Plasma formation from intensely ohmically heated conductors is known to be highly non-uniform, as local overheating can be driven by micron-scale imperfections. Detailed understanding of plasma formation is required to predict the performance of magnetically driven physics targets and magnetically-insulated transmission lines (MITLs). Previous LDRD-supported work (projects 178661 and 200269) developed the electrothermal instability (ETI) platform, on the Mykonos facility, to gather high-resolution images of the self-emission from the non-uniform ohmic heating of z-pinch rods. Experiments studying highly inhomogeneous alloyed aluminum captured complex heating topography. To enable detailed comparison with magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulation, 99.999% pure aluminum rods in a z-pinch configuration were diamond-turned to ~10nm surface roughness and then further machined to include well-characterized micron-scale "engineered" defects (ED) on the rod's surface (T.J. Awe, et al., Phys. Plasmas 28, 072104 (2021)). In this project, the engineered defect hardware and diagnostic platform were used to study ETI evolution and non-uniform plasma formation from stainless steel targets. The experimental objective was to clearly determine what, if any, role manufacturing, preparation, or alloy differences have in encouraging nonuniform heating and plasma formation from high-current density stainless steel. Data may identify improvements that may be implemented in the fabrication/preparation of electrodes used on the Z machine. Preliminary data shows that difference in manufacturer has no observed effect on ETI evolution, stainless alloy 304L heated more uniformly than alloy 310 at similar current densities, and that stainless steel undergoes the same evolutionary ETI stages as ultra-pure aluminum, with increased emission tied to areas of elevated surface roughness.
Auto-magnetizing (AutoMag) liners are cylindrical tubes composed of discrete metallic helices encapsulated in insulating material; when driven with a ∼2 MA, ∼100-ns prepulse on the 20 MA, 100-ns rise time Z accelerator, AutoMag targets produced >150 T internal axial magnetic fields [Shipley et al., Phys. Plasmas 26, 052705 (2019)]. Once the current rise rate of the pulsed power driver reaches sufficient magnitude, the induced electric fields in the liner cause dielectric breakdown of the insulator material and, with sufficient current, the cylindrical target radially implodes. The dielectric breakdown process of the insulating material in AutoMag liners has been studied in experiments on the 500-900 kA, ∼100-ns rise time Mykonos accelerator. Multi-frame gated imaging enabled the first time-resolved observations of photoemission from dynamically evolving plasma distributions during the breakdown process in AutoMag targets. Using magnetohydrodynamic simulations, we calculate the induced electric field distribution and provide a detailed comparison to the experimental data. We find that breakdown in AutoMag targets does not primarily depend on the induced electric field in the gaps between conductive helices as previously thought. Finally, to better control the dielectric breakdown time, a 12-32 mJ, 170 ps ultraviolet (λ = 266 nm) laser was implemented to irradiate the outer surface of AutoMag targets to promote breakdown in a controlled manner at a lower internal axial field. The laser had an observable effect on the time of breakdown and subsequent plasma evolution, indicating that pulsed UV lasers can be used to control breakdown timing in AutoMag.
The Z Machine at Sandia National Laboratories uses current pulses with peaks up to 27 MA to drive target implosions and generate high energy density conditions of interest for stockpile stewardship programs pertinent to the NNSA program portfolio . Physical processes in the region near the Z Machine target create electrode plasmas which seed parasitic current loss that reduce the performance and output of a Z experiment. Electrode surface contaminants (hydrogen, water, hydrocarbons) are thought to be the primary constituent of electrode plasmas which contribute to loss mechanisms. The Sandia team explore d in situ heating and plasma discharge techniques by integrating requisite infrastructure into Sandia's Mykonos LTD accelerator, addressing potential impacts to accelerator operation, and reporting on the impact of these techniques on electrode plasma formation and shot performance. The in situ discharge cleaning utilizes the electrodes of the accelerator to excite an argon-oxygen plasma to sputter and chemically react contaminants from electrode surfaces. Insulating breaks are required to isolate the plasma in electrode regions where loss processes are most likely to occur. The shots on Mykonos validate that these breaks do not perturb experiment performance, reducing the uncertainty on the largest unknown about the in situ cleaning system. Preliminary observations with electrical and optical diagnostics suggest that electrode plasma formation is delayed, and overall inventory has been substantively reduced. In situ heating embeds cartridge heaters into accelerator electrodes and employs a thermal bakeout to rapidly desorb contaminants from electrode surfaces. For the first time, additively manufactured (AM) electrode assemblies were used on a low impedance accelerator to integrate cooling channels and manage thermal gradients. Challenges with poor supplier fabrication to specifications, load alignment, thermal expansion and hardware movement and warpage appears to have introduced large variability in observed loss, though, preventing strong assertions of loss reduction via in situ heating. At this time, an in situ discharge cleaning process offers the lowest risk path to reduce electrode contaminant inventories on Z, though we recommend continuing to develop both approaches. Additional engineering and testing are required to improve the implementation of both systems. .
X-ray radiography has been used to diagnose a wide variety of experiments at the Z facility including inertial confinement fusion capsule implosions, the growth of the magneto-Rayleigh-Taylor instability in solid liners, and the development of helical structures in axially magnetized liner implosions. In these experiments, the Z Beamlet laser (1 kJ, 1 ns) was used to generate the x-ray source. An alternate x-ray source is desirable in experiments where the Z Beamlet laser is used for another purpose (e.g., preheating the fuel in magnetized liner inertial fusion experiments) or when multiple radiographic lines of sight are necessary.
Porwitzky, Andrew P.; Hutsel, Brian T.; Seagle, Christopher S.; Ao, Tommy A.; Grant, Sean G.; Bernstein, Aaron B.; Lin, Jung-Fu L.; Ditmire, Todd D.
Interest in studying power flow dynamics has grown in recent years, with new power flow diagnostics being developed at Sandia National Laboratories for the Z Pulsed Power Facility. Presently, the only power flow loads that have been studied are cylindrical static or imploding loads that are driven by synchronous short pulse (100 ns rise time). Presented is a design that utilizes the dynamic materials properties program’s stripline geometry in a high voltage pulsed shaped (asymmetric asynchronous) driving mode. This design has exhibited repeatable current loss with a large time-varying inductance that is well matched to the machine at pulse initialization but which triples to high inductance in 800 ns. Evidence is presented that plasma not captured in the magnetohydrodynamic approximation and ill represented by any of our existing predictive pulsed power codes is adversely affecting load current delivery. The authors believe this design could be of great interest to the experimental and modeling communities for studying power flow dynamics.
Herein we describe the design, simulation and performance of a 118-GW linear transformer driver (LTD) cavity at Sandia National Laboratories. The cavity consists of 20 to 24 'Bricks'. Each brick is comprised of two 80 nF, 100 kV capacitors connected electrically in series with a custom, 200 kV, three-electrode, field-distortion gas switch. The brick capacitors are bi-polar charged to a total of 200 kV. Typical brick circuit parameters are 40 nF (two 80 nF capacitors in series) and 160 nH inductance. Over the course of over 10,000 shots the cavity generated a peak electrical current and power of 1.19 MA and 118 GW.
In the first auto-magnetizing liner implosion experiments on the Z Facility, precompressed internal axial fields near 150 T were measured and 7.2-keV radiography indicated a high level of cylindrical uniformity of the imploding liner's inner surface. An auto-magnetizing (AutoMag) liner is made of discrete metallic helical conductors encapsulated in insulating material. The liner generates internal axial magnetic field as a 1-2 MA, 100-200 ns current prepulse flows through the helical conductors. After the prepulse, the fast-rising main current pulse causes the insulating material between the metallic helices to break down ceasing axial field production. After breakdown, the helical liner, nonuniform in both density and electrical conductivity, implodes in 100 ns. In-flight radiography data demonstrate that while the inner wall maintains cylindrical uniformity, multiple new helically oriented structures are self-generated within the outer liner material layers during the implosion; this was not predicted by simulations. Furthermore, liner stagnation was delayed compared to simulation predictions. An analytical implosion model is compared with experimental data and preshot simulations to explore how changes in the premagnetization field strength and drive current affect the liner implosion trajectory. Both the measurement of >100 T internal axial field production and the demonstration of cylindrical uniformity of the imploding liner's inner wall are encouraging for promoting the use of AutoMag liners in future MagLIF experiments.
Here we present details of the design, simulation, and performance of a 100-GW linear transformer driver (LTD) cavity at Sandia National Laboratories. The cavity consists of 20 “bricks.” Each brick is comprised of two 80 nF, 100 kV capacitors connected electrically in series with a custom, 200 kV, three-electrode, field-distortion gas switch. The brick capacitors are bipolar charged to ±100 kV for a total switch voltage of 200 kV. Typical brick circuit parameters are 40 nF capacitance (two 80 nF capacitors in series) and 160 nH inductance. The switch electrodes are fabricated from a WCu alloy and are operated with breathable air. Over the course of 6,556 shots the cavity generated a peak electrical current and power of 1.03 MA (±1.8%) and 106 GW (±3.1%). Experimental results are consistent (to within uncertainties) with circuit simulations for normal operation, and expected failure modes including prefire and late-fire events. New features of this development that are reported here in detail include: (1) 100 ns, 1 MA, 100-GW output from a 2.2 m diameter LTD into a 0.1 Ω load, (2) high-impedance solid charging resistors that are optimized for this application, and (3) evaluation of maintenance-free trigger circuits using capacitive coupling and inductive isolation.
The Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion concept (MagLIF) [Slutz et al., Phys. Plasmas 17, 056303 (2010)] is being studied on the Z facility at Sandia National Laboratories. Neutron yields greater than 1012 have been achieved with a drive current in the range of 17-18 MA and pure deuterium fuel [Gomez et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 155003 (2014)]. We show that 2D simulated yields are about twice the best yields obtained on Z and that a likely cause of this difference is the mix of material into the fuel. Mitigation strategies are presented. Previous numerical studies indicate that much larger yields (10-1000 MJ) should be possible with pulsed power machines producing larger drive currents (45-60 MA) than can be produced by the Z machine [Slutz et al., Phys. Plasmas 23, 022702 (2016)]. To test the accuracy of these 2D simulations, we present modifications to MagLIF experiments using the existing Z facility, for which 2D simulations predict a 100-fold enhancement of MagLIF fusion yields and considerable increases in burn temperatures. Experimental verification of these predictions would increase the credibility of predictions at higher drive currents.
Current loss in magnetically insulated transmission lines (MITLs) was investigated using data from experiments conducted on Z and Mykonos. Data from experiments conducted on Z were used to optimize an ion diode current loss model that has been implemented into the transmission line circuit model of Z. Details on the current loss model and comparisons to data from Z experiments have been previously published in a peer-reviewed journal [Hutsel, et al., Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 21, 030401]. Dedicated power flow experiments conducted on Mykonos investigated current loss in a millimeter-scale anode-cathode gap MITL operated at lineal current densities greater than 410 kA/cm and with electric field stresses in excess of 240 kV/cm where it is expected that both anode and cathode plasmas are formed. The experiment MITLs were exposed to varying vacuum conditions; including vacuum pressure at shot time, time under vacuum, and vacuum storage protocols. The results indicate that the vacuum conditions have an effect on current loss in high lineal current density MITLs.
Auto-magnetizing (AutoMag) liners [Slutz et al., Phys. Plasmas 24, 012704 (2017)] are designed to generate up to 100 T of axial magnetic field in the fuel for Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion [Slutz et al., Phys. Plasmas 17, 056303 (2010)] without the need for external field coils. AutoMag liners (cylindrical tubes) are composed of discrete metallic helical conduction paths separated by electrically insulating material. Initially, helical current in the AutoMag liner produces internal axial magnetic field during a long (100 to 300 ns) current prepulse with an average current rise rate d I / d t = 5 k A / n s. After the cold fuel is magnetized, a rapidly rising current (200 k A / n s) generates a calculated electric field of 64 M V / m between the helices. Such field is sufficient to force dielectric breakdown of the insulating material after which liner current is reoriented from helical to predominantly axial which ceases the AutoMag axial magnetic field production mechanism and the z-pinch liner implodes. Proof of concept experiments have been executed on the Mykonos linear transformer driver to measure the axial field produced by a variety of AutoMag liners and to evaluate what physical processes drive dielectric breakdown. A range of field strengths have been generated in various cm-scale liners in agreement with magnetic transient simulations including a measured field above 90 T at I = 350 kA. By varying the helical pitch angle, insulator material, and insulator geometry, favorable liner designs have been identified for which breakdown occurs under predictable and reproducible field conditions.
A critical component of the magnetically driven implosion experiments at Sandia National Laboratories is the delivery of high-current, 10s of MA, from the Z pulsed power facility to a target. In order to assess the performance of the experiment, it is necessary to measure the current delivered to the target. Recent Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion (MagLIF) experiments have included velocimetry diagnostics, such as PDV (Photonic Doppler Velocimetry) or Velocity Interferometer System for Any Reflector, in the final power feed section in order to infer the load current as a function of time. However, due to the nonlinear volumetrically distributed magnetic force within a velocimetry flyer, a complete time-dependent load current unfold is typically a time-intensive process and the uncertainties in the unfold can be difficult to assess. In this paper, we discuss how a PDV diagnostic can be simplified to obtain a peak current by sufficiently increasing the thickness of the flyer. This effectively keeps the magnetic force localized to the flyer surface, resulting in fast and highly accurate measurements of the peak load current. In addition, we show the results of experimental peak load current measurements from the PDV diagnostic in recent MagLIF experiments.
We have developed a physics-based transmission-line-circuit model of the Z pulsed-power accelerator. The 33-m-diameter Z machine generates a peak electrical power as high as 85 TW, and delivers as much as 25 MA to a physics load. The circuit model is used to design and analyze experiments conducted on Z. The model consists of 36 networks of transmission-line-circuit elements and resistors that represent each of Zs 36 modules. The model of each module includes a Marx generator, intermediate-energy-storage capacitor, laser-triggered gas switch, pulse-forming line, self-break water switches, and tri-plate transmission lines. The circuit model also includes elements that represent Zs water convolute, vacuum insulator stack, four parallel outer magnetically insulated vacuum transmission lines (MITLs), double-post-hole vacuum convolute, inner vacuum MITL, and physics load. Within the vacuum-transmission-line system the model conducts analytic calculations of current loss. To calculate the loss, the model simulates the following processes: (i) electron emission from MITL cathode surfaces wherever an electric-field threshold has been exceeded; (ii) electron loss in the MITLs before magnetic insulation has been established; (iii) flow of electrons emitted by the outer-MITL cathodes after insulation has been established; (iv) closure of MITL anode-cathode (AK) gaps due to expansion of cathode plasma; (v) energy loss to MITL conductors operated at high lineal current densities; (vi) heating of MITL-anode surfaces due to conduction current and deposition of electron kinetic energy; (vii) negative-space-charge-enhanced ion emission from MITL anode surfaces wherever an anode-surface-temperature threshold has been exceeded; and (viii) closure of MITL AK gaps due to expansion of anode plasma. The circuit model is expected to be most accurate when the fractional current loss is small. We have performed circuit simulations of 52 Z experiments conducted with a variety of accelerator configurations and load-impedance time histories. For these experiments, the apparent fractional current loss varies from 0% to 20%. Results of the circuit simulations agree with data acquired on 52 shots to within 2%.
The Z machine is a 36-module, multi-megavolt, low impedance magnetic pressure driver for high-energy-density physics experiments. In 2007, a major re-build doubled the stored energy and increased the peak current capability of Z. The upgraded system routinely drives 27 MA through low inductance dynamic loads with 110 nanosecond time to peak current. The Z pulsed power system is expected to be prepared for a full-energy experiment every day, with a small (<2%) chance of pulsed power system failure, and ±2 ns timing precision. To maintain that schedule with 20 MJ stored, it becomes essential to minimize failures that can damage hardware. We will show the results of several improvements made to the system that reduce spurious breakdowns and improve precision. In most cases, controlling electric fields is key, both to reliable insulation and to precision switching. The upgraded Z pulsed power system was originally intended to operate with 5 MV peak voltage in the pulse-forming section. Recent operation has been above 6 MV. Critical items in the pulsed power system are the DC-charged Marx generators, oil-water barriers, laser-triggered gas switches, and the vacuum insulator. We will show major improvements to the laser-triggered gas switches, and the water-insulated pulse forming lines, as well as delivered current reproducibility results from user experiments on the machine.