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Library of Advanced Materials for Engineering (LAMÉ) 5.10

Lester, Brian T.; Long, Kevin N.; Scherzinger, William M.; Vignes, Chet V.; Reedlunn, Benjamin R.

Accurate and efficient constitutive modeling remains a cornerstone issue for solid mechanics analysis. Over the years, the LAMÉ advanced material model library has grown to address this challenge by implementing models capable of describing material systems spanning soft polymers to stiff ceramics including both isotropic and anisotropic responses. Inelastic behaviors including (visco)plasticity, damage, and fracture have all incorporated for use in various analyses. This multitude of options and flexibility, however, comes at the cost of many capabilities, features, and responses and the ensuing complexity in the resulting implementation. Therefore, to enhance confidence and enable the utilization of the LAMÉ library in application, this effort seeks to document and verify the various models in the LAMÉ library. Specifically, the broader strategy, organization, and interface of the library itself is first presented. The physical theory, numerical implementation, and user guide for a large set of models is then discussed. Importantly, a number of verification tests are performed with each model to not only have confidence in the model itself but also highlight some important response characteristics and features that may be of interest to end-users. Finally, in looking ahead to the future, approaches to add material models to this library and further expand the capabilities are presented.

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Salt International Collaborations (FY22 Update)

Kuhlman, Kristopher L.; Matteo, Edward N.; Mills, Melissa M.; Jayne, Richard S.; Reedlunn, Benjamin R.; Sobolik, Steven R.; Bean, James B.

This report summarizes the international collaborations conducted by Sandia funded by the US Department of Energy Office (DOE) of Nuclear Energy Spent Fuel and Waste Science & Technology (SFWST) as part of the Sandia National Laboratories Salt R&D and Salt International work packages. This report satisfies the level-three milestone M3SF-22SN010303063. Several stand-alone sections make up this summary report, each completed by the participants. The sections discuss international collaborations on geomechanical benchmarking exercises (WEIMOS), granular salt reconsolidation (KOMPASS), engineered barriers (RANGERS), numerical model comparison (DECOVALEX) and an NEA Salt Club working group on the development of scenarios as part of the performance assessment development process. Finally, we summarize events related to the US/German Workshop on Repository Research, Design and Operations. The work summarized in this annual update has occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic, and little international or domestic travel has occurred. Most of the collaborations have been conducted via email or as virtual meetings, but a slow return to travel and in-person meetings has begun.

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Library of Advanced Materials for Engineering (LAM) 5.8

Lester, Brian T.; Vignes, Chet V.; Scherzinger, William M.; Long, Kevin N.; Reedlunn, Benjamin R.; Cundiff, Kenneth N.

Accurate and efficient constitutive modeling remains a cornerstone issue for solid mechanics analysis. Over the years, the LAMÉ advanced material model library has grown to address this challenge by implementing models capable of describing material systems spanning soft polymers to stiff ceramics including both isotropic and anisotropic responses. Inelastic behaviors including (visco)plasticity, damage, and fracture have all incorporated for use in various analyses. This multitude of options and flexibility, however, comes at the cost of many capabilities, features, and responses and the ensuing complexity in the resulting implementation. Therefore, to enhance confidence and enable the utilization of the LAMÉ library in application, this effort seeks to document and verify the various models in the LAMÉ library. Specifically, the broader strategy, organization, and interface of the library itself is first presented. The physical theory, numerical implementation, and user guide for a large set of models is then discussed. Importantly, a number of verification tests are performed with each model to not only have confidence in the model itself but also highlight some important response characteristics and features that may be of interest to end-users. Finally, in looking ahead to the future, approaches to add material models to this library and further expand the capabilities are presented.

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Library of Advanced Materials for Engineering ((LAMÉ) 5.6

Lester, Brian T.; Scherzinger, William M.; Long, Kevin N.; Vignes, Chet V.; Reedlunn, Benjamin R.

Accurate and efficient constitutive modeling remains a cornerstone issue for solid mechanics analysis. Over the years, the LAMÉ advanced material model library has grown to address this challenge by implementing models capable of describing material systems spanning soft polymers to stiff ceramics including both isotropic and anisotropic responses. Inelastic behaviors including (visco)plasticity, damage, and fracture have all incorporated for use in various analyses. This multitude of options and flexibility, however, comes at the cost of many capabilities, features, and responses and the ensuing complexity in the resulting implementation. Therefore, to enhance confidence and enable the utilization of the LAMÉ library in application, this effort seeks to document and verify the various models in the LAMÉ library. Specifically, the broader strategy, organization, and interface of the library itself is first presented. The physical theory, numerical implementation, and user guide for a large set of models is then discussed. Importantly, a number of verification tests are performed with each model to not only have confidence in the model itself but also highlight some important response characteristics and features that may be of interest to end-users. Finally, in looking ahead to the future, approaches to add material models to this library and further expand the capabilities are presented.

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A reinvestigation into Munson's model for room closure in bedded rock salt

International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences

Reedlunn, Benjamin R.; Argüello, J.G.; Hansen, Frank D.

Accurate predictions of room closure are important for hazardous waste repositories in rock salt formations, such as the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP). When Munson and co-workers simulated several room closure experiments conducted at the WIPP during the 1980's and 1990's, their simulated closure curves closely agreed with the closure measurements. A careful review of their work, however, raised concerns and prompted the reinvestigation in this paper. To begin the reinvestigation, Munson's legacy Room D closure simulation was reasonably recreated in a current-day finite element code. Next, special care was taken to obtain numerically converged results, re-introduce the anhydrite strata intermittently ignored by Munson, and calibrate the Munson–Dawson (M–D) constitutive model for salt as much as possible from laboratory test measurements. When this new model was used to simulate Room D's closure, it under-predicted the horizontal and vertical closure rates by 2.34× and 3.10×, respectively, at 5.7 years after room excavation. As a result, the M–D model was extended to capture the newly established creep behavior at low equivalent stresses (<8MPa) and replace the Tresca with the Hosford equivalent stress. Simulations using the new M–D model over-predicted the horizontal closure rate by 1.15× and under-predicted the vertical closure rate by 1.08× at 5.7 years, averaged over three room closure experiments. Although further improvements could be made, the new model has a stronger scientific foundation than Munson's legacy model and appears ready for careful engineering use.

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Improbability of Nuclear Criticality in Compacted Criticality Control Overpacks after Room Closure by Salt Creep at Waste Isolation Pilot Plant

Rechard, Robert P.; Day, Brad A.; Reedlunn, Benjamin R.; Bean, James B.

Based on the rationale presented, nuclear criticality is improbable after salt creep causes compaction of criticality control overpacks (CCOs) disposed at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, an operating repository in bedded salt for the disposal of transuranic (TRU) waste from atomic energy defense activities. For most TRU waste, the possibility of post-closure criticality is exceedingly small either because the salt neutronically isolates TRU waste canisters or because closure of a disposal room from salt creep does not sufficiently compact the low mass of fissile material. The criticality potential has been updated here because of the introduction of CCOs, which may dispose up to 380 fissile gram equivalent plutonium-239 in each container. The criticality potential is evaluated through high-fidelity geomechanical modeling of a disposal room filled with CCOs during two representative conditions: (1) large salt block fall, and (2) gradual salt compaction (without brine seepage and subsequent gas generation to permit maximum room closure). Geomechanical models of rock fall demonstrate three tiers of CCOs are not greatly disrupted. Geomechanical models of gradual room closure from salt creep predict irregular arrays of closely packed CCOs after 1000 years, when room closure has asymptotically approached maximum compaction. Criticality models of spheres and cylinders of 380 fissile gram equivalent of plutonium (as oxide) at the predicted irregular spacing demonstrate that an array of CCOs is not critical when surrounded by salt and magnesium oxide, provided the amount of hydrogenous material shipped in the CCO (usually water and plastics) is controlled or boron carbide (a neutron poison) is mixed with the fissile contents.

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Library of Advanced Materials for Engineering (LAMÉ) 5.4

Lester, Brian T.; Long, Kevin N.; Scherzinger, William M.; Reedlunn, Benjamin R.; Vignes, Chet V.

Accurate and efficient constitutive modeling remains a cornerstone issue for solid mechanics analysis. Over the years, the LAMÉ advanced material model library has grown to address this challenge by implementing models capable of describing material systems spanning soft polymers to stiff ceramics including both isotropic and anisotropic responses. Inelastic behaviors including (visco)plasticity, damage, and fracture have all incorporated for use in various analyses. This multitude of options and flexibility, however, comes at the cost of many capabilities, features, and responses and the ensuing complexity in the resulting implementation. Therefore, to enhance confidence and enable the utilization of the LAMÉ library in application, this effort seeks to document and verify the various models in the LAMÉ library. Specifically, the broader strategy, organization, and interface of the library itself is first presented. The physical theory, numerical implementation, and user guide for a large set of models is then discussed. Importantly, a number of verification tests are performed with each model to not only have confidence in the model itself but also highlight some important response characteristics and features that may be of interest to end-users. Finally, in looking ahead to the future, approaches to add material models to this library and further expand the capabilities are presented.

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Salt International Collaborations FY2021 Update

Kuhlman, Kristopher L.; Matteo, Edward N.; Mills, Melissa M.; Jayne, Richard S.; Reedlunn, Benjamin R.; Sobolik, Steven R.; Bean, James B.; Stein, Emily S.; Gross, Michael B.

This report summarizes the international collaboration work conducted by Sandia and funded by the US Department of Energy Office (DOE) of Nuclear Energy Spent Fuel and Waste Science & Technology (SFWST) as part of the Sandia National Laboratories Salt R&D and Salt International work packages. This report satisfies the level-three milestone M3SF-20SN010303062. Several stand-alone sections make up this summary report, each completed by the participants. The sections discuss international collaborations on geomechanical benchmarking exercises (WEIMOS), granular salt reconsolidation (KOMPASS), engineered barriers (RANGERS), and model comparison (DECOVALEX). Lastly, the report summarizes a newly developed working group on the development of scenarios as part of the performance assessment development process, and the activities related to the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) Salt club and the US/German Workshop on Repository Research, Design and Operations.

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Reconstruction of the Room D, B, G, and Q Closure Histories at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant

Reedlunn, Benjamin R.; Williams, Laura A.

Experimental measurements of room closure in salt repositories are valuable for understanding the evolution of the underground and for validating geomechanical models. Room closure was measured during a number of experiments at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) during the 1980's and 1990's. Most rooms were excavated using a multi-pass mining sequence, where each pass necessarily destroyed some of the mining sequence closure measurement points. These destroyed points were promptly reinstalled to capture the closure after the mining pass. After the room was complete, the mining sequence closure measurement stations were supplemented with remotely read closure measurement stations. Although many aspects of these experiments were thoroughly documented, the digital copies of the closure data were inadvertently destroyed, the non-trivial process of zeroing and shifting the raw closure measurements after each mining pass was not precisely described, the various closure measurements within a given room were not directly compared on the same plot, and the measurements were collected for several years longer than previously reported. Consequently, the hand-written mining sequence closure measurements for Rooms D, B, G, and Q were located in the WIPP archives, digitized, and reanalyzed for this report. The process of reconstructing the mining sequence closure histories was documented in detail and the raw data can be found in the appendices. Within the mid-section of a given room, the reconstructed closure histories were largely consistent with other mining sequence and remotely read closure histories, which builds confidence in the experiments and suggests that plane strain is an appropriate modeling assumption. The reconstructed closure histories were also reasonably consistent with previously published results, except in one notable case: the reconstructed Room Q closure histories 30 days after excavation were about 45 % less than the corresponding closures reported in Munson's 1997 capstone paper.

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Library of Advanced Materials for Engineering (LAMÉ) 5.0

Lester, Brian T.; Scherzinger, William M.; Long, Kevin N.; Reedlunn, Benjamin R.; Vignes, Chet V.

Accurate and efficient constitutive modeling remains a cornerstone issue for solid mechanics analysis. Over the years, the LAMÉ advanced material model library has grown to address this challenge by implementing models capable of describing material systems spanning soft polymers to stiff ceramics including both isotropic and anisotropic responses. Inelastic behaviors including (visco)plasticity, damage, and fracture have all incorporated for use in various analyses. This multitude of options and flexibility, however, comes at the cost of many capabilities, features, and responses and the ensuing complexity in the resulting implementation. Therefore, to enhance confidence and enable the utilization of the LAMÉ library in application, this effort seeks to document and verify the various models in the LAMÉ library. Specifically, the broader strategy, organization, and interface of the library itself is first presented. The physical theory, numerical implementation, and user guide for a large set of models is then discussed. Importantly, a number of verification tests are performed with each model to not only have confidence in the model itself but also highlight some important response characteristics and features that may be of interest to end-users. Finally, in looking ahead to the future, approaches to add material models to this library and further expand the capabilities are presented

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Library of Advanced Materials for Engineering (LAMÉ) 4.58

Lester, Brian T.; Long, Kevin N.; Scherzinger, William M.; Vignes, Chet V.; Reedlunn, Benjamin R.

Accurate and efficient constitutive modeling remains a cornerstone issue for solid mechanics analysis. Over the years, the LAMÉ advanced material model library has grown to address this challenge by implementing models capable of describing material systems spanning soft polymers to stiff ceramics including both isotropic and anisotropic responses. Inelastic behaviors including (visco)plasticity, damage, and fracture have all incorporated for use in various analyses. This multitude of options and flexibility, however, comes at the cost of many capabilities, features, and responses and the ensuing complexity in the resulting implementation. Therefore, to enhance confidence and enable the utilization of the LAMÉ library in application, this effort seeks to document and verify the various models in the LAMÉ library. Specifically, the broader strategy, organization, and interface of the library itself is first presented. The physical theory, numerical implementation, and user guide for a large set of models is then discussed. Importantly, a number of verification tests are performed with each model to not only have confidence in the model itself but also highlight some important response characteristics and features that may be of interest to end-users. Finally, in looking ahead to the future, approaches to add material models to this library and further expand the capabilities are presented.

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International Collaborations on Radioactive Waste Disposal in Salt (FY20)

Kuhlman, Kristopher L.; Matteo, Edward N.; Mills, Melissa M.; Jayne, Richard S.; Reedlunn, Benjamin R.; Sobolik, Steven R.; Bean, James B.; Stein, Emily S.; Gross, Michael B.

This report is a summary of the international collaboration work conducted by Sandia and funded by the US Department of Energy Office (DOE) of Nuclear Energy Spent Fuel and Waste Science & Technology (SFWST) as part of the Sandia National Laboratories Salt R&D and Salt International work packages. This report satisfies milestone level-three milestone M3SF-205N010303062. Several stand-alone sections make up this summary report, each completed by the participants. The first two sections discuss international collaborations on geomechanical benchmarking exercises (WEIMOS), granular salt reconsolidation (KOMPASS), engineered barriers (RANGERS), and documentation of Features, Events, and Processes (FEPs).

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Initial Simulations of Empty Room Collapse and Reconsolidation at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant

Reedlunn, Benjamin R.; Moutsanidis, Georgios M.; Baek, Jonghyuk B.; Huang, Tsung-Hui H.; Koester, Jacob K.; Matteo, Edward N.; He, Xiaolong H.; Taneja, Karan T.; Wei, Haoyan W.; Bazilevs, Yuri B.; Chen, Jiun-Shyan C.; Mitchell, Chven A.; Lander, Robert L.; Dewers, Thomas D.

The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) is a geologic repository for defense-related nuclear waste. If left undisturbed, the virtually impermeable rock salt surrounding the repository will isolate the nuclear waste from the biosphere. If humans accidentally intrude into the repository in the future, then the likelihood of a radionuclide release to the biosphere will depend significantly on the porosity and permeability of the repository itself. Room ceilings and walls at the WIPP tend to collapse over time, causing rubble piles to form on floors of empty rooms. The surrounding rock formation will gradually compact these rubble piles until they eventually become solid salt, but the length of time for a rubble pile to reach a certain porosity and permeability is unknown. This report details the first efforts to build models to predict the porosity and permeability evolution of an empty room as it closes. Conventional geomechanical numerical methods would struggle to model empty room collapse and rubble pile consolidation, so three different meshless methods, the Immersed Isogeometric Analysis Meshfree, Reproducing Kernel Particle Method (RKPM), and the Conformal Reproducing Kernel method, were assessed. First, the meshless methods and the finite element method each simulated gradual room closure, without ceiling or wall collapse. All three methods produced equivalent room closure predictions with comparable computational speed. Second, the Immersed Isogeometric Analysis Meshfree method and RKPM simulated two-dimensional empty room collapse and rubble pile consolidation. Both methods successfully simulated large viscoplastic deformations, fracture, and rubble pile rearrangement to produce qualitatively realistic results. In addition to geomechanical simulations, the flow channels in damaged salt and crushed salt were measured using micro-computed tomography, and input into a computational fluid dynamics simulation to predict the salt's permeability. Although room for improvement exists, the current simulation approaches appear promising.

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Shear Behavior of Bedded Salt Interfaces under Direct Shear Loading

Sobolik, Steven R.; Reedlunn, Benjamin R.

Bedded salt contains interfaces between the host salt and other in situ materials such as clay seams, or different impurities such as anhydrite or polyhalite in contact with the salt. These inhomogeneities are thought to have first-order effects on the closure of nearby drifts and potential roof collapses. Despite their importance, characterizations of the peak shear strength and residual shear strength of interfaces in salt are extremely rare in the published literature. This paper presents results from laboratory experiments designed to measure the mechanical behavior of a bedding interface or clay seam as it is sheared. The series of laboratory direct shear tests reported in this paper were performed on several samples of materials from the Permian Basin in New Mexico. These tests were conducted at numerous normal and shear loads up to the expected in situ pre-mining stress conditions. Tests were performed on samples with a halite/clay contact, a halite/anhydrite contact, a halite/polyhalite contact, and on plain salt samples without an interface for comparison. Intact shear strength values were determined for all of the test samples along with residual values for the majority of the tests. The results indicated only a minor variation in shear strength, at a given normal stress, across all samples. This result was surprising because sliding along clay seams is regularly observed in the underground, suggesting the clay seam interfaces should be weaker than plain salt. Post-test inspections of these samples noted that salt crystals were intrinsic to the structure of the seam, which probably increased the shear strength as compared to a typical clay seam. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research is funded by radioactive waste repository programs administered by the Office of Nuclear Energy of the U.S. Department of Energy. The authors would like to acknowledge and thank Stuart Buchholz, Evan Keffeler, and Scyller Borglum of RESPEC Inc. in Rapid City, South Dakota. They performed the laboratory tests documented in this SAND report under a contract with Sandia, and were co-authors on a U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium paper reporting the results. We would also like to thank Courtney Herrick of Sandia National Laboratories; Frank Hansen of Sandia National Laboratories and RESPEC; Sean Dunagan from Sandia's WIPP organization; Andreas Hampel of Hampel Consulting; and the US-German collaboration on repositories in salt for their review and support of this work.

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Shear behavior of bedded salt interfaces and clay seams

53rd U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium

Sobolik, Steven R.; Buchholz, S.A.; Keffeler, E.; Borglum, S.; Reedlunn, Benjamin R.

Bedded salt contains interfaces between the host salt and other in situ materials such as clay seams, or different materials such as anhydrite or polyhalite in contact with the salt. These inhomogeneities are thought to have first-order effects on the closure of nearby drifts and potential roof collapses. Despite their importance, characterizations of the peak shear strength and residual shear strength of interfaces in salt are extremely rare in the published literature. This paper presents results from laboratory experiments designed to measure the mechanical behavior of a bedding interface or clay seam as it is sheared. The series of laboratory direct shear tests reported in this paper were performed on several samples of materials from the Permian Basin in New Mexico. These tests were conducted at several normal and shear loads up to the expected in situ pre-mining stress conditions. Tests were performed on samples with a halite/clay contact, a halite/anhydrite contact, a halite/polyhalite contact, and on plain salt samples without an interface for comparison. Intact shear strength values were determined for all of the test samples along with residual values for the majority of the tests. The test results indicated only a minor variation in shear strength, at a given normal stress, across all samples. This result was surprising because sliding along clay seams is regularly observed in the underground, suggesting the clay seam interfaces should be weaker than plain salt. Post-test inspections of these samples noted that salt crystals were intrinsic to the structure of the seam, which probably increased the shear strength as compared to a more typical clay seam.

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Enhancements to the Munson-Dawson Model for Rock Salt

Reedlunn, Benjamin R.

The Munson-Dawson (MD) constitutive model was originally developed in the 1980's to predict the thermomechanical behavior of rock salt. Since then, it has been used to simulate the evolution of the underground in nuclear waste repositories, mines, and storage caverns for gases and liquids. This report covers three enhancements to the MD model. (1) New transient and steady-state rate terms were added to capture salt's creep behavior at low equivalent stresses (below about 8 MPa). These new terms were calibrated against a series of triaxial compression creep experiments on salt from the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant. (2) The equivalent stress measure was changed from the Tresca stress to the Hosford stress. By varying a single exponent, the Hosford stress can reduce to the Tresca stress, the von Mises stress, or a range of behaviors in-between. This exponent was calibrated against true triaxial compression experiments on salt hollow cylinders. (3) The MD model's numerical implementation was overhauled, adding a line search algorithm to the implicit solution scheme. The new implementation was verified against analytical solutions, and benchmarked against a pre-existing implementation on a room closure simulation. The new implementation pre- dicted virtually identical room closure, yet sped up the simulation by 16x . (The source code of the new implementation is included in an appendix of this report.)

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Conversion of Plastic Work to Heat: A full-field study of thermomechanical coupling

Jones, Amanda; Reedlunn, Benjamin R.; Jones, Elizabeth M.; Kramer, Sharlotte L.

This project targeted a full-field understanding of the conversion of plastic work into heat us- ing advanced diagnostics (digital image correlation, DIC, combined with infrared, IR, imaging). This understanding will act as a catalyst for reformulating the prevalent simplistic model, which will ultimately transform Sandia's ability to design for and predict thermomechanical behavior, impacting national security applications including nuclear weapon assessments of accident scenar- ios. Tensile 304L stainless steel dogbones are pulled in tension at quasi-static rates until failure and full-field deformation and temperature data are captured, while accounting for thermal losses. The IR temperature fields are mapped onto the DIC coordinate system (Lagrangian formulation). The resultant fields are used to calculate the Taylor-Quinney coefficient, p, at two strain rates rates (0.002 s -1 and 0.08 s -1 ) and two temperatures (room temperature, RT, and 250degC).

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Uniaxial, pure bending, and column buckling experiments on superelastic NiTi rods and tubes

International Journal of Solids and Structures

Watkins, Ryan T.; Reedlunn, Benjamin R.; Daly, Samantha; Shaw, John A.

Many existing shape memory alloy (SMA) devices consist of slender beams and frames. To better understand SMA beam behavior, we experimentally examined the isothermal, room temperature response of superelastic NiTi rods and tubes, of similar outer diameters, subjected to four different modes of loading. Pure tension, pure compression, and pure bending experiments were first performed to establish and compare the baseline uniaxial and bending behaviors of rods and tubes. Column buckling experiments were then performed on rod and tube columns of several slenderness ratios to investigate their mechanical responses, phase transformation kinetics under combined uniaxial and bending deformation, and the interaction between material and structural instabilities. In all experiments, stereo digital image correlation measured local displacement fields in order to capture phenomena such as strain localization and propagating phase boundaries. Superelastic mechanical behavior and the nature of stress-induced phase transformation were found to be strongly affected by specimen geometry and the deformation mode. Under uniaxial tension, both the rod and tube had well-defined loading and unloading plateaus in their superelastic responses, during which stress-induced phase transformation propagated along the length of the specimen in the form of a high/low strain front. Due to the dependence of strain localization on kinematic compatibility, the high/low strain front morphologies differed between the rod and tube: for the rod, the high/low strain front consisted of a diffuse “neck”, while the high/low strain front in the tube consisted of distinct, criss-crossing “fingers.” During uniaxial compression, both cross-sectional forms exhibited higher transformation stresses and smaller transformation strains than uniaxial tension, highlighting the now well-known tension-compression asymmetry of SMAs. Additionally, phase transformation localization and propagation were absent under compressive loading. During pure bending, the moment-curvature response of both forms exhibited plateaus and strain localization during forward and reverse transformations. Rod specimens developed localized, high-curvature regions that propagated along the specimen axis and caused shear strain near the high/low curvature interface; whereas, the tube specimens exhibited finger/wedge-like high strain regions over the tensile side of the tube which caused nonlinear strain profiles through the thickness of the specimen that did not propagate. It was therefore found that classical beam theory assumptions did not hold in the presence of phase transformation localization (although, the assumptions did hold on average for the tube). During column buckling, the structures were loaded into the post-buckling regime yet recovered nearly-straight forms upon unloading. Strain localization was observed only for high aspect ratio (slender) tubes, but the mechanical responses were similar to that of rods of the same slenderness ratio. Also, an interesting “unbuckling” phenomenon was discovered in certain low aspect ratio (stout) columns, where late post-buckling straightening was observed despite continuous monotonic loading. Thus, these behaviors are some of the challenging phenomena which must be captured when developing SMA constitutive models and executing structural simulations.

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Status Report on Laboratory Testing and International Collaborations in Salt

Kuhlman, Kristopher L.; Matteo, Edward N.; Hadgu, Teklu H.; Reedlunn, Benjamin R.; Sobolik, Steven R.; Mills, Melissa M.; Kirkes, Leslie D.; Xiong, Yongliang X.; Icenhower, Jonathan I.

This report is a summary of the international collaboration and laboratory work funded by the US Department of Energy Office of Nuclear Energy Spent Fuel and Waste Science & Technology (SFWST) as part of the Sandia National Laboratories Salt R&D work package. This report satisfies milestone levelfour milestone M4SF-17SN010303014. Several stand-alone sections make up this summary report, each completed by the participants. The first two sections discuss international collaborations on geomechanical benchmarking exercises (WEIMOS) and bedded salt investigations (KOSINA), while the last three sections discuss laboratory work conducted on brucite solubility in brine, dissolution of borosilicate glass into brine, and partitioning of fission products into salt phases.

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Comparative shock response of additively manufactured versus conventionally wrought 304L stainless steel

AIP Conference Proceedings

Wise, Jack L.; Adams, David P.; Nishida, E.E.; Song, Bo S.; Maguire, M.C.; Carroll, Jay D.; Reedlunn, Benjamin R.; Bishop, Joseph E.; Palmer, T.A.

Gas-gun experiments have probed the compression and release behavior of impact-loaded 304L stainless steel specimens that were machined from additively manufactured (AM) blocks as well as baseline ingot-derived bar stock. The AM technology permits direct fabrication of net-or near-net-shape metal parts. For the present investigation, velocity interferometer (VISAR) diagnostics provided time-resolved measurements of sample response for onedimensional (i.e., uniaxial strain) shock compression to peak stresses ranging from 0.2 to 7.0 GPa. The acquired waveprofile data have been analyzed to determine the comparative Hugoniot Elastic Limit (HEL), Hugoniot equation of state, spall strength, and high-pressure yield strength of the AM and conventional materials. The possible contributions of various factors, such as composition, porosity, microstructure (e.g., grain size and morphology), residual stress, and/or sample axis orientation relative to the additive manufacturing deposition trajectory, are considered to explain differences between the AM and baseline 304L dynamic material results.

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Reinvestigation into Closure Predictions of Room D at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant

Reedlunn, Benjamin R.

Room D was an in-situ, isothermal, underground experiment conducted at theWaste Isolation Pilot Plant between 1984 and 1991. The room was carefully instrumented to measure the horizontal and vertical closure immediately upon excavation and for several years thereafter. Early finite element simulations of salt creep around Room D under predicted the vertical closure by 4.5×, causing investigators to explore a series of changes to the way Room D was modeled. Discrepancies between simulations and measurements were resolved through a series of adjustments to model parameters, which were openly acknowledged in published reports. Interest in Room D has been rekindled recently by the U.S./German Joint Project III and Project WEIMOS, which seek to improve the predictions of rock salt constitutive models. Joint Project participants calibrate their models solely against laboratory tests, and benchmark the models against underground experiments, such as room D. This report describes updating legacy Room D simulations to today’s computational standards by rectifying several numerical issues. Subsequently, the constitutive model used in previous modeling is recalibrated two different ways against a suite of new laboratory creep experiments on salt extracted from the repository horizon of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant. Simulations with the new, laboratory-based, calibrations under predict Room D vertical closure by 3.1×. A list of potential improvements is discussed.

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Reinvestigation into Closure Predictions of Room D at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant

Reedlunn, Benjamin R.

Room D was an in-situ, isothermal, underground experiment conducted at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant between 1984 and 1991. The room was carefully instrumented to measure the horizontal and vertical closure immediately upon excavation and for several years thereafter. Early finite element simulations of salt creep around Room D under-predicted the vertical closure by 4.5×, causing investigators to explore a series of changes to the way Room D was modeled. Discrepancies between simulations and measurements were resolved through a series of adjustments to model parameters, which were openly acknowledged in published reports. Interest in Room D has been rekindled recently by the U.S./German Joint Project III and Project WEIMOS, which seek to improve the predictions of rock salt constitutive models. Joint Project participants calibrate their models solely against laboratory tests, and benchmark the models against underground experiments, such as room D. This report describes updating legacy Room D simulations to today’s computational standards by rectifying several numerical issues. Subsequently, the constitutive model used in previous modeling is recalibrated two different ways against a suite of new laboratory creep experiments on salt extracted from the repository horizon of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant. Simulations with the new, laboratory-based, calibrations under-predict Room D vertical closure by 3.1×. A list of potential improvements is discussed.

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An attempt to calibrate and validate a simple ductile failure model against axial-torsion experiments on Al 6061-T651

Reedlunn, Benjamin R.; Lu, Wei-Yang L.

This report details a work in progress. We have attempted to calibrate and validate a Von Mises plasticity model with the Johnson-Cook failure criterion ( Johnson & Cook , 1985 ) against a set of experiments on various specimens of Al 6061-T651. As will be shown, the effort was not successful, despite considerable attention to detail. When the model was com- pared against axial-torsion experiments on tubes, it over predicted failure by 3 x in tension, and never predicted failure in torsion, even when the tube was twisted by 4 x further than the experiment. While this result is unfortunate, it is not surprising. Ductile failure is not well understood. In future work, we will explore whether more sophisticated material mod- els of plasticity and failure will improve the predictions. Selecting the appropriate advanced material model and interpreting the results of said model are not trivial exercises, so it is worthwhile to fully investigate the behavior of a simple plasticity model before moving on to an anisotropic yield surface or a similarly complicated model.

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Large motion high cycle high speed optical fibers for space based applications

Stromberg, Peter G.; Tandon, Rajan T.; Gibson, Cory S.; Reedlunn, Benjamin R.; Rasberry, Roger D.; Rohr, Garth R.

Future remote sensing applications will require higher resolution and therefore higher data rates (up to perhaps 100 gigabits per second) while achieving lower mass and cost. A current limitation to the design space is high speed high bandwidth data does not cross movable gimbals because of cabling issues. This requires the detectors to be off gimbal. The ability to get data across the gimbal would open up efficiencies in designs where the detectors and the electronics can be placed anywhere on the system. Fiber optic cables provide light weight high speed high bandwidth connections. Current options are limited to 20,000 cycles as opposed to the 1,000,000 cycles needed for future space based applications. To extend this to the million+ regime, requires a thorough understanding of the failure mechanisms and the materials, proper selection of materials (e.g., glass and jacket material) allowable geometry changes to the cable, radiation hardness, etc.

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A review of macroscopic ductile failure criteria

Corona, Edmundo C.; Reedlunn, Benjamin R.

The objective of this work was to describe several of the ductile failure criteria com- monly used to solve practical problems. The following failure models were considered: equivalent plastic strain, equivalent plastic strain in tension, maximum shear, Mohr- Coulomb, Wellman's tearing parameter, Johnson-Cook and BCJ MEM. The document presents the main characteristics of each failure model as well as sample failure predic- tions for simple proportional loading stress histories in three dimensions and in plane stress. Plasticity calculations prior to failure were conducted with a simple, linear hardening, J2 plasticity model. The resulting failure envelopes were plotted in prin- cipal stress space and plastic strain space, where the dependence on stress triaxiality and Lode angle are clearly visible. This information may help analysts select a ductile fracture model for a practical problem and help interpret analysis results.

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78 Results
78 Results