
Results 51–100 of 142
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Comparative shock response of additively manufactured versus conventionally wrought 304L stainless steel

AIP Conference Proceedings

Wise, Jack L.; Adams, David P.; Nishida, E.E.; Song, Bo S.; Maguire, M.C.; Carroll, Jay D.; Reedlunn, Benjamin R.; Bishop, Joseph E.; Palmer, T.A.

Gas-gun experiments have probed the compression and release behavior of impact-loaded 304L stainless steel specimens that were machined from additively manufactured (AM) blocks as well as baseline ingot-derived bar stock. The AM technology permits direct fabrication of net-or near-net-shape metal parts. For the present investigation, velocity interferometer (VISAR) diagnostics provided time-resolved measurements of sample response for onedimensional (i.e., uniaxial strain) shock compression to peak stresses ranging from 0.2 to 7.0 GPa. The acquired waveprofile data have been analyzed to determine the comparative Hugoniot Elastic Limit (HEL), Hugoniot equation of state, spall strength, and high-pressure yield strength of the AM and conventional materials. The possible contributions of various factors, such as composition, porosity, microstructure (e.g., grain size and morphology), residual stress, and/or sample axis orientation relative to the additive manufacturing deposition trajectory, are considered to explain differences between the AM and baseline 304L dynamic material results.

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High Strain Rate Tensile Response of A572 and 4140 Steel

Procedia Engineering

Sanborn, Brett S.; Song, Bo S.; Thompson, Andrew D.; Reece, Blake D.; Attaway, Stephen W.

Steel grades such as A572 and AISI 4140 are often used for applications where high rate or impact loading may occur. A572 is a hot-rolled carbon steel that is used where a high strength to weight ratio is desired. A grade such as AISI 4140 offers decent corrosion resistance due to higher chromium and molybdenum content and is commonly used in firearm parts, pressurized gas tubes, and structural tubing for roll cages. In these scenarios, the material may undergo high rate loading. Thus, material properties including failure and fracture response at relevant loading rates must be understood so that numerical simulations of impact events accurately capture the deformation and failure/fracture behavior of the involved materials. In this study, the high strain rate tensile response of A572 and 4140 steel are investigated. An increase in yield strength of approximately 28% was observed for 4140 steel when comparing 0.001 s-1 strain rate to 3000 s-1 experiments. A572 showed an increase in yield strength of approximately 52% when the strain rate increased from quasi-static to 2750 s-1. Effects on true stress and strain at failure for the two materials are also discussed.

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Wave transmission through silicone foam pads in a compression Kolsky bar apparatus. Comparisons between simulations and measurements

Corona, Edmundo C.; Song, Bo S.

This memo concerns the transmission of mechanical signals through silicone foam pads in a compression Kolsky bar set-up. The results of numerical simulations for four levels of pad pre-compression and two striker velocities were compared directly to test measurements to assess the delity of the simulations. The nite element model simulated the Kolsky tests in their entirety and used the hyperelastic `hyperfoam' model for the silicone foam pads. Calibration of the hyperfoam model was deduced from quasi-static compression data. It was necessary, however, to augment the material model by adding sti ness proportional damping in order to generate results that resembled the experimental measurements. Based on the results presented here, it is important to account for the dynamic behavior of polymeric foams in numerical simulations that involve high loading rates.

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Dynamic Characterization and Stress-Strain Symmetry of Vascomax® C250 Maraging Steel in Compression and Tension

Procedia Engineering

Song, Bo S.; Sanborn, Brett S.; Wakeland, P.; Furnish, Michael D.

Low carbon, high strength steel alloys such as Vascomax steels are used in a wide variety of extreme environments due to their high strength, high fracture toughness, and stability over a wide range of temperatures. In this study, Vascomax® C250 steel was dynamically characterized in compression using Kolsky compression bar techniques at two strain rates of 1000 and 3000 s-1. A pair of impedance-matched tungsten carbide platens were implemented to protect damage to the bar ends. The tungsten carbide platens were experimentally calibrated as system compliance which was then properly corrected for actual specimen strain measurements. In addition, elastic indentation of the high-strength compression sample into the platens was also evaluated and showed negligible effect on the specimen strain measurements. The Vascomax® C250 steel exhibited strain-rate effects on the compressive stress-strain curves. The dynamic yield strength was approximately 18% higher than quasi-static yield strength obtained from hardness tests. The dynamic true stress-strain curves of the Vascomax® C250 steel in compression were also computed and then compared with the previously obtained true tensile stress-strain curves at the same strain rates. The Vascomax® C250 steel exhibited a reasonable symmetry in dynamic compression and tensile stress-strain response. However, the fracture strains in dynamic compression were smaller than those in dynamic tension probably due to different fracture mechanisms in the different loading modes.

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Pre-strain Effect on Frequency-Based Impact Energy Dissipation through a Silicone Foam Pad for Shock Mitigation

Journal of Dynamic Behavior of Materials

Sanborn, Brett S.; Song, Bo S.; Smith, Scott

Silicone foams have been used in a variety of applications from gaskets to cushioning pads over a wide range of environments. Particularly, silicone foams are used as a shock mitigation material for shock and vibration applications. Understanding the shock mitigation response, particularly in the frequency domain, is critical for optimal designs to protect internal devices and components more effectively and efficiently. The silicone foams may be subjected to pre-strains during the assembly process which may consequently influence the frequency response with respect to shock mitigation performance. A Kolsky compression bar was modified with pre-compression capabilities to characterize the shock mitigation response of silicone foam in the frequency domain to determine the effect of pre-strain. A silicone sample was also intentionally subjected to repeated pre-strain and dynamic loadings to explore the effect of repeated loading on the frequency response of shock mitigation.

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Highly stretchable miniature strain sensor for large strain measurement

Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series

Yao, Shurong; Nie, Xu; Yu, Xun; Song, Bo S.; Blecke, Jill B.

In this research, a new type of highly stretchable strain sensor was developed to measure large strains. The sensor was based on the piezo-resistive response of carbon nanotube (CNT)/polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) composite thin films. The piezo-resistive response of CNT composite gives accurate strain measurement with high frequency response, while the ultra-soft PDMS matrix provides high flexibility and ductility for large strain measurement. Experimental results show that the CNT/PDMS sensor measures large strains (up to 8 %) with an excellent linearity and a fast frequency response. The new miniature strain sensor also exhibits much higher sensitivities than the conventional foil strain gages, as its gauge factor is 500 times of that of the conventional foil strain gages.

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Dynamic compressive response of wrought and additive manufactured 304L stainless steels

EPJ Web of Conferences

Nishida, E.E.; Song, Bo S.; Maguire, Michael C.; Adams, David P.; Carroll, Jay D.; Wise, Jack L.; Bishop, Joseph E.; Palmer, Todd

Additive manufacturing (AM) technology has been developed to fabricate metal components that include complex prototype fabrication, small lot production, precision repair or feature addition, and tooling. However, the mechanical response of the AM materials is a concern to meet requirements for specific applications. Differences between AM materials as compared to wrought materials might be expected, due to possible differences in porosity (voids), grain size, and residual stress levels. When the AM materials are designed for impact applications, the dynamic mechanical properties in both compression and tension need to be fully characterized and understood for reliable designs. In this study, a 304L stainless steel was manufactured with AM technology. For comparison purposes, both the AM and wrought 304L stainless steels were dynamically characterized in compression Kolsky bar techniques. They dynamic compressive stress-strain curves were obtained and the strain rate effects were determined for both the AM and wrought 304L stainless steels. A comprehensive comparison of dynamic compressive response between the AM and wrought 304L stainless steels was performed. SAND2015-0993 C.

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Dynamic High-Temperature Tensile Characterization of an Iridium Alloy with Kolsky Tension Bar Techniques

Journal of Dynamic Behavior of Materials

Song, Bo S.; Nelson, Kevin N.; Lipinski, Ronald J.; Bignell, John B.; Ulrich, G.B.; George, E.P.

Conventional Kolsky tension bar techniques were modified to characterize an iridium alloy in tension at elevated strain rates and temperatures. The specimen was heated to elevated temperatures with an induction coil heater before dynamic loading; whereas, a cooling system was applied to keep the bars at room temperature during heating. A preload system was developed to generate a small pretension load in the bar system during heating in order to compensate for the effect of thermal expansion generated in the high-temperature tensile specimen. A laser system was applied to directly measure the displacements at both ends of the tensile specimen in order to calculate the strain in the specimen. A pair of high-sensitivity semiconductor strain gages was used to measure the weak transmitted force due to the low flow stress in the thin specimen at elevated temperatures. The dynamic high-temperature tensile stress–strain curves of a DOP-26 iridium alloy were experimentally obtained at two different strain rates (~1000 and 3000 s−1) and temperatures (~750 and 1030 °C). The effects of strain rate and temperature on the tensile stress–strain response of the iridium alloy were determined. The iridium alloy exhibited high ductility in stress–strain response that strongly depended on strain-rate and temperature.

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Dynamic high-temperature characterization of an iridium alloy in tension

Song, Bo S.; Nelson, Kevin N.; Jin, Huiqing J.; Lipinski, Ronald J.; Bignell, John B.; Ulrich, G.B.; George, E.P.

Iridium alloys have been utilized as structural materials for certain high-temperature applications, due to their superior strength and ductility at elevated temperatures. The mechanical properties, including failure response at high strain rates and elevated temperatures of the iridium alloys need to be characterized to better understand high-speed impacts at elevated temperatures. A DOP-26 iridium alloy has been dynamically characterized in compression at elevated temperatures with high-temperature Kolsky compression bar techniques. However, the dynamic high-temperature compression tests were not able to provide sufficient dynamic high-temperature failure information of the iridium alloy. In this study, we modified current room-temperature Kolsky tension bar techniques for obtaining dynamic tensile stress-strain curves of the DOP-26 iridium alloy at two different strain rates (~1000 and ~3000 s-1) and temperatures (~750°C and ~1030°C). The effects of strain rate and temperature on the tensile stress-strain response of the iridium alloy were determined. The DOP-26 iridium alloy exhibited high ductility in stress-strain response that strongly depended on both strain rate and temperature.

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Dynamic characterization of frequency response of shock mitigation of a polymethylene diisocyanate (PMDI) based rigid polyurethane foam

Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures

Song, Bo S.; Nelson, Kevin N.

Kolsky compression bar experiments were conducted to characterize the shock mitigation response of a polymethylene diisocyanate (PMDI) based rigid polyurethane foam, abbreviated as PMDI foam in this study. The Kolsky bar experimental data was analyzed in the frequency domain with respect to impact energy dissipation and acceleration attenuation to perform a shock mitigation assessment on the foam material. The PMDI foam material exhibits excellent performance in both energy dissipation and accele-ration attenuation, particularly for the impact frequency content over 1.5 kHz. This frequency (1.5 kHz) was observed to be independent of specimen thickness and impact speed, which may re-present the characteristic shock mitigation frequency of the PMDI foam material under investigation. The shock mitigation characteristics of the PMDI foam material were insignificantly influenced by the specimen thickness. However, impact speed did have some effect.

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Effect of twist on transverse impact response of ballistic fiber yarns

International Journal of Impact Engineering

Song, Bo S.; Lu, Wei-Yang L.

A Hopkinson bar was employed to conduct transverse impact testing of twisted Kevlar KM2 fiber yarns at the same impact speed. The speed of Euler transverse wave generated by the impact was measured utilizing a high speed digital camera. The study included fiber yarns twisted by different amounts. The Euler transverse wave speed was observed to increase with increasing amount of twist of the fiber yarn, within the range of this investigation. The higher transverse wave speeds in the more twisted fiber yarns indicate better ballistic performance in soft body armors for personal protection.

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Dynamic Tensile Characterization of Vascomax® Maraging C250 and C300 Alloys

Journal of Dynamic Behavior of Materials

Song, Bo S.; Wakeland, P.; Furnish, Michael D.

Vascomax® maraging C250 and C300 alloys were dynamically characterized in tension with Kolsky tension bar techniques. Compared with conventional Kolsky tension bar experiments, a pair of lock nuts was used to minimize the pseudo stress peak and a laser system was applied to directly measure the specimen displacement. Dynamic engineering stress–strain curves of the C250 and C300 alloys were obtained in tension at 1000 and 3000 s−1. The dynamic yield strengths for both alloys were similar, but significantly higher than those obtained from quasi-static indentation tests. Both alloys exhibited insignificant strain-rate effect on dynamic yield strength. The C300 alloy showed approximately 10 % higher in yield strength than the C250 alloy at the same strain rates. Necking was observed in both alloys right after yield. The Bridgman correction was applied to calculate the true stress and strain at failure for both alloys. The true failure stress showed a modest strain rate effect for both alloys but no significant difference between the two alloys at the same strain rate. The C250 alloy was more ductile than the C300 alloy under dynamic loading.

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A Novel Splitting-Beam Laser Extensometer Technique for Kolsky Tension Bar Experiment

Journal of Dynamic Behavior of Materials

Nie, Xu; Song, Bo S.; Loeffler, Colin M.

A modified laser occlusive extensometer technique was developed to measure the specimen strain with reasonably high and tunable resolutions in Kolsky tension bar experiments. This new technique used a novel concept where a laser beam was split into two independent sections to track the displacement histories of the incident and transmission bar ends, respectively, with independent resolutions. This technique ensures highly precise small strain measurements without sacrificing the capacity for large strain measurement. The uncertainty caused by rigid body motion of the specimen during dynamic strain measurement, which is induced by slight variation of laser intensity along the gage length, was also minimized in this technique. The validation test on Vascomax® maraging C250 alloy demonstrated that the new technique was capable of making both small and large strain measurements in Kolsky tension bar experiments, which is also applicable to Kolsky compression bar experiments.

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Effect of Threaded Joint Preparation on Impact Energy Dissipation Using Frequency-Based Kolsky Bar Analysis

Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series

Werner, Brian T.; Song, Bo S.; Nelson, Kevin N.

Threaded joints are used in a wide range of industries and are relied upon in maintaining component assembly and structural integrity of mechanical systems. The threads may undergo specific preparation before assembly in applications. In order to ensure a tight seal the threads may be wrapped with PTFE tape or to prevent loosening over time an adhesive (thread locker) may be used. When a threaded joint is subjected to impact loading, the energy is transmitted through the joint to its neighbors while part of it is dissipated within the joint. In order to study the effect of the surface preparation to the threads, steel and aluminum joints were tested with no surface preparation, application of PTFE tape, and with the use of a thread locker (Loctite 262). The tests were conducted using a Kolsky tension bar and a frequency based analysis was used to characterize the energy dissipation of the various thread preparations on both steel/steel and steel/aluminum threaded joints. © The Society for Experimental Mechanics, Inc. 2015.

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Dynamic High-temperature Testing of an Iridium Alloy in Compression at High-strain Rates: Dynamic High-temperature Testing


Song, Bo S.; Nelson, Kevin N.; Lipinski, Ronald J.; Bignell, John B.

Iridium alloys are known to have superior strength and ductility at elevated temperatures, making them useful as structural materials for certain high-temperature applications. However, experimental data on their high-strain -rate performance are needed for understanding high-speed impacts in severe environments. Kolsky bars (also called split Hopkinson bars) have been extensively employed for high-strain -rate characterization of materials at room temperature, but it has been challenging to adapt them for the measurement of dynamic properties at high temperatures. In this study, we analyzed the difficulties encountered in high-temperature Kolsky bar testing of thin iridium alloy specimens in compression. Appropriate modifications were then made to the current high-temperature Kolsky bar technique to obtain reliable compressive stress–strain response of an iridium alloy at high-strain rates (300–10 000 s-1) and temperatures (750 and 1030 °C). Finally, the compressive stress–strain response of the iridium alloy showed significant sensitivity to both strain rate and temperature.

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Dynamic High-Temperature Characterization of an Iridium Alloy in Compression at High Strain Rates

Song, Bo S.; Nelson, Kevin N.; Lipinski, Ronald J.; Bignell, John B.; Ulrich, George U.; George, E.P.

Iridium alloys have superior strength and ductility at elevated temperatures, making them useful as structural materials for certain high-temperature applications. However, experimental data on their high-temperature high-strain-rate performance are needed for understanding high-speed impacts in severe elevated-temperature environments. Kolsky bars (also called split Hopkinson bars) have been extensively employed for high-strain-rate characterization of materials at room temperature, but it has been challenging to adapt them for the measurement of dynamic properties at high temperatures. Current high-temperature Kolsky compression bar techniques are not capable of obtaining satisfactory high-temperature high-strain-rate stress-strain response of thin iridium specimens investigated in this study. We analyzed the difficulties encountered in high-temperature Kolsky compression bar testing of thin iridium alloy specimens. Appropriate modifications were made to the current high-temperature Kolsky compression bar technique to obtain reliable compressive stress-strain response of an iridium alloy at high strain rates (300 – 10000 s-1) and temperatures (750°C and 1030°C). Uncertainties in such high-temperature high-strain-rate experiments on thin iridium specimens were also analyzed. The compressive stress-strain response of the iridium alloy showed significant sensitivity to strain rate and temperature.

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Dynamic Tensile Characterization of a 4330-V Steel with Kolsky Bar Techniques

Experimental Mechanics

Song, Bo S.; Antoun, Bonnie R.; Jin, H.

Dynamic tensile experimental techniques of high-strength alloys using a Kolsky tension bar implemented with pulse shaping and advanced analytical and diagnostic techniques have been developed. The issues that include minimizing abnormal stress peak, determining strain in specimen gage section, evaluating uniform deformation, as well as developing pulse shaping for constant strain rate and stress equilibrium have been addressed in this study to ensure valid experimental conditions and obtainment of reliable high-rate tensile stress-strain response of alloys with a Kolsky tension bar. The techniques were applied to characterize the tensile stress-strain response of a 4330-V steel at two high strain rates. Comparing these high-rate results with quasi-static data, the strain rate effect on the tensile stress-strain response of the 4330-V steel was determined. The 4330-V steel exhibits slight work-hardening behavior in tension and the tensile flow stress is significantly sensitive to strain rate. © 2013 Society for Experimental Mechanics.

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Results 51–100 of 142
Results 51–100 of 142