
Results 51–75 of 88
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Well Casing Baseline Analysis for the Big Hill Strategic Petroleum Reserve Site

Moriarty, Dylan; Roberts, Barry L.

This report analyzes data from multi-arm caliper (MAC) surveys taken at the Big Hill SPR site to determine the most likely casing weights within each well. Radial arm data from MAC surveys were used to calculate the approximate wall thickness of each well. Results from this study indicate that (1) most wells at the site have thinner wall thicknesses than expected, (2) most wells experienced an acute increase in diameter near the salt/caprock interface, and (3) there were isolated instances of well sections being the wrong casing weight. All three findings could have a negative impact on well integrity.

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Well Integrity for Natural Gas Storage in Depleted Reservoirs and Aquifers

Bauer, Stephen J.; Blankenship, Douglas A.; Roberts, Barry L.

The 2015-2016 Aliso Canyon/Porter Ranch natural gas well blowout emitted approximately 100,000 tonnes of natural gas (mostly methane, CH4) over four months. The blowout impacted thousands of nearby residents, who were displaced from their homes. The high visibility of the event has led to increased scrutiny of the safety of natural gas storage at the Aliso Canyon facility, as well as broader concern for natural gas storage integrity throughout the country. This report presents the findings of the DOE National Laboratories Well Integrity Work Group efforts in the four tasks. In addition to documenting the work of the Work Group, this report presents high priority recommendations to improve well integrity and reduce the likelihood and consequences of subsurface natural gas leaks.

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SANSMIC User Manual

Roberts, Barry L.; Weber, Paula D.; Rudeen, David K.

SANSMIC is solution mining software that was developed by SNL and is utilized in in Sandia’s role as geotechnical advisor to the US DOE SPR for salt cavern development and maintenance. Four SANSMIC leach modes – withdrawal, direct, reverse and leach-fill – can be modeled. This report updates and expands the original 1983 documentation. It provides execution instructions, input data descriptions, input file format, output file descriptions and an example problem.

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2015 Strategic Petroleum Reserve Bayou Choctaw Well Integrity Grading Report

Roberts, Barry L.; Lord, David L.; Lord, Anna S.; Bettin, Giorgia B.; Park, Byoung P.; Rudeen, D.K.R.; Eldredge, L.L.E.; Wynn, K.W.; Checkai, D.C.; Osborne, G.C.; Moore, D.M.

This report summarizes the work performed in the prioritization of cavern access wells for remediation and monitoring at the Bayou Choctaw Strategic Petroleum Reserve site. The grading included consideration of all 15 wells at the Bayou Choctaw site, with each active well receiving a separate grade for remediation and monitoring. Numerous factors affecting well integrity were incorporated into the grading including casing survey results, cavern pressure history, results from geomechanical simulations, and site geologic factors. The factors and grading framework used here are the same as those used in developing similar well remediation and monitoring priorities at the Big Hill, Bryan Mound, and West Hackberry Strategic Petroleum Reserve Sites.

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Construction of hexahedral elements mesh capturing realistic geometries of Bayou Choctaw SPR site

Park, Byoung P.; Roberts, Barry L.

The three-dimensional finite element mesh capturing realistic geometries of Bayou Choctaw site has been constructed using the sonar and seismic survey data obtained from the field. The mesh is consisting of hexahedral elements because the salt constitutive model is coded using hexahedral elements. Various ideas and techniques to construct finite element mesh capturing artificially and naturally formed geometries are provided. The techniques to reduce the number of elements as much as possible to save on computer run time with maintaining the computational accuracy is also introduced. The steps and methodologies could be applied to construct the meshes of Big Hill, Bryan Mound, and West Hackberry strategic petroleum reserve sites. The methodology could be applied to the complicated shape masses for not only various civil and geological structures but also biological applications such as artificial limbs.

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2014 Strategic Petroleum Reserve Bryan Mound Well Integrity Grading Report

Roberts, Barry L.; Lord, David L.; Lord, Anna S.; Bettin, Giorgia B.; Sobolik, Steven R.; Rudeen, David K.; Eldredge, Lisa L.; Wynn, Karen W.; Checkai, Dean C.; Osborne, Gerad O.; Moore, Darryl M.

This report summarizes the work performed in the prioritization of cavern access wells for remediation and monitoring at the Bryan Mound Strategic Petroleum Reserve site. The grading included consideration of all 47 wells at the Bryan Mound site, with each well receiving a separate grade for remediation and monitoring. Numerous factors affecting well integrity were incorporated into the grading including casing survey results, cavern pressure history, results from geomechanical simulations, and site geologic factors. The factors and grading framework used here are the same as those used in developing similar well remediation and monitoring priorities at the Big Hill Strategic Petroleum Reserve Site.

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2015 Strategic Petroleum Reserve West Hackberry Well Integrity Grading Report

Roberts, Barry L.; Lord, David L.; Lord, Anna S.; Bettin, Giorgia B.; Sobolik, Steven R.; Rudeen, David K.; Eldredge, Lisa L.; Wynn, Karen W.; Checkai, Dean C.; Osborne, Gerad O.; Moore, Darryl M.

This report summarizes the work performed in the prioritization of cavern access wells for remediation and monitoring at the West Hackberry Strategic Petroleum Reserve site. The grading included consideration of all 31 wells at the West Hackberry site, with each well receiving a separate grade for remediation and monitoring. Numerous factors affecting well integrity were incorporated into the grading including casing survey results, cavern pressure history, results from geomechanical simulations, and site geologic factors. The factors and grading framework used here are the same as those used in developing similar well remediation and monitoring priorities at the Big Hill and Bryan Mound Strategic Petroleum Reserve Sites.

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2013 strategic petroleum reserve big hill well integrity grading report

Lord, David L.; Roberts, Barry L.; Lord, Anna S.; Bettin, Giorgia B.; Sobolik, Steven R.; Park, Byoung P.

This report summarizes the work performed in developing a framework for the prioritization of cavern access wells for remediation and monitoring at the Big Hill Strategic Petroleum Reserve site. This framework was then applied to all 28 wells at the Big Hill site with each well receiving a grade for remediation and monitoring. Numerous factors affecting well integrity were incorporated into the grading framework including casing survey results, cavern pressure history, results from geomechanical simulations, and site geologic factors. The framework was developed in a way as to be applicable to all four of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve sites.

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U.S. strategic petroleum reserve Big Hill 114 leak analysis 2012

Lord, David L.; Roberts, Barry L.; Lord, Anna S.; Sobolik, Steven R.; Park, Byoung P.

This report addresses recent well integrity issues related to cavern 114 at the Big Hill Strategic Petroleum Reserve site. DM Petroleum Operations, M&O contractor for the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve, recognized an apparent leak in Big Hill cavern well 114A in late summer, 2012, and provided written notice to the State of Texas as required by law. DM has since isolated the leak in well A with a temporary plug, and is planning on remediating both 114 A- and B-wells with liners. In this report Sandia provides an analysis of the apparent leak that includes: (i) estimated leak volume, (ii) recommendation for operating pressure to maintain in the cavern between temporary and permanent fixes for the well integrity issues, and (iii) identification of other caverns or wells at Big Hill that should be monitored closely in light of the sequence of failures there in the last several years.

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Results 51–75 of 88
Results 51–75 of 88