarbonization. Energy needs and challenges for different manufacturing and industrial sectors (e.g., cement/steel production, chemicals, materials synthesis) are identified. Key issues for industry include the need for large, continuous on-site capacity (tens to hundreds of megawatts), compatibility with existing infrastructure, cost, and safety. Energy storage technologies that can potentially address these needs, which include electrochemical, thermal, and chemical energy storage, are presented along with key challenges, gaps, and integration issues. Analysis tools to value energy storage technologies in the context of manufacturing and industrial decarbonizations are also presented. Material is drawn from the Energy Storage for Manufacturing and Industrial Decarbonization (Energy StorM) Workshop, held February 8 - 9, 2022. The objective was to identify research opportunities and needs for the U.S. Department of Energy as part of its Energy Storage Grand Challenge program.

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Performance Evaluation of a Prototype Moving Packed-Bed Particle/sCO2 Heat Exchanger

Albrecht, Kevin J.; Laubscher, Hendrik F.; Bowen, Christopher P.; Ho, Clifford K.

Particle heat exchangers are a critical enabling technology for next generation concentrating solar power (CSP) plants that use supercritical carbon dioxide (sCO2) as a working fluid. This report covers the design, manufacturing and testing of a prototype particle-to-sCO2 heat exchanger targeting thermal performance levels required to meet commercial scale cost targets. In addition, the the design and assembly of integrated particle and sCO2 flow loops for heat exchanger performance testing are detailed. The prototype heat exchanger was tested to particle inlet temperatures of 500 °C at 17 MPa which resulted in overall heat transfer coefficients of approximately 300 W/m2-K at the design point and cases using high approach temperature with peak values as high as 400 W/m2-K

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Technoeconomics of Particle-based CSP Featuring Falling Particle Receivers with and without Active Heliostat Control

Mills, Brantley M.; Lee, Samuel L.; gonzalez-portillo, luis g.; Ho, Clifford K.; Albrecht, Kevin J.

This report documents the results and conclusions of a recent project to understand the technoeconomics of utility-scale, particle-based concentrating solar power (CSP) facilities leveraging unique operational strategies. This project included two primary objectives. The first project objective was to build confidence in the modeling approaches applied to falling particle receivers (FPRs) including the effect s of wind. The second project objective was to create the necessary modeling capability to adequately predict and maximize the annual performance of utility-scale, particle-based CSP plants under anticipated conditions with and without active heliostat control. Results of an extensive model validation study provided the strongest evidence to date for the modeling strategies typically applied to FPRs, albeit at smaller receiver scales. This modeling strategy was then applied in a parametric study of candidate utility-scale FPRs, including both free-falling and multistage FPR concepts, to develop reduced order models for predicting the receiver thermal efficiency under anticipated environmental and operating conditions. Multistage FPRs were found to significantly improve receiver performance at utility-scales. These reduced order models were then leveraged in a sophisticated technoeconomic analysis to optimize utility-scale , particle-based CSP plants considering the potential of active heliostat control. In summary, active heliostat control did not show significant performance benefits to future utility-scale CSP systems though some benefit may still be realized in FPR designs with wide acceptance angles and/or with lower concentration ratios. Using the latest FPR technologies available, the levelized-cost of electricity was quantified for particle-based CSP facilities with nominal powers ranging from 5 MWe up to 100 MWe with many viable designs having costs < 0.06 $/kWh and local minimums occurring between ~25–35 MWe.

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Ceramic proppant dust generation in falling particle receiver applications

AIP Conference Proceedings

Schroeder, Nathan; Ho, Clifford K.

Falling particle receivers have the potential to increase the maximum operating temperature of CSP systems by directly heating a solid particle heat transfer fluid. Particle abrasion in FPR systems can generate dust which can escape out of open receiver designs. The characterization and capture of this dust can help mitigate health risks and increase the optical and thermal efficiency of the receiver. Particle fines were generated and captured by fluidizing a bed of nominally sized particles and filtering out the entrained particulate from the air exiting the bed. Particle fine size distribution, composition, and rate of generation was found for a specific mass of fluidized particles using optical microscopy, SEM, XRD, and aerosol sampling equipment to better inform dust filtration in falling particle receiver systems.

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Transient thermal performance of high-temperature particle storage bins

AIP Conference Proceedings

Plewe, Kaden; Sment, Jeremy N.; Martinez, Mario J.; Ho, Clifford K.; Chen, Dongmei

The design, modeling, and integration of high-temperature particle storage bins is a critical component of Gen. 3 concentrated solar power (CSP). Particle storage bins control the temperature and flow rates throughout the particle circulatory system, so having a fundamental understanding of their transient thermal behavior is highly advantageous for the design and multi-level control of future CSP systems. This paper provides contributions to this understanding by presenting a semi-analytic method for modeling the transient thermal behavior of bulk particle bins. The model is verified with experiments and a baseline CFD model and then used to make conclusions about the dominant heat transfer modes in bulk particle bins and the general transient thermal performance of related systems.

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Modeling thermal transients of bulk particle lifting systems with CFD simulations

AIP Conference Proceedings

Cleal, Matthew; Ho, Clifford K.

Computational Fluid Dynamics modeling of two different high-temperature particle lifting systems was done in order to be able to capture the thermal behavior of these systems. The two lifting mechanism modeled were a closed bucket elevator that carries the particles up a shaft with a conveyor belt of buckets, and a skip hoist that goes through a cycle of loading, lifting, unloading, and lowering. Both of the modeled systems were subject to a validation process, where the bucket elevator was compared to IR images taken of a real bucket elevator in use under high temperature conditions, and the skip hoist was compared to a 1-D MATLAB model using the heat equation. Both models showed reasonable validation results, and therefore an insulation thickness study was done on both models in order to show the capability of using Computational Fluid Dynamics tools for analysis on these types of systems as a way to inform design decisions. The results were able to show the relationship between increased insulation and lower particle temperature loss of the systems and was able to do so for both steady state and transient results.

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Design considerations for commercial scale particle-based thermal energy storage systems

AIP Conference Proceedings

Sment, Jeremy N.; Harvey, Timothy; Albrecht, Kevin J.; Ho, Clifford K.; Davidson, Murphy; Lambert, Matthew; Bateman, Bradley

Particle-based heat transfer materials used in concentrating solar power systems benefit from gravity-fed arrangements such as vertically integrated components inside the receiver tower which can eliminate the need for conveyance machinery. However, the amount of particles required for commercial scale systems near 100 MWe can require towers with very thick walls that must be built with high-strength concrete. Cost models for particle-based receiver towers with internal particle storage are being developed in this work and compared to well-established cost models that have been used to estimate tower costs for molten salt systems with external storage tanks. New cost models were developed to accommodate the high-temperature applications required for CSP. Further research is needed to directly compare costs between tower-integrated and external storage. For now, a method is proposed to superimpose increased storage costs with existing molten salt CSP towers. For instances where suitable materials are unavailable or do not meet the structural requirements, ground based storage bins must be used in concert with mechanical conveyance systems. Ground based storage vessels have been shown to be consistent with low thermal energy storage cost and heat loss goals. Ground based storage vessels are well-established in industry.

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Design and Technoeconomic Analysis of High-Temperature Particle Conveyance Components for a 100 MWe Concentrating Solar Power Plant

Sment, Jeremy N.; Magaldi, Mario M.; D'Agostino, Umberto D.; Bassetti, Fulvio B.; Repole, Kenzo R.; González-Portillo, Luis F.; Schroeder, Nathan; Albrecht, Kevin J.; Ho, Clifford K.

Levelized costs of electricity (LCOE) approaching the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office 2030 goal of 0.05 $/kWh may be achievable using Brayton power cycles that use supercritical CO2 as the working fluid and flowing solid particles with temperatures >700° C as the heat transfer media. The handling and conveyance of bulk solid particles at these temperatures in an insulated environment is a critical technical challenge that must be solved for this approach to be used. A design study was conducted at the National Solar Thermal Test Facility (NSTTF) at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, NM, with the objective of identifying the technical readiness level, performance limits, capital and O&M costs, and expected thermal losses of particle handling and conveyance components in a particle-based CSP plant. Key findings indicated that chutes can be a low-cost option for particle handling but uncertainties in tower costs make it difficult to know whether they can be cost effective in areas above the receiver if tower heights must then be increased. Skips and high temperature particle conveyance technology are available for moving particles up to 640° C. This limits the use of mechanical conveyance above the heat exchanger and suggests vertical integration of the hot storage bin and heat exchanger to facilitate direct gravity fed handling of particles.

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Probabilistic Modeling of Climate Change Impacts on Renewable Energy and Storage Requirements for NM's Energy Transition Act (SAND Report)

Ho, Clifford K.; Roesler, Erika L.; Nguyen, Tu A.; Ellison, James

This report provides a study of the potential impacts of climate change on intermittent renewable energy resources, battery storage, and resource adequacy in Public Service Company of New Mexico’s Integrated Resource Plan for 2020 – 2040. Climate change models and available data were first evaluated to determine uncertainty and potential changes in solar irradiance, temperature, and wind speed in NM in the coming decades. These changes were then implemented in solar and wind energy models to determine impacts on renewable energy resources in NM. Results for the extreme climate-change scenario show that the projected wind power may decrease by ~13% due to projected decreases in wind speed. Projected solar power may decrease by ~4% due to decreases in irradiance and increases in temperature in NM. Uncertainty in these climate-induced changes in wind and solar resources was accommodated in probabilistic models assuming uniform distributions in the annual reductions in solar and wind resources. Uncertainty in battery storage performance was also evaluated based on increased temperature, capacity fade, and degradation in round-trip efficiency. The hourly energy balance was determined throughout the year given uncertainties in the renewable energy resources and energy storage. The loss of load expectation (LOLE) was evaluated for the 2040 No New Combustion portfolio and found to increase from 0 days/year to a median value of ~2 days/year due to potential reductions in renewable energy resources and battery storage performance and capacity. A rank-regression analyses revealed that battery round-trip efficiency was the most significant parameter that impacted LOLE, followed by solar resource, wind resource, and battery fade. An increase in battery storage capacity to ~25,000 – 30,000 MWh from a baseline value of ~14,000 MWh was required to reduce the median value of LOLE to ~0.2 days/year with consideration of potential climate impacts and battery degradation.

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Characterization of Particle and Heat Losses from a High-Temperature Particle Receiver (2nd Ed)

Ho, Clifford K.; Ortega, Jesus O.; Vorobieff, Peter V.; Mohan, Gowtham M.; Glen, Andrew G.; Sanchez, A.L.; Dexheimer, Darielle D.; Schroeder, Nathan; Martins, Vanderlei M.

High - temperature particle receivers are being pursued to enable next - generation concentrating solar thermal power (CSP) systems that can achieve higher temperatures (> 700 C) to enable more efficient power cycles, lower overall system costs, and emerging CSP - based process - heat applications. The objective of this work was to develop characterization methods to quantify the particle and heat losses from the open aperture of the particle receiver. Novel camera - based imaging methods were developed and applied to both laboratory - scale and larger 1 MW t on - sun tests at the National Solar Thermal Test Facility in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Validation of the imaging methods was performed using gravimetric and calorimetric methods. In addition, conventional particle - sampling methods using volumetric particle - air samplers were applied to the on - sun tests to compare particle emission rates with regulatory standards for worker safety and pollution. Novel particle sampling methods using 3 - D printed tipping buckets and tethered balloons were also developed and applied to the on - sun particle - receiver tests. Finally, models were developed to simulate the impact of particle size and wind on particle emissions and concentrations as a function of location. Results showed that particle emissions and concentrations were well below regulatory standards for worker safety and pollution. In addition, estimated particle temperatures and advective heat losses from the camera - based imaging methods correlated well with measured values during the on - sun tests.

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Modeling and mitigating airborne pathogen risk factors in school buses

International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer

Ho, Clifford K.; Binns, Royce

Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models were developed to simulate the impact of different ventilation scenarios on airborne exposure risks in a 72-passenger school bus. Scenarios and factors that were investigated included a moving vs. stationary bus, impacts of a heating unit within the bus, and impacts of alternative ventilation scenarios with different combinations of openings (e.g., windows, door, emergency hatch). Results of the simulations showed that when the bus was stationary, use of the heater increased receptor concentrations unless there was another opening. When the bus was moving, simulations with at least two sets of openings separated from each other in the forward and aft directions produced a through-flow condition that reduced concentrations via dilution from outside air by a factor of ten or more. A single opening in a moving bus generally increased concentrations throughout the cabin due to increased mixing with minimal ventilation. The cumulative exposure risk (time-averaged concentrations) was found to be inversely correlated to the air exchange rate. Stationary and moving-bus scenarios that yielded above ~20 air changes per hour resulted in the lowest cumulative exposures. Recommendations from this study were implemented in new safety and operating procedures by the Albuquerque Public Schools Transportation Center.

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Gen 3 Particle Pilot Plant (G3P3) -- High-Temperature Particle System for Concentrating Solar Power (Phases 1 and 2)

Ho, Clifford K.; Sment, Jeremy N.; Albrecht, Kevin J.; Mills, Brantley M.; Schroeder, Nathan

The U.S. Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office initiated the Generation 3 Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) program to achieve higher operating temperatures (>700 °C) to enable next-generation CSP high-temperature power cycles such as the supercritical CO2 (sCO2) Brayton Cycle. Three teams were selected to pursue high-temperature gas, liquid, and solid pathways for the heat-transfer media. Phases 1 and 2, which lasted from 2018 – 2020, consisted of design, modeling, and testing activities to further de-risk each of the technologies and develop a design for construction, commissioning, and operation of a pilot-scale facility in Phase 3 (2021 – 2024). This report summarizes the activities in Phases 1 and 2 for the solid-particle pathway led by Sandia National Laboratories. In Phases 1 and 2, Sandia successfully de-risked key elements of the proposed Gen 3 Particle Pilot Plant (G3P3) by improving the design, operation, and performance of key particle component technologies including the receiver, storage bins, particle-to-sCO2 heat exchanger, particle lift, and data acquisition and controls. Modeling and testing of critical components have led to optimized designs that meet desired performance metrics. Detailed drawings, piping and instrumentation diagrams, and process flow diagrams were generated for the integrated system, and structural analyses of the assembled tower structure were performed to demonstrate compliance with relevant codes and standards. Instrumentation and control systems of key subsystems were also demonstrated. Together with Bridgers & Paxton, Bohannan Huston, and Sandia Facilities, we have completed a 100% G3P3 tower design package with stamped engineering drawings suitable for construction bid in Phase 3.

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100% Carbon-Free Electricity for Sandia NM and KAFB Using Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) (SAND Report)

Ho, Clifford K.; Bush, Hagan E.; Villa, Daniel V.; Rinaldi, Nicole R.; Schroeder, Nathan; Sment, Jeremy N.

This report provides a design study to produce 100% carbon-free electricity for Sandia NM and Kirtland Air Force Base (KAFB) using concentrating solar power (CSP). Annual electricity requirements for both Sandia and KAFB are presented, along with specific load centers that consume a significant and continuous amount of energy. CSP plant designs of 50 MW and 100 MW are then discussed to meet the needs of Sandia NM and the combined electrical needs of both Sandia NM and KAFB. Probabilistic modeling is performed to evaluate inherent uncertainties in performance and cost parameters on total construction costs and the levelized cost of electricity. Total overnight construction costs are expected to range between ~$300M - $400M for the 50 MW CSP plant and between ~$500M - $800M for the 100 MW plant. Annual operations and maintenance (O&M) costs are estimated together with potential offsets in electrical costs and CO2 emissions. Other considerations such as interconnections, land use and permitting, funding options, and potential agreements and partnerships with Public Service Company of New Mexico (PNM), Western Area Power Administration (WAPA), and other entities are also discussed.

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Viral Fate and Transport for COVID-19 - NVBL

Negrete, Oscar N.; Domino, Stefan P.; Ho, Clifford K.

The NVBL Viral Fate and Transport Team includes researchers from eleven DOE national laboratories and is utilizing unique experimental facilities combined with physics-based and data-driven modeling and simulation to study the transmission, transport, and fate of SARSCoV-2. The team was focused on understanding and ultimately predicting SARS-CoV-2 viability in varied environments with the goal of rapidly informing strategies that guide the nation’s resumption of normal activities. The primary goals of this project include prioritizing administrative and engineering controls that reduce the risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission within an enclosed environment; identifying the chemical and physical properties that influence binding of SARS-CoV-2 to common surfaces; and understanding the contribution of environmental reservoirs and conditions on transmission and resurgence of SARS-CoV-2.

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Characterization of Particle and Heat Losses from a High-Temperature Particle Receiver

Ho, Clifford K.; Ortega, Jesus O.; Vorobieff, Peter V.; Mohan, Gowtham M.; Glen, Andrew G.; Sanchez, A.L.; Dexheimer, Darielle D.; Schroeder, Nathan; Martins, Vanderlei M.

High-temperature particle receivers are being pursued to enable next-generation concentrating solar thermal power (CSP) systems that can achieve higher temperatures (> 700 °C) to enable more efficient power cycles, lower overall system costs, and emerging CSP-based process-heat applications. The objective of this work was to develop characterization methods to quantify the particle and heat losses from the open aperture of the particle receiver. Novel camera- based imaging methods were developed and applied to both laboratory-scale and larger 1 MWt on-sun tests at the National Solar Thermal Test Facility in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Validation of the imaging methods was performed using gravimetric and calorimetric methods. In addition, conventional particle-sampling methods using volumetric particle-air samplers were applied to the on-sun tests to compare particle emission rates with regulatory standards for worker safety and pollution. Novel particle sampling methods using 3-D printed tipping buckets and tethered balloons were also developed and applied to the on-sun particle-receiver tests. Finally, models were developed to simulate the impact of particle size and wind on particle emissions and concentrations as a function of location. Results showed that particle emissions and concentrations were well below regulatory standards for worker safety and pollution. In addition, estimated particle temperatures and advective heat losses from the camera-based imaging methods correlated well with measured values during the on-sun tests.

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Modeling airborne pathogen transport and transmission risks of SARS-CoV-2

Applied Mathematical Modelling

Ho, Clifford K.

An integrated modeling approach has been developed to better understand the relative impacts of different expiratory and environmental factors on airborne pathogen transport and transmission, motivated by the recent COVID-19 pandemic. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling was used to simulate spatial-temporal aerosol concentrations and quantified risks of exposure as a function of separation distance, exposure duration, environmental conditions (e.g., airflow/ventilation), and face coverings. The CFD results were combined with infectivity models to determine probability of infection, which is a function of the spatial-temporal aerosol concentrations, viral load, infectivity rate, viral viability, lung-deposition probability, and inhalation rate. Uncertainty distributions were determined for these parameters from the literature. Probabilistic analyses were performed to determine cumulative distributions of infection probabilities and to determine the most important parameters impacting transmission. This modeling approach has relevance to both pathogen and pollutant dispersion from expelled aerosol plumes.

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G3P3 Phase 3 Project Execution Plan. Issue 1

Sment, Jeremy N.; Ho, Clifford K.

The National Solar Thermal Test Facility (NSTTF) at Sandia National Laboratories New Mexico (SNL/NM) developed this Project Execution Plan (PEP) to document its process for executing, monitoring, controlling and closing-out Phase 3 of the Gen 3 Particle Pilot Plant G3P3. This plan serves as a resource for stakeholders who wish to be knowledgeable of project objectives and how they will be accomplished. The plan is intended to be used by the development partners, principal investigator, and the federal project director. Project objectives are derived from the mission needs statement, and an integrated project team assists in development of the PEP. This plan is a living document and will be updated throughout the project to describe current and future processes and procedures. The scope of the PEP covers: Cost, schedule, and scope Project reporting Staffing plan Quality assurance plan Environment, safety, security, and health This document is a tailored approach for the Facilities Management and Operations Center (FMOC) to meet the project management principles of DOE Order 413.3B, Program and Project Management for the Acquisition of Capital Assets , and DOE G 413.3-15, DOE Guide for Project Execution Plans. This document will elaborate on content as knowledge of the project is gained or refined.

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Receiver outlet temperature control for falling particle receiver applications

Proceedings of the ASME 2021 15th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES 2021

Schroeder, Nathan; Laubscher, Hendrik F.; Mills, Brantley; Ho, Clifford K.

Falling particle receivers (FPRs) are being studied in concentrating solar power applications to enable high temperatures for supercritical CO2 (sCO2) Brayton power cycles. The falling particles are introduced into the cavity receiver via a linear actuated slide gate and irradiated by concentrated sunlight. The thickness of the particle curtain associated with the slide-gate opening dimension dictates the mass flow rate of the particle curtain. A thicker, higher mass flow rate, particle curtain would typically be associated with a smaller temperature rise through the receiver, and a thinner, lower mass flow rate, particle curtain would result in a larger temperature rise. Using the receiver outlet temperature as the process variable and the linear actuated slide gate as the input parameter a proportional, integral, and derivative (PID) controller was implemented to control the temperature of the particles leaving the receiver. The PID parameters were tuned to respond in a quick and stable manner. The PID controlled slide gate was tested using the 1 MW receiver at the National Solar Thermal Test Facility (NSTTF). The receiver outlet temperature was ramped from ambient to 800°C then maintained at the setpoint temperature. After reaching a steady-state, perturbations of 15%-20% of the initial power were applied by removing heliostats to simulate passing clouds. The PID controller reacted to the change in the input power by adjusting the mass flow rate through the receiver to maintain a constant receiver outlet temperature. A goal of ±2σ ≤ 10°C in the outlet temperature for the 5 minutes following the perturbation was achieved.

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Application methods for refractory insulation in hot particle storage bins

Proceedings of the ASME 2021 15th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES 2021

Sment, Jeremy N.; Lambert, Matthew; Albrecht, Kevin J.; Ho, Clifford K.; Davidson, Murphy

The National Solar Thermal Test Facility (NSTTF) at Sandia National Laboratories is conducting research on a Generation 3 Particle Pilot Plant (G3P3) that uses falling sandlike particles as the heat transfer medium. G3P3 proposes a system with 6 MWh of thermal energy storage in cylindrical bins made of steel that will be insulated internally using multiple layers of refractory materials[1]. The refractory materials can be applied by stacking pre-cast panels in a cylindrical arrangement or by spraying refractory slurry to the walls (shotcrete). A study on the two methods determined that shotcrete would be the preferred method in order to minimize geometric tolerance issues in the pre-cast panels, improve repairability, and to more closely resemble commercial-scale construction methods. Testing and analysis was conducted which showed shotcrete refractories could be applied with minimal damage and acceptable heat loss.

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Modelling Airborne Transmission and Ventilation Impacts of a COVID-19 Outbreak in a Restaurant in Guangzhou, China

International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics

Ho, Clifford K.

Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling was performed to simulate spatial and temporal airborne pathogen concentrations during an observed COVID-19 outbreak in a restaurant in Guangzhou, China. The reported seating configuration, overlap durations, room ventilation, layout, and dimensions were modelled in the CFD simulations to determine relative exposures and probabilities of infection. Results showed that the trends in the simulated probabilities of infection were consistent with the observed rates of infection at each of the tables surrounding the index patient. Alternative configurations that investigated different boundary conditions and ventilation conditions were also simulated. Increasing the fresh-air percentage to 10%, 50%, and 100% of the supply air reduced the accumulated pathogen mass in the room by an average of ∼30%, ∼70%, and ∼80%, respectively, over 73 min. The probability of infection was reduced by ∼10%, 40%, and 50%, respectively. Highlights: Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models used to simulate pathogen concentrations Infection model developed using spatial and temporal CFD results Simulating spatial variability was important to match observed infection rates Recirculation increased exposures and probability of infection Increased fresh-air ventilation decreased exposures and probability of infection.

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Development and testing of a 20 KW moving packed-bed particle-to-SCO2 heat exchanger and test facility

Proceedings of the ASME 2021 15th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES 2021

Albrecht, Kevin J.; Laubscher, Hendrik F.; Carlson, Matthew D.; Ho, Clifford K.

This paper describes the development of a facility for evaluating the performance of small-scale particle-to-sCO2 heat exchangers, which includes an isobaric sCO2 flow loop and an electrically heated particle flow loop. The particle flow loop is capable of delivering up to 60 kW of heat at a temperature of 600°C and flow rate of 0.4 kg/s. The loop was developed to facilitate long duration off-sun testing of small prototype heat exchangers to produce model validation data at steady-state operating conditions. Lessons learned on instrumentation, control, and system integration from prior testing of larger heat exchangers with solar thermal input were used to guide the design of the test facility. In addition, the development and testing of a novel 20-kWt moving packed-bed particle-to-sCO2 heat exchanger using the integrated flow loops is reported. The prototype heat exchanger implements many novel features for increasing thermal performance and reducing pressure drop which include integral porting of the sCO2 flow, unique bond/braze manufacturing, narrow plate spacing, and pure counter-flow arrangement. The experimental data collected for the prototype heat exchanger was compared to model predictions to verify the sizing, thermal performance, and pressure drop which will be extended to multi-megawatt heat exchanger designs in the future.

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Near-field and far-field sampling of aerosol plumes to evaluate particulate emission rates from a falling particle receiver during on-sun testing

Proceedings of the ASME 2021 15th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES 2021

Glen, Andrew G.; Dexheimer, Darielle D.; Sanchez, A.L.; Ho, Clifford K.; China, Swarup; Mei, Fan; Lata, Nurun N.

High-temperature falling particle receivers are being investigated for next-generation concentrating solar power applications. Small sand-like particles are released into an open-cavity receiver and are irradiated by concentrated sunlight from a field of heliostats. The particles are heated to temperatures over 700 °C and can be stored to produce heat for electricity generation or industrial applications when needed. As the particles fall through the receiver, particles and particulate fragments in the form of aerosolized dust can be emitted from the aperture, which can lower thermal efficiency, increase costs of particle replacement, and pose a particulate matter (PM) inhalation risk. This paper describes sampling methods that were deployed during on-sun tests to record nearfield (several meters) and far-field (tens to hundreds of meters) concentrations of aerosol particles within emitted plumes. The objective was to quantify the particulate emission rates and loss from the falling particle receiver in relation to OSHA and EPA National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). Near-field instrumentation placed on the platform in proximity to the receiver aperture included several real-time aerosol size distribution and concentration measurement techniques, including a TSI Aerodynamic Particle Sizers (APS), TSI DustTraks, Handix Portable Optical Particle Spectrometers (POPS), Alphasense Optical Particle Counters (OPC), TSI Condensation Particle Counters (CPC), Cascade Particle Impactors, 3D-printed prototype tipping buckets, and meteorological instrumentation. Far-field particle sampling techniques utilized multiple tethered balloons located upwind and downwind of the particle receiver to measure the advected plume concentrations using a suite of airborne aerosol and meteorological instruments including POPS, CPCs, OPCs and cascade impactors. The combined aerosol size distribution for all these instruments spanned particle sizes from 0.02 μm - 500 μm. Results showed a strong influence of wind direction on particle emissions and concentration, with preliminary results showing representative concentrations below both the OSHA and NAAQS standards.

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Terrestrial heat repository for months of storage (THERMS): A novel radial thermocline system

Proceedings of the ASME 2021 15th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES 2021

Ho, Clifford K.; Gerstle, Walter

This paper describes a terrestrial thermocline storage system comprised of inexpensive rock, gravel, and/or sand-like materials to store high-temperature heat for days to months. The present system seeks to overcome past challenges of thermocline storage (cost and performance) by utilizing a confined radialbased thermocline storage system that can better control the flow and temperature distribution in a bed of porous materials with one or more layers or zones of different particle sizes, materials, and injection/extraction wells. Air is used as the heat-transfer fluid, and the storage bed can be heated or "trickle charged"by flowing hot air through multiple wells during periods of low electricity demand using electrical heating or heat from a solar thermal plant. This terrestrial-based storage system can provide low-cost, large-capacity energy storage for both high- (∼400- 800°C) and low- (∼100-400°C) temperature applications. Bench-scale experiments were conducted, and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations were performed to verify models and improve understanding of relevant features and processes that impact the performance of the radial thermocline storage system. Sensitivity studies were performed using the CFD model to investigate the impact o f the air flow rate, porosity, particle thermal conductivity, and air-to-particle heattransfer coefficient on temperature profiles. A preliminary technoeconomic analysis was also performed to estimate the levelized cost of storage for different storage durations and discharging scenarios.

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Investigating environmental impacts of particle emissions from a high-temperature falling particle receiver

AIP Conference Proceedings

Ho, Clifford K.; Pattyn, Christian A.

Particle emissions from a high-temperature falling particle receiver with an open aperture were modeled using computational and analytical methods and compared to U.S. particle-emissions standards to assess potential pollution and health hazards. The modeling was performed subsequent to previous on-sun testing and air sampling that did not collect significant particle concentrations at discrete locations near the tower, but the impacts of wind on collection efficiency, especial for small particles less than 10 microns, were uncertain. The emissions of both large (~350 microns) and small (<10 microns) particles were modeled for a large-scale (100 MWe) particle receiver system using expected emission rates based on previous testing and meteorological conditions for Albuquerque, New Mexico. Results showed that the expected emission rates yielded particle concentrations that were significantly less than either the pollution or inhalation metrics of 12 Pg/m3 (averaged annually) and 15 mg/m3, respectively. Particle emission rates would have to increase by a factor of ~400 (~0.1 kg/s) to begin approaching the most stringent standards.

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Optimizing a falling particle receiver geometry using CFD simulations to maximize the thermal efficiency

AIP Conference Proceedings

Mills, Brantley M.; Schroeder, Benjamin B.; Yue, Lindsey; Shaeffer, Reid; Ho, Clifford K.

A strategy to optimize the thermal efficiency of falling particle receivers (FPRs) in concentrating solar power applications is described in this paper. FPRs are a critical component of a falling particle system, and receiver designs with high thermal efficiencies (~90%) for particle outlet temperatures > 700°C have been targeted for next generation systems. Advective losses are one of the most significant loss mechanisms for FPRs. Hence, this optimization aims to find receiver geometries that passively minimize these losses. The optimization strategy consists of a series of simulations varying different geometric parameters on a conceptual receiver design for the Generation 3 Particle Pilot Plant (G3P3) project using simplified CFD models to model the flow. A linear polynomial surrogate model was fit to the resulting data set, and a global optimization routine was then executed on the surrogate to reveal an optimized receiver geometry that minimized advective losses. This optimized receiver geometry was then evaluated with more rigorous CFD models, revealing a thermal efficiency of 86.9% for an average particle temperature increase of 193.6°C and advective losses less than 3.5% of the total incident thermal power in quiescent conditions.

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Active airflow for reducing advective and particle loss in falling particle receivers

AIP Conference Proceedings

Yue, Lindsey; Shaeffer, Reid; Mills, Brantley M.; Ho, Clifford K.

Two active airflow control methods are investigated to mitigate advective and particle losses from the open aperture of a falling particle receiver. Advective losses can be reduced via active airflow methods. However, in the case of once-through suction, energy lost as enthalpy of hot air due to active airflow needs to be minimized so that thermal efficiency can be maximized. In the case of forced air injection, a properly configured aerowindow can reduce advective losses substantially for calm conditions. Although some improvement is offered in windy conditions, an aerowindow in the presence of winds does not show an ability to mitigate advective losses to values achievable by an aerowindow in the absence of wind. The two active airflow methods considered in this paper both show potential for efficiency improvement, but the improvement many not be justified given the added complexity and cost of implementing an active airflow system. While active airflow methods are tractable for a 1 MWth cavity receiver with a 1 m square aperture, the scalability of these active airflow methods is questionable when considering commercial scale receivers with 10–20 m square apertures or larger.

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Development of Tools Training and Outreach to Address Solar Glare and Flux-Related Avian Impacts

Ho, Clifford K.

Millions of dollars and significant resources are being spent by developers of utility-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) and concentrating solar power (CSP) plants to address federal and local requirements regarding glare and avian hazards. Solar glare can occur from the glass surfaces of PV modules and from mirrors in CSP systems, which can produce safety and health risks for pilots, motorists, and residents located near these systems. In addition, concentrated solar flux at CSP plants has the potential to singe birds as they fly through regions of high solar flux. This work will develop tools to characterize and mitigate these potential hazards, which will address regulatory policies and reduce costs and efforts associated with the proposed deployment of gigawatts of solar energy systems throughout the nation. The development of standardized and publicly available tools to address these regulatory policies and ensure public and environmental safety is an appropriate role for the government.

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Particle Mass Flow Control and Measurement for High-Temperature Particle Receivers

Ho, Clifford K.

This work is developing particle flow control and measurement methods for next-generation concentrating solar power systems employing particle-based technologies. Particle receivers are being pursued to provide substantial performance improvements through higher temperatures (>700 °C) for more efficient and cost-effective CSP systems with direct storage for electricity generation, process heating, thermochemistry, and solar fuels production. This specific work will develop technologies that enable more efficient particle receivers and scalable methods to accommodate variable irradiances during commercial on-sun operation. The development of next-generation particle-receiver systems and methods with potentially high consequences for improved performance and cost savings for CSP applications is an appropriate role for the government.

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High-Temperature Particle Heat Exchanger for sCO2 Power Cycles

Ho, Clifford K.

Particle receivers are being pursued to provide substantial performance improvements through higher temperatures (>700 °C) for more efficient and cost-effective concentrating solar power (CSP) systems with direct storage. However, the interface between the solar-collection and power-block subsystems - a high-temperature particle/supercritical CO2 (sCO2) heat exchanger - has not been developed. The objective of this project is to design, construct, and test a first-of-a-kind particle-to-sCO2 heat exchanger. This work will enable emerging sCO2 power cycles that have the potential to meet SunShot targets of 50% thermal-to-electric efficiency, dry cooling with 40 °C ambient temperature, and $0.06/kWh for CSP systems. The development of next-generation particle-based systems and methods with potentially high consequences for improved performance and cost savings for CSP applications is an appropriate role for the government.

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High-Temperature Particle Heat Exchanger for sCO2 Power Cycles [Award 30342]

Carlson, Matthew D.; Albrecht, Kevin J.; Ho, Clifford K.; Laubscher, Hendrik F.; Alvarez, Francisco

This report describes the design, development, and testing of a prototype 100 kWt particle-to-supercritical CO2 (sCO2) heat exchanger. An analytic hierarchy process was implemented to compare and evaluate alternative heat-exchanger designs (fluidized bed, shell-and-plate moving packed bed, and shell-and-tube moving packed bed) that could meet the high pressure (≥ 20 MPa) and high temperature (≥ 700 °C) operational requirements associated with sCO2 power cycles. Cost, heat-transfer coefficient, structural reliability, manufacturability, parasitics and heat losses, scalability, compatibility, erosion and corrosion, transient operation, and inspection ease were considered in the evaluation. A 100 kWt shell-and-plate design was selected for construction and integration with Sandia’s falling particle receiver system that heats the particles using concentrated sunlight. Sandia worked with industry to design and construct the moving packed-bed shell-and-plate heat exchanger. Tests were performed to evaluate its performance using both electrical heating and concentrated sunlight to heat the particles. Overall heat transfer coefficients at off-design conditions (reduced operating temperatures and only three stainless steel banks in the counter-crossflow heat exchanger) were measured to be approximately ~25 - 70 W/m2-K, significantly lower than simulated values of >100 W/m2-K. Tests using the falling particle receiver to heat the particles with concentrated sunlight yielded overall heat transfer coefficients of ~35 – 80 W/m2-K with four banks (including a nickel-alloy bank above the three stainless steel banks). The overall heat transfer coefficient was observed to decrease with increasing particle inlet temperatures, which contrasted the results of simulations that showed an increase in heat transfer coefficient with temperature due to increased effective particle-bed thermal conductivity from radiation. The likely cause of the discrepancy was particle-flow maldistributions and funnel flow within the heat exchanger caused by internal ledges and cross-bracing, which could have been exacerbated by increased particle-wall friction at higher temperatures. Additional heat loss at higher temperatures may also contribute to a lower overall heat-transfer coefficient. Design challenges including pressure drop, particle and sCO2 flow maldistribution, and reduced heat transfer coefficient are discussed with approaches for mitigation in future designs. Lessons learned regarding instrumentation, performance characterization, and operation of particle components and sCO2 flow loops are also discussed. Finally, a 200 MWt commercial-scale shell-and-plate heat-exchanger design based on the concepts investigated in this report is proposed.

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Testing and simulations of spatial and temporal temperature variations in a particle-based thermal energy storage bin

ASME 2020 14th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES 2020

Sment, Jeremy N.; Martinez, Mario J.; Albrecht, Kevin J.; Ho, Clifford K.

The National Solar Thermal Test Facility (NSTTF) at Sandia National Laboratories is conducting research on a Generation 3 Particle Pilot Plant (G3P3) that uses falling sand-like particles as the heat transfer medium. The system will include a thermal energy storage (TES) bin with a capacity of 6 MWht¬ requiring ~120,000 kg of flowing particles. Testing and modeling were conducted to develop a validated modeling tool to understand temporal and spatial temperature distributions within the storage bin as it charges and discharges. Flow and energy transport in funnel-flow was modeled using volume averaged conservation equations coupled with level set interface tracking equations that prescribe the dynamic geometry of particle flow within the storage bin. A thin layer of particles on top of the particle bed was allowed to flow toward the center and into the flow channel above the outlet. Model results were validated using particle discharge temperatures taken from thermocouples mounted throughout a small steel bin. The model was then used to predict heat loss during charging, storing, and discharging operational modes at the G3P3 scale. Comparative results from the modeling and testing of the small bin indicate that the model captures many of the salient features of the transient particle outlet temperature over time.

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High-temperature particle flow testing in parallel plates for particle-to-supercritical Co2 heat exchanger applications

ASME 2020 14th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES 2020

Laubscher, Hendrik F.; Albrecht, Kevin J.; Ho, Clifford K.

Realizing cost-effective, dispatchable, renewable energy production using concentrated solar power (CSP) relies on reaching high process temperatures to increase the thermal-to-electrical efficiency. Ceramic based particles used as both the energy storage medium and heat transfer fluid is a promising approach to increasing the operating temperature of next generation CSP plants. The particle-to-supercritical CO2 (sCO2) heat exchanger is a critical component in the development of this technology for transferring thermal energy from the heated ceramic particles to the sCO2 working fluid of the power cycle. The leading design for the particle-to-sCO2 heat exchanger is a shell-and-plate configuration. Currently, design work is focused on optimizing the performance of the heat exchanger through reducing the plate spacing. However, the particle channel geometry is limited by uniformity and reliability of particle flow in narrow vertical channels. Results of high temperature experimental particle flow testing are presented in this paper.

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Simulation and performance evaluation of on-sun particle receiver tests

AIP Conference Proceedings

Mills, Brantley M.; Ho, Clifford K.

A set of on-sun experiments was performed on a 1 MWth cavity-type falling particle receiver at Sandia National Laboratories. A computational model of the receiver was developed to evaluate its ability to predict the receiver performance during these experiments and to quantify the thermal losses from different mechanisms. Mean particle outlet temperatures and the experimental receiver thermal efficiencies were compared against values computed in the computational model. External winds during the experiments were found to significantly affect the receiver thermal efficiency, and advective losses from hot air escaping the receiver domain were found to be the most significant contribution to losses from the receiver. Losses from all other mechanisms including radiative losses amounted to less than 10% of the total incident thermal power.

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Heat Transfer Models of Moving Packed-Bed Particle-to-sCO2 Heat Exchangers

Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Transactions of the ASME

Albrecht, Kevin J.; Ho, Clifford K.

Particle-based concentrating solar power (CSP) plants have been proposed to increase operating temperature for integration with higher efficiency power cycles using supercritical carbon dioxide (sCO2). The majority of research to date has focused on the development of high-efficiency and high-temperature particle solar thermal receivers. However, system realization will require the design of a particle/sCO2 heat exchanger as well for delivering thermal energy to the power-cycle working fluid. Recent work has identified moving packed-bed heat exchangers as low-cost alternatives to fluidized-bed heat exchangers, which require additional pumps to fluidize the particles and recuperators to capture the lost heat. However, the reduced heat transfer between the particles and the walls of moving packed-bed heat exchangers, compared to fluidized beds, causes concern with adequately sizing components to meet the thermal duty. Models of moving packed-bed heat exchangers are not currently capable of exploring the design trade-offs in particle size, operating temperature, and residence time. The present work provides a predictive numerical model based on literature correlations capable of designing moving packed-bed heat exchangers as well as investigating the effects of particle size, operating temperature, and particle velocity (residence time). Furthermore, the development of a reliable design tool for moving packed-bed heat exchangers must be validated by predicting experimental results in the operating regime of interest. An experimental system is designed to provide the data necessary for model validation and/or to identify where deficiencies or new constitutive relations are needed. VC 2019 by Sandia National Laboratories (SNL).

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Parametric analysis of particle CSP system performance and cost to intrinsic particle properties and operating conditions

ASME 2019 13th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES 2019, collocated with the ASME 2019 Heat Transfer Summer Conference

Albrecht, Kevin J.; Bauer, Matthew L.; Ho, Clifford K.

The use of solid particles as a heat-transfer fluid and thermal storage media for concentrating solar power is a promising candidate for meeting levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) targets for next-generation CSP concepts. Meeting these cost targets for a given system concept will require optimization of the particle heat-transfer fluid with simultaneous consideration of all system components and operating conditions. This paper explores the trade-offs in system operating conditions and particle thermophysical properties on the levelized cost of electricity through parametric analysis. A steady-state modeling methodology for design point simulations dispatched against typical meteorological year (TMY) data is presented, which includes computationally efficient submodels of a falling particle receiver, moving packed-bed heat exchanger, storage bin, particle lift, and recompression supercritical CO2 (sCO2) cycle. The components selected for the baseline system configuration presents the most near-term realization of a particle-based CSP system that has been developed to date. However, the methodology could be extended to consider alternative particle receiver and heat exchanger concepts. The detailed system-level model coupled to component cost models is capable of propagating component design and performance information directly into the plant performance and economics. The system-level model is used to investigate how the levelized cost of electricity varies with changes in particle absorptivity, hot storage bin temperature, heat exchanger approach temperature, and sCO2 cycle operating parameters. Trade-offs in system capital cost and solar-to-electric efficiency due to changes in the size of the heliostat field, storage bins, primary heat exchanger, and receiver efficiency are observed. Optimal system operating conditions are reported, which approach levelized costs of electricity of $0.06 kWe-1hr-1

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High Temperature Silicon Carbide Receiver Tubes for Concentrating Solar Power

Walker, Matthew W.; Armijo, Kenneth M.; Yellowhair, Julius; Ho, Clifford K.; Bohinsky, Amy B.; Halfinger, Jeff H.; Feinroth, Herb F.

In order for Concentrating Solar Power plants (CSP) to achieve the desired cost breakpoint, significant improvement in performance is required resulting in the need to increase temperatures of fluid systems. A US DOE Small Business Voucher project was established at Sandia to explore the performance characteristics of Ceramic Tubular Products (CTP) silicon carbide TRIPLEX tubes in key categories relating to its performance as a solar receiver in next generation CSP plants. Along these lines, the following research tasks were completed : (1) Solar Spectrum Testing, (2) Corrosion Testing in Molten Chloride Salt, (3) Mechanical Shock Testing, and (4) Thermal Shock Testing. Through the completion of these four tasks, it has been found that the performance of CTP's material across all of these categories is promising, and merits further investigation beyond this initial investigation. Through 50 solar aging cycles, the CTP material exhibited excellent stability to high temperatures in air, exhibited at or above 0.95 absorptance, and had measured emittances within the range of 0.88-0.90. Through molten salt corrosion testing at 750degC it was found that SiC exhibits significantly lower mass change (-- 90 times lower) than Haynes 230 during 108 hours of salt exposure. The CTP TRIPLEX material performed significantly better than the SiC monolithic tube material in mechanical shock testing, breaking at an average height of 3 times that for the monolithic tubes. Through simulated rain thermal shock testing of CTP composite tubes at 800degC it was found that CTP's SiC composite tubes were able to survive thermal shock, while the SiC monolithic tubes did not. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS * US Department of Energy Office of EERE for sponsorship of this project * Andrew Dawson of the DOE Office of EERE for Project Management, including the excellent technical insights that he provided throughout the project * Ken Armijo lead the Thermal Shock Testing activities * Cliff Ho and Julius Yellowhair led the Solar Spectrum Testing activities * Jeff Halfinger prepared the CTP specimens for each of the research tasks * Herb Feinroth provided guidance and input into the preparation for the test specimens and the associated research tasks * Alan Kruizenga collaborated with CTP to apply for and be awarded this project from DOE EERE. The scope for the project was developed by Alan together with CTP. * Rio Hatton and Jesus Ortega (student interns) helped with portions of the solar simulator testing, reflectance/emittance data collection, and image (including microscope) collection. * Kent Smith helped design and fabricate the high temperature molten salt corrosion setup * Jeff Chames and Javier Cebrian completed the microscopy for the molten salt corrosion test specimens * Amy Bohinsky (student intern) and Kevin Nelson helped complete the mechanical shock testing for the monolithic and composite tubes, including organizing the results for the final report. * Josh Christian and Daniel Ray helped with portions of the Thermal Shock Testing * Mark Stavig completed the polyethylene plug testing associated with the Thermal Shock Testing

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Effect of quartz aperture covers on the fluid dynamics and thermal efficiency of falling particle receivers

ASME 2019 13th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES 2019, collocated with the ASME 2019 Heat Transfer Summer Conference

Yue, Lindsey; Mills, Brantley M.; Ho, Clifford K.

Falling particle receivers are an emerging technology for use in concentrating solar power systems. In this work, quartz tubes cut in half to form tube shells (referred to as quartz half-shells) are investigated for use as a full or partial aperture cover to reduce radiative and advective losses from the receiver. A receiver subdomain and surrounding air volume are modeled using ANSYS® Fluent®. The model is used to simulate fluid dynamics and heat transfer for the following cases: (1) open aperture, (2) aperture fully covered by quartz half-shells, and (3) aperture partially covered by quartz half-shells. We compare the percentage of total incident solar power lost due to conduction through the receiver walls, advective losses through the aperture, and radiation exiting out of the aperture. Contrary to expected outcomes, simulation results using the simplified receiver subdomain show that quartz aperture covers can increase radiative losses and, in the partially covered case, also increase advective losses. These increased heat losses are driven by elevated quartz half-shell temperatures and have the potential to be mitigated by active cooling and/or material selection.

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Optimization of storage bin geometry for high temperature particle-based CSP systems

ASME 2019 13th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES 2019, collocated with the ASME 2019 Heat Transfer Summer Conference

Sment, Jeremy; Albrecht, Kevin J.; Christian, Joshua M.; Ho, Clifford K.

Solid particle receivers provide an opportunity to run concentrating solar tower receivers at higher temperatures and increased overall system efficiencies. The design of the bins used for storing and managing the flow of particles creates engineering challenges in minimizing thermomechanical stress and heat loss. An optimization study of mechanical stress and heat loss was performed at the National Solar Thermal Test Facility at Sandia National Laboratories to determine the geometry of the hot particle storage hopper for a 1 MWt pilot plant facility. Modeling of heat loss was performed on hopper designs with a range of geometric parameters with the goal of providing uniform mass flow of bulk solids with no clogging, minimizing heat loss, and reducing thermomechanical stresses. The heat loss calculation included an analysis of the particle temperatures using a thermal resistance network that included the insulation and hopper. A plot of the total heat loss as a function of geometry and required thicknesses to accommodate thermomechanical stresses revealed suitable designs. In addition to the geometries related to flow type and mechanical stress, this study characterized flow related properties of CARBO HSP 40/70 and Accucast ID50-K in contact with refractory insulation. This insulation internally lines the hopper to prevent heat loss and allow for low cost structural materials to be used for bin construction. The wall friction angle, effective angle of friction, and cohesive strength of the bulk solid were variables that were determined from empirical analysis of the particles at temperatures up to 600°C.

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Optical ray-tracing performance modeling of quartz half-shell tubes aperture cover for falling particle receiver

ASME 2019 13th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES 2019, collocated with the ASME 2019 Heat Transfer Summer Conference

Yellowhair, Julius; Ho, Clifford K.

A 1 MWt falling particle receiver prototype was designed, built and is being evaluated at Sandia National Laboratories, National Solar Thermal Test Facility (NSTTF). The current prototype has a 1 m2 aperture facing the north field. The current aperture configuration is susceptible to heat and particle losses through the receiver aperture. Several options are being considered for the next design iteration to reduce the risk of heat and particle losses, in addition to improving the receiver efficiency to target levels of ~90%. One option is to cover the receiver aperture with a highly durable and transmissive material such as quartz glass. Quartz glass has high transmittance for wavelengths less than 2.5 microns and low transmittance for wavelengths greater than 2.5 microns to help trap the heat inside the receiver. To evaluate the receiver optical performance, ray-tracing models were set up for several different aperture cover configurations. The falling particle receiver is modeled as a box with a 1 m2 aperture on the north side wall. The box dimensions are 1.57 m wide x 1.77 m tall x 1.67 m deep. The walls are composed of RSLE material modeled as Lambertian surfaces with reflectance of either 0.9 for the pristine condition or 0.5 for soiled walls. The quartz half-shell tubes are 1.46 m long with 105 mm and 110 mm inner and outer diameters, respectively. The half-shell tubes are arranged vertically and slant forward at the top by 30 degrees. Four configurations were considered: concave side of the half-shells facing away from the receiver aperture with (1) no spacing and (2) high spacing between the tubes, and concave side of the half-shells facing the aperture with (3) no spacing and (4) high spacing between the tubes. The particle curtain, in the first modeling approach, is modeled as a diffuse surface with transmittance, reflectance, and absorptance values, which are based on estimates from previous experiments for varying particle flow rates. The incident radiation is from the full NSTTF heliostat field with a single aimpoint at the center of the receiver aperture. The direct incident rays and reflected and scattered rays off the internal receiver surfaces are recorded on the internal walls and particle curtain surfaces as net incident irradiance. The net incident irradiances on the internal walls and particle curtain for the different aperture cover configuration are compared to the baseline configuration. In all cases, just from optical performance alone, the net incident irradiance is reduced from the baseline. However, it is expected that the quartz half-shells will reduce the convective and thermal radiation losses through the aperture. These ray-tracing results will be used as boundary conditions in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analyses to determine the net receiver efficiency and optimal configuration for the quartz half-shells that minimize heat losses and maximize thermal efficiency.

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High-temperature flow testing and heat transfer for a moving packed-bed particle/sCO2 heat exchanger

AIP Conference Proceedings

Albrecht, Kevin J.; Ho, Clifford K.

Experiments for measuring the heat transfer coefficients and visualization of dense granular flows in rectangular vertical channels are reported. The experiments are directed at the development of a moving packed-bed heat exchanger to transfer thermal energy from solar-heated particles to drive a supercritical carbon dioxide (sCO2) power cycle. Particle-wall heat transfer coefficients are found to agree with Nusselt number correlations for plug flow in a parallel plate configuration. The plate spacing and particle properties in the prototype design result in experimentally measured particle-wall heat transfer coefficients of 200 W/m2-K at intermediate temperature and are expected to be higher at elevated temperature due to improved packed bed thermal conductivity. The high-temperature (600°C) visualization experiments indicate that uniform particle flow distribution through the vertical channels of a shell-and-plate heat exchanger can be achieved through a mass flow cone particle feeder. Uniform drawdown was experienced for both 77° and 72° feeder angles over a range of particle mass flow rates between 0.05 and 0.175 kg/s controlled by a slide gate to modulate the outlet flow cross-sectional area.

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Hybrid CSP/PV receivers: Converting optical spillage to electricity

AIP Conference Proceedings

Ho, Clifford K.; McPheeters, Claiborne O.; Sharps, Paul R.

This paper evaluates a novel receiver design concept that implements photovoltaic (PV) cells on heat shields and bellows shields to capture optical spillage from central receiver and parabolic trough concentrating solar power (CSP) plants, generating electricity from concentrated light that would otherwise be wasted. A combination of conventional silicon and multi-junction concentrating PV (CPV) cells were evaluated to accommodate regions of both high and low solar fluxes on the shields. Estimates from existing CSP plants indicate that the irradiance on central-receiver heat shields can be well over 100 kW/m2 near the receiver tubes, but lower fluxes can occur in distant regions or in parabolic trough applications. A technoeconomic study was performed to estimate the levelized cost of energy (LCOE) for these systems as a function of several cost and performance factors, such as irradiance, PV cell type, and cooling conditions.

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Tower illuminance model (TIM): Interactive real-time flyover simulation tool to evaluate glare and avian-flux hazards

AIP Conference Proceedings

Sims, Cianan A.; Ho, Clifford K.; Horstman, Luke; Wendelin, Timothy; Yellowhair, Julius

Solar glare reflections and avian solar-flux hazards are an important concern for concentrating solar installations. Reflected sunlight from "standby" heliostats has been noted by pilots as potentially hazardous, and reports of birds being singed by concentrated sunlight has created concern. This paper presents the Tower Illuminance Model ("TIM"), a software application developed to investigate glare and avian-flux hazards at concentrating solar power towers in a convenient and interactive manner. TIM simulates a field of heliostats in standby mode, wherein sunlight is not reflected toward the central receiver but at some location in the airspace around the receiver. The user can select a range of aiming strategies and field configurations and can navigate the simulated airspace above the heliostat field in real-time using an interactive 3D interface. As the user "flies" through the airspace, TIM calculates the irradiance, glare hazard, and potential avian flux hazard. TIM is currently undergoing validation and industry testing.

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Annualized thermal performance of intermediate-scale falling particle receivers

AIP Conference Proceedings

Mills, Brantley M.; Ho, Clifford K.

A computational fluid dynamics model of a 50 MWe falling particle receiver has been developed to evaluate the ability of the receiver concept to scale to intermediate sized systems while maintaining high thermal efficiencies. A compatible heliostat field for the receiver was generated using NREL's SolarPILOT, and this field was used to calculate the irradiance on the receiver at seventeen different dates and times throughout the year. The thermal efficiency of the receiver was evaluated at these seventeen different samples using the CFD model and found to vary from 83.0 - 86.8%. An annualized thermal efficiency was calculated from the samples to be 85.7%. A table was also generated that summarized this study along with other similar CFD studies on falling particle receivers over a wide ranges of scales.

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Tools to Address Glare and Avian Flux Hazards from Solar Energy Systems

Ho, Clifford K.; Sims, Cianan A.; Yellowhair, Julius; Wendelin, Tim W.

This report describes software tools that can be used to evaluate and mitigate potential glare and avian-flux hazards from photovoltaic and concentrating solar power (CSP) plants. Enhancements to the Solar Glare Hazard Analysis Tool (SGHAT) include new block-space receptor models, integration of PVWatts for energy prediction, and a 3D daily glare visualization feature. Tools and methods to evaluate avian-flux hazards at CSP plants with large heliostat fields are also discussed. Alternative heliostat standby aiming strategies were investigated to reduce the avian-flux hazard and minimize impacts to operational performance. Finally, helicopter flyovers were conducted at the National Solar Thermal Test Facility and at the Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System to evaluate the alternative heliostat aiming strategies and to provide a basis for model validation. Results showed that the models generally overpredicted the measured results, but they were able to simulate the trends in irradiance values with distance. A heliostat up-aiming strategy is recommended to alleviate both glare and avian-flux hazards, but operational schemes are required to reduce the impact on heliostat slew times and plant performance. Future studies should consider the trade-offs and collective impacts on these three factors of glare, avian-flux hazards, and plant operations and performance.

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Particle Mass Flow Control for High-Temperature Concentrating Solar Receivers

Ho, Clifford K.; Peacock, Gregory W.; Mills, Brantley M.; Christian, Joshua M.; Albrecht, Kevin J.; Yellowhair, Julius; Ray, Daniel

This report summarizes the results of a two-year project funded by the U.S. Department of Energy's Solar Energy Technologies Office (SuNLaMP 1506) to evaluate the performance of high-temperature (>700 °C) particle receivers for concentrating solar power (see Appendix A for project information). In the first year, novel particle release patterns were designed and tested to increase the effective solar absorptance of the particle curtain. Modeling results showed that increasing the magnitude and frequency of different wave-like patterns increased the effective absorptance and thermal efficiency by several percentage points, depending on the mass flow rate. Tests showed that triangular-wave, square-wave, and parallel-curtain particle release patterns could be implemented and maintained at flow rates of ~10 kg/s/m. The second year of the project focused on the development and testing of particle mass-flow control and measurement methods. An automated slide gate controlled by the outlet temperature of the particles was designed and tested. Testing demonstrated that the resolution accuracy of the slide-gate positioning was less than ~1 mm, and the speed of the slide gate enabled rapid adjustments to accommodate changes in the irradiance to maintain a desired outlet temperature range. Different in-situ particle mass-flow measurement techniques were investigated, and two were tested. The in-situ microwave sensor was found to be unreliable and sensitive to variations in particle flow patterns. However, the in-situ weigh hopper using load cells was found to provide reliable and repeatable measurements of real-time in-situ particle mass flow. On-sun tests were performed to determine the thermal efficiency of the receiver as a function of mass flow rate, particle temperature, and irradiance. Models of the tests were also developed and compared to the tests.

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Impinging Water Droplets on Inclined Glass Surfaces

Armijo, Kenneth M.; Lance, Blake L.; Ho, Clifford K.

Multiphase computational models and tests of falling water droplets on inclined glass surfaces were developed to investigate the physics of impingement and potential of these droplets to self-clean glass surfaces for photovoltaic modules and heliostats. A multiphase volume-of-fluid model was developed in ANSYS Fluent to simulate the impinging droplets. The simulations considered different droplet sizes (1 mm and 3 mm), tilt angles (0°, 10°, and 45°), droplet velocities (1 m/s and 3 m/s), and wetting characteristics (wetting=47° contact angle and non-wetting = 93° contact angle). Results showed that the spread factor (maximum droplet diameter during impact divided by the initial droplet diameter) decreased with increasing inclination angle due to the reduced normal force on the surface. The hydrophilic surface yielded greater spread factors than the hydrophobic surface in all cases. With regard to impact forces, the greater surface tilt angles yielded lower normal forces, but higher shear forces. Experiments showed that the experimentally observed spread factor (maximum droplet diameter during impact divided by the initial droplet diameter) was significantly larger than the simulated spread factor. Observed spread factors were on the order of 5 - 6 for droplet velocities of ~3 m/s, whereas the simulated spread factors were on the order of 2. Droplets were observed to be mobile following impact only for the cases with 45° tilt angle, which matched the simulations. An interesting phenomenon that was observed was that shortly after being released from the nozzle, the water droplet oscillated (like a trampoline) due to the "snapback" caused by the surface tension of the water droplet being released from the nozzle. This oscillation impacted the velocity immediately after the release. Future work should evaluate the impact of parameters such as tilt angle and surface wettability on the impact of particle/soiling uptake and removal to investigate ways that photovoltaic modules and heliostats can be designed to maximize self-cleaning.

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A method to assess flux hazards at CSP plants to reduce avian mortality

AIP Conference Proceedings

Ho, Clifford K.; Wendelin, Timothy; Horstman, Luke; Yellowhair, Julius

A method to evaluate avian flux hazards at concentrating solar power plants (CSP) has been developed. A heat-transfer model has been coupled to simulations of the irradiance in the airspace above a CSP plant to determine the feather temperature along prescribed bird flight paths. Probabilistic modeling results show that the irradiance and assumed feather properties (thickness, absorptance, heat capacity) have the most significant impact on the simulated feather temperature, which can increase rapidly (hundreds of degrees Celsius in seconds) depending on the parameter values. The avian flux hazard model is being combined with a plant performance model to identify alternative heliostat standby aiming strategies that minimize both avian flux hazards and negative impacts on plant performance.

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