
Results 26–29 of 29
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Enhanced frequency response in monolithically integrated coupled cavity lasers and electro-absorption modulator

Vawter, Gregory A.; Wendt, J.R.; Alford, Charles A.; Skogen, Erik J.; Overberg, Mark E.; Peake, Gregory M.; Chow, Weng W.; Yang, Zhenshan Y.

We present the bandwidth enhancement of an EAM monolithically integrated with two mutually injection-locked lasers. An improvement in the modulation efficiency and bandwidth are shown with mutual injection locking.

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Developments in Pursuit of a Micro-Optic Gyroscope

Vawter, Gregory A.; Zubrzycki, Walter J.; Peake, Gregory M.; Alford, Charles A.; Hargett, Terry H.; Lacy-Salters, Betty J.; Hudgens, James J.

Rotation sensors (gyros) and accelerometers are essential components for all precision-guided weapons and autonomous mobile surveillance platforms. MEMS gyro development has been based primarily on the properties of moving mass to sense rotation and has failed to keep pace with the concurrent development of MEMS accelerometers because the reduction of size and therefore mass is substantially more detrimental to the performance of gyros than to accelerometers. A small ({approx}0.2 cu in), robust ({approx}20,000g), inexpensive ({approx}$500), tactical grade performance ({approx}10-20 deg/hr.) gyro is vital for the successful implementation of the next generation of ''smart'' weapons and surveillance apparatus. The range of applications (relevant to Sandia's mission) that are substantially enhanced in capability or enabled by the availability of a gyro possessing the above attributes includes nuclear weapon guidance, fuzing, and safing; synthetic aperture radar (SAR) motion compensation; autonomous air and ground vehicles; gun-launched munitions; satellite control; and personnel tracking. For example, a gyro of this capability would open for consideration more fuzing options for earth-penetration weapons. The MEMS gyros currently available are lacking in one or more of the aforementioned attributes. An integrated optical gyro, however, possesses the potential of achieving all desired attributes. Optical gyros use the properties of light to sense rotation and require no moving mass. Only the individual optical elements required for the generation, detection, and control of light are susceptible to shock. Integrating these elements immensely enhances the gyro's robustness while achieving size and cost reduction. This project's goal, a joint effort between organizations 2300 and 1700, was to demonstrate an RMOG produced from a monolithic photonic integrated circuit coupled with a SiON waveguide resonator. During this LDRD program, we have developed the photonic elements necessary for a resonant micro-optical gyro. We individually designed an AlGaAs distributed Bragg reflector laser; GaAs phase modulator and GaAs photodiode detector. Furthermore, we have fabricated a breadboard gyroscope, which was used to confirm modeling and evaluate signal processing and control circuits.

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Results 26–29 of 29
Results 26–29 of 29