Analysis of Gas Samples Collected from the DOE High Burn-up Demonstration Cask
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International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management 2019, IHLRWM 2019
For long-term storage, spent nuclear fuel (SNF) is placed in dry storage systems, commonly consisting of welded stainless steel canisters enclosed in ventilated overpacks. Choride-induced stress corrosion cracking (CISCC) of these canisters may occur due to the deliquescence of sea-salt aerosols as the canisters cool. Current experimental and modeling efforts to evaluate canister CISCC assume that the deliquescent brines, once formed, persist on the metal surface, without changing chemical or physical properties. Here we present data that show that magnesium chloride rich-brines, which form first as the canisters cool and sea-salts deliquesce, are not stable at elevated temperatures, degassing HCl and converting to solid carbonates and hydroxychloride phases, thus limiting conditions for corrosion. Moreover, once pitting corrosion begins on the metal surface, oxygen reduction in the cathode region surrounding the pits produces hydroxide ions, increasing the pH under some experimental conditions, leads to precipitation of magnesium hydroxychloride hydrates. Because magnesium carbonates and hydroxychloride hydrates are less deliquescent than magnesium chloride, precipitation of these compounds causes a reduction in the brine volume on the metal surface, potentially limiting the extent of corrosion. If taken to completion, such reactions may lead to brine dry-out, and cessation of corrosion.
International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management 2019, IHLRWM 2019
Synthetic routes and Direct Current Sintering were investigated to form core-shell structured materials or pellets of negative thermal expansion materials, ZrW2O8 and Zr2WP2O12 to be used as a radionuclide wasteform. The solution synthetic routes, while successful in the growth of additional phase pure ZrW2O8 on the surface of the ZrW2O8 seeds, did not completely encapsulate them. Via Direct Current Sintering, a narrow temperature band of phase stability for ZrW2O8 was identified from 650-700 C at a pressure of 60 MPa. The pellet was partially sintered, showing some void spaces by SEM. Zr2WP2O12 necessitated much higher temperatures to maintain phase purity, at 1400 C and produced a dense pellet.
International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management 2019, IHLRWM 2019
We use molecular simulations to provide a conceptual understanding of a crystalline-amorphous interface for a candidate negative thermal expansion (NTE) material. Specifically, classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were used to investigate the temperature and pressure dependence on structural properties of ZrW2O8. Polarizability of oxygen atoms was included to better account for the electronic charge distribution within the lattice. Constant-pressure simulations of cubic crystalline ZrW2O8 at ambient pressure reveal a slight NTE behavior, characterized by a small structural rearrangement resulting in oxygen sharing between adjacent WO4 tetrahedra. Periodic quantum calculations confirm that the MD-optimized structure is lower in energy than the idealized structure obtained from neutron diffraction experiments. Additionally, simulations of pressure-induced amorphization of ZrW2O8 at 300 K indicate that an amorphous phase forms at pressures greater than 10 GPa, and this phase persists when the pressure is decreased to 1 bar. Simulations were performed on a hybrid model consisting of amorphous ZrW2O8 in direct contact with the cubic crystalline phase. Upon equilibration at 300 K and 1 bar, the crystalline phase remains unchanged beyond a thin layer of disrupted structure at the amorphous interface. Detailed analysis reveals the transition in metal coordination at the interface.
International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management 2019, IHLRWM 2019
Appropriate waste-forms for radioactive materials must isolate the radionuclides from the environment for long time periods. To accomplish this typically requires low waste-form solubility, to minimize radionuclide release to the environment. However, radiation eventually damages most waste-forms, leading to expansion, crumbling, increased exposed surface area, and faster dissolution. We have evaluated the use of a novel class of materials-ZrW2O8, Zr2P2WO12 and related compounds-that contract upon amorphization. The proposed ceramic waste-forms would consist of zoned grains, or sintered ceramics with center-loaded radionuclides and barren shells. Radiation-induced amorphization would result in core shrinkage but would not fracture the shells or overgrowths, maintaining isolation of the radionuclide. We have synthesized these phases and have evaluated their leach rates. Tungsten forms stable aqueous species at neutral to basic conditions, making it a reliable indicator of phase dissolution. ZrW2O8 leaches rapidly, releasing tungstate while Zr is retained as a solid oxide or hydroxide. Tungsten release rates remain elevated over time and are highly sensitive to contact times, suggesting that this material will not be an effective waste-form. Conversely, tungsten release rates from Zr2P2WO12 rapidly drop and are tied to P release rates; we speculate that a low-solubility protective Zr-phosphate leach layer forms, slowing further dissolution.
International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management 2019, IHLRWM 2019
The DOE and industry collaborators have initiated the high burn-up demonstration project to evaluate the effects of drying and long-term dry storage on high burn-up fuel. Fuel was transferred to a dry storage cask, which was then dried using standard industry vacuum-drying techniques and placed on a storage pad to be opened and the fuel examined in 10 years. Helium fill gas samples were collected 5 hours, 5 days, and 12 days after closure. The samples were analyzed for fission gases (85Kr) as an indicator of damaged or leaking rods, and then analyzed to determine water content and concentrations of other trace gases. Gamma-ray spectroscopy found no detectible 85Kr. Sample water contents proved difficult to measure, requiring heating to desorb water from the inner surface of the sampling bottles. Final results indicated that water in the cask gas phase built up over 12 days to 17,400 ppmv ±10%, equivalent to ∼100 ml of water within the cask gas phase. Trace gases were measured by direct gas mass spectrometry. Carbon dioxide built up over two weeks to 930 ppmv, likely due to breakdown of hydrocarbon contaminants (possibly vacuum pump oil) in the cask. Hydrogen built up to nearly 500 ppmv. and may be attributable to water radiolysis and/or to metal corrosion in the cask.
Geophysical Monograph Series
In hydrofractured shales, elevated formation pore pressures drive movement of fluids toward hydrofractures, but other forces are equally important. Connate waters are saline to hypersaline, and have much higher osmotic potentials than the dilute hydrofracturing/treatment waters. Moreover, very low water saturations and small matrix pore sizes produce high in situ capillary potentials. Strong capillary and osmotic potentials drive matrix imbibition of dilute fracking fluids, and the resulting counterflow of hydrocarbons may account for a significant fraction of initial hydrocarbon yields. However, strong capillary and osmotic pressures can result in formation damage through water blocking or sanding, adversely affecting hydrocarbon production. In oil shales, imbibition of aqueous fracking fluids provides access to matrix mineral surfaces, allowing chemical amendments in process fluids to modify oil adhesion and improve oil mobility. While gas sorption in shales is physisorption, oil adhesion is controlled by surface complexation and is affected by the surface chemistry of the oil and of the minerals, and the chemistry of the intervening water layer. Shale solid surfaces are likely dominated by illite and kerogen; oil‐illite adhesion is controlled by electrostatics. Oil adhesion to the mineral matrix is favored by lower salinities and low pH.
International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management 2019, IHLRWM 2019
We have investigated cubic zirconium tungstate (ZrW2O8) using density functional perturbation theory (DFPT), along with experimental characterization to assess and validate computational results. Cubic zirconium tungstate is among the few known materials exhibiting isotropic negative thermal expansion (NTE) over a broad temperature range, including room temperature where it occurs metastably. Isotropic NTE materials are important for technological applications requiring thermal-expansion compensators in composites designed to have overall zero or adjustable thermal expansion. While cubic zirconium tungstate has attracted considerable attention experimentally, a very few computational studies have been dedicated to this well-known NTE material. Therefore, spectroscopic, mechanical and thermodynamic properties have been derived from DFPT calculations. A systematic comparison of the calculated infrared, Raman, and phonon density-of-state spectra has been made with Fourier transform far-/mid-infrared and Raman data collected in this study, as well as with available inelastic neutron scattering measurements. The thermal evolution of the lattice parameter computed within the quasi-harmonic approximation exhibits negative values below the Debye temperature, consistent with the observed negative thermal expansion characteristics of cubic zirconium tungstate, α-ZrW2O8. These results show that this DFPT approach can be used for studying the spectroscopic, mechanical and thermodynamic properties of prospective NTE ceramic waste forms for encapsulation of radionuclides produced during the nuclear fuel cycle.
This progress report describes work done in FY18 at Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) to assess the localized corrosion performance of container/cask materials used in the interim storage of spent nuclear fuel (SNF). The work focuses on stress corrosion cracking (SCC), the only mechanism by which a through-wall crack could potentially form in a canister outer wall over time intervals that are shorter than possible dry storage times. Work in FY18 continued several studies initiated in FY17 that are aimed at refining the understanding of the chemical and physical environment on canister surfaces, and evaluating the relationship between chemical and physical environment and the form and extent of corrosion that occurs. The SNL canister environment work focused on evaluating the stability of sea-salt deliquescent brines on the heated canister surface; an additional opportunity to analyze dusts sampled from an inservice spent nuclear fuel storage canister also arose. The SNL corrosion work focused predominantly on pitting corrosion, a necessary precursor for SCC, and process of pit-to-crack transition. SNL is collaborating with several university partners to investigate SCC crack growth experimentally, providing guidance for design and interpretation of experiments. The scope of these efforts targets near-marine Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation environments which are generally considered to be most aggressive for pitting and SCC. Work to define the chemical and physical environment that could develop on storage canister surfaces in near-marine environments included experiments to evaluate the thermal stability of magnesium chloride brines, representative of the first brines to form when sea-salts deliquesce, with the specific goal of understanding and interpreting results of sea-salt and magnesium chloride corrosion experiments carried out under accelerated conditions. The experiments showed that magnesium chloride brines, and by extension, low RH sea-salt deliquescent brines, are not stable at elevated temperatures, losing chloride via degassing of HC1 and conversion to Mg-hydroxychlorides and carbonates. The experiments were carried out on an inert substrate to eliminate the effects of corrosion reactions, simulating brine stabilities in the absence of, or prior to, corrosion. Moreover, analysis of salts recovered from actively corroding metal samples shows that corrosion also supports or drives conversion of magnesium chloride or sea-salt brines to less deliquescent salts. This process has significant implications on corrosion, as the secondary phases are less deliquescent than magnesium chloride; the conversion reaction results in decreases in brine volume, and potentially results in brine dry-out. The deliquescence properties of these reaction products will be a topic of active research in FY19.
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Stress corrosion cracks (SCC) represent a major concern for the structural integrity of engineered metal structures. In hazardous or restricted-access environments, remote detection of corrosion or SCC frequently relies on visual methods; however, with standard VT-1 visual inspection techniques, probabilities of SCC detection are low. Here, we develop and evaluate an improved optical sensor for SCC in restricted access-environments by combining a robotically controlled camera/fiber-optic based probe with software-based super-resolution imaging (SRI) techniques to increase image quality and detection of SCC. SRI techniques combine multiple images taken at different viewing angles, locations, or rotations, to produce a single higher- resolution composite image. We have created and tested an imaging system and algorithms for combining optimized, controlled camera movements and super- resolution imaging, improving SCC detection probabilities, and potentially revolutionizing techniques for remote visual inspections of any type.
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy
Cubic zirconium tungstate (α-ZrW2O8), a well-known negative thermal expansion material, has been investigated within the framework of density functional perturbation theory (DFPT), combined with experimental characterization to assess and validate computational results. Using combined Fourier transform infrared measurements and DFPT calculations, new and extensive assignments were made for the far-infrared (<400 cm−1) spectrum of α-ZrW2O8. A systematic comparison of DFPT-simulated infrared, Raman, and phonon density-of-state spectra with Fourier transform far-/mid-infrared and Raman data collected in this study, as well as with available inelastic neutron scattering measurements, shows the superior accuracy of the PBEsol exchange-correlation functional over standard PBE calculations for studying the spectroscopic properties of this material.
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NACE - International Corrosion Conference Series
For long-term dry storage, most spent nuclear fuel in the United States is placed in welded 304 SS or 316 SS canisters that are stored within passively ventilated overpacks. As the canisters cool, sea-salt aerosols deposited on the canister surfaces will deliquesce to form potentially corrosive brines. We have used thermodynamic modeling to predict the chemical composition of the brines that form by deliquescence of sea-salt aerosols, and to estimate brine volumes and salt/brine volume ratios as a function of temperature and atmospheric relative humidity. We have also mixed representative brines and measured the physical and chemical properties of those brines over a range of temperatures. These data provide a matrix that can be used to predict the evolution of deliquescent brine properties over time on storage canister surfaces, as the canisters cool and surface relative humidity increases. Brine volumes and properties affect corrosion kinetics and damage distributions on the metal surface, and may offer important constraints on the expected rate and extent of corrosion and the timing of SCC crack initiation. The predicted brines do not consider reactions with atmospheric gases that are known to affect sea-salt particle and deliquescent brine compositions under field conditions. The potential effects of such reactions are discussed, and preliminary modeling and experimental data are presented.
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In June 2017, dust and salt samples were collected from the surface of Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) dry storage canisters at the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant. The samples were delivered to Sandia National laboratories for analysis. Two types of samples were collected: filter-backed Scotch-Brite TM pads were used to collect dry dust samples for characterization of salt and dust morphologies and distributions; and Saltsmart TM test strips were used to collect soluble salts for determining salt surface loadings per unit area. After collection, the samples were sealed into plastic sleeves for shipping. Condensation within the sleeves containing the Scotch-Brite TM samples remobilized the salts, rendering them ineffective for the intended purpose, and also led to mold growth, further compromising the samples; for these reasons, the samples were not analyzed. The SaltSmart TM samples were unaffected and were analyzed by ion chromatography for major anions and cations. The results of those analyses are presented here.
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This progress report describes work done in FY17 at Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) to assess the localized corrosion performance of container/cask materials used in the interim storage of spent nuclear fuel (SNF). Of particular concern is stress corrosion cracking (SCC), by which a through-wall crack could potentially form in a canister outer wall over time intervals that are shorter than possible dry storage times. Work in FY17 refined our understanding of the chemical and physical environment on canister surfaces, and evaluated the relationship between chemical and physical environment and the form and extent of corrosion that occurs. The SNL corrosion work focused predominantly on pitting corrosion, a necessary precursor for SCC, and process of pit-to-crack transition; it has been carried out in collaboration with university partners. SNL is collaborating with several university partners to investigate SCC crack growth experimentally, providing guidance for design and interpretation of experiments.
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On September, 2015, an inspection was performed on the TN-32B cask that will be used for the high-burnup demonstration project. During the survey, wooden cribbing that had been placed within the cask eleven years earlier to prevent shifting of the basket during transport was removed, revealing two areas of residue on the aluminum basket rails, where they had contacted the cribbing. The residue appeared to be a corrosion product, and concerns were raised that similar attack could exist at more difficult-to-inspect locations in the canister. Accordingly, when the canister was reopened, samples of the residue were collected for analysis. This report presents the results of that assessment, which determined that the corrosion was due to the presence of the cribbing. The corrosion was associated with fungal material, and fungal activity likely contributed to an aggressive chemical environment. Once the cask has been cleaned, there will be no risk of further corrosion.
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Stress corrosion cracking (SCC) of interim storage containers has been indicated as a high priority data gap by the Department of Energy (DOE) (Hanson et al., 2012), the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI, 2011), the Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board (NWTRB, 2010a), and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC, 2012a, 2012b). Uncertainties exist in terms of the environmental conditions that prevail on the surface of the storage containers, the stress state within the container walls associated both with weldments as well as within the base metal itself, and the electrochemical properties of the storage containers themselves. The goal of the work described in this document is to determine the stress states that exists at various locations within a typical storage canister by evaluating the properties of a full-diameter cylindrical mockup of an interim storage canister. This mockup has been produced using the same manufacturing procedures as the majority of the fielded spent nuclear fuel interim storage canisters. This document describes the design and procurement of the mockup and the characterization of the stress state associated with various portions of the container. It also describes the cutting of the mockup into sections for further analyses, and a discussion of the potential impact of the results from the stress characterization effort.
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In July, 2016, the Electric Power Research Institute and industry partners performed a field test at the Maine Yankee Nuclear Site, located near Wiscasset, Maine. The primary goal of the field test was to evaluate the use of robots in surveying the surface of an in-service interim storage canister within an overpack; however, as part of the demonstration, dust and soluble salt samples were collected from horizontal surfaces within the interim storage system. The storage system is a vertical system made by NAC International, consisting of a steel-lined concrete overpack containing a 304 stainless steel (SS) welded storage canister. The canister did not contain spent fuel but rather greater-than-class-C waste, which did not generate significant heat, limiting airflow through the storage system. The surfaces that were sampled for deposits included the top of the shield plug, the side of the canister, and a shelf at the bottom of the overpack, just below the level of the pillar on which the canister sits. The samples were sent to Sandia National Laboratories for analysis. This report summarizes the results of those analyses. Because the primary goal of the field test was to evaluate the use of robots in surveying the surface of the canister within the overpack, collection of dust samples was carried out in a qualitative fashion, using paper filters and sponges as the sampling media. The sampling focused mostly on determining the composition of soluble salts present in the dust. It was anticipated that a wet substrate would more effectively extract soluble salts from the surface that was sampled, so both the sponges and the filter paper were wetted prior to being applied to the surface of the metal. Sampling was accomplished by simply pressing the damp substrate against the metal surface for two minutes, and then removing it. It is unlikely that the sampling method quantitatively collected dust or salts from the metal surface; however, both substrates did extract a significant amount of material. The paper filters collected both particles, trapped within the cellulose fibers of the filter, and salts, while the sponges collected only the soluble salts, with very few particles. Upon delivery to Sandia, both collection media were analyzed using the same methods. The soluble salts were leached from the substrates and analyzed via ion chromatography, and insoluble minerals were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. The insoluble minerals were found to consist largely of terrestrially-derived mineral fragments, dominantly quartz and biotite. Large (mm-sized) aggregates of calcium carbonate, calcium silicate, and calcium aluminum silicate were also present. The aggregates had one flat, smooth surface and one well crystallized surface, and were interpreted to be efflorescence on the inside of the overpack and in the vent, formed by seepage of cement pore fluids through joints in the steel liner of the overpack. Such efflorescence was commonly observed during the boroscope inspection of the storage system at the site. The material may have flaked off and fallen to the point where the dust was collected, or may have brushed off onto the sponges when the robot was retrieved through the inlet vent. Chemical analysis showed that the soluble salts on the shield plug were Ca- and Na-rich, with lesser K and minor Mg; the anionic component was dominated by SO 4 and Cl, with minor amounts of NO 3 . The cation composition of the soluble salts from the overpack shelf and the canister surface was similar to the filter samples, but the anions differed significantly, being dominantly NO 3 with lesser Cl and only trace SO 4 . The salts appear to represent a mixture of sea-salts (probably partially converted to nitrates and sulfates by particle-gas conversion reactions) and continental salt aerosols. Ammonium, a common component in continental aerosols, was not observed and may have been lost by degassing from the canister surface or after collection during sample storage and transportation. The demonstration at Maine Yankee has shown that the robot and sampling method used for the test can successfully be used to collect soluble salts from metal surfaces within an interim storage system overpack. The results were consistent from sample to sample, suggesting that a representative sample of the soluble salts was being collected. However, it is unlikely that the salt samples collected here represent quantitative sampling of the salts on the surfaces evaluated; for that reason, chloride densities per unit area are not presented here. It should also be noted that the relevance to storage systems at the site that contain SNF may be limited, because a heat- generating canister will result in greater airflow through the overpack, affecting dust deposition rates and possibly salt compositions.