
Results 26–50 of 66
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Comparison of monodisperse droplet generation in flow-focusing devices with hydrophilic and hydrophobic surfaces

Lab on a Chip

Roberts, Christine C.; Rao, Rekha R.; Loewenberg, Michael; Brooks, Carlton F.; Galambos, Paul; Grillet, Anne M.; Nemer, Martin N.

A thin flow-focusing microfluidic channel is evaluated for generating monodisperse liquid droplets. The microfluidic device is used in its native state, which is hydrophilic, or treated with OTS to make it hydrophobic. Having both hydrophilic and hydrophobic surfaces allows for creation of both oil-in-water and water-in-oil emulsions, facilitating a large parameter study of viscosity ratios (droplet fluid/continuous fluid) ranging from 0.05 to 96 and flow rate ratios (droplet fluid/continuous fluid) ranging from 0.01 to 2 in one geometry. The hydrophilic chip provides a partially-wetting surface (contact angle less than 90°) for the inner fluid. This surface, combined with the unusually thin channel height, promotes a flow regime where the inner fluid wets the top and bottom of the channel in the orifice and a stable jet is formed. Through confocal microscopy, this fluid stabilization is shown to be highly influenced by the contact angle of the liquids in the channel. Non-wetting jets undergo breakup and produce drops when the jet is comparable to or smaller than the channel thickness. In contrast, partially-wetting jets undergo breakup only when they are much smaller than the channel thickness. Drop sizes are found to scale with a modified capillary number based on the total flow rate regardless of wetting behavior. © The Royal Society of Chemistry.

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Surface rheology and interface stability

Mondy, L.A.; Brooks, Carlton F.; Grillet, Anne M.; Moffat, Harry K.; Koehler, Timothy P.; Yaklin, Melissa A.; Cote, Raymond O.; Castaneda, Jaime N.

We have developed a mature laboratory at Sandia to measure interfacial rheology, using a combination of home-built, commercially available, and customized commercial tools. An Interfacial Shear Rheometer (KSV ISR-400) was modified and the software improved to increase sensitivity and reliability. Another shear rheometer, a TA Instruments AR-G2, was equipped with a du Nouey ring, bicone geometry, and a double wall ring. These interfacial attachments were compared to each other and to the ISR. The best results with the AR-G2 were obtained with the du Nouey ring. A Micro-Interfacial Rheometer (MIR) was developed in house to obtain the much higher sensitivity given by a smaller probe. However, it was found to be difficult to apply this technique for highly elastic surfaces. Interfaces also exhibit dilatational rheology when the interface changes area, such as occurs when bubbles grow or shrink. To measure this rheological response we developed a Surface Dilatational Rheometer (SDR), in which changes in surface tension with surface area are measured during the oscillation of the volume of a pendant drop or bubble. All instruments were tested with various surfactant solutions to determine the limitations of each. In addition, foaming capability and foam stability were tested and compared with the rheology data. It was found that there was no clear correlation of surface rheology with foaming/defoaming with different types of surfactants, but, within a family of surfactants, rheology could predict the foam stability. Diffusion of surfactants to the interface and the behavior of polyelectrolytes were two subjects studied with the new equipment. Finally, surface rheological terms were added to a finite element Navier-Stokes solver and preliminary testing of the code completed. Recommendations for improved implementation were given. When completed we plan to use the computations to better interpret the experimental data and account for the effects of the underlying bulk fluid.

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Investigation of interfacial rheology & foam stability

Grillet, Anne M.; Koehler, Timothy P.; Reichert, Matthew D.; Yaklin, Melissa A.; Brooks, Carlton F.; Mondy, L.A.; Castaneda, Jaime N.; Cote, Raymond O.

The rheology at gas-liquid interfaces strongly influences the stability and dynamics of foams and emulsions. Several experimental techniques are employed to characterize the rheology at liquid-gas interfaces with an emphasis on the non-Newtonian behavior of surfactant-laden interfaces. The focus is to relate the interfacial rheology to the foamability and foam stability of various aqueous systems. An interfacial stress rheometer (ISR) is used to measure the steady and dynamic rheology by applying an external magnetic field to actuate a magnetic needle suspended at the interface. Results are compared with those from a double wall ring attachment to a rotational rheometer (TA Instruments AR-G2). Micro-interfacial rheology (MIR) is also performed using optical tweezers to manipulate suspended microparticle probes at the interface to investigate the steady and dynamic rheology. Additionally, a surface dilatational rheometer (SDR) is used to periodically oscillate the volume of a pendant drop or buoyant bubble. Applying the Young-Laplace equation to the drop shape, a time-dependent surface tension can be calculated and used to determine the effective dilatational viscosity of an interface. Using the ISR, double wall ring, SDR, and MIR, a wide range of sensitivity in surface forces (fN to nN) can be explored as each experimental method has different sensitivities. Measurements will be compared to foam stability.

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Computational investigation of thermal gas separation for CO2 capture

Torczynski, J.R.; Gallis, Michail A.; Brooks, Carlton F.; Brady, Patrick V.; Bryan, Charles R.

This report summarizes the work completed under the Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) project 09-1351, 'Computational Investigation of Thermal Gas Separation for CO{sub 2} Capture'. Thermal gas separation for a binary mixture of carbon dioxide and nitrogen is investigated using the Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method of molecular gas dynamics. Molecular models for nitrogen and carbon dioxide are developed, implemented, compared to theoretical results, and compared to several experimental thermophysical properties. The molecular models include three translational modes, two fully excited rotational modes, and vibrational modes, whose degree of excitation depends on the temperature. Nitrogen has one vibrational mode, and carbon dioxide has four vibrational modes (two of which are degenerate). These models are used to perform a parameter study for mixtures of carbon dioxide and nitrogen confined between parallel walls over realistic ranges of gas temperatures and nominal concentrations of carbon dioxide. The degree of thermal separation predicted by DSMC is slightly higher than experimental values and is sensitive to the details of the molecular models.

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Interface physics in microporous media : LDRD final report

Knutson, Chad E.; Brooks, Carlton F.; Chen, Ken S.; Yaklin, Melissa A.; Aragon, Alicia R.

This document contains a summary of the work performed under the LDRD project entitled 'Interface Physics in Microporous Media'. The presence of fluid-fluid interfaces, which can carry non-zero stresses, distinguishes multiphase flows from more readily understood single-phase flows. In this work the physics active at these interfaces has been examined via a combined experimental and computational approach. One of the major difficulties of examining true microporous systems of the type found in filters, membranes, geologic media, etc. is the geometric uncertainty. To help facilitate the examination of transport at the pore-scale without this complication, a significant effort has been made in the area of fabrication of both two-dimensional and three-dimensional micromodels. Using these micromodels, multiphase flow experiments have been performed for liquid-liquid and liquid-gas systems. Laser scanning confocal microscopy has been utilized to provide high resolution, three-dimensional reconstructions as well as time resolved, two-dimensional reconstructions. Computational work has focused on extending lattice Boltzmann (LB) and finite element methods for probing the interface physics at the pore scale. A new LB technique has been developed that provides over 100x speed up for steady flows in complex geometries. A new LB model has been developed that allows for arbitrary density ratios, which has been a significant obstacle in applying LB to air-water flows. A new reduced order model has been developed and implemented in finite element code for examining non-equilibrium wetting in microchannel systems. These advances will enhance Sandia's ability to quantitatively probe the rich interfacial physics present in microporous systems.

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Three dimensional drop tracking flow chamber for coalescence studies

Review of Scientific Instruments

Grillet, Anne M.; Brooks, Carlton F.; Bourdon, Christopher B.; Gorby, Allen D.

Here, we have developed a novel flow chamber which imposes a controlled axisymmetric stagnation flow to enable the study of external flow effects on coalescence dynamics. This system allows for the first time the precise positioning of a drop in a three dimensional flow and additionally enforces a highly symmetric flow around the drop. We focus on the study of a single drop approaching a stationary flat plane as this is analogous to two drops approaching each other. A single drop is created and then guided along the unsteady center line of a stagnation flow. The real time computer control algorithm analyzes video images of the drop in two orthogonal planes and manipulates flow restricting valves along the four outlets of the flow. We demonstrate using particle image velocimetry that the computer control not only controls the drop position but also ensures a symmetric flow inside the flow chamber. Finally, this chamber will enable a detailed investigation of the drainage of the thin film between the drop and the lower surface in order to probe the effect of external flow on coalescence.

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Wetting and free surface flow modeling for potting and encapsulation

Adolf, Douglas B.; Castaneda, Jaime N.; Kraynik, Andrew M.; Noble, David R.; Sun, Amy C.; Cote, Raymond O.; Grillet, Anne M.; Notz, Patrick N.; Brooks, Carlton F.; Givler, R.C.; Hopkins, Matthew M.; Mondy, L.A.; Rao, Rekha R.

As part of an effort to reduce costs and improve quality control in encapsulation and potting processes the Technology Initiative Project ''Defect Free Manufacturing and Assembly'' has completed a computational modeling study of flows representative of those seen in these processes. Flow solutions are obtained using a coupled, finite-element-based, numerical method based on the GOMA/ARIA suite of Sandia flow solvers. The evolution of the free surface is solved with an advanced level set algorithm. This approach incorporates novel methods for representing surface tension and wetting forces that affect the evolution of the free surface. In addition, two commercially available codes, ProCAST and MOLDFLOW, are also used on geometries representing encapsulation processes at the Kansas City Plant. Visual observations of the flow in several geometries are recorded in the laboratory and compared to the models. Wetting properties for the materials in these experiments are measured using a unique flowthrough goniometer.

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Results 26–50 of 66
Results 26–50 of 66