
Results 26–50 of 56
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Bio-hybrid integrated system for wide-spectrum solar energy harvesting

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Swartzentruber, Brian S.; Martin, Kathleen M.; Matthew, Erdman M.; Quintana, Hope A.; Shelnutt, John S.; Nogan, John N.; Martinez, Julio A.; Lavrova, Olga A.; Busani, Tito B.

An integrated hybrid photovoltaic-thermoelectric system has been developed using multiple layers of organic photosensitizers on inorganic semiconductors in order to efficiently convert UV-visible and IR energy into electricity. The hot anode of n-type ZnO nanowires was fabricated using a thermal process on pre-seeded layer and results to be crystalline with a transmittance up to 92 % and a bandgap of 3.32 eV. The visible-UV light-active organic layer was deposited between the anode and cathode at room temperature using a layer-by-layer deposition onto ITO and ZnO and Bi2Te3 nanowires from aqueous solution. The organic layer, a cooperative binary ionic (CBI) solid is composed of oppositely charged porphyrin metal (Zn(II) and Sn(IV)(OH–)2) derivatives that are separately water soluble, but when combined form a virtually insoluble solid. The electron donor/acceptor properties (energy levels, band gaps) of the solid can be controlled by the choice of metals and the nature of the peripheral substituent groups of the porphyrin ring. The highly thermoelectric structure, which acts as a cold cathode, is composed of p-type Bi2Te3 nanowires with a thermoelectric efficiency (ZT) between ~0.7 to 1, values that are twice that expected for bulk Bi2Te3. Lastly, efficiency of the integrated device, was found to be 35 at 0.2 suns illumination and thermoelectric properties are enhanced by the charge transfer between the CBI and the Bi2Te3 is presented in terms of photo- and thermogenerated current and advantages of the low cost fabrication process is discussed.

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Gallium nitride nanowire distributed feedback lasers

Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - Technical Digest

Wright, Jeremy B.; Campione, Salvatore; Liu, Sheng L.; Martinez, Julio A.; Xu, Huiwen; Luk, Ting S.; Li, Qiming; Wang, George T.; Swartzentruber, Brian S.; Brener, Igal B.

We have demonstrated single-mode lasing in a single gallium nitride nanowire using distributed feedback by external coupling to a dielectric grating. By adjusting the nanowire grating alignment we achieved a mode suppression ratio of 17dB.

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Fabrication of a nanostructure thermal property measurement platform


Harris, C.T.; Martinez, Julio M.; Shaner, Eric A.; Huang, Jian Y.; Swartzentruber, Brian S.; Sullivan, J.P.; Chen, G.

Measurements of the electrical and thermal transport properties of one-dimensional nanostructures (e.g.nanotubes and nanowires) are typically obtained without detailed knowledge of the specimen's atomic-scale structure or defects. To address this deficiency, we have developed a microfabricated, chip-based characterization platform that enables both transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of the atomic structure and defects as well as measurement of the thermal transport properties of individual nanostructures. The platform features a suspended heater line that physically contacts the center of a suspended nanostructure/nanowire that was placed using insitu scanning electron microscope nanomanipulators. Suspension of the nanostructure across a through-hole enables TEM characterization of the atomic and defect structure (dislocations, stacking faults, etc) of the test sample. This paper explains, in detail, the processing steps involved in creating this thermal property measurement platform. As a model study, we report the use of this platform to measure the thermal conductivity and defect structure of a GaN nanowire. © 2011 IOP Publishing Ltd.

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A nanostructure thermal property measurement platform

Martinez, Julio M.; Shaner, Eric A.; Swartzentruber, Brian S.; Huang, Jian Y.; Sullivan, John P.

Measurements of the electrical and thermal transport properties of one-dimensional nanostructures (e.g., nanotubes and nanowires) typically are obtained without detailed knowledge of the specimen's atomic-scale structure or defects. To address this deficiency we have developed a microfabricated, chip-based characterization platform that enables both transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of atomic structure and defects as well as measurement of the thermal transport properties of individual nanostructures. The platform features a suspended heater line that contacts the center of a suspended nanostructure/nanowire that was placed using in-situ scanning electron microscope nanomanipulators. One key advantage of this platform is that it is possible to measure the thermal conductivity of both halves of the nanostructure (on each side of the central heater), and this feature permits identification of possible changes in thermal conductance along the wire and measurement of the thermal contact resistance. Suspension of the nanostructure across a through-hole enables TEM characterization of the atomic and defect structure (dislocations, stacking faults, etc.) of the test sample. As a model study, we report the use of this platform to measure the thermal conductivity and defect structure of GaN nanowires. The utilization of this platform for the measurements of other nanostructures will also be discussed.

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Thermoelectric characterization of suspended single silicon%3CU%2B2010%3Egermanium alloy nanowires

Martinez, Julio M.; Sullivan, John P.; Swartzentruber, Brian S.

The use of nanowires for thermoelectric energy generation has gained momentum in recent years as an approach to improve the figure of merit (ZT) due in part to larger phonon scattering at the boundary resulting in reduced thermal conductivity while electrical conductivity is not significantly affected. Silicon-germanium (SiGe) alloy nanowires are promising candidates to further reduce thermal conductivity by phonon scattering because bulk SiGe alloys already have thermal conductivity comparable to reported Si nanowires. In this work, we show that thermal and electrical conductivity can be measured for the same single nanowire eliminating the uncertainties in ZT estimation due to measuring the thermal conduction on one set of wires and the electrical conduction on another set. In order to do so, we use nanomanipulation to place vapor-liquid-solid boron-doped SiGe alloy nanowires on predefined surface structures. Furthermore, we developed a contact-annealing technique to achieve negligible electrical contact resistance for the placed nanowires that allows us, for the first time, to measure electrical and thermal properties on the same device. We observe that thermal conductivity for SiGe nanowires is dominated by alloy scattering for nanowires down to 100 nm in diameter between the temperature range 40-300 K. The estimated electronic contribution of the thermal conductivity as given by the Wiedemann-Franz relationship is about 1 order of magnitude smaller than the measured thermal conductivity which indicates that phonons carry a large portion of the heat even at such small dimensions.

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"Bottom-up" meets "top-down" : self-assembly to direct manipulation of nanostructures on length scales from atoms to microns

Swartzentruber, Brian S.

This document is the final SAND Report for the LDRD Project 102660 - 'Bottomup' meets 'top-down': Self-assembly to direct manipulation of nanostructures on length scales from atoms to microns - funded through the Strategic Partnerships investment area as part of the National Institute for Nano-Engineering (NINE) project.

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The effect of embedded Pb on Cu diffusion on Pb/Cu(111) surface alloys

Proposed for publication in Surface Science.

Dyck, Meredith L.; Bartelt, Norman C.; Feibelman, Peter J.; Swartzentruber, Brian S.; Kellogg, Gary L.

We have used scanning tunneling microscopy and low-energy electron microscopy to measure the thermal decay of two-dimensional Cu, Pb-overlayer, and Pb-Cu alloy islands on Pb-Cu(1 1 1) surface alloys. Decay rates covering 6-7 orders of magnitude are accessible by applying the two techniques to the same system. We find that Cu adatom diffusion across the surface alloy is rate-limiting for the decay of both Pb and Pb-Cu islands on the surface alloy and that this rate decreases monotonically with increasing Pb concentration in the alloy. The decrease is attributed to repulsive interactions between Cu adatoms and embedded Pb atoms in the surface alloy. The measured temperature dependences of island decay rates are consistent with first-principles calculations of the Cu binding and diffusion energies related to this 'site-blocking' effect.

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Molecular-scale studies of single-channel membrane pores : final report

Burns, A.R.; Burns, A.R.; Fleming, J.G.; Swartzentruber, Brian S.

We present our research results on membrane pores. The study was divided into two primary sections. The first involved the formation of protein pores in free-standing lipid bilayer membranes. The second involved the fabrication via surface micromachining techniques and subsequent testing of solid-state nanopores using the same characterization apparatus and procedures as that used for the protein pores. We were successful in our ability to form leak-free lipid bilayers, to detect the formation of single protein pores, and to monitor the translocation dynamics of individual homogeneous 100 base strands of DNA. Differences in translocation dynamics were observed when the base was switched from adenine to cytosine. The solid state pores (2-5 nm estimated) were fabricated in thin silicon nitride membranes. Testing of the solid sate pores indicated comparable currents for the same size protein pore with excellent noise and sensitivity. However, there were no conditions under which DNA translocation was observed. After considerable effort, we reached the unproven conclusion that multiple (<1 nm) pores were formed in the nitride membrane, thus explaining both the current sensitivity and the lack of DNA translocation blockages.

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Electric field effects on surface dynamics: Si ad-dimer diffusion and rotation on Si(001)

Surface Science

Mattsson, Thomas M.; Mattsson, Thomas M.; Swartzentruber, Brian S.; Stumpf, Roland R.; Feibelman, Peter J.

Density functional calculations show that the electric field effect on Si ad-dimer diffusion on Si(0 0 1) is largely a reflection of the position dependence of the ad-dimer’s dipole moment. We can use surface diffusion barriers’ dependence on perpendicular electric fields to discriminate between diffusion mechanisms. Since the previously accepted mechanism for ad-dimer diffusion on Si(0 0 1) has the opposite field dependence to what is observed, it cannot be the one that dominates mass-transport. Here, we identify an alternate process, with a similar barrier at zero electric field and field dependence in agreement with measurements. For rotation, calculations to date show linear field dependence, in contrast to experiments.

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Results 26–50 of 56
Results 26–50 of 56