
Results 126–150 of 290
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Delivering Kilojoules of Pre-Heat to Fusion Targets in Sandia's Z-Machine

Geissel, Matthias G.; Awe, Thomas J.; Campbell, E.M.C.; Gomez, Matthew R.; Harding, Eric H.; Harvey-Thompson, Adam J.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Kimmel, Mark W.; Knapp, Patrick K.; Lewis, Sean M.; McBride, Ryan D.; Peterson, Kyle J.; Schollmeier, Marius; Sefkow, Adam B.; Shores, Jonathon S.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Slutz, Stephen A.; Smith, Ian C.; Speas, Christopher S.; Vesey, Roger A.; Porter, John L.

Abstract not provided.

Non-thermal x-ray emission from wire array z-pinches

Ampleford, David A.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Webb, Timothy J.; Harper-Slaboszewicz, V.H.; Loisel, Guillaume P.; Flanagan, Timothy M.; Bell, Kate S.; Jones, Brent M.; Rochau, G.A.; Chittenden, Jeremy P.; Sherlock, Mark S.; Appelbe, Brian A.; Giuliani, John G.; Ouart, Nicholas O.; Seely, John S.; McPherson, Leroy A.

We report on experiments demonstrating the transition from thermally-dominated K-shell line emission to non-thermal, hot-electron-driven inner-shell emission for z pinch plasmas on the Z machine. While x-ray yields from thermal K-shell emission decrease rapidly with increasing atomic number Z, we find that non-thermal emission persists with favorable Z scaling, dominating over thermal emission for Z=42 and higher (hn ≥ 17keV). Initial experiments with Mo (Z=42) and Ag (Z=47) have produced kJ-level emission in the 17-keV and 22-keV Kα lines respectively. We will discuss the electron beam properties that could excite these non - thermal lines. We also report on experiments that have attempted to control non - thermal K - shell line emission by modifying the wire array or load hardware setup.

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Laser Pre-Heat Studies for magLIF with Z-Beamlet

Geissel, Matthias G.; Harvey-Thompson, Adam J.; Awe, Thomas J.; Campbell, Edward M.; Gomez, Matthew R.; Harding, Eric H.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Kimmel, Mark W.; Knapp, Patrick K.; Lewis, Sean M.; McBride, Ryan D.; Peterson, Kyle J.; Schollmeier, Marius; Sefkow, Adam B.; Shores, Jonathon S.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Slutz, Stephen A.; Smith, Ian C.; Speas, Christopher S.; Vesey, Roger A.; Porter, John L.

Abstract not provided.

Implementing and diagnosing magnetic flux compression on the Z pulsed power accelerator

McBride, Ryan D.; Bliss, David E.; Gomez, Matthew R.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Martin, Matthew; Jennings, Christopher A.; Slutz, Stephen A.; Rovang, Dean C.; Knapp, Patrick K.; Schmit, Paul S.; Awe, Thomas J.; Hess, Mark H.; Lemke, Raymond W.; Dolan, Daniel H.; Lamppa, Derek C.; Jobe, Marc R.; Fang, Lu F.; Hahn, Kelly D.; Chandler, Gordon A.; Cooper, Gary W.; Ruiz, Carlos L.; Robertson, Grafton K.; Cuneo, M.E.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Tomlinson, Kurt T.; Smith, Gary S.; Paguio, Reny P.; Intrator, Tom P.; Weber, Thomas E.; Greenly, John B.

We report on the progress made to date for a Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) project aimed at diagnosing magnetic flux compression on the Z pulsed-power accelerator (0-20 MA in 100 ns). Each experiment consisted of an initially solid Be or Al liner (cylindrical tube), which was imploded using the Z accelerator's drive current (0-20 MA in 100 ns). The imploding liner compresses a 10-T axial seed field, B z ( 0 ) , supplied by an independently driven Helmholtz coil pair. Assuming perfect flux conservation, the axial field amplification should be well described by B z ( t ) = B z ( 0 ) x [ R ( 0 ) / R ( t )] 2 , where R is the liner's inner surface radius. With perfect flux conservation, B z ( t ) and dB z / dt values exceeding 10 4 T and 10 12 T/s, respectively, are expected. These large values, the diminishing liner volume, and the harsh environment on Z, make it particularly challenging to measure these fields. We report on our latest efforts to do so using three primary techniques: (1) micro B-dot probes to measure the fringe fields associated with flux compression, (2) streaked visible Zeeman absorption spectroscopy, and (3) fiber-based Faraday rotation. We also mention two new techniques that make use of the neutron diagnostics suite on Z. These techniques were not developed under this LDRD, but they could influence how we prioritize our efforts to diagnose magnetic flux compression on Z in the future. The first technique is based on the yield ratio of secondary DT to primary DD reactions. The second technique makes use of the secondary DT neutron time-of-flight energy spectra. Both of these techniques have been used successfully to infer the degree of magnetization at stagnation in fully integrated Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion (MagLIF) experiments on Z [P. F. Schmit et al. , Phys. Rev. Lett. 113 , 155004 (2014); P. F. Knapp et al. , Phys. Plasmas, 22 , 056312 (2015)]. Finally, we present some recent developments for designing and fabricating novel micro B-dot probes to measure B z ( t ) inside of an imploding liner. In one approach, the micro B-dot loops were fabricated on a printed circuit board (PCB). The PCB was then soldered to off-the-shelf 0.020- inch-diameter semi-rigid coaxial cables, which were terminated with standard SMA connectors. These probes were recently tested using the COBRA pulsed power generator (0-1 MA in 100 ns) at Cornell University. In another approach, we are planning to use new multi-material 3D printing capabilities to fabricate novel micro B-dot packages. In the near future, we plan to 3D print these probes and then test them on the COBRA generator. With successful operation demonstrated at 1-MA, we will then make plans to use these probes on a 20-MA Z experiment.

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Exploring magnetized liner inertial fusion with a semi-analytic model

McBride, Ryan D.; Slutz, Stephen A.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Vesey, Roger A.; Gomez, Matthew R.; Sefkow, Adam B.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Cochrane, Kyle C.; Schmit, Paul S.; Knapp, Patrick K.; Geissel, Matthias G.; Harvey-Thompson, Adam J.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Martin, Matthew; Awe, Thomas J.; Rovang, Dean C.; Lamppa, Derek C.; Peterson, Kyle J.; Rochau, G.A.; Porter, John L.; Stygar, William A.; Cuneo, M.E.

Abstract not provided.

Laser-Fuel Coupling Studies for MagLIF with Z-Beamlet

Geissel, Matthias G.; Harvey-Thompson, Adam J.; Awe, Thomas J.; Campbell, Michael E.; Gomez, Matthew R.; Harding, Eric H.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Kimmel, Mark W.; Knapp, Patrick K.; Lewis, Sean M.; McBride, Ryan D.; Peterson, Kyle J.; Schollmeier, Marius; Schmit, Paul S.; Sefkow, Adam B.; Shores, Jonathon S.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Slutz, Stephen A.; Smith, Ian C.; Speas, Christopher S.; Vesey, Roger A.; Porter, John L.

Abstract not provided.

Investigating Radial Wire Array Z-Pinches as a Compact X-Ray Source on the Saturn Generator

IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science

Ampleford, David A.; Bland, Simon N.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Lebedev, Sergey V.; Chittenden, Jeremy P.; McBride, Ryan D.; Jones, Brent M.; Serrano, Jason D.; Cuneo, M.E.; Hall, Gareth N.; Suzuki-Vidal, Francisco; Bott-Suzuki, Simon C.

Radial wire array Z-pinches, where wires are positioned radially outward from a central cathode to a concentric anode, can act as a compact bright X-ray source that could potentially be used to drive a hohlraum. Experiments were performed on the 7-MA Saturn generator using radial wire arrays. These experiments studied a number of potential risks in scaling radial wire arrays up from the 1-MA level, where they have been shown to be a promising compact X-ray source. Data indicate that at 7 MA, radial wire arrays can radiate ∼9 TW with 10-ns full-width at half-maximum from a compact pinch.

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Fusion-Neutron Measurements for Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion Experiments on the Z Accelerator

Hahn, Kelly D.; Chandler, Gordon A.; Ruiz, Carlos L.; Cooper, Gary W.; Gomez, Matthew R.; Slutz, Stephen A.; Sefkow, Adam B.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Knapp, Patrick K.; Schmit, Paul S.; Harding, Eric H.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Awe, Thomas J.; Geissel, Matthias G.; Rovang, Dean C.; Torres, Jose A.; Bur, James A.; Cuneo, M.E.; Glebov, V.Yu.; Harvey-Thompson, Adam J.; Herrmann, M.C.H.; Hess, Mark H.; Johns, Owen J.; Jones, Brent M.; Lamppa, Derek C.; Martin, Matthew; McBride, Ryan D.; Peterson, Kyle J.; Porter, John L.; Reneker, Joseph R.; Robertson, Grafton K.; Rochau, G.A.; Savage, Mark E.; Smith, Ian C.; Styron, Jedediah D.; Vesey, Roger A.

Abstract not provided.

2-D RMHD modeling assessment of current flow, plasma conditions, and doppler effects in recent Z argon experiments

IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science

Thornhill, J.W.; Giuliani, John L.; Jones, Brent M.; Apruzese, John P.; Dasgupta, Arati; Chong, Young K.; Harvey-Thompson, Adam J.; Ampleford, David A.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Coverdale, Christine A.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Rochau, G.A.; Cuneo, M.E.; Lamppa, Derek C.; Johnson, Drew J.; Jones, Michael J.; Moore, Nathan W.; Waisman, Eduardo M.; Krishnan, Mahadevan; Coleman, Philip L.

By varying current-loss circuit parameters, the Mach2-tabular collisional radiative equilibrium 2-D radiation magnetohydrodynamic model was tuned to reproduce the radiative and electrical properties of three recent argon gas-puff experiments (same initial conditions) performed on the Z machine at Sandia National Laboratories. The model indicates that there were current losses occurring near or within the diode region of the Z machine during the stagnation phase of the implosion. The 'good' simulation reproduces the experimental K-shell powers, K-shell yields, total powers, percentage of emission radiated in α lines, size of the K-shell emission region, and the average electron temperature near the time-of-peak K-shell power. The calculated atomic populations, ion temperatures, and radial velocities are used as input to a detailed multifrequency ray-trace radiation transport model that includes the Doppler effect. This model is employed to construct time-, space-, and energy-resolved synthetic spectra. The role the Doppler effect likely plays in the experiments is demonstrated by comparing synthetic spectra generated with and without this effect.

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Wire-array Z-pinch length variations for K-Shell X-ray generation on Z

IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science

Jones, Brent M.; Ampleford, David A.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Waisman, Eduardo M.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Coverdale, Christine A.; Cuneo, M.E.; Apruzese, John P.; Thornhill, J.W.; Giuliani, John L.; Dasgupta, Arati; Clark, Robert W.; Davis, Jack

In developing stainless-steel (SS) and copper wire-array X-ray sources on the Z machine, we consider the optimization of K-shell yield as a function of load height. Theory, numerical modeling, and experimental data suggest that an optimum exists corresponding to a tradeoff between the increase in radiating mass and the decrease in coupled current with increasing pinch height. A typical load height of 20 mm used on many previous Z wire-array X-ray sources is found to be near optimal for K-shell yield production in SS and copper implosions. Electrical data, pinhole imaging, and spectroscopy are used to study plasma conditions in wire-array z pinches corresponding to the variation in K-shell power and yield per unit length as the pinch height is changed from 12 to 24 mm.

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X-ray Imaging of MagLIF Experiments Using a Spherically Bent Crystal Optic

Harding, Eric H.; Gomez, Matthew R.; Slutz, Stephen A.; Sefkow, Adam B.; Geissel, Matthias G.; Harvey-Thompson, Adam J.; Schollmeier, Marius; Peterson, Kyle J.; Awe, Thomas J.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Hahn, Kelly D.; Knapp, Patrick K.; Schmit, Paul S.; Ruiz, Carlos L.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Smith, Ian C.; Rovang, Dean C.; Chandler, Gordon A.; Martin, Matthew; McBride, Ryan D.; Porter, John L.; Rochau, G.A.; Harding, Eric H.

Abstract not provided.

X-ray Imaging of MagLIF Experiments Using a Spherically Bent Crystal Optic

Harding, Eric H.; Gomez, Matthew R.; Slutz, Stephen A.; Geissel, Matthias G.; Harvey-Thompson, Adam J.; Schollmeier, Marius; Peterson, Kyle J.; Awe, Thomas J.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Schmit, Paul S.; Ruiz, Carlos L.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Smith, Ian C.; Rovang, Dean C.; Chandler, Gordon A.; Martin, Matthew; McBride, Ryan D.; Porter, John L.; Rochau, G.A.

Abstract not provided.

Exploring magnetized liner inertial fusion with a semi-analytic model

McBride, Ryan D.; Slutz, Stephen A.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Vesey, Roger A.; Gomez, Matthew R.; Sefkow, Adam B.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Cochrane, Kyle C.; Rovang, Dean C.; Lamppa, Derek C.; Geissel, Matthias G.; Harvey-Thompson, Adam J.; Schmit, Paul S.; Knapp, Patrick K.; Awe, Thomas J.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Martin, Matthew; Peterson, Kyle J.; Rochau, G.A.; Porter, John L.; Stygar, William A.; Cuneo, M.E.

Abstract not provided.

LEH Transmission and Early Fuel Heating for MagLIF with Z-Beamlet

Geissel, Matthias G.; Harvey-Thompson, Adam J.; Awe, Thomas J.; Campbell, Edward M.; Gomez, Matthew R.; Harding, Eric H.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Kimmel, Mark W.; Knapp, Patrick K.; Lewis, Sean M.; McBride, Ryan D.; Peterson, Kyle J.; Schollmeier, Marius; Schmit, Paul S.; Sefkow, Adam B.; Shores, Jonathon S.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Slutz, Stephen A.; Smith, Ian C.; Speas, Christopher S.; Stahoviak, J.W.S.; Vesey, Roger A.; Porter, John L.

Abstract not provided.

Investigating the Effects of Adding a Center jet to Argon gas puff implosions at the Z facility

Harvey-Thompson, Adam J.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Jones, Brent M.; Ampleford, David A.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Lamppa, Derek C.; Cuneo, M.E.; Reneker, Joseph R.; Johnson, Drew J.; Jones, Michael J.; Moore, Nathan W.; Flanagan, Timothy M.; Mckenney, John M.; Rochau, G.A.; Waisman, Eduardo M.; Coverdale, Christine A.; Apruzese, J.P.A.; Thornhill, J.W.T.; Giuliani, J.L.G.

Abstract not provided.

Experimental Progress in Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion (MagLIF)

Gomez, Matthew R.; Slutz, Stephen A.; Sefkow, Adam B.; Geissel, Matthias G.; Harvey-Thompson, Adam J.; Peterson, Kyle J.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Hahn, Kelly D.; Knapp, Patrick K.; Schmit, Paul S.; Ruiz, Carlos L.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Awe, Thomas J.; Harding, Eric H.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Smith, Ian C.; Rovang, Dean C.; Chandler, Gordon A.; Cuneo, M.E.; Lamppa, Derek C.; Martin, Matthew; McBride, Ryan D.; Porter, John L.; Rochau, G.A.

Abstract not provided.

Recent progress in Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion (MagLIF) experiments

Gomez, Matthew R.; Slutz, Stephen A.; Sefkow, Adam B.; Geissel, Matthias G.; Harvey-Thompson, Adam J.; Peterson, Kyle J.; Awe, Thomas J.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Harding, Eric H.; Hahn, Kelly D.; Knapp, Patrick K.; Schmit, Paul S.; Ruiz, Carlos L.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Smith, Ian C.; Rovang, Dean C.; Chandler, Gordon A.; Martin, Matthew; McBride, Ryan D.; Porter, John L.; Rochau, G.A.

Abstract not provided.

Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion on the Z Pulsed-Power Accelerator

McBride, Ryan D.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Slutz, Stephen A.; Gomez, Matthew R.; Sefkow, Adam B.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Awe, Thomas J.; Peterson, Kyle J.; Knapp, Patrick K.; Schmit, Paul S.; Rovang, Dean C.; Geissel, Matthias G.; Vesey, Roger A.; Harvey-Thompson, Adam J.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Martin, Matthew; Lemke, Raymond W.; Hahn, Kelly D.; Harding, Eric H.; Cuneo, M.E.; Porter, John L.; Rochau, G.A.; Stygar, William A.

Abstract not provided.

Recent Progress and Future Potential of Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion (MagLIF)

Sandia journal manuscript; Not yet accepted for publication

Slutz, Stephen A.; Gomez, Matthew R.; Sefkow, Adam B.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Hahn, Kelly D.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Harding, Eric H.; Knapp, Patrick K.; Schmit, Paul S.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Awe, Thomas J.; Herrmann, M.C.H.; Hess, Mark H.; Johns, Owen J.; Lamppa, Derek C.; Martin, Matthew; McBride, Ryan D.; Geissel, Matthias G.; Rovang, Dean C.; Chandler, Gordon A.; Cooper, Gary W.; Cuneo, M.E.; Harvey-Thompson, Adam J.; Peterson, Kyle J.; Porter, John L.; Robertson, Grafton K.; Rochau, G.A.; Ruiz, Carlos L.; Savage, Mark E.; Smith, Ian C.; Stygar, William A.; Vesey, Roger A.

The standard approaches to inertial confinement fusion (ICF) rely on implosion velocities greater than 300 km/s and spherical convergence to achieve the high fuel temperatures (T > 4 keV) and areal densities (ρr > 0.3 g/cm2) required for ignition1. Such high velocities are achieved by heating the outside surface of a spherical capsuleeither directly with a large number of laser beams (Direct Drive) or with x-rays generated within a hohlraum (Indirect Drive). A much more energetically efficient approach is to use the magnetic pressure generated by a pulsed power machine to directly drive an implosion. In this approach 5-10% of the stored energy can be converted to the implosion of a metal tube generally referred to as a “liner”. However, the implosion velocity is not very high 70-100 km/s and the convergence is cylindrical (rather than spherical) making it more difficult to achieve the high temperatures and areal densities needed for ignition.

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Results 126–150 of 290
Results 126–150 of 290