The capability of a 1-D PFLOTRAN model to simulate the S1-3 bentonite saturation experiment has been demonstrated and validated against experimental data. Work remains to be done to refine 1-D PFLOTRAN simulations of the experiment S1-4 which include evaluation of parameter sensitivities on the prediction of material saturation and relative permeabilities. This and further testing of PFLOTRAN capabilities will be done as part of DECOVALEX 2023 Task D contributions by the SNL team in the coming months.
Swelling clay hydration/dehydration is important to many environmental and industrial processes. Experimental studies usually probe equilibrium hydration states in an averaged manner and thus cannot capture the fast water transport and structural change in interlayers during hydration/dehydration. Using molecular simulations and thermogravimetric analyses, we observe a two-stage dehydration process. The first stage is controlled by evaporation at the edges: water molecules near hydrophobic sites and the first few water molecules of the hydration shell of cations move fast to particle edges for evaporation. The second stage is controlled by slow desorption of the last 1-2 water molecules from the cations and slow transport through the interlayers. The two-stage dehydration is strongly coupled with interlayer collapse and the coordination number changes of cations, all of which depend on layer charge distribution. This mechanistic interpretation of clay dehydration can be key to the coupled chemomechanical behavior in natural/engineered barriers.
Bar-Nes, Gabriela B.; Klein-BenDavid, Ofra K.; Kosson, David K.; Gruber, Chen G.; Taylor, Autumn T.; Brown, Kevin B.; Delapp, Rossane D.; Brown, Lesa B.; Ayers, John A.; Meeusen, Hans M.; Matteo, Edward N.; Jove Colon, Carlos F.; Mitchell, Chven A.; Pyrak-Nolte, Laura J.
Bar-Nes, Gabriela B.; Klein-BenDavid, Ofra K.; Kosson, David K.; Gruber, Chen G.; Taylor, Autumn T.; Brown, Kevin B.; Delapp, Rossane D.; Brown, Lesa B.; Ayers, John A.; Meeusen, Hans M.; Matteo, Edward N.; Jove Colon, Carlos F.; Mitchell, Chven A.; Pyrak-Nolte, Laura J.
The DOE R&D program under the Spent Fuel Waste Science Technology (SFWST) campaign has made key progress in modeling and experimental approaches towards the characterization of chemical and physical phenomena that could impact the long-term safety assessment of heatgenerating nuclear waste disposition in deep-seated clay/shale/argillaceous rock. International collaboration activities such as heater tests, continuous field data monitoring, and postmortem analysis of samples recovered from these have elucidated key information regarding changes in the engineered barrier system (EBS) material exposed to years of thermal loads. Chemical and structural analyses of sampled bentonite material from such tests as well as experiments conducted on these are key to the characterization of thermal effects affecting bentonite clay barrier performance and the extent of sacrificial zones in the EBS during the thermal period. Thermal, hydrologic, and chemical data collected from heater tests and laboratory experiments has been used in the development, validation, and calibration of THMC simulators to model near-field coupled processes. This information leads to the development of simulation approaches (e.g., continuum and discrete) to tackle issues related to flow and transport at various scales of the host-rock, its interactions with barrier materials, and EBS design concept.
We report on progress in developing macroscopic balance equations for combustion and electrochemistry systems. A steady state solution capability is described for the macroscopic reactor network, with an associated steady state continuation method and solution storage capability added in. An example is provided of continuation of a hydrogen flame versus the equivalence ratio. The reactor modeling capability is extended to charged fluid systems, with a description of the new ChargedFluidReactor, SubstrateElement, and MetalCurrentElement reactor classes and novel setup of unknowns within these reactors that preserve charge neutrality. Zuzax's setup for electrochemistry is explained including the specification of the electron chemical potential and the adherence to the SHE Reference electrode specification. The description of the different ways to enter electrochemical reaction rates are described, contrasted, and their derivations with respect to one another are derived. An example of using the ChargedFluidReactor within corrosion problems is provided. We present a description of calculations to understand the phenomena of corrosion of copper from a micron sized droplet of NaCl water droplet, where secondary spreading occurs. An analysis of the discrepancies with experiment is carried out, demonstrating that macroscopic balances can be an important tool for understanding what major factors need to be addressed for a better understanding of a physical system.
This report represents the milestone deliverable M4SF-21SN010309021 “Modeling Activities Related to Waste Form Degradation: Progress Report” that describes the progress of R&D activities of ongoing modeling investigations specifically on nuclear waste glass degradation, Density Functional Theory (DFT) studies on clarkeite structure and stability, and electrochemical modeling of spent nuclear fuel (SNF). These activities are part of the newly-created Waste form Testing, Modeling, and Performance work package at Sandia National Laboratories (SNL). This work package is part of the “Inventory and Waste Form Characteristics and Performance” control account that includes various experimental and modeling activities on nuclear waste degradation conducted at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), SNL, Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL).
This interim report is an update of ongoing experimental and modeling work on bentonite material described in Jové Colón et al. (2019, 2020) from past international collaboration activities. As noted in Jové Colón et al. (2020), work on international repository science activities such as FEBEX-DP and DECOVALEX19 is either no longer continuing by the international partners. Nevertheless, research activities on the collected sample materials and field data are still ongoing. Descriptions of these underground research laboratory (URL) R&D activities are described elsewhere (Birkholzer et al. 2019; Jové Colón et al. 2020) but will be explained here when needed. The current reports recent reactive-transport modeling on the leaching of sedimentary rock.
Water flow in nanometer or sub-nanometer hydrophilic channels bears special importance in diverse fields of science and engineering. However, the nature of such water flow remains elusive. Here, we report our molecular-modeling results on water flow in a sub-nanometer clay interlayer between two montmorillonite layers. We show that a fast advective flow can be induced by evaporation at one end of the interlayer channel, that is, a large suction pressure created by evaporation (∼818 MPa) is able to drive the fast water flow through the channel (∼0.88 m/s for a 46 Å-long channel). Scaled up for the pressure gradient to a 2 μm particle, the velocity of water is estimated to be about 95 μm/s, indicating that water can quickly flow through a μm-sized clay particle within seconds. The prediction seems to be confirmed by our thermogravimetric analysis of bentonite hydration and dehydration processes, which indicates that water transport at the early stage of the dehydration is a fast advective process, followed by a slow diffusion process. The possible occurrence of a fast advective water flow in clay interlayers prompts us to reassess water transport in a broad set of natural and engineered systems such as clay swelling/shrinking, moisture transport in soils, water uptake by plants, water imbibition/release in unconventional hydrocarbon reservoirs, and cap rock integrity of supercritical CO2 storage.
Disposal of large, heat-generating waste packages containing the equivalent of 21 pressurized water reactor (PWR) assemblies or more is among the disposal concepts under investigation for a future repository for spent nuclear fuel (SNF) in the United States. Without a long (>200 years) surface storage period, disposal of 21-PWR or larger waste packages (especially if they contain high-burnup fuel) would result in in-drift and near-field temperatures considerably higher than considered in previous generic reference cases that assume either 4-PWR or 12-PWR waste packages (Jové Colón et al. 2014; Mariner et al. 2015; 2017). Sevougian et al. (2019c) identified high-temperature process understanding as a key research and development (R&D) area for the Spent Fuel and Waste Science and Technology (SFWST) Campaign. A two-day workshop in February 2020 brought together campaign scientists with expertise in geology, geochemistry, geomechanics, engineered barriers, waste forms, and corrosion processes to begin integrated development of a high-temperature reference case for disposal of SNF in a mined repository in a shale host rock. Building on the progress made in the workshop, the study team further explored the concepts and processes needed to form the basis for a high-temperature shale repository reference case. The results are described in this report and summarized..
Density functional perturbation theory (DFPT) calculations of the thermodynamic properties of metaschoepite, (UO2)8O2(OH)12·10H2O, are reported. Using a recently revised crystal structure of metaschoepite, the predicted molar entropy and isobaric heat capacity are overall significantly smaller than previous calculations using an earlier orthorhombic crystal structure model. The present DFPT calculations also show large differences between the thermodynamic functions of metaschoepite and schoepite, which might reflect the change in phonon properties upon removal of two H2O molecules per formula unit and alteration of the H-bonded interlayer water network from schoepite to metaschoepite.
The failure of subsurface seals (i.e., wellbores, shaft and drift seals in a deep geologic nuclear waste repository) has important implications for US Energy Security. The performance of these cementitious seals is controlled by a combination of chemical and mechanical forces, which are coupled processes that occur over multiple length scales. The goal of this work is to improve fundamental understanding of cement-geomaterial interfaces and develop tools and methodologies to characterize and predict performance of subsurface seals. This project utilized a combined experimental and modeling approach to better understand failure at cement-geomaterial interfaces. Cutting-edge experimental methods and characterization methods were used to understand evolution of the material properties during chemo-mechanical alteration of cement-geomaterial interfaces. Software tools were developed to model chemo-mechanical coupling and predict the complex interplay between reactive transport and solid mechanics. Novel, fit-for-purpose materials were developed and tested using fundamental understanding of failure processes at cement- geomaterial interfaces. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors wish to acknowledge the Earth Sciences Research Foundation for their generous support over the last three years. In particular, we thank Erik Webb for his numerous suggestions, comments, feedback, and encouragement over the course of the project. There many who helped bring this project to fruition, including: Dave Borns, Steve Bauer, Pania Newell, Heeho Park, and Doug Blankenship. There are many support personnel who we thank for their valuable contributions to the logistics and business of management side of the project, including: Tracy Woolever, Libby Sanzero, and Nancy Vermillion.