
Results 26–50 of 54
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Fully transparent GaN homojunction tunnel junction-enabled cascaded blue LEDs

Applied Physics Letters

Jamal-Eddine, Zane; Hasan, Syed M.N.; Gunning, Brendan P.; Chandrasekar, Hareesh; Crawford, Mary H.; Armstrong, Andrew A.; Arafin, Shamsul; Rajan, Siddharth

A sidewall activation process was optimized for buried magnesium-doped p-GaN layers yielding a significant reduction in tunnel junction-enabled light emitting diode (LED) forward voltage. This buried activation enabled the realization of cascaded blue LEDs with fully transparent GaN homojunction tunnel junctions. The initial optimization of buried p-GaN activation was performed on PN junctions grown by metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) buried under hybrid tunnel junctions grown by MOCVD and molecular beam epitaxy. Next the activation process was implemented in cascaded blue LEDs emitting at 450 nm, which were enabled by fully transparent GaN homojunction tunnel junctions. The tunnel junction-enabled multi-active region blue LEDs were grown monolithically by MOCVD. This work demonstrates a state-of-the-art tunnel junction-enabled cascaded LED utilizing homojunction tunnel junctions which do not contain any heterojunction interface.

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GaN/InGaN Blue Light-Emitting Diodes on Polycrystalline Molybdenum Metal Foils by Ion Beam-Assisted Deposition

Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science

Tarief Elshafiey, Abdelrahman; DaVico, Kenneth M.; Rishinaramangalam, Ashwin K.; Rashidi, Arman; Aragon, Andrew; Feezell, Daniel; Gunning, Brendan P.; Sheehan, Christopher; Matias, Vladimir

Light-emitting diode (LED) arrays fabricated on a polycrystalline metal substrate are demonstrated using a novel technique that enables the growth of epitaxial metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) GaN layers on non-single-crystal substrates. Epitaxial GaN is deposited directly on metal foil using an intermediate ion beam-assisted deposition (IBAD) aligned layer. For a single 170 μm-diameter LED on the metal foil, electroluminescence (EL) spectrum shows a peak wavelength of ≈452 nm and a full width at half maximum (FWHM) of ≈24 nm. The current–voltage (I–V) characteristics show a turn-on voltage of 3.7 V, a series resistance of 10 Ω. LEDs on metal show a relative external quantum efficiency (EQE) that is roughly 3× lower than that of similar LEDs fabricated on a sapphire substrate. InGaN LEDs on large-area non-single-crystal substrates such as metal foils enable large-area manufacturing, reducing production cost, and opening the door for new applications in lighting and displays.

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Simulation and Design of Step-Etched Junction Termination Extensions for GaN Power Diodes

4th Electron Devices Technology and Manufacturing Conference, EDTM 2020 - Proceedings

Dickerson, Jeramy R.; Binder, Andrew B.; Pickrell, Gregory P.; Gunning, Brendan P.; Kaplar, Robert K.

Proper edge termination is required to reach large blocking voltages in vertical power devices. Limitations in selective area p-type doping in GaN restrict the types of structures that can be used for this purpose. A junction termination extension (JTE) can be employed to reduce field crowding at the junction periphery where the charge in the JTE is designed to sink the critical electric field lines at breakdown. One practical way to fabricate this structure in GaN is by a step-etched single-zone or multi-zone JTE where the etch depths and doping levels are used to control the charge in the JTE. The multi-zone JTE is beneficial for increasing the process window and allowing for more variability in parameter changes while still maintaining a designed percentage of the ideal breakdown voltage. Impact ionization parameters reported in literature for GaN are compared in a simulation study to ascertain the dependence on breakdown performance. Two 3-zone JTE designs utilizing different impact ionization coefficients are compared. Simulations confirm that the choice of impact ionization parameters affects both the predicted breakdown of the device as well as the fabrication process variation tolerance for a multi-zone JTE. Regardless of the impact ionization coefficients utilized, a step-etched JTE has the potential to provide an efficient, controllable edge termination design.

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III-nitride photonic crystal emitters by selective photoelectrochemical etching of heterogeneous quantum well structures

Optical Materials Express

Anderson, P D.; Fischer, Arthur J.; Koleske, Daniel D.; Gunning, Brendan P.; Subramania, Ganapathi S.

We demonstrate a top-down fabrication strategy for creating a III-nitride hole array photonic crystal (PhC) with embedded quantum wells (QWs). Our photoelectrochemical (PEC) etching technique is highly bandgap selective, permitting the removal of QWs with well-defined indium (In) concentration. Room-temperature micro-photoluminescence (μ-PL) measurements confirm the removal of one multiple quantum well (MQW) while preserving a QW of differing In concentration. Moreover, PhC cavity resonances, wholly unobservable before, are present following PEC etching. Our results indicate an interesting route for creating III-nitride membranes with tailorable emission wavelengths. Our top-down fabrication approach offers exciting opportunities for III-nitride based light emitters.

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Phase degradation in BxGa1−xN films grown at low temperature by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy

Journal of Crystal Growth

Gunning, Brendan P.; Moseley, Michael; Koleske, Daniel K.; Allerman, A.A.; Lee, Stephen R.

Using metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy, a comprehensive study of BxGa1−xN growth on GaN and AlN templates is described. BGaN growth at high-temperature and high-pressure results in rough surfaces and poor boron incorporation efficiency, while growth at low-temperature and low-pressure (750–900 °C and 20 Torr) using nitrogen carrier gas results in improved surface morphology and boron incorporation up to ~7.4% as determined by nuclear reaction analysis. However, further structural analysis by transmission electron microscopy and x-ray pole figures points to severe degradation of the high boron composition films, into a twinned cubic structure with a high density of stacking faults and little or no room temperature photoluminescence emission. Films with <1% triethylboron (TEB) flow show more intense, narrower x-ray diffraction peaks, near-band-edge photoluminescence emission at ~362 nm, and primarily wurtzite-phase structure in the x-ray pole figures. For films with >1% TEB flow, the crystal structure becomes dominated by the cubic phase. Only when the TEB flow is zero (pure GaN), does the cubic phase entirely disappear from the x-ray pole figure, suggesting that under these growth conditions even very low boron compositions lead to mixed crystalline phases.

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Results 26–50 of 54
Results 26–50 of 54