
Results 26–50 of 54
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Ultra-Low Noise Germanium Neutrino Detection system (ULGeN)

Cabrera-Palmer, Belkis C.; Barton, Paul B.

Monitoring nuclear power plant operation by measuring the antineutrino flux has become an active research field for safeguards and non-proliferation. We describe various efforts to demonstrate the feasibility of reactor monitoring based on the detection of the Coherent Neutrino Nucleus Scattering (CNNS) process with High Purity Germanium (HPGe) technology. CNNS detection for reactor antineutrino energies requires lowering the electronic noise in low-capacitance kg-scale HPGe detectors below 100 eV as well as stringent reduction in other particle backgrounds. Existing state- of-the-art detectors are limited to an electronic noise of 95 eV-FWHM. In this work, we employed an ultra-low capacitance point-contact detector with a commercial integrated circuit preamplifier- on-a-chip in an ultra-low vibration mechanically cooled cryostat to achieve an electronic noise of 39 eV-FWHM at 43 K. We also present the results of a background measurement campaign at the Spallation Neutron Source to select the area with sufficient low background to allow a successful first-time measurement of the CNNS process.

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Field Response Prediction: Framing the problem

Cabrera-Palmer, Belkis C.; Cabrera-Palmer, Belkis C.

Predicting the performance of radiation detection systems at field sites based on measured performance acquired under controlled conditions at test locations, e.g., the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS), remains an unsolved and standing issue within DNDO’s testing methodology. Detector performance can be defined in terms of the system’s ability to detect and/or identify a given source or set of sources, and depends on the signal generated by the detector for the given measurement configuration (i.e., source strength, distance, time, surrounding materials, etc.) and on the quality of the detection algorithm. Detector performance is usually evaluated in the performance and operational testing phases, where the measurement configurations are selected to represent radiation source and background configurations of interest to security applications.

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Above-ground antineutrino detection for nuclear reactor monitoring

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment

Sweany, Melinda; Brennan, James S.; Cabrera-Palmer, Belkis C.; Kiff, S.; Reyna, David R.; Throckmorton, Daniel J.

Antineutrino monitoring of nuclear reactors has been demonstrated many times (Klimov et al., 1994 [1]; Bowden et al., 2009 [2]; Oguri et al., 2014 [3]), however the technique has not as of yet been developed into a useful capability for treaty verification purposes. The most notable drawback is the current requirement that detectors be deployed underground, with at least several meters-water-equivalent of shielding from cosmic radiation. In addition, the deployment of liquid-based detection media presents a challenge in reactor facilities. We are currently developing a detector system that has the potential to operate above ground and circumvent deployment problems associated with a liquid detection media: the system is composed of segments of plastic scintillator surrounded by 6LiF/ZnS:Ag. ZnS:Ag is a radio-luminescent phosphor used to detect the neutron capture products of 6Li. Because of its long decay time compared to standard plastic scintillators, pulse-shape discrimination can be used to distinguish positron and neutron interactions resulting from the inverse beta decay (IBD) of antineutrinos within the detector volume, reducing both accidental and correlated backgrounds. Segmentation further reduces backgrounds by identifying the positron's annihilation gammas, a signature that is absent for most correlated and uncorrelated backgrounds. This work explores different configurations in order to maximize the size of the detector segments without reducing the intrinsic neutron detection efficiency. We believe that this technology will ultimately be applicable to potential safeguards scenarios such as those recently described by Huber et al. (2014) [4,5].

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A High-Sensitivity Fast Neutron Imager

Goldsmith, John E.; Brennan, James S.; Brubaker, Erik B.; Cabrera-Palmer, Belkis C.; Gerling, Mark D.; Marleau, Peter M.; Mascarenhas, Nick M.; Reyna, David R.

A wide range of NSC (Neutron Scatter Camera) activities were conducted under this lifecycle plan. This document outlines the highlights of those activities, broadly characterized as system improvements, laboratory measurements, and deployments, and presents sample results in these areas. Additional information can be found in the documents that reside in WebPMIS.

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Multi-depth Measurement of Fast Neutrons

Marleau, Peter M.; Gerling, Mark D.; Sweany, Melinda; Cabrera-Palmer, Belkis C.; Brennan, James S.

A spallation based multiplicity detector has been constructed and deployed to the Kimballton Underground Research Facility to measure the cosmogenic fast neutron flux anti-coincident from the initiating muon. Two of the three planned measurements have been completed ( ,,, 380 and , -- , 600 m.w.e) with sufficient statistics. The third measurement at level 14 (-4450 m.w.e.) is currently being performed. Current results at - , 600 m.w.e. compare favourably to the one previous measurement at 550 m.w.e. For neutron energies between 100 and 200 MeV measurements at , -- , 380 m.w.e. produce fluxes between 1e -8 and 7e -9 n/cm 2 /s/MeV and at , - , 600 m.w.e. measurements produce fluxes between 7e -9 and 1e- 11 n/cm2 /s/MeV.

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Advances toward a transportable antineutrino detector system for reactor monitoring and safeguards

ANIMMA 2011 - Proceedings: 2nd International Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation, Measurement Methods and their Applications

Reyna, D.; Bernstein, A.; Lund, J.; Kiff, S.; Cabrera-Palmer, Belkis C.; Bowden, N.S.; Dazeley, S.; Keefer, G.

Nuclear reactors have served as the neutrino source for many fundamental physics experiments. The techniques developed by these experiments make it possible to use these very weakly interacting particles for a practical purpose. The large flux of antineutrinos that leaves a reactor carries information about two quantities of interest for safeguards: the reactor power and fissile inventory. Our SNL/LLNL collaboration has demonstrated that such antineutrino based monitoring is feasible using a relatively small cubic meter scale liquid scintillator detector at tens of meters standoff from a commercial Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR). With little or no burden on the plant operator we have been able to remotely and automatically monitor the reactor operational status (on/off), power level, and fuel burnup. The initial detector was deployed in an underground gallery that lies directly under the containment dome of an operating PWR. The gallery is 25 meters from the reactor core center, is rarely accessed by plant personnel, and provides a muon-screening effect of some 20-30 meters of water equivalent earth and concrete overburden. Unfortunately, many reactor facilities do not contain an equivalent underground location. We have therefore attempted to construct a complete detector system which would be capable of operating in an aboveground location and could be transported to a reactor facility with relative ease. A standard 6-meter shipping container was used as our transportable laboratory - containing active and passive shielding components, the antineutrino detector and all electronics, as well as climate control systems. This aboveground system was deployed and tested at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) in southern California in 2010 and early 2011. We will first present an overview of the initial demonstrations of our belowground detector. Then we will describe the aboveground system and the technological developments of the two antineutrino detectors that were deployed. Finally, some preliminary results of our aboveground test will be shown. © 2011 IEEE.

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Results 26–50 of 54
Results 26–50 of 54