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Safeguards and process modeling for molten salt reactors

GLOBAL 2019 - International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Conference and TOP FUEL 2019 - Light Water Reactor Fuel Performance Conference

Shoman, Nathan; Cipiti, Benjamin B.; Betzler, Benjamin

Renewed interest in the development of molten salt reactors has created the need for analytical tools that can perform safeguards assessments on these advanced reactors. This work outlines a flexible framework to perform safeguards analyses on a wide range of advanced reactor designs. The framework consists of two parts, a process model and a safeguards tool. The process model, developed in MATLAB Simulink, simulates the flow materials through a reactor facility. These models are linked to SCALE/TRITON and SCALE/ORIGEN to approximate depletion and decay of fuel salts but are flexible enough to accommodate higher fidelity tools if needed. The safeguards tool uses the process data to calculate common statistical quantities of interest such as material unaccounted for (MUF) and Page's trend test on the standardized independent transformed MUF (SITMUF). This paper documents the development of these tools.

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Final Electrochemical Safeguards Model for the MPACT 2020 Milestone

Cipiti, Benjamin B.

The Material Protection, Accounting, and Control Technologies (MPACT) program is working toward a 2020 demonstration of Safeguards and Security by Design for advanced fuel cycle facilities. This milestone ties together modeling and experimental work and will initially demonstrate the concept for electrochemical processing facilities. The safeguards modeling tool used is the Separation and Safeguards Performance Model (SSPM). This report outlines the baseline model design that will be used for the 2020 milestone analysis, which was updated to represent a new baseline flowsheet developed for the MPACT program. The model was also used to generate simulation data for other labs to use as part of their safeguards analysis. Finally, this report describes how the 2020 milestone will be met. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was funded by the Materials Protection, Accounting, and Control Technologies (MPACT) working group as part of the Nuclear Technology Research and Development Program under the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Energy.

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Development of a Liquid-Fueled Molten Salt Reactor Safeguards Model

Shoman, Nathan; Cipiti, Benjamin B.

This work describes the ongoing work to develop a molten salt reactor (MSR) model and associated tools for safeguards analysis. A new flowsheet was developed in collaboration with Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) for the Molten Salt Demonstration Reactor (MSDR). This design was chosen by ORNL as a generic baseline design that could be used for safeguards research. The model has simple chemical processing that is less extensive than the two-fluid flowsheet developed in the last year. A detailed TRITON reactor physics model, provided by ORNL, was implemented into the process model. The process model now includes reactor parameters such as K-eff and decay heat, which could be used as part of an advanced safeguards approach. Finally, a set of generic safeguards tools based on current safeguards approaches were developed. These tools are flexible and can be used with most MSR flowsheets. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was funded by the Materials Protection Accounting and Control Technologies (MPACT) working group as part of the Fuel Cycle Technologies Program under the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Energy. The authors would also like to acknowledge Ben Betz ler for his work on the reactor physics models that were incorporated into the work and the continued collaboration with ORNL staff.

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Physical Security Model Development of an Electrochemical Facility

Cipiti, Benjamin B.

Nuclear facilities in the U.S. and around the world face increasing challenges in meeting evolving physical security requirements while keeping costs reasonable. The addition of security features after a facility has been designed and without attention to optimization (the approach of the past) can easily lead to cost overruns. Instead, security should be considered at the beginning of the design process in order to provide robust, yet efficient physical security designs. The purpose of this work is to demonstrate how modeling and simulation can be used to optimize the design of physical protection systems. A suite of tools, including Scribe3D and Blender, were used to model up a generic electrochemical reprocessing facility. Physical protection elements such as sensors, portal monitors, barriers, and guard forces were added to the model based on best practices for physical security. One outsider theft scenario was examined with 4-8 adversaries to determine security metrics. This work fits into a larger Virtual Test Bed 2020 Milestone in the Material Protection, Accounting, and Control Technologies (MPACT) program through the Department of Energy (DOE). The purpose of the milestone is to demonstrate how a series of experimental and modeling capabilities across the DOE complex provide the capabilities to demonstrate complete Safeguards and Security by Design (SSBD) for nuclear facilities. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was funded by the Materials Protection, Accounting, and Control Technologies (MPACT) working group as part of the Nuclear Technology Research and Development Program under the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Energy.

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Co-Decontamination Dynamic Modeling to Support the Experimental Campaign

Cipiti, Benjamin B.

The Co-Decontamination (CoDCon) Demonstration experiment at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) is designed to test the separation of a mixed U and Pu product from dissolved spent nuclear fuel. The primary purpose of the project is to demonstrate control of the Pu/U ratio throughout the entire process without producing a pure Pu stream. In addition, the project is quantifying the accuracy and precision to which a Pu/U mass ratio can be achieved. The system includes an on-line monitoring system using spectroscopy to monitor the ratios throughout the process. A dynamic model of the CoDCon flowsheet and the on-line monitoring system was developed to augment the experimental work. This model is based in MATLAB Simulink and provides the ability to expand the range of scenarios that can be examined for process control and determine overall measurement uncertainty. Experimental results have been used to inform and benchmark the model so that it can accurately simulate various transient scenarios. The results of the experimental benchmarking are presented here along with modeled scenarios to demonstrate the control and process monitoring of the system.

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Bulk Handling Facility Modeling and Simulation for Safeguards Analysis

Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations

Cipiti, Benjamin B.; Shoman, Nathan

The Separation and Safeguards Performance Model (SSPM) uses MATLAB/Simulink to provide a tool for safeguards analysis of bulk handling nuclear processing facilities. Models of aqueous and electrochemical reprocessing, enrichment, fuel fabrication, and molten salt reactor facilities have been developed to date. These models are used for designing the overall safeguards system, examining new safeguards approaches, virtually testing new measurement instrumentation, and analyzing diversion scenarios. The key metrics generated by the models include overall measurement uncertainty and detection probability for various material diversion or facility misuse scenarios. Safeguards modeling allows for rapid and cost-effective analysis for Safeguards by Design. The models are currently being used to explore alternative safeguards approaches, including more reliance on process monitoring data to reduce the need for destructive analysis that adds considerable burden to international safeguards. Machine learning techniques are being applied, but these techniques need large amounts of data for training and testing the algorithms. The SSPM can provide that training data. This paper will describe the SSPM and its use for applying both traditional nuclear material accountancy and newer machine learning options.

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Integration of the SSPM and STAGE with the MPACT Virtual Facility Distributed Test Bed

Cipiti, Benjamin B.

The Material Protection Accounting and Control Technologies (MPACT) program within DOE NE is working toward a 2020 milestone to demonstrate a Virtual Facility Distributed Test Bed. The goal of the Virtual Test Bed is to link all MPACT modeling tools, technology development, and experimental work to create a Safeguards and Security by Design capability for fuel cycle facilities. The Separation and Safeguards Performance Model (SSPM) forms the core safeguards analysis tool, and the Scenario Toolkit and Generation Environment (STAGE) code forms the core physical security tool. These models are used to design and analyze safeguards and security systems and generate performance metrics. Work over the past year has focused on how these models will integrate with the other capabilities in the MPACT program and specific model changes to enable more streamlined integration in the future. This report describes the model changes and plans for how the models will be used more collaboratively. The Virtual Facility is not designed to integrate all capabilities into one master code, but rather to maintain stand-alone capabilities that communicate results between codes more effectively.

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CoDCon Dynamic Modeling

Cipiti, Benjamin B.

The Co-Decontamination (CoDCon) Demonstration project is designed to test the separation of a mixed U and Pu product from dissolved spent nuclear fuel. The primary purpose of the project is to quantify the accuracy and precision to which a U/Pu mass ratio can be achieved without removing a pure Pu product. The system includes an on-line monitoring system using spectroscopy to monitor the ratios throughout the process. A dynamic model of the CoDCon flowsheet and on-line monitoring system was developed in order to expand the range of scenarios that can be examined for process control and determine overall measurement uncertainty. The model development and initial results are presented here.

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Results 51–100 of 195
Results 51–100 of 195