
Results 176–200 of 391
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Room temperature stress relaxation in nanocrystalline Ni measured by micropillar compression and miniature tension

Journal of Materials Research

Boyce, Brad B.; Mohanty, G M.; Wehrs, J.W.; Taylor, A.J.; Hasegawa, M.H.; Philippe, L.P.

In this report, we report a micropillar stress relaxation technique employing a stable displacement-controlled, in-situ scanning electron microscope indenter, and unusually large micropillars to precisely measure stress relaxation in electroplated nanocrystalline Ni thin films. The observed stress relaxation is significant under constant displacement: even well below the 0.2% offset yield strength, the stresses relax by ~4% within a minute; in the work hardening regime, stress relaxes by ~9% in 1 min. A logarithmic fit of the relaxation curves is consistent with an Arrhenius thermal activation of plasticity and suggests an activation volume in the vicinity of ~10 b3. The apparent and effective activation volumes diverge at lower strains, particularly in the “elastic” regime. These measurements are compared to similar measurements performed on free-standing thin film tensile coupons. Both methods yield similar results, thereby validating the applicability of pillar compression to capture time-dependent plasticity. To our knowledge, these are the first micropillar stress relaxation experiments on metals ever reported.

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Fatigue stress concentration and notch sensitivity in nanocrystalline metals

Journal of Materials Research

Furnish, Timothy A.; Boyce, Brad B.; Sharon, John A.; O'Brien, Christopher J.; Clark, Blythe C.; Arrington, Christian L.; Pillars, Jamin R.

Recent studies have shown the potential for nanocrystalline metals to possess excellent fatigue resistance compared to their coarse-grained counterparts. Although the mechanical properties of nanocrystalline metals are believed to be particularly susceptible to material defects, a systematic study of the effects of geometric discontinuities on their fatigue performance has not yet been performed. In the present work, nanocrystalline Ni-40 wt%Fe containing both intrinsic and extrinsic defects were tested in tension-tension fatigue. The defects were found to dramatically reduce the fatigue resistance, which was attributed to the relatively high notch sensitivity in the nanocrystalline material. Microstructural analysis within the crack-initiation zones underneath the defects revealed cyclically-induced abnormal grain growth (AGG) as a predominant deformation and crack initiation mechanism during high-cycle fatigue. The onset of AGG and the ensuing fracture is likely accelerated by the stress concentrations, resulting in the reduced fatigue resistance compared to the relatively defect-free counterparts.

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Defect Characterization for Material Assurance in Metal Additive Manufacturing (FY15-0664)

Salzbrenner, Bradley S.; Boyce, Brad B.; Jared, Bradley H.; Rodelas, Jeffrey R.; Laing, John R.

No industry-wide standards yet exist for minimum properties in additively manufactured (AM) metals. While AM alloys such as 17-4 precipitation hardened stainless steel have been shown to have average properties that can be comparable to wrought or cast product, they suffer from inconsistent performance. Variability in the feedstock powder, feature sizes, thermal history, and laser performance can lead to unpredictable surface finish, chemistry, phase content, and defects. To address this issue, rapid, efficient, high-throughput mechanical testing and data analysis was developed, providing profound statistical insight into the stochastic variability in properties. With this new approach, 1000’s of comprehensive tensile tests can be performed for the cost of 10’s of conventional tests. This new high-throughput approach provides a material qualification pathway that is commensurate with the quick turn-around benefit of AM.

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V-Notched rail test for shear-dominated deformation of Ti-6A1-4V

Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series

Kramer, Sharlotte L.; Laing, John R.; Bosiljevac, Thomas B.; Gearhart, Jhana S.; Boyce, Brad B.

Evermore sophisticated ductile plasticity and failure models demand experimental material characterization of shear behavior; yet, the mechanics community lacks a widely accepted, standard test method for shear-dominated deformation and failure of ductile metals. We investigated the use of the V-notched rail test, borrowed from the ASTM D7078 standard for shear testing of composites, for shear testing of Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy sheet material, considering sheet rolling direction and quasi-static and transient load rates. In this paper, we discuss practical aspects of testing, modifications to the specimen geometry, and the experimental shear behavior of Ti-6Al-4V. Specimen installation, machine compliance, specimen-grip slip during testing, and specimen V-notched geometry all influenced the measured specimen behavior such that repeatable shear-dominated behavior was initially difficult to obtain. We will discuss the careful experimental procedure and set of measurements necessary to extract meaningful shear information for Ti-6Al-4V. We also evaluate the merits and deficiencies, including practicality of testing for engineering applications and quality of results, of the V-notched rail test for characterization of ductile shear behavior.

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Room Temperature Deformation Mechanisms of Alumina Particles Observed from In Situ Micro-compression and Atomistic Simulations

Journal of Thermal Spray Technology

Sarobol, Pylin S.; Chandross, M.; Carroll, Jay D.; Mook, William M.; Bufford, Daniel C.; Boyce, Brad B.; Hattar, Khalid M.; Kotula, Paul G.; Hall, Aaron C.

Aerosol deposition (AD) is a solid-state deposition technology that has been developed to fabricate ceramic coatings nominally at room temperature. Sub-micron ceramic particles accelerated by pressurized gas impact, deform, and consolidate on substrates under vacuum. Ceramic particle consolidation in AD coatings is highly dependent on particle deformation and bonding; these behaviors are not well understood. In this work, atomistic simulations and in situ micro-compressions in the scanning electron microscope, and the transmission electron microscope (TEM) were utilized to investigate fundamental mechanisms responsible for plastic deformation/fracture of particles under applied compression. Results showed that highly defective micron-sized alumina particles, initially containing numerous dislocations or a grain boundary, exhibited no observable shape change before fracture/fragmentation. Simulations and experimental results indicated that particles containing a grain boundary only accommodate low strain energy per unit volume before crack nucleation and propagation. In contrast, nearly defect-free, sub-micron, single crystal alumina particles exhibited plastic deformation and fracture without fragmentation. Dislocation nucleation/motion, significant plastic deformation, and shape change were observed. Simulation and TEM in situ micro-compression results indicated that nearly defect-free particles accommodate high strain energy per unit volume associated with dislocation plasticity before fracture. The identified deformation mechanisms provide insight into feedstock design for AD.

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Multi-scale Modeling of Plasticity in Tantalum

Lim, Hojun L.; Battaile, Corbett C.; Carroll, Jay D.; Buchheit, Thomas E.; Boyce, Brad B.; Weinberger, Christopher R.

In this report, we present a multi-scale computational model to simulate plastic deformation of tantalum and validating experiments. In atomistic/ dislocation level, dislocation kink- pair theory is used to formulate temperature and strain rate dependent constitutive equations. The kink-pair theory is calibrated to available data from single crystal experiments to produce accurate and convenient constitutive laws. The model is then implemented into a BCC crystal plasticity finite element method (CP-FEM) model to predict temperature and strain rate dependent yield stresses of single and polycrystalline tantalum and compared with existing experimental data from the literature. Furthermore, classical continuum constitutive models describing temperature and strain rate dependent flow behaviors are fit to the yield stresses obtained from the CP-FEM polycrystal predictions. The model is then used to conduct hydro- dynamic simulations of Taylor cylinder impact test and compared with experiments. In order to validate the proposed tantalum CP-FEM model with experiments, we introduce a method for quantitative comparison of CP-FEM models with various experimental techniques. To mitigate the effects of unknown subsurface microstructure, tantalum tensile specimens with a pseudo-two-dimensional grain structure and grain sizes on the order of millimeters are used. A technique combining an electron back scatter diffraction (EBSD) and high resolution digital image correlation (HR-DIC) is used to measure the texture and sub-grain strain fields upon uniaxial tensile loading at various applied strains. Deformed specimens are also analyzed with optical profilometry measurements to obtain out-of- plane strain fields. These high resolution measurements are directly compared with large-scale CP-FEM predictions. This computational method directly links fundamental dislocation physics to plastic deformations in the grain-scale and to the engineering-scale applications. Furthermore, direct and quantitative comparisons between experimental measurements and simulation show that the proposed model accurately captures plasticity in deformation of polycrystalline tantalum.

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Oxide driven strength evolution of silicon surfaces

Journal of Applied Physics

Grutzik, Scott J.; Milosevic, Erik; Boyce, Brad B.; Zehnder, Alan T.

Previous experiments have shown a link between oxidation and strength changes in single crystal silicon nanostructures but provided no clues as to the mechanisms leading to this relationship. Using atomic force microscope-based fracture strength experiments, molecular dynamics modeling, and measurement of oxide development with angle resolved x-ray spectroscopy we study the evolution of strength of silicon (111) surfaces as they oxidize and with fully developed oxide layers. We find that strength drops with partial oxidation but recovers when a fully developed oxide is formed and that surfaces intentionally oxidized from the start maintain their high initial strengths. MD simulations show that strength decreases with the height of atomic layer steps on the surface. These results are corroborated by a completely separate line of testing using micro-scale, polysilicon devices, and the slack chain method in which strength recovers over a long period of exposure to the atmosphere. Combining our results with insights from prior experiments we conclude that previously described strength decrease is a result of oxidation induced roughening of an initially flat silicon (1 1 1) surface and that this effect is transient, a result consistent with the observation that surfaces flatten upon full oxidation.

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Results 176–200 of 391
Results 176–200 of 391